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Utopia Talk / Politics / Care about democracy? Then vote Trump
Sun Sep 29 20:16:01
"Elon Musk

Very few Americans realize that, if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it!

Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years.

The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes. That means if the “Democratic” Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!!

Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying “asylum seekers”, who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election.

America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only “elections” will be the Democratic Party primaries. This already happened in California many years ago, following the 1986 amnesty.

The only thing holding California back from extreme socialism and suffocating government policies is that people can leave California and still remain in America. Once the whole country is controlled by one party, there will be no escape.

Everywhere in America will be like the nightmare that is downtown San Francisco."


My man is spitting straight facts. If you want to maintain our multiparty democratic republic, you MUST vote Trump.
Mon Sep 30 08:03:42

One deranged MAGAt endorsing another deranged MAGAt who is endorsing deranged MAGA.

Mon Sep 30 08:08:11

You have to give Elon credit for creativity though.

Homeless people like in SF = the end of democracy

Also, allowing immigrants like Elon Musk to become citizens and vote = the end of democracy

He's clearly the most retarded genius ever.
large member
Mon Sep 30 08:34:44
Not sure we should take the word of a former illegal immigrant on the legality of imigration.

Funny how your migration heros always have a checkered past, eh? Ayn Rand was also an illegal imigrant for years after her student visa expired.
Mon Sep 30 10:24:28
There should be university level courses mapping Musk's complete collapse from sanity over the past 5 years.
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 30 10:48:04
Damnit musk you sound like a lib crying on the view
Mon Sep 30 11:07:23
Hard to blame him for getting personal, after the Democratic administration's utterly immoral and corrupt Starlink 180. Fears for his ambitions under a solidified uniparty are probably justified.
Mon Sep 30 11:27:00
Not to mention the multitude of federal lawsuits the Biden administration has launched against Musk's companies:


Musk has been paying a steep financial price for being publicly opposed to the big guy. The left *really* doesn't appreciate that he broke their monopoly on control of social media.
the wanderer
Mon Sep 30 11:41:16
for being presumably smart, Elon is an idiot on some things (& clearly drinking the kool-aid of all the cultists on Twitter... seen him retweet shitbag liars multiple times)

Trump completely changed the values of the R 'party', yet things still 50:50... so EVEN IF lots of migrants eventually get to vote it guarantees nothing
Mon Sep 30 23:45:35

How dare the federal government try to hold Elon to the same regulations that everyone else has to follow ... at least once in a while?

Mon Sep 30 23:47:35

"for being presumably smart, Elon is an idiot on some things"

Drugs don't care how smart you were, or thought you were, or were supposed to be. Drugs will fuck you up.

And he's all-in on drug use.
Mon Sep 30 23:56:28
The real insult to conservatives here is that, even if we take his claims all at face value, that means Musk is implicitly stating/assuming Republican leadership is too stubborn or stupid to change, to remain competitive, as voter tastes and preferences change.

The scary allegations he is making are going to happen anyways, he's just alleging that things get sped up a bit via the mechanism of other immigrants who aren't as cool as he thinks himself, and further stating that Republican leadership is unable or unwilling to adapt. We can compare that to conservative leadership in decades past that gave us Reagan and Newt who, say what you want, were clearly intelligent and responsive to voter preferences changing over time.

Which is ironic, considering that all the other car companies out there ALSO now have electric vehicles, and that Teslas have gone from "cool novelty factor" to eliciting feelings of exhaustion and boredom for many people.

Is he just past the innovative part of his life, and it's cognitive decline from here on out, and both a) unable to come up with new ideas and b) (as socially inept people often do) accusing everyone else of what he's going through?
Tue Oct 01 07:18:15
It's not slick or innovative to give cash and phones and business grants to ignorant third-worlders. It's just theft.
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