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Utopia Talk / Politics / California bans voter ID
Mon Sep 30 11:53:00
Huh, I'm sure there's nothing to be concerned about here. The fact that they're so concerned with making sure that votes CAN'T be verified legit is totally cool and normal.

By the way, California has an estimated 2 million illegals...just throwing that out there.

"SACRAMENTO, California — Local governments in California will be barred from establishing local laws that require residents present identification to vote in elections under a new law signed Sunday by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The legislation — from state Sen. Dave Min, an Orange County Democrat running for Rep. Katie Porter’s open House seat — is a direct response to a controversial ballot measure approved this year by voters in Huntington Beach requiring people to show photo identification at the polls. It will take effect on Jan. 1."

large member
Mon Sep 30 12:28:28
You are still allowed to show ID. It is just not required. So optional all across the state.
Mon Sep 30 16:08:20
According to the Republicans that were outside my polling station at the primaries, my photo ID, photo passport card, SS card, Medicare card, were not enough. They want people to carry a photo Voter registration card.
Since then the Republicans are now pushing for photo Citizenship cards.
If they get both of those they will come up with more methods to limit or make it more difficult to vote.
I asked this bunch if they had any proven incidents of illegal aliens voting in Maine. I got an angry stare answer.
Tue Oct 01 00:16:23

What they meant to say is "Yes, every time a colored person votes."

Tue Oct 01 00:33:46
"controversial ballot measure approved this year by voters in Huntington Beach requiring people to show photo identification at the polls. It will take effect on Jan. 1."

Wait, what polls? The mailbox? You want me to show my photo id to... a mailbox? I'm so confused.

My ballot showed up a few days ago, I'll probably mail it off in a week or two.

I was surprised a few years ago by how easy it was to get a library card after a move. Not even a utility bill was required to be provided. Would be supremely easy to make up a person, check out 30 books, and keep them. That would have measurable material benefit to me, those 30 books, and yet the library is not empty of books. People interested in thievery aren't interested in books. But we're to believe they are interested in a vote that is guaranteed not to swing an election?

The odds of me individually benefitting from having those 30 'free' books vastly outweigh any benefit I might individually get from casting a fraudulent ballot, for example for president, as a resident of a state where my vote for President does not count anyways.
Tue Oct 01 07:21:44
The odds of people benefitting from buying a bunch of new shit vastly outweigh sending cash to a campaign.

And yet, people donate to campaigns. Some folks have their info attached to donations without even knowing about it. They must be really caring!
Wed Oct 02 00:55:23
I think it's fairly well established that a Californian donating to Kamala, or a Texan donating to Trump, is VASTLY more likely to play a role in impacting outcomes than either of those two persons showing up to vote for Kamala or Trump. It's a meta-vote - Most Effective Tactics Available.

And I'm broadly ok with working to move better and more honest elections, fine, so be it, let's include both the votes and the meta-votes.
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 02 04:56:18
[earthfag (low-information Regime sycophant)]: "But we're to believe they are interested in a vote that is guaranteed not to swing an election?"

See how abysmally fucking stupid leftists are?

This kind of first-order logic is akin to saying, "[We've already successfully rigged the game through plan A, so what use are protections against plan A?]"

This is why disingenuous leftists such as earthfag cannot be trusted with power. It's either overt stupidity or malevolence, but in either case, the explanation for this is rather simple to anyone not playing a Poe's Law troll: without these kinds of singular protections (e.g., voter I.D. at the time the ballot is submitted), the DNC is given massive avenues for fraud on the back end.

This is not about one voter showing up with someone else's *one* ballot or a legitimate voter showing up and not confirming the chain-of-evidence (e.g., patom's faggoty example of messing with GOP poll-worker by intentionally making a point not to show his I.D. — a story he told previously but has now slightly changed because he's a liar without principles). Fraud works at *scale*, and there are several ways that this happens.

Take earthfag's retarded book example:
[earthfag (likely pederast)]: "and yet the library is not empty of books"

What must earthfag myopically (again, because earthfag is a low-IQ first-order thinker) omit in order for this fallacy by analogy to fly? Well, he must omit the value of books and the clientele of a library.

1) Firstly, library books typically have low value. Libraries do not exactly stock rare collector's editions. The books are also stamped with the library's markings, have been handled by many people, and are generally in poor condition. Their "street value" is typically pennies, and their larger marketplace value (e.g., eBay) is usually on the order of a dollar or two, which is less than the cost of shipping a book. So, there is no monetary incentive to steal books from a library.

2) Secondly, most libraries would *not* allow someone to "check out 30 books" if he or she had no history of lending and returning. Lots of libraries have rules specifically against this kind of exploit, capping new members at 1 to 3 books. There are usually hard-coded rules about how many you can have out at a time based on how long you have been a member and how many you have previously returned. Obviously, this varies based on how many issues a particular library has had with this in the past.

3) Lastly and most importantly, who is checking out books at a library? Is it upstanding citizens or illiterate left-wing destroyers? Typically, libraries see a lot of homeless people, and homeless people know that they will be banned if they abuse library property — and then that would be one fewer location in which they can relax without being hassled by other homeless. Outside of homeless people, the people who most often check out and return books are young students, particularly women.
Why is this the most important? Because students are most likely to be White, and young women are incredibly unlikely to steal.

In other words, libraries have protections against theft, the cost of successful theft is low, and the clientele of a library is most likely to be composed of the type of person who is most likely *not* to steal.

Compare this to DNC-controlled voting districts:
1) Ballots have a high value (mules will pay anywhere from $10 – $100 per ballot)
2) Voting protections are minimized as much as possible
3) The clientele is most likely to be highly criminal

DNC election fraud thus works on the principle of producing situations where criminality is encouraged (e.g., *producing* conditions for crimes of opportunity) and the principle of cultivated a criminal clientele (more likely to commit crime/fraud, more likely to not report crime/fraud).

Of the latter point, I have said it before, but the proof of the DNC committing election fraud is in the very nature of the DNC voter and DNC poll-worker: the left wing are degenerates, they are more likely to be atheist or otherwise hold no sincere religious/spiritual/sacred beliefs, they are more likely to support totalitarianism and a central Regime, they are more likely to abuse drugs and/or take SSRIs, they are more likely to have mental health issues, more likely to be deviant, more likely to be grotesque resentful freaks, more likely to favor out-groups, more likely to be suicidal and want to destroy their own societies, etc.

The DNC cultivates left-wing destroyers because if they lay out the cheese for these left-wing criminals then they know that it will be eaten. I.e., they know that cultivating criminals will cultivate criminality in target areas.

We saw this, for instance, with reports where left-wing "progressives" in Michigan were buying ballots from illiterate migrants in order to swing local council elections:
[Project Veritas; August 5th, 2024]
In that case, even local Democrats were annoyed — but only because they were being out-criminaled by newly arrived criminal castes (in this case, Muslim immigrants).

The DNC racialist strategy functions as a chain-linked replacement of ethnic demographics (i.e., foot-in-door one group who will subsequently give way to an even more immoral group and so on). Useful idiots such as earthfag and tumbletard believe (stupidly or malevolently) that they can remove all of these rules but still have a high-trust society, and the DNC can use these useful idiots to bring their immorality and destroyer politics into "Red" areas to flip them (e.g.; were an earthfag to move to a red area, his ideology would weaken that area). But, the DNC has found that particular ethnic migrants are even cheaper and even less moral than these home-grown traitors. Thus, they are mass-importing new slave castes from the "Global South". These new imports are most likely to poison Western "democracies" and will do so even faster than an earthfag or sebgul could dream. They are more likely to vote for local council (ethnically homogenous) members, more likely to defraud their host government (no allegiances beyond their local ethnic enclaves), more likely to harvest ballots by threatening the illiterate and infirm, and more likely to not report any fraud whatsoever.

And do you think earthfag and tumbletard — with all of their liberal sensibilities — will ever audit these ethnic-enclave voting districts? Fuck no. They'll go to their polling place or their drop-off box next to some faggot-mart like Whole Foods, get a Starbuck's coffee, and smell their own farts while looking at all the Gay Race Communism flags flying in the leftist establishments around them. But they will not go to the ethnic enclaves to see their own replacements. Useful idiots of the slave revolt always think that the revolt stops with them, but they forget that there are even more degenerate leftists than themselves.

• Leftists are largely criminals.
• Leftists want to remove and/or prevent protections stopping criminals to enable further criminality.

We have seen that Democrats and leftists simply have no limit to how immoral and destructive that they can become; there is no American principle that would stop them from further treason. Leftists should be disenfranchised, and we need mass re-migration of their foreign client groups. California and DNC strongholds should be sub-divided into additional Electoral Colleges (e.g., NorthEast California should have its own electors for the national election, so should the Kern/Tulare area).
Thu Oct 03 02:11:05
@Forwyn - re-reading that, yeah that's a valid point. I honestly don't know how to factor in the facebook effect. Do you?
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