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Utopia Talk / Politics / woke navy strikes again
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 23 23:27:25

While clearly failing nav101, they at least passed their "black indiginous hairstyle as post-colonial meta art" test.
Tue Sep 24 00:57:13
Homer Simpson logic:

large member
Tue Sep 24 06:44:55
Nah, its still the good old WASP navy. Scapegoating women is a nice 1950s touch to keep with the vibe. Good job sammy.
large member
Tue Sep 24 06:49:52
Tue Sep 24 07:06:43
Those numbers clearly show that the number of women has increased. It is generally known that women suck at war, driving, driving things used in war and generally stuff that has to do with war.

For a man to do this, he needs to be drunk.
Tue Sep 24 07:10:39
The Navy may be losing its core competencies in some areas, but that's only because it's focusing it's attention on things that truly matter:

"Navy commissions USS New Jersey, the service’s first submarine designed for women crew members

STARS AND STRIPES • September 15, 2024"

Tue Sep 24 07:24:50
lol they installed a few more doors and steps and that makes it the first submarine designed for women. They are really counting on women being vain and stupid.
Tue Sep 24 07:31:01
”submarine designed for women crew members”

So they have started with gender segregated submarines now?

What’s next in the US navy?

Submarines designed for non-binary crew members?
Tue Sep 24 07:36:06

This is pretty funny. The armed forces builds entire communities to accommodate men with families and no one bats an eye. But women get their own washrooms and it's an outrage!

Weak men are pathetic.

Tue Sep 24 07:40:10

You misunderstand me. I think it's a great idea to encourage our nation's young women to spend months of their lives stuck in an enclosed metal tube with a bunch of horny teenage guys.

I welcome giving our heroic boys their own fucksluts during their ToDs.
large member
Tue Sep 24 09:12:12
The numbers also show a dramatic increase in Iranians in the US navy. Coincidence, I think not.
large member
Tue Sep 24 09:14:49
The actual problem is urbanization and the build down of civilian maritime traditions.

The best sailors have it in their blood. How minutely tiny is the US population with a civilian maritime background. You can include the inuit to perhaps double the raw number.
large member
Tue Sep 24 09:16:20
"There are over 5,617 commercial fishermen currently employed in the United States"

*Drops mic*
Sam Adams
Sat Oct 05 21:06:52
Not to be outwoked, new zealand nazy just sank a 5000 ton ship by running into a reef.
large member
Sun Oct 06 02:07:47
You are just as woke as any of the Left-Right because starboard is too hard peeps serving sammy.

You dont have any Fishermen or Merchant sailors left and are all surprised that boats and ships are suddenly hard.

I had no idea New Zealand's fishery industry has been in chronic crisis. I did know it no longer had a merchant navy. Oh well. At least there are computer games.
Sun Oct 06 09:13:19

Don't we map the shallows anymore?

large member
Sun Oct 06 09:23:20
Maps can be incomplete in isolated areas (that I suspect the reef might have been). I was onboard a ship that grounded off Northern Spitzbergen for that reason (25ish years ago). Big sub sea rock not charted. Lucky us to find it the hard way. It is charted now :).
Sam Adams
Sun Oct 06 10:00:33
"You dont have any Fishermen or Merchant sailors"

Oh no, no fishermen. How horrible. I guess we might as well surrender to russia now. Lmao.
large member
Sun Oct 06 11:15:52
You lost your maritime tradition. So, yah, pretty horrible. The age 8-18 provide the basis in my opinion. Let the record show I was 13 when a spent my first 5 weeks at sea (though in coastal waters, so not deep sea stuff).
Sam Adams
Sun Oct 06 14:30:30
This is basic map and guage reading. Its not rocket science jergul.
large member
Sun Oct 06 14:58:44
A plotter you mean. Because no one that has lost a maritime tradition uses physical charts. Well, the plotter was wrong. Turns out the Pacific is big and not all areas are charted properely (absolutely the most likely explanation for the grounding).

large member
Sun Oct 06 15:03:51
Hah, turns out I nailed it. Incredibly embarrassing for a survey ship to flounder on an area it was surveying. Next time, check out your path with that fancy surveying equipment?
Sam Adams
Sun Oct 06 18:28:33
Even a decent personal yacht... not even a fancy one but a standard run of the mill couples boat in 500k range comes with a look ahead sonar/sounder these days. A quick google shows a purchase and install price around 5k for such gear.

This is not difficult, but i guess it somehow challenges the 70 iq mauori dei hire steering the boat.
large member
Mon Oct 07 04:44:56
You do understand you have a huge confirmation bias, right?

An Ocean survey ship has all the sounding gear it needs. It was not charting along its course.

Commercial sonars can easily mistake ground for a school of fish or a temperature gradient. You need to know how to read the sonar plot.

The navigator was almost certainly a WASP. WASPs are highly overrepresented in positions of authority.

So, yah, your people suck Sammy.
large member
Mon Oct 07 04:47:17
Sammy: People of colour are inferior.
Jergul: People without a maritime tradition are bad@boats.

I think I will go with my theory as the one with least bias.
Sam Adams
Tue Oct 08 19:50:58
The captain was a woman and a lesbian. The nz navy advertised this as a benefit and likely promoted her for that reason.

Dei confirmed.
large member
Wed Oct 09 02:49:45
So a White Anglo Saxon Professional. A Sammy driving the boat. Sammy's people suck confirmed.
large member
Wed Oct 09 02:52:32
Could she be more white?

Wed Oct 09 09:29:14
Lol. Some folks on the NZ subreddit are blaming Norway for building shitty ships
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 09 10:43:29
Between jergul building the boat and an incompetent dei hire in command, that poor ship never had a chance
Wed Oct 09 12:48:25
Wow. So, despite all that effort, Jergul still lost this thread.

large member
Wed Oct 09 13:28:08
Au contraire, I won the thread. As any reasonable human being can see.
large member
Wed Oct 09 13:28:37
So RIP wanna be swede minority hire :)
large member
Wed Oct 09 13:31:01
They imported the WASP from the UK. Not denying it is a useless creature. All WASPs are.
Mon Oct 14 08:08:22

I didn't know Sam had a thick accent.



Mon Oct 14 09:25:11
Just what the thread was missing, losergul celebrating being a loserd. Joined in by forever loserd, murder. Together they form, The Looserds. 1950’s rockband, but it’s totally the gayest thing you have seen. Even gayer than the men (who are totally men)and vote for Kamala Harris video. And that shit was gayer than gay porn.
large member
Mon Oct 14 09:41:36
Nothing is as gay as a Persian Swede. Sad, but true.
Mon Oct 14 10:57:05
"Hate speech and cyberhate
Article | Last updated: 29/11/2022 | Ministry of Culture and Equality

Les på norsk | Loga sámegillii
No one should be subjected to violence, hate or trolling on the basis of their faith, skin colour, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression etc. Hate speech and cyberhate can have serious consequences for individuals, groups and society as a whole.

Freedom of speech is an inalienable value, and one that is well established in Norway. However, speech that spreads hatred towards other people must not be tolerated. Some speech is prohibited under Norwegian law and is subject to prosecution.

Children and young people experience cyberhate and hate speech far more often than adults. Young people have the right to grow up with a safe online environment where they can express themselves. The Norwegian Media Authority provides teaching and discussion resources related to cyberhate, online behaviour and democracy for pupils in Year 5 of primary school and upwards.

The Government will increase its efforts to combat cyberhate and is following up on the initiatives implemented through the Strategy to combat hate speech (2016–2020)."

large member
Mon Oct 14 11:11:38
I concur. Uncouth of me. The LBGT community should be outraged that I associated it with a Persian Swede.
Mon Oct 14 11:15:45
lol owned2damax by his own stupid coutries stupid ass laws that his stupid ass dumbass supports.
Mon Oct 14 11:19:03
Imagine if had been gay like Jergul, who once wrote an angry metoo email to Netflix, waving his two Netflix accounts. Imagine if I had been a Karen of his rank, I would have reported Jergul to the Norwegian cyber police.

Fortunately I am not a Gaygul.
Mon Oct 14 17:56:06

"Just what the thread was missing, losergul celebrating being a loserd. Joined in by forever loserd, murder. Together they form, The Looserds. 1950’s rockband, but it’s totally the gayest thing you have seen. Even gayer than the men (who are totally men)and vote for Kamala Harris video. And that shit was gayer than gay porn."

Kind of an aggressive response to a video of a Scottish (?) analog to Sam, don't you think?

Mon Oct 14 18:05:29

"Imagine if had been gay like Jergul, who once wrote an angry metoo email to Netflix, waving his two Netflix accounts. Imagine if I had been a Karen of his rank, I would have reported Jergul to the Norwegian cyber police."

You couldn't do that. They would come snooping around this site and then Interpol would have to get involved, and then several national police and intelligence agencies, and then several of us would get rounded up, and others like Allahuakbar would get mysteriously deceased, and then we'd all have to sue you.

large member
Mon Oct 14 19:21:46
Nah, just you and ruggy that dive into victimhood when faced with the exact same insult you handed out in the post above. You are such girls.
large member
Mon Oct 14 19:24:23
"Imagine if had been gay like Jergul, who once wrote an angry metoo email to Netflix, waving his two Netflix accounts."

A complete fabrication. I have the same one netflix account I have always had.

My claim to fame for wierd outreach is calling the Israeli census office so it could explain nuances to how it registeres migration out of Israel (it did not measure that).
Tue Oct 15 00:40:18
lol Jergul is too stupid to even consolidate 20 years of arguments and realize that we do no have the same values and principles, specifically regarding this issue. We don't care gaygul, you care. You are just deflecting, instead of facing the reality that you can not live up to your own values and principles and use "homophobic" and racist insults. Rugian wouldn't be posting that link as a response to me, would he? No, that wouldn't make any sense. This is the thing with you communists, you don't have any principles you are not willing to sell out, even for minor things. You are weak willed.

Live up to your values buddy. Have some integrity. Are you so easily corrupted by the likes of us?
large member
Tue Oct 15 05:51:27
Lol@stupidgaynimi. You and Ruggy share the same instinctual need to dive into victimhood at the drop of a hat.

You are very weak and pathetic.
Fri Oct 25 16:06:24
large member Mon Feb 12 03:53:13
Anyways, I feel galvanized:

"To whom it may concern

I have subscribed to netflix since it became available in my country and currently hold two subscriptions (email xxx and yyy). I ask that "Master of None" be taken out of netflix circulation. This in reference to recent revelations
With best regards,

Consumer power. Yay :). Thank you threads. I doubt I otherwise could have been bothered.

Feel free to cancel me out with a support email if any of you buffons actually pay for netflix services (senses of entitlement I think goes beyond just shoving things into other people. Why not be consistent after all?).

lol :) look at how gay you are.
large member
Fri Oct 25 18:04:30
Look at how anal retentive you are. My god. OCD much? And for a thread that died 10 days ago.

Still, point proven. I pay for netflix. I suspect most of you do not, at least not until caught by anti sharing algorythms. Because that is how entitled I think most of you are.
Sat Oct 26 10:39:13
New Zeeland has lost its first navy ship to sea since the WW2.

It apparently was the captain of the ship, a lesbian woman, who crashed and sank it.


Does the US really trust an all female/lesbian crew to operate its submarines?

1 or 2 women are okay but we all know that as soon as there are three or more women alone in the same room cat fights are going to start. And imagine if all of the women are lesbians. All their attention is going to be on who has slept with who, and why.
large member
Sat Oct 26 12:08:01
She self-identifies as a British White Anglo Saxon Professional. Just like Sammy in fact. They have much in common. Refreshingly, her self identity overlaps with reality in this case. Sammy's most recent screwup was getting a hurricane massively wrong. A way bigger deal actually.
large member
Sat Oct 26 12:09:30
Well, maybe sammy does not identify as pure british, but he would brag of coming over on the Mayflower if he could put it off. But a WASP? Oh yes.
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