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Utopia Talk / Politics / 5 stages of grief...wut phase u in now?
Member | Sun Sep 22 13:45:04 few years ago, such discussions wuld amount 2 nottin but copeism and racism and "we still betta coz witeeeee" now i am surprised by half da comments r realizin they aint going nowhere but decline no matta how much propafunda and lies they tell themselves... im genuinely shocked 2 be honest. this must be phase 3 bargainin stage lmao http://www...s_chinas_tech_innovation_much/ |
Member | Sun Sep 22 19:23:24 Chine stealing tech that is only 15 years old instead of thirty years old now? |
Member | Mon Sep 23 00:21:07 china laready superior advanced let be honest. u have long been surpassed. ur country looks like 19th century 4 cryin out loud lmao wakey wakey alan |
Member | Mon Sep 23 00:50:00 da typical yankoid "All of those are examples of 50+ year old technologies though. America landed on the moon in 1969. Chinese home grown chip fabs lag behind Thailand and Vietnam, let alone Taiwan and South Korea. Japan had high speed rail in the 70s. " and "They've been here on Reddit, spending the past decade talking about how the Chinese are only capable of stealing technology and can't invent anything of their own, or how they only make cheap crap. " ______________________ la laaa laaa la! da typical yankoid a low iq being that is propafunded with selfimportance aka giant boomer ego, supremism and racism aka exceptionaaaal butbutbut china spacestation is just soviet copy.... meanwhile ur spacestation runs on windows frikkin 98, does it even have 2g, looks like something from 40 years coz it is from 40 years ago, and heres da kicker, it aint even urs. its literally a collab with many countries round da world, coz even 40 years ago u culdnt build one on ur own even if u tried. and if u wanted 2 build one now, lets just say near impossible...would cost 800 bill and 20 years 2 build and thats if u r in collab with 30 other "advanced" countries... my my lets call it 4 wut it is, u is BONED BONED butbutbut meanwhile chaaaynaaa is da one with da "soviet copy"...u know we have 5g on our, yes OUR, OUR VERY OWN, aka WE OWN IT, WE MADE IT, JUST US, BUHAHAHAHAA buddy budddddy ur peoples r literally livin in aliceinKKKwondaland havin dreams of greatness based on nottin but skincolor |
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