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Utopia Talk / Politics / Are you old enough to remember ...
Mon Sep 23 13:31:02
When both candidates for US President were too old and people weren't going to vote for either of them?


About 42 percent of independents said neither Biden nor Trump would be a good president, with only a quarter of the group siding with either candidate.

Of those who said they don’t think either would be a good president, 46 percent said they would vote for a third-party candidate. A third said they would pick either Biden or Trump, while 17 percent said they would not vote at all.



Well now we only have one old candidate, and the race is neck and neck anyway.

Maybe age was never the problem. Maybe people lie to pollsters. Maybe pollsters lie to us.

Maybe people are just full of shit.
Mon Sep 23 13:31:37


Mon Sep 23 13:34:44
Maybe they have as much integrity as your young candidate who called her running mate a racist before bending the knee lol
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 23 13:40:07
Age brought the dems from a likely loss to 50/50 and they chose the worst possible young candidate.

So its a factor but not a huge one. Lack of dimensia is probably a better way to put it.
Mon Sep 23 13:46:22

There was never an age issue. Everyone is never happy with the choice afforded them. It never matters. When voting time rolls around people hold their nose and vote for the less offensive candidate.

That how Biden won the first time.

Nobody really liked him, he just wasn't Trump.
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