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Utopia Talk / Politics / IDF invades Lebanon
Mon Sep 30 22:05:35
*insert Klendathu Drop theme*
Mon Sep 30 22:18:20
Jergul, Seb, Paramount, I hope you have bad dreams tonight.

Watch your heroes (literal Islamic terrorists) die in fire. Let it cause you to toss in turn in agony as you suffer through a sleepless night, knowing that the medieval barbarian mass murderers that you have inexplicably decided are you allies are ruthlessly killed, in methods that are slow, painful, and justified.

Congrats, you have sided with literal evil. Israel is cleansing humanity of your scum savages. And you three, you deserve to die in the same horrible manner that your would-be heroes are.

I can only hope that the three of you are emailed pagers. That's how far off the reservation you are.
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 30 22:18:29
Remember your training and you will make it back alive!
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 30 22:48:55
You smash the entire area! You kill anything without a yamaka on!
large member
Tue Oct 01 05:33:47
Could you be a little less gay, please?

Perhaps you see an endgame that is not exactly the same endgame as all the other times. I press x to doubt.
Tue Oct 01 08:01:11
"Israel will do limited strikes on hamas"


"I am right all the time"

Lol. Jergul. Bow out and start researching new anti west organizations because the ones you're invested in won't exist for much longer.
large member
Tue Oct 01 08:35:23
Jergul: I am spectacularly right 8 times of 10.

You kind of automatically lose when you consistently have to misrepresent positions to score points in your own mind.

You have still not explained to me why you expect this time the end any different than the other times.

A definition of insanity is to repeatedly do the same things and expect a different outcome.

Why do you expect a different outcome obam?
large member
Tue Oct 01 08:36:45
Let me lead you to your end game:

Obam: "It would have ended differently, but cowards Biden/Harris tricked Israel".
Tue Oct 01 08:45:30
It's like captain hind sight, but he adds an "I told you so". Naw, bitch, you didn't. You said the exact opposite.

But also, remember Jergul has no dog in this fight, none. He is not into tribalism, outside his own tribes tribal rights in Scandinavia. Then he is very much for tribalism.
Average Ameriacn
Tue Oct 01 08:50:22
Revenge for 1983!
large member
Tue Oct 01 08:55:10
It obviously way passed your nap time Nimi. Take a break, touch some grass. Heal yourself.
Tue Oct 01 09:15:04
Thanks Jergul, I will consider it as part of my daily health routine. Unfortunately I have no good advice for you and I have consulted several experts, it does not looks good. You have stage 4 stupidity, it's terminal.
large member
Tue Oct 01 09:19:03
You are welcome!
Tue Oct 01 09:38:19
Isreel? What Isreel? Was there a country called like that in the past?

Iran preparing imminent missile attack on Israel, US warns

Iran is preparing to “imminently” launch a ballistic missile attack on Israel, according to a senior U.S. administration official, who warned Tuesday of “severe consequences” should it take place.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the matter, said the U.S. is actively supporting Israeli defensive preparations.

This comes after the Israeli military on Tuesday warned people to evacuate nearly two dozen Lebanese border communities hours after announcing what it said were limited ground operations against Hezbollah.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 01 11:42:11
live feed of Tel Aviv w/ incoming missiles on CNN
Tue Oct 01 11:44:54
Out-bound from Iran. They have not reaches yet. Several videos of missiles launching from Iran.
Tue Oct 01 11:46:21
Terrorist attack in Jaffa as well.

Tue Oct 01 12:16:19
500 missiles launched so far.
Tue Oct 01 12:22:22
Time to bomb Tehran.
Tue Oct 01 12:23:28
” Iran preparing imminent missile attack on Israel, US warns”

Yeah well, Iran was promised by the US that if they refrained from responding to Israel’s terrorist attack in Teheran that happened some weeks ago, that there would be a cease fire in Gaza. 1-2 days ago the president of Iran made a statement where he said that the US has lied and cheated. Iran did not respond to Israel’s terror attack, but the cease fire in Gaza never happened. So now maybe Iran will respond. Does people never learn to never trust the Americans? USA always lies and cheat, and steal. Always. It is in their genes.
Sam Adams
Tue Oct 01 12:27:53

Iran's insurgents went around shooting women on trains at the same time they launched the missiles.

Hit their nuke plants duh.
Tue Oct 01 12:50:40
Hezbollah fires rocket barrage at Mossad headquarters near Tel Aviv


Hezbollah fires rockets deep into northern Israel as tensions flar


Hezbollah fires rockets at central Israel for 2nd time in day


This must be FAKE NEWS! Because Nimnazio said that all of Hezbollah leaders are dead or blind, and that their arsenal has been reduced to scrap. Nimatzo expected Hezbollah to be fighting with shovels but they are firing rockets. Lol. Nimatzo should never again speak about something he clearly has no knowledge about. What a moron he is. Embarassing.
Tue Oct 01 12:52:16
What a clown.

Tue Oct 01 12:58:01
Netanyahu doing his best to help Trump. What changed recently to make Israel so aggressive all of a sudden? Nothing but the US election.
Tue Oct 01 13:01:32
Maybe he got sick and tired of constantly bring criticized and blamed by the Biden administration. As it turns out, people don't react well to crass criticism.
Sam Adams
Tue Oct 01 13:15:17
Iran managed to kill a palestinian with their rockets but no reported israelis. Lmfao.
large member
Tue Oct 01 13:24:55
An Arab Israeli you mean?
Tue Oct 01 13:35:16
180 missiles from Iran. Time for another bombing.
Tue Oct 01 13:36:24
Also iron dome did a great job apparently.
large member
Tue Oct 01 13:40:47
Iron dome
"The system is designed to counter short-range rockets and 155 mm artillery shells with a range of up to 70 kilometers"

Get a clue.


Tue Oct 01 14:08:52
Iran hits military targets. Israel targets civilians. Which is the only thing they are good at. Preferably from a safe place also, like from a drone operating bulding/bunker, or from a fighter jet, but only if there's no air defence nearby. But when they have to fight armed men on the ground they eventually run away yelling that they are the victim. They have run away from Lebanon many times. In 1985, in 2000, and in 2006.
large member
Tue Oct 01 14:15:00
Israel also targets things they think are relevant to degrading Hamas/Hezbolla. The problem all parties face is "proportionality".
Tue Oct 01 14:16:03
rumor says 20 f35 submarines...i mean jets r gone...gone


Tue Oct 01 14:39:15
My guess is that Israel will nuke Iran now. To destroy all of it.

It would be hilarious if Iran has the nukes itself (as Israel is claiming) and if they then responded by nuking Israel in turn. That would be so sweet if the world would finally be rid of the criminal zionist state. Pretty sure there would be celebrations all over this anti-semitic world.
large member
Tue Oct 01 14:54:06
Israel cannot nuke Iran. Everyone knows the global community will unite and destroy Israel if that happens. Nukes are absolutely unusable.
large member
Tue Oct 01 14:55:15
/s. They somehow believe that to be true for a different country nuking a different different country though.

Amazing the inconsistency eh? Tribalism. What can you say?
large member
Tue Oct 01 15:01:35
From other thread.

Here is a video of some missile impacting in a randeom distribution patter /s alternavely the Tal Nof AB.

large member
Tue Oct 01 15:03:25
I should get a new keyboard. Heaven forbid proof reading. Ah the folly of using the touch method for typing (before your time, you would not know it).
Tue Oct 01 15:07:11
There are probably dozens if not hundreds of Israeli terrorists killed. If 20 f35’s is true that’s a bonus for Iran. A huge blow to Israel if true. Not sure how many f35’s they have. But if they have 21, then their entire arsenal of f35’s are gone.
Tue Oct 01 15:08:57
* I meant to say almost their entire arsenal. They would have 1 left. Lol
large member
Tue Oct 01 15:10:39
The US will urgently replace those even if true Para. It does not matter.

What matters is what Israel does now. Iran has demonstrated capabilities able to overcome arrow defences. Does Israel want to race Iran to the bottom? Probably not, but I have been wrong before.
Tue Oct 01 15:19:16

” Israel cannot nuke Iran. Everyone knows the global community will unite and destroy Israel if that happens. ”

Nah, that would be anti-semitic. If Israel nuked Iran and destroyed all of it, some people would write some angry tweets for a while and the EU leaders would call on everyone to restrain themselves and then everyone would go on with their lives.
Tue Oct 01 15:26:28
holy moly!


look at that lone interceptor flyin from da ground around @0:37s in vs da 40 comin down

Tue Oct 01 15:40:53
When you step back and think about it, it's a bit morbid how we're all basically sports fans cheering for our teams as they play deadly games.

So easy to throw internet jabs until one is sitting under the shrapnel of falling rockets in incoming tank shells.
large member
Tue Oct 01 15:59:10
Agreed. That is what I mean about tribalism. All of this is stupid. Even Hamas rues the day it actually managed to break through a border crossing. Futile acts of resistance are more its style and policy. No good comes of actually doing anything.

"This is stupid" is of course twisted to "jergul loves Russia/Hamas/Hezbollah" Because this forum is what it is. But yah, what good is supposed to come from any of it? Ukraine should have taken the Istanbul deal and we should have sanctioned the shit out of Russia. Not because that is right, but because anything else was stupid.
Tue Oct 01 18:32:46

"Iran has demonstrated capabilities able to overcome arrow defences."

Have they?

Tue Oct 01 18:33:49

"Not because that is right, but because anything else was stupid."

Peace for our time?

Tue Oct 01 19:46:49

It seems like the two terrorists killing women achieved more than the 180 ballistic missiles that Iran fired at Israel.

large member
Tue Oct 01 23:28:16
Saturate Arrow defences is closer to the mark, but yes, that Israeli air base was hit by what was it, 6-8 missiles? I forget and do not want to review.

Lets just say Israeli air force operations may have been slightly inconvenienced without speculating on how many F-35s were taken out.
Wed Oct 02 00:12:14
"have they?"

>> is u blind fool?


or u in da believe that this is some random dirt field and somehow 50 of them all target some random dirt field 4 some reason?

Wed Oct 02 00:16:09
this one a little susss. authenticity not confirmed.buildin seems kinda small


Wed Oct 02 02:05:44

so da airbases were da targets and da hq

Wed Oct 02 02:25:15


Wed Oct 02 02:40:46
Does anyone have a video of the American ambassador to Israel and his military attaché and the CIA station chief saying some shit to the Israeli representative along the lines of "we do not endorse a major strike using the F-35s that we provided, or want to know of it in advance, and we do not want permission to be requested of us.... but here's a map, with a key, of Iranian nuclear facilities, where we think Ali Khamenei sleeps on Wed and Fri nights, and some other stuff. We're just going to leave this, along with this thumb drive, on your desk by accident and head out, have a great day!"
large member
Wed Oct 02 02:52:44
Payload F-35? Range F-35?
Wed Oct 02 03:12:46
Dump the external fuel tanks over Iraq.

Jordan doesn't need to be unable to shoot them down. They just need to be able to convince their local media they were unable to shoot them down.
Wed Oct 02 03:13:41
Hasn't the IDF already done something along these lines several times before? Why are we acting like they haven't wargamed this a multitude of times?
Wed Oct 02 04:24:36
They flew over Syrian last time, or at least made it look like it by hitting a radar installation there.
large member
Wed Oct 02 04:28:52
I am sure Israel can figure out a way to drop a low digit number of tons somewhere, then declare mission accomplished.
Wed Oct 02 04:34:28
Why did you bring it up, then?
large member
Wed Oct 02 04:38:53
Because you seemed to think a low single digit number of bombs is meaningful.
Wed Oct 02 05:39:10

I can assure you that Israel can do a heck of a lot more damage than Iran caused with 180 ballistic missiles.

I keep hearing that an airbase got hit, but I'm still waiting for any evidence of damage.

Wed Oct 02 05:57:32
Oh yea.
Israel can completely wreck Iranian electricity production, which is already teetering on complete shithole status, hitting the largest plants. They can raze Iranian oil terminal with the ground. That is if they felt like getting dirty. I consider that Israel has extensive intelligence about IRGC installations, considering they raided one this summer, quad copter attacks several times over the last few years, how they have figured out and assassinated people critical to the IRGC nuclear research, that the Iranian public didn't even know. Not to mention the various other sabotage operations, that we know of.

If we want to believe former president Ahamadinejad, the IRGC created a counter-intelligence group to Mossad, and Mossad managed to infiltrate it and place an asset as the head of that group. LOL :)

Tyrannical shithole run by a cult, creates a lot disgruntled people, that is among those it does not scare away because it is a tyrannical shithole run by a cult. These are the problem the Islamic republic has to deal with.

Wed Oct 02 07:37:46

"Israel can completely wreck Iranian electricity production, which is already teetering on complete shithole status, hitting the largest plants. They can raze Iranian oil terminal with the ground. That is if they felt like getting dirty. I consider that Israel has extensive intelligence about IRGC installations, considering they raided one this summer, quad copter attacks several times over the last few years, how they have figured out and assassinated people critical to the IRGC nuclear research, that the Iranian public didn't even know. Not to mention the various other sabotage operations, that we know of."

I would assume that their priority targets would be Iran's missile and drone production facilities. As an added bonus it would help Ukraine out a ton. In fact if they want to target all of Iran's weapons facilities, that would be awesome. And obviously Israel will target the Islamic Republic's units in Lebanon and Syria and probably in Iraq.

I think that's probably the type of thing they will restrict themselves to because blowing up Iran's electricity production would harm civilians, and taking out their oil production would cause oil prices to spike, and Biden will discourage both.
Wed Oct 02 08:07:19
I'm skeptical that Israel particularly cares about what Biden wants at this point. If the reports that they didn't consult the US about Lebanon beforehand are true, then it sounds like they've gotten tired of asking for permission and constantly being told no.
Wed Oct 02 09:33:32

He's still got months in office and can cut off the flow of weapons.

Wed Oct 02 10:24:03

>> well damn, after last night aint nobody gonna believe iron dome no more

Sam Adams
Wed Oct 02 11:34:44
"He's still got months in office and can cut off the flow of weapons."

No he cant. Then kamala loses.
Wed Oct 02 11:46:29
Well, Israel needs oil too, ool prices have already bottom out and commodities likely going up. Israel doesn’t need that shit.
Wed Oct 02 12:04:03
”I keep hearing that an airbase got hit, but I'm still waiting for any evidence of damage.”

That's what's so great about Israel. They don't want to talk about what losses they have and that means that they haven't suffered any losses at all :o)
Wed Oct 02 12:05:19
Israel likely lost their entire arsenal of F-35s.
large member
Wed Oct 02 12:12:09
With 80% readiness give or take, no more than 6-8 remained on the ground.
Wed Oct 02 12:22:29
I was trying to be a Nimatzo.
Wed Oct 02 12:35:21
Sweden joins the war?

Three swedes has been arrested after grenades exploded at Israel’s embassy in Denmark. Israel’s embassy in Sweden was also attacked. A gunshot was heard outside of it yesterday and the police has found a gun.
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 02 13:28:47
Oh hell ya you can get so many antisemites by bombing stockholm
Wed Oct 02 13:53:37
Swedes or "Swedes"?

"Do they drink and smoke?" -Seb
Wed Oct 02 15:17:32
They were hyphenated Swedes.
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 02 16:09:17
Sebish swedes
Thu Oct 03 02:36:41
I feel the need to point out again to the class idiot that the point about many European Islamic Terrorists ignore the strictures of Islam isn't that they are not terrorists, nor that they aren't Islamists.

Rather it is simply to point out that are not people who have merely walked down the same path every Muslim is - by necessity - on somewhat further; as Nimatzo has advocated.

Evidently you are so wedded to this framing that you have managed to misinterpret this as an argument that "pointing out that someone is a bad Muslim is the same as saying they are a bad terrorist".

I cannot be held to account for your own ability to follow a chain of reasoning following a pattern we teach junior school kids. That's on you I'm afraid.
Thu Oct 03 03:09:35
The vast majority of muslims are a "bad" muslim, i.e they sin. But you seem to think drinking and smoking, makes someone a particularly bad Muslim. Unfortunately there is no scriptural or traditional support for this. This is a talking point emerging from almost perfect ignorance.

You have no idea what you are talking about seb and you are unable or unwilling to correct yourself. You do not understand Islam, or religion, the concepts of sin, heresy, literally nothing. "Do they smoke and drink" is a meme capturing this ignorance.
Thu Oct 03 11:45:57
I wonder if the Crusaders drank to excess or whored around or raped folks when they pillaged cities in their conquest?

Perhaps that makes the Crusades a secular geopolitical affair?

Or maybe the overarching congruence of followers is more important than their individual incongruence with daily strictures.

Are Taliban fighters denied martyrdom for their crossdressing boy fetish, or is their struggle more important?

If anything, it seems to diminish one's point if Muslims can immigrate and assimilate the decadence, lust, and gluttony of Western culture yet still want to murder in the name of Islam and spreading global caliphate.
Thu Oct 03 14:23:08

So if being prepared to kill in the name of Islam isn't in fact simply a question of devout adherence to textual structures - as neither Islamists nor most Muslims follow all religious texts to the letter (just as Christians routinely ignore the bits of the Bible they don't like); explain to me again how we can justify discrimination against Muslims purely on the basis that their religion has a high probability of leading an individual to undertake violence?
Fri Oct 04 05:32:28
That isn’t what we are talking about seb. We are talking about drinking and smoking and the concept of sin. Specifically drinking as a sin, smoking isn’t a sin.

It would not serve you well to expand the topic, if you do not understand these basic concepts. I tried explaining it for you, last time, but you had a meltdown and told me to go back where I came from.

You can be a muslim and sin. You can be a jihading muslim and sin, an academic muslim that sins etc and so on. Doesn’t mean that you are not a muslim. Which is what you originally claimed. Shifting to ”bad” muslim, makes no sense, as I explained most adherents of any religion are failing as par for the course. This failing part, has no bearing on how serious they take the texts, even the things they fail in. That would be apostasy, e.g you deny that drinking is a sin. If you find a muslim like that, you have found a true candidate for a possible excommunication, as they are denying the command of god. Drinking is a huddud offense mentioned in the quran, along with adultry and stealing, these have fixed punishments. You get flogged if you are caught drunk.
large member
Fri Oct 04 05:45:14
All this mansplaining. We have been here for 25 years talking about muslims. That part of the Abramic trinity we pretend is special somehow.

Meanwhile, Jewish homeland because rapture.
Fri Oct 04 05:55:17
You are never going to get Islam or Christianity, nor the difference between them, if you do not understand the model you are meant to emulate. What is the ideal embodies in the respective figure heads, the lives they lived and the deeds they did. It is that easy, one guy took sex slaves the other didn’t. One god told you to cut the hands of theives, the other one didn’t. One told you to stone the adulterer, the other told you to reflect on your own character before you start throwing rocks.

How individual muslims or christians fail to live up to this or the other rule, has not impact on the central message or the ideal society you are reasonably able to extract from either religious corpus.

Islam is objectively a far more horrible library of texts and it is in the original text, the Quran and the hadiths, it just gets worse with the tafsirs (commentary) of the scholors. Indeed in Christianity it is the exegesis of those like Aquinas and perhaps St Augustine that gives the horror show of the inquisition. Then you trace this back to the bible, one sentence in Luke where Jesus says “*compel* them to come into my fathers house”. Yikes, talk about reading a ton into one word. It is easy to walk that back. Try walking back the Quran where it says that husbands can beat their wives if they don’t listen.

This example is the running theme of the differences between the Bible and the Islamic library. The bad stuff is more frequent and qualitatively difficult to handle.
large member
Fri Oct 04 06:54:34
Same God. The bible with the NT is one of the two foundations of the Islamic library.

The Goatherders' Guide to the Galaxy. Guiding 3 religions and all the fools that believe in such things.
large member
Fri Oct 04 06:56:03
Anyways, turns out Iran followed the UN Charter by immediately justifying its missile launch to the UNSC. Touching when people play by the rules.
large member
Fri Oct 04 07:28:24

Fri Oct 04 08:07:38
*gracefully skips over a pile of dog shit*
Fri Oct 04 08:10:51
Jergul: I have no dog in this fight, I'm just an outside observer who doesn't care who wins

Also jergul: *exclusively trashes Israel and Judaism across multiple threads*

What is it with leftists being unable to admit their partisan bias? Jesus Christ. Their obsession with insisting that their slanted views actually represent some sort of "default" neutral and objective position is infuriating.
large member
Fri Oct 04 08:23:35
Perhaps peddle a little less propaganda if you want to avoid the reality checks?

Not sure what you mean by trashing Israel or Judaism frankly.

What I have been saying is that there is unlikely to be any winners. Just like there were no winners the many last times we have seen exactly these things play out.

Try to be a bit less gay, mkay?
Fri Oct 04 08:48:52
Israel has won every single military engagement it has ever fought. As evidenced by its continued existence today.

The end goals of both sides are simple to anyone not constantly huffing pro-Islamist propaganda. Israel's goal is to be a Jewish state in the Holy Land, in the home of their ancient ancestors. The Muslims' goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the planet and exterminate the Jewish people.

Guess what, Israel has unambiguously been winning that contest to date. It's not even close.
large member
Fri Oct 04 09:04:26
Ok, then Israel will win these conflicts too by your definition of what a win is. It will undoubtably continue to exist. Alongside Hamas and Hezbollah.
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