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Utopia Talk / Politics / Sam's sources
Sun Sep 22 10:24:41


These, along with visegard, are Twitter accounts Sam often cites.

Turns out they are the equivalent of Alex Jones: hook fools in with lies and nonsense (some content AI generated asi pointed out) to monetize them. Only instead of fake vitamins in this case it's just clicks. Run by two Turks!
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 22 11:03:21
Simmer down there bbc boy
Sun Sep 22 15:31:49
Seb would never cite grifters from twitter for anything. Not to defame scientist during COVID or spread misinformation about US embassy attacks conducted by Islamic republic.

Seb's rock crits glasshouse for 500 damage points.
Sun Sep 22 16:18:10
Nim, you are such a fool.

Twitter account from an actual virologist scientist (you cited a guy who turned out to be working with an ex spook and a mad viscount who had a secret group dedicated to 'combating China' before COVID 19), and the "misinformation" was from an accredited news source and the "misinformation" was the attack hit a safehouse just outside an embassy rather than the US embassy itself. Iran then went on to attack US bases in the region.

Sun Sep 22 16:18:38

Bet you bought Alex Jones health supplements too.
Sun Sep 22 16:19:07
But hey, glad to see we've found some "Muslims" you like.
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 22 18:39:32
A source posts third party videos that makes the uk look like shit and in particular makes seb's religion look even more retarded than we previously thought.

Seb: this source is bad and i dont like it.

Mon Sep 23 02:26:53

No, two of your sources turn out to be run by Turkish serial grifters operating out of Dubai who pivot from scam repurposing the same accounts from seeking crypto advice to social media growth consultancy, using AI generated content to garber clicks.

Their business model is entirely making up content and getting dumb fucks to click on their tweets that tell them what they want to hear so Musk pays them a sliver of add sales.

And to cap it all off, these guys you let influence your views and pull the wool over your eyes are the same people you rail about as being genetically inferior and of lower intelligence.
Mon Sep 23 02:31:19
Sam, you like traditional British culture don't you? Maybe you are right after all, what with all these immigrants, maybe we need to protect it.

Turns out my family happen to own Tower Bridge, and I'm not really sure I can afford to keep it with the maintenance costs, earning as I do only a few groats, barely enough to feed the chickens in my hovel.

Perhaps we could arrange a deal yeah? For say, £1000, it's yours. This is a low low price because you'll have to arrange shipping, which will be really expensive. You can come and collect when it's right, and keep it safe from the Muslims.

Sam Adams
Mon Sep 23 03:58:34
I can see why you are so desperate to attack the messenger. The videos posted would be even more difficult to refute... and you really don't want those seen. The only way to keep your religion in power is to prevent the people from seeing all those immigrants committing crime.
Mon Sep 23 04:09:29
I pointed out at the time there were elements of the videos that looked AI, ABC the videos only appeared on these accounts, and lo and behold, it turns out the sites are run by a bunch of serial scam artists that regularly use AI.

Of course, you just said that proved true authenticity. Absolute sucker.

Wanna buy my bridge?
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 23 08:39:54
"I pointed out at the time there were elements of the videos that looked AI"

No you didnt, there is no evidence a single one is fake, there are 100,000 of them in any case. The crimes of the low iq migrant are vast.

Notice, class, how the religious fanatic just makes up lies, rather than allowing even obvious evidence to exist in his mind that could question his faith.
Sam Adams
Wed Sep 25 16:34:18

Seb strikes again. Another rape and murder by his migrants.
Wed Sep 25 20:44:49

I most certainly did, I pointed out the pixelation was not consistent with the quality of modern cameras, and appeared to be an attempt to cover up number plates on cars which did not match UK formats.

You fell for bullshit Sam. Bullshit successfully served up to you by the same Muslims you say are genetically inferior to you, monetising your time and attention to live it up in Dubai.
Sam Adams
Thu Sep 26 11:07:08
Yes seb its all fake.

Oh wait heres your own bbc reporting a rape every single hour in just london. Did they "fall for it" too?

Sun Sep 29 10:40:22
Or 80 per 100,000.

US "Forceable" rape per 100,000 is 40. Add in date rape etc. to get like for like, and look at cities akin to London, US is likely higher.
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 29 10:52:02
So what is driving all this rape in london i wonder?
Sun Sep 29 10:52:07
Want to guess how many us cities have a rape rate per 100,000 bigger than London?
Sun Sep 29 10:54:00
The same things that drive rape everywhere Sam, you only need to look in the mirror all those times you argued here that date rape cases were unfair prosecution.

Young men who treat women badly.
Sun Sep 29 10:55:18
What I find so funny here is that Sam literally just thought "hey, that sounds like a big number" and didn't think about what it looks like as an actual statistic.

He's basically innumerate.

large member
Sun Sep 29 10:56:15
I get Sammy's point. London is way too big.
large member
Sun Sep 29 10:57:20
In other news, I stubbed my toe yesterday. I reckon it the local equivalent of at least 3 9-11s
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 29 10:57:28
"Want to guess how many us cities have a rape rate per 100,000 bigger than London?"

Ya, probably all the ones populated by blacks.

i am constantly amazed at the seb/euro mindset. You saw the problems in US cities, and instead of learning this lesson, you COPIED IT. Truly amazing.
Sun Sep 29 10:57:51
London isn't even in the top ten US cities by rape rate. And that's using the FBI violent rape stat rather than the Met police figure which includes things Sam is on record as saying shouldn't be considered as rape in the first place.
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 29 11:15:58
So i actually looked up the numbers and seb was lieing out of his ass, though to be fair i am surprised. Even with so many negros the rape rate in US large cities are all lower than london.

Sam Adams
Sun Sep 29 11:19:07
You have to manually copy thank link, lots of special characters.

Anyway thanks seb for suggesting this subject, now we all know that london has a higher rape rate than even US african population centers like philly and chicago.

Lmfao that sure did backfire on you.
Sun Sep 29 11:31:02
Anchorage, AK 186.7
Rapid City, SD 146.6
Pueblo, CO 118.2
St. Joseph, MO-KS 114.5
Carson City, NV 110.2
Jackson, MI 107.7
Farmington, NM 98.7
Jonesboro, AR 97.5
Danville, IL 93.7
Casper, WY 88.1
Bay City, MI 88
Reno, NV 85.8
Niles, MI 85.2
Abilene, TX 82.5
Gainesville, FL 81.9
Sun Sep 29 11:33:14
Sam once again using the FBI definition of rape, which does not compare to the met police definition which includes things that Sam considers not to be a crime.
Sun Sep 29 11:34:29
Met counts a report of rape from a woman that had sex while blind drunk as rape. The FBI do not count that as violent rape.
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 29 11:48:05
We said cities seb. Not tiny goatfuck towns on the edge of indian reservations.

Lmfao other than anchorage you couldnt locate a single one of those on a map. Oh wait you probably couldn't find anchorage either.

"Our rapes are counted differently than your rapes"

-seb after counting niles MI the same as london.

Lmfao tard
Mon Sep 30 03:14:14

Pretty much every city other than new York is small compared to London.

I mean LA, second biggest, is apparently only 3.8m.

So yeah, those are cities Sam. I can't help that America has so many tiny ones.

What matters is urbanisation (these are all fairly dense urban areas) - and we are comparing normalised rates.

What matters far more is whether you count sticking your dick in a semi-comatose girl at your frat party rape or not.

FBI stats do not count this as violent rape. The met count it as rape. You count it as a good night out.

Mon Sep 30 03:15:35
I must say, the country that's most likely got a rape problem is the one that doesn't even bother to count incidents unless the victim has significant injuries.
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 30 10:39:05
"What matters is urbanisation (these are all fairly dense urban areas)"

"So yeah, those are cities Sam."

Lol retard.
Mon Sep 30 11:09:29
"(these are all fairly dense urban areas)"

> Jonesboro, AR
> Abilene, TX

Mon Sep 30 11:33:16
10 X the US average population density of inhabited areas.

You can quibble if you like, the facts remain:

1. London isn't in the top ten of us urban areas by rape rate.

2. The US rape stats grossly undercount rate compared to UK stats.

3. Most rapes Sam thinks are fine and not a crime, just normal behaviour.
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 30 12:59:06
Niles Michigan and Casper wyoming = london. Lol seb is literally retarded.
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 11 13:52:55

Sebs bbc tries to cover up fact that random murderer was migrant.
Sam Adams
Sun Oct 13 13:45:45

Sebs sources: gazan photoshops an intact unfired bullet onto a skull xray in a few different positions, claims they are "palestinian kids", emails them to the nyt, and those gullible and retarded sebs post them as if they are real.

Mon Oct 14 16:06:09
SA is just 10 times Trump, completely unreadable
Mon Oct 14 16:24:58
Apart from being more wrong on every single point about climate change than any stoned hippy for the last 50 years that couldnt even spell climate for all the smoke, does he still lie that he's a professional pilot as he used to do when he was new on UP?
Sam Adams
Mon Oct 14 18:42:56

Nuff said.
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 16 15:42:00

Sebs/wtbs wokeness has led to a 4x increase in rape rate in denmark in just a decade.
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