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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump vs. NFL
Sat Sep 07 13:44:51
Well, here we go again for Trump and his Trumpicantards to stay relevant or needing attention. Trump makes a post about the new NFL kick of rules. "The beginning of the end" Maybe it's a clue to his presidential hopes. We all know that when he loses the election he will stage another coup.

Trumpicantards rejoice as they hope Trump will fix the NFL.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 07 15:03:50
the continuous stoker of controversy & drama queen's full post:

"I can’t believe the NFL is effectively getting rid of the always exciting Kick Off Return. Such an exciting part of Football. What are they doing? BEGINNING OF THE END!"

one motive for the change was to encourage more returns thus -more- excitement, but whatever... get people angry, that's all he ever wants...
Sat Sep 07 21:49:01
The motive was for less injuries. They may say it was for more returns but more returns isn't likely at all. Especially because now they can get an extra five yards with the fair catch. This rule change isn't as bad as the onside kick rules but still isn't a great change and has nothing to do with getting more returns.
Trump should have more important things to worry about though like Kamala trying to promote communism as a viable alternative to capitalism.
Sun Sep 08 12:02:52

"The motive was for less injuries. They may say it was for more returns but more returns isn't likely at all."

It was for both. It isn't one rule. Having the teams line up close to each other down the down is to prevent injuries, but they also tried to incentivize the kicking team not to kick it through the endzone to encourage more returns. They miscalculated on the incentives though.

The rule will no doubt get tweaked for next season.
Sun Sep 08 12:09:54

The easiest solution IMO is to just have the kicker kickoff from their own 30 yard line instead of the 35.

If that still doesn't work, back them up to their own 25 yard line.

Problem solved.
Randal Graves
Sun Sep 08 12:43:04
"Kamala trying to promote communism as a viable alternative to capitalism."

And there it is. For fucks sakes.....none of cult fucks even know what communism is. It's on the equivalent of the lgbtqristuvxyz community yelling free Palestine like they would be so tolerant of them.
Sun Sep 08 13:52:30
A lot of people don't like how the nfl is effectively changing the smash and grind the game is notorious for. That said. Cte is a real thing that is relatively new for us to know about and understand it's impact. Turns out running at full speed into another dude running at full speed towards you isn't good for your health.

I wouldn't be surprised if football is a dramatically different game within the next 10 years.

I personally wouldn't want my son to play high school football.
Sun Sep 08 13:58:11
"Turns out running at full speed into another dude running at full speed towards you isn't good for your health."

For which a great number of otherwise worthless human beings get paid millions of dollars. Their suffering is entertainment for the masses, they can either take the CTE and the dollars, or their health and poverty.

"I personally wouldn't want my son to play high school football."

Totally fair.
Sun Sep 08 15:31:15

"I personally wouldn't want my son to play high school football."

This is what may kill the NFL in the long run.

As far as CTE on the pro level, that has already blown over. The NFL does this to pretend that they are addressing the risks ... and then add more games.
Sun Sep 08 18:54:46
100% football is in for a decline as cte becomes more aware and parents realize it's ridiculous to let your children get fucked for life while playing a dumb game.

Also rugian. Cte isn't just a personal problem. Look at Aaron Roger's. Obvious had problems before and not everyone who gets cte becomes a killer, but it is a social issue if some guy with mental issues simply exists in society.

Like drug addicts.
Mon Sep 09 00:49:33
"And there it is. For fucks sakes"

It cracks me up that you have no sense of humor.
Randal Graves
Mon Sep 09 04:53:38
The reality is that you weren't cracking a joke.
Mon Sep 09 19:11:39
see.. no sense of humor.
Randal Graves
Mon Sep 09 19:47:56
see.. still a bitch.
Mon Sep 09 21:38:10
that's a little better. At least you attempted humor.
Randal Graves
Tue Sep 10 00:17:18
Which you didn't.
Tue Sep 10 11:31:00
Can't help but laugh at the habits this guy goes through every election cycle.

Whenever a presidential election is around the corner, he jumps on or creates multis and then has zero humor and is as rude as he can be. I assume he does it because he thinks it actually effects people. Really it's a strange form of self calming, sorta like how a child holds his dick cause he's scared.
Randal Graves
Tue Sep 10 12:01:58
This is coming from the person who literally has a meltdown about accounts on an obscure forum in the armpit of the internet.
Tue Sep 10 12:23:30
> using multis on an obscure forum in the armpit of the internet

Tue Sep 10 13:00:52

"Really it's a strange form of self calming, sorta like how a child holds his dick cause he's scared."

Wait ... what?

Randal Graves
Tue Sep 10 14:51:26
Foreskin shouldn't talk. Too stupid to understand the most basic of things and then runs.
Tue Sep 10 16:23:38
1) I wish I could take credit but that's a joke from tropic thunder

2) again. It's funny how this guy uses multis in a rage during every election cycle. Thought it was pillz but ultimately it doesn't matter. But it's probably cuckhat. He does share the same level of stupid rage, frustration and complete lack of logic.
Randal Graves
Tue Sep 10 16:40:29
It's funny how you keep focusing on it because it's obvious you're losing sleep over it. Could you whine some more? xD
Randal Graves
Tue Sep 10 16:41:32
Speaking of stupid logic, should we not go into your theories how RFK is going to change the world when it comes to the election. It is going to be HILARIOUS when all efforts made fail. And then you hang on that he was your only hope.
Tue Sep 10 16:55:13
I need to know who the multis are, I. Need. To. Know.

Tue Sep 10 17:47:42
"It is going to be HILARIOUS"

how would you know? You have no sense of humor.
Randal Graves
Tue Sep 10 18:03:10
And you think Trump is going to win.
Tue Sep 10 18:11:17
I think it is to close to call. I hope he wins despite not agreeing with some of his views on the big issues.
If Harris wins I hope we get a majority of Republicans in both the House and Senate.

No matter who wins you still will not have a sense of humor.
large member
Tue Sep 10 18:13:42
Seems the NHL should shift to midget only football. A lot of the injury potential goes away with less mass involved. With even more entertainment value.
Randal Graves
Tue Sep 10 18:15:50
"No matter who wins you still will not have a sense of humor."

And no matter what you weren't telling a joke.
Tue Sep 10 19:09:00
I promise you, I don't think about anything you post until I open these threads while taking a shit and think to myself "wow, what a desperate loser".

Then I post, wipe my ass and forget about you until I take another shit.

Randal Graves
Wed Sep 11 05:18:12
Keep telling yourself that...stained your brain.

Most of your posts are constantly about 'hur look it's probably this person, wait no this one, well hur, I don't care, but you have account, and hur, it's well, hur it's bothering me'

So obsessed, like your idol Trump, fixated on it, consumed by it. You can't even get passed it.

What a tired bitch you are. But you've always been that way.
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