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Utopia Talk / Politics / I am super human (ot)
iChihuaha | Thu Sep 26 06:53:06 So, apparently I have a very niche physical ability. My Peak expiatory flow, the highest speed at which my lungs can expel air is like in the 1-2% of the population, 130% of expected value, excess of 14 liters/second. Earning me the nickname "The Human hurricane". I just that made that, nobody calls me the human hurricane. But that is it, every other lung function is slightly above or below 100% of expected. If you guys ever need a candle blown out, give me a call :) Do you have any niche super human capabilities? |
Member | Thu Sep 26 07:44:10 As soon as I insert my penis into a woman’s vagina, the woman starts making these loud pleasurable moaning noises. My nickname is ”The woman pleaser”. |
Member | Thu Sep 26 14:09:37 This thread went off the rails quickly. |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Thu Sep 26 14:22:03 -Nim IF only Hot Rod knew this fact when you were ten |
Member | Thu Sep 26 15:55:42 my supapowa is da BD biggust deekus |
iChihuaha | Fri Sep 27 04:01:38 I should have seen this coming tbh. |
iChihuaha | Fri Sep 27 04:02:07 But also, I think you guys are jealous. |
large member | Fri Sep 27 04:36:58 "excess of 14 liters/second" A simple google shows that is BS. Average lung capacity is 3-5 liters. I hesitate to think what mammal can do what you say you can do. Perhaps a walrus. |
large member | Fri Sep 27 04:38:27 Yepp, a walrus VT, 11.5±4.6 l. Are you a walrus, buddy? |
Member | Fri Sep 27 05:34:41 M4 carbine rate of fire: ~ 700 rounds/min M4 carbine magazine: 30 rounds |
iChihuaha | Fri Sep 27 06:01:41 Jergul PEF is a measure of the speed, not FVC (Force vital capacity or total lung capacity). I explained in the OP, you even quoted "liters/second"... The normal value (for my age) is around 10 l/s, I clock anything between 12-14 l/s.¨ The bottle neck here was not your googling skills, but your reading and comprehending skills. |
Member | Fri Sep 27 06:37:06 The average size of an erect penis is 5.17 inches. Mine is 7.8 inches. So you can imagine why women make these moaning noises when I’m inside of them. |
large member | Fri Sep 27 07:31:51 Nimi Silly walrus. You are exhaling more air than your total lung capacity in a second. You seem to be trying to give us your FEV1 result for your age and height, it would be 4.5 l/s. You added a 10 to that because your memory sucks and you could not remember what they told you. |
large member | Fri Sep 27 07:33:14 A male your age of average height would have something in the region of 3.8 l/s. So congrats, you have told us you are "tall". |
large member | Fri Sep 27 07:34:19 I totally blame microdosing for your memory lapses. |
Average Ameriacn
Member | Fri Sep 27 07:45:24 I can mumble MAGA more than 1000 times a day. And all of a sudden, e.g. when I'm shopping, I shout it out loud. Like when I see some dubious-looking wetbacks. And yeah, how they get scared and run away. That's my superpower! |
large member | Fri Sep 27 07:57:09 PEF is measured in liters/minute since you did say PEF. It should be at 624 for your age and height. It would be lower for the average population because that includes females and also it is shorter and very slightly older than you. |
Member | Fri Sep 27 08:14:33 If you take a average penis sized man. If he is inside a woman, his woman will only moan roughly 35-45 dB, which is like a whisper. I haven't done a proper measurement yet but I think that my women moan at an avarage of maybe 69 dB or thereabout. |
Member | Fri Sep 27 10:49:40 Didn't know you're a bro! |
iChihuaha | Fri Sep 27 15:28:23 PEF is measure in l/m or l/s, my iPhone prefers l/min, the calculator I posted l/s. I’m glad you have finally found your bearings and understood what we are talking about! Since what I have at home is a mini spirometry and takes 7-8 seconds to do it makes sense to write it as l/s. Fev1 is measured in liters, the volume exp, I get 4.09-4.3 liters. Yes the normal value for my age and height is 560-660 l/min or around 10 l/s depending in which population data that is used. I get 720-840 l/min or 12–14 l/s. Nice work Jergul, you are finally up to speed and understood the OP! It only took you a day! |
Member | Fri Sep 27 15:41:46 Paramount Member Fri Sep 27 06:37:06 "The average size of an erect penis is 5.17 inches. Mine is 7.8 inches. So you can imagine why women make these moaning noises when I’m inside of them." Maybe it's all of the nickel jokes over the years, but I literally can't imagine you with a woman. |
Member | Fri Sep 27 15:44:22 I can see him paying an escort and counting that as a legitimate date. But really after all these years of getting to know Paramount I sincerely believe he would date a tranny and not think twice about it. |
Jebbebiah Wilkins
Member | Fri Sep 27 15:58:54 What's wrong with dating a tranny? |
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