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Utopia Talk / Politics / Iran is about to find out
Tue Oct 01 16:19:25
They doubled down on stupid, so Israel is going to have to hurt them.

I'd say with US help, but I know better.

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Oct 01 16:22:16
genocide joe fully supports Israel over reaction that will doom them all.
Tue Oct 01 16:43:11
Well, Israel shouldn’t have attacked Iran. They’ve done that twice already. First the embassy building in Damascus and then the attack on Teheran.

Fuck around and find out, eh? Israel has now found out that Iran can penetrate their defences.
Tue Oct 01 16:49:55
180 missiles and Iran managed to kill a Palestinian. Lol
Tue Oct 01 17:06:58

I can hear Biden already ... "Take the win."

Sam Adams
Tue Oct 01 20:39:16
So the real question is how does iran find out. Israel has little subs and corvettes that could start sinking iranian ships or oil platforms. I like that choice because it is easy to avoid civilians. And if the biden harris regime were not pussies we could support.

Then theres the direct option of overflying syria(no sovereignty) and iraq(little sovereignty) and hitting iran with heavy fighters. You could go after irans more hardened assets this way.
large member
Tue Oct 01 23:24:30
As sammy points out. Israel has very little in the way of deep force projection capability. Perhaps punish Iran by hitting a surrogate nearby might be a better option.

Sam Adams
Wed Oct 02 00:02:50

Hah. That is one unlucky motherfucker.
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 02 00:05:57
"As sammy points out. Israel has very little in the way of deep force projection capability."

It has fewer options but it has enough for this. I don't think you understand how soviet bloc forces always lose to the free world. Always. You should understand it, since it always happens, but for some reason you dont.
large member
Wed Oct 02 00:15:08
How is that winning going in Ukraine?
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 02 08:53:28
Lol jergul have you taken kiev yet?
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 02 09:43:04
Or even retake russia? Lmfao.
Wed Oct 02 09:51:16
Iran is full of shit. Israel took out a terrorist cell and Iran treated it like an attack on their own soil.

Wed Oct 02 10:16:59
This has been marketed as revenge for Haniya, Nasrallah and the IRGC commander that was killed with Nasrallah.
large member
Wed Oct 02 10:33:25
Ukraine holds a hell of a lot of territory Russia thinks is Russian. But this is a serious war. Remember that you lost 5000 aircraft in Vietnam AND had forced mobilization (lulz). It simply takes a while to demilitarize Nato.
Wed Oct 02 10:46:01

look at this shameless interviewer

but damn did he not see those answers comin...guest didnt even mince his words

Sam Adams
Wed Oct 02 11:33:04
Jerguls boys getting so wrecked the vietnam references are coming out. Nevermind now you didnt do well in a war 60 years ago!!!

Lulz@soviet bloc
Wed Oct 02 11:53:49
Soviet Union:
14,453[19]–26,000[20] killed
9,500 killed in combat[19]
4,000 died from wounds[19]
1,000 died from disease and accidents[19]
53,753 wounded[19]
264 missing
451 aircraft lost (including 333 helicopters)
147 tanks lost
1,314 IFVs/APCs lost
433 artillery guns and mortars lost
11,369 cargo and fuel tanker trucks lost

Wed Oct 02 11:57:52
Member Wed Oct 02 09:51:16
Iran is full of shit. Israel took out a terrorist cell and Iran treated it like an attack on their own soil

- -

How would the US respond if let’s say Iran attacked a US embassy building in an allied country, say in Israel, to assassinate a person who they deem to be a terrorist?

How would the US respond if Iran a couple of weeks later, attacked a governmental building on the same day as the inauguration of a new US president to kill one of the US guests who sleeps there?

Are you saying that the US would not treat those attacks as attacks on its own soil?
large member
Wed Oct 02 12:10:50
The Sovet block collapsed 30 years ago. My point is that serious wars have serious costs. You know that.

Yes, a much smaller war 40 years ago that ultimately lead to 9-11 and the conflicts that followed. I am pretty sure arming terrorists ended up hurting the US more than it did the USSR.
Wed Oct 02 12:28:28
Iran might find themselves in a similar situation vis a vis arming terrorists.

We certainly didn't learn our lesson, re: Syria
Sat Oct 05 09:23:21
Israel hasn’t nuked Iran yet. It’s must be a sign of weakness.
Sat Oct 05 15:51:53
Comparing Hezbollah to an embassy is grade-A stupid. They are a state-sponsored terrorist and Iran proxy and should be wiped off the face of the earth.
Sat Oct 05 15:52:44
What lesson was that Foreskin? That Trump is a fucking moron and his unilateral withdrawal helped cause the war in Ukraine?

Fucking shit-for-brains fake libertarian.
Sat Oct 05 18:24:02
"arm more jihadis"

- Cuckhat
Sun Oct 06 06:13:28
The Islamic republic, is a revolutionary Jihading cult. They are only the lesser evil in a scenario where they are pitted against sunni head choppers. And this is only true in as far as there is a culturally Iranian element tempering them. Because as the reality on the ground will show you, you have a “taliban” wing within the Islamic republic. This is not a stable structure and these analogies (Vietnam this or the other) are not even stupid.
large member
Sun Oct 06 06:38:50
Turtle Crawler
Sun Oct 06 08:29:36
I understand believing the propaganda 5 days ago, but by now if one still believes it that's just ignorance.

Israel just needs to back off and make peace, it would be so easy too, just stop detaining Palestinians without charges or trials.
Sun Oct 06 09:21:16

Man, you're on the wrong side of everything.

There is no connection between Palestinians, who are in a local dispute for control with the Israelis, and Iran which is a good 500+ miles from any of it.

The Islamic Republic is only involved to secure their own survival.

What Israel needs to do is finish Islamic proxies in the Palestinian territories and Lebanon to the very last man.
Sun Oct 06 09:30:33
not ignorance, but just generations of brainwash and propafunda

Sam Adams
Sun Oct 06 09:57:26

Jergul we finally found something your soviet bloc gear wins at.

Turret tossing!
large member
Sun Oct 06 11:21:37
Look at the Ukrainians trying to make Abrams survivable with a cope cage and first generation era-blocks :).


Western vehicles have performed as poorly as East block ones in other words. So perhaps cheap, reliable and fewer crew are the virtues to look for.
Sun Oct 06 11:32:17
"Israel just needs to back off and make peace"


I will just repeat what I have said before, directly from all the "analysts" of the Islamic republic: a permanent cease fire is a (strategic) win.

large member
Sun Oct 06 11:32:40
Well, it looks like Iran can decide who is president again. Drawing the hostage crisis out to give Reagan a victory was nice of them. A few strikes against US bases at an opportune time would likely give Trump the presidency. He should make a deal for that.
Sun Oct 06 13:19:41
Sun Oct 06 17:05:41
Esmail Qaani, who took over the IRGC Quds force when Suleimani was turned into a meatloaf, has most likely been dispatched to hell along with prospective new leader of Hezbollah. Allegedly they were even deeper in a rat burrow under Beirut and the IDF just kept coming back to bomb it over and over, just to make sure. There will be difficulties to verify.
large member
Mon Oct 07 05:24:28
The plan is to "corner the cat"? Seems short-sighted to cheer that.

large member
Mon Oct 07 06:37:02
Iran says Qaani is fine. Perhaps just as well given that even the CIA stopped doing targetted assassinations because the fall out was often so counter productive.
Mon Oct 07 09:09:17

Counterproductive? It's not nearly as effective as wholesale slaughter. But killing the enemy is never really counterproductive.

large member
Mon Oct 07 11:22:09
It is if one of them can put together nukes any time it wants to.
large member
Mon Oct 07 11:23:33
Which is ultimately the counter argument. If any unfriendly leader might become the victim of assassinations at the whim of this or that power, then all leaders need the ultimate deterrent to ensure such things do not happen.
Mon Oct 07 14:35:48
One year after October 7

Mon Oct 07 14:41:42
So, did Iran do a nuclear bomb test on the 5th?
Turtle Crawler
Mon Oct 07 17:21:29
A permanent cease fire is a strategic win for everyone.
Mon Oct 07 21:05:17

"It is if one of them can put together nukes any time it wants to."

Hard to do when you're dead. Although admittedly medicine has advanced a lot.

Mon Oct 07 21:12:38

"A permanent cease fire is a strategic win for everyone."

A permanent ceasefire is not possible because the root of the conflict hasn't changed. You still have two dogs (Palestinians & Israelis) and only one bone (Palestine).

They can't share the bone because they both want the whole bone, and in the case of the Israelis they need the whole bone because they are surrounded by enemies and have zero security buffer even with control of Gaza and the West Bank.

Also you seem to be under the impression that a ceasefire means that terrorist stop trying to kill Jews and destroy Israel. It doesn't. A permanent ceasefire only means that they go back to killing Jews and trying to destroy Israel with impunity like they were doing before.

The only chance for there to be a permanent ceasefire would be for Israel to wipe out every terrorist proxy group within 1000 miles of Israel.
Tue Oct 08 01:36:55
” A permanent ceasefire only means that they go back to killing Jews and trying to destroy Israel with impunity like they were doing before.”

What they were doing before is that they were living in peace. Arabs and Jews, side by side. The conflicted started when the Zionazis and their European settlers arrived to area in large numbers to drive out the Palestinians.

” They can't share the bone because they both want the whole bone, and in the case of the Israelis they need the whole bone because they are surrounded by enemies”

The Zionazis made their enemies. From Hamas (founded as late as 1987 to defend the Palestinian population from Israel’s massacres and to resist the illegal occupation, to Hezbollah (founded in 1985 as a response to Israel’s invasion and occupation of Lebanon).

The entire Arab world offered Israel peace, normal relations and to recognize Israel, if Israel ends the occupation and withdraws to 1967’s borders.

Israel refuse. They want it all, and more than that.


Israel has murdered all people who has been working for peace, starting with Folke Bernadotte in 1948. They even murdered their own PM Yitzak Rabin in 1995. When any of the resistance groups has agreed to a cease fire, Israel has murdered the mediator and/or the leaders of these resistance groups in order to continue the conflict.

”A permanent ceasefire is not possible because the root of the conflict hasn't changed.”

Correct. The root of the problem won’t change for as long as the Zionazis are still alive and keep attacking and murdering their neighbours.
Tue Oct 08 01:54:19

"because they are surrounded by enemies and have zero security buffer even with control of Gaza and the West Bank"

Russian logic. Fuck off with that.
Tue Oct 08 01:55:58
"ceasefire means that terrorist stop trying to kill Jews and destroy Israel. It doesn't."

Does a cease fire mean Israelis stop killing, kidnapping and sexually abusing Palestinian civilians with impunity?
Tue Oct 08 01:58:09
The utter bullshit of claiming Israel is surrounded by enemies when Egypt and Jordan are allies and Jordan is actively protecting it from Iranian attacks; and Israel regularly bombs Lebanon and Syria with impunity.
Tue Oct 08 05:34:56

"Russian logic. Fuck off with that."

I'm sorry ... who is Russia surrounded by?

Tue Oct 08 05:36:49

"The utter bullshit of claiming Israel is surrounded by enemies when Egypt and Jordan are allies and Jordan is actively protecting it from Iranian attacks; and Israel regularly bombs Lebanon and Syria with impunity."

I'm glad you mentioned Egypt and Jordan being at "peace" with Israel.

How the fuck do you suppose weapons get into Gaza and the West Bank?

Take a moment and check a map of the region.

large member
Tue Oct 08 06:17:50
Maybe get your own border security in order before going all hyperbole about smuggling issues other countries may have?
Tue Oct 08 06:19:30

Who is Israel surrounded by:

Jordan, who actively defends it from attack. Egypt, who has intelligence sharing agreements and cooperates deeply with it. Lebanon, that it bombs with impunity. Syria, that is a failed state that it bombs with impunity, and the rest of the Arab world what would happily sign a peace deal with them if they weren't actively slaughtering Palestinian civilians on an industrial scale.

Israel doesn't need a security buffer, it needs to stop finding bullshit rationales for a boring classic imperial land grab.
Tue Oct 08 06:20:27
Murder, if it was a security buffer, they wouldn't be fucking settling it with civies would they? Are you thick or something?
Tue Oct 08 06:23:09
"How the fuck do you suppose weapons get into Gaza and the West Bank?"

By the industrial level smuggling needed to sustain the population of Gaza driven by Israeli bloccade that deliberately limits food.

And how are those weapons paid for again? By the financial transfers Bibi authorised specifically to ensure Hamas remained powerful so he could point to it as a reason to continue to annex the west bank.

He admits this. He's on record. What more do you want, for him to come tattoo it in your forehead?

Tue Oct 08 09:03:47
Nimatzo: ”Hezbollah’s arsenal has been reduced to scrap.”

Hezbollah: Fires over 100 rockets at Israel just today.

Tue Oct 08 09:25:45
Lol @ Seb crying about the failed state of Syria being bombed
Tue Oct 08 09:29:39
"The conflicted started when the Zionazis and their European settlers arrived to area in large numbers to drive out the Palestinians."

> eyes Albania
> eyes Constantinople
> eyes the EU
large member
Tue Oct 08 09:57:20
Syria as a failed state is very 2015.
Tue Oct 08 12:17:37

Good to see you are sticking with that reputation for razor sharp critical thinking and reading comprehension.

You seem to forget I used to get stick from you for wanting to bomb Syria.

The argument that Syria is menacingly surrounding Israel is a little bit spurious when they can't stop Israeli jets bombing it whenever they like.
Sam Adams
Tue Oct 08 12:31:12
"Israelis stop killing, kidnapping and sexually abusing Palestinian civilians with impunity?"

Lol seb is retarded enough to believe far left/hamas propaganda now. Sexually assaulting civilians with impunity?

70 iq.
Tue Oct 08 13:20:31
"The argument that Syria is menacingly surrounding Israel is a little bit spurious when they can't stop Israeli jets bombing it whenever they like."

If you wish to argue in a vacuum and only rebut in said space, so be it.

A nation can have numerous causes with which to justify bombing another nation, and they don't all depend upon hyperbolic claims of omnidirectional siege...as you so eloquently touted over the years.
Tue Oct 08 13:20:36
Hezbollah begging for a cease fire now and if you believe the rumors Nasrallah was about to beg for a cease fire before he was killed. Paramount still has not figure out what’s what. lol :-)

This is the breed of people who would consider a cease fire at this point a win. They are like flies and cockroachs. Kill a million of us, but if we can make you leave by being a nuisance, that’s a win! Weep for the Palestians and Lebanese, especially those who oppose the death cult, for they only have Paramounts to champion their cause.
Tue Oct 08 13:39:47
They may surrender... on condition their leaders (what's left of them) hand themselves over to be held for Nuremberg-esqe trials as well as the release of rhe remaining hostages whether dead or alive and those responsible for their kidnappings also hand themselves over.... and why not? Send the first born son of every member of hamas and hezbollah to be held as ...wards... as well.
Tue Oct 08 13:45:51
” and if you believe the rumors Nasrallah was about to beg for a cease fire before he was killed.”

Not just ”was about to”, he had agreed to the cease fire proposal that the US presented after mediating between Israel and Hezbollah.

Israel also assassinated that Hamas mediator guy, in Iran. Israel murders everyone who is working for cease fire and peace. They murdered their own PM Yitzak Rabin. They murdered Folke Bernadotte in 1948. They do this because they don’t want to live in peace. They want to be an eternal ”victim”, so that they can continue to milk money and support from USA, and because they want to continue to to murder babies, children and women and rub their faces on the murdered women’s bras. Because that is their way of life.

Nimatzo: ”Hezbollah’s arsenal has been reduced to scrap.”

Hezbollah: Hold my beer while we fire over 100 rockets at Israel today.

Owned. Haha, just admitt it Nimatzo, you fell for the Zionazi propaganda.
Tue Oct 08 13:55:38
Bzzzz bzzz bzzz. Keep owning.
Tue Oct 08 14:15:57

It's not leftist propaganda, there's hundreds of documented cases and thousands of reports on Palestinian kids being picked up for "administrative detention" and then raped.

And we know these are credible because footage of just that has been broadcast on Israeli television.



Lol. Still living up to that reputation Forwyn.

"A nation can have numerous causes with which to justify bombing another nation"

So it might. But the point was in rebuttal to murder's claim that Israel needed a security buffer due to being surrounded and so had no choice for permanent occupation. The issue of whether the bombing of Syria is justified is irrelevant.

Tue Oct 08 14:18:50
Forwyn's chains of reasoning are flimsier than than the paper chains he makes during the activity sessions run at the long term residential care home he lives in.

Tue Oct 08 14:21:05
"Hold my beer while we fire 100 rockets in the general direction of Israel and hope we hit something"

Tue Oct 08 14:25:38
They aren't talking about rape, seb. The video allegedly shows a Palestinian adult (not a child or any children) getting hit in the balls. That is defined as sexual abuse in 2024.

The video hasn't been released and the white house never confirms its sexual abuse or not. Just that "reports" of sexual abuse need to be investigated. And again if it's hitting a dude in the balls, I hardly call that sexual abuse. Physical abuse sure. But I doubt every hamas fighter will be passive while in custody.
Tue Oct 08 14:31:41
They also say nothing about children being sexually abused or raped in that article. Next time read the full article instead of the click bait heavy first 3 paragraphs.
Tue Oct 08 15:31:29
"murder's claim that Israel needed a security buffer due to being surrounded and so had no choice for permanent occupation."

While again, this is obviously hyperbolic, Israel certainly does have a vested interest in the affairs of Syria - that could have tangible effects on their long-term existence.

Certainly, moreso than France and the UK.

So. As stated, you got your rebuttal. In a vacuum, we can pretend that you didn't walk into a decade of your own words.

Sam Adams
Tue Oct 08 15:50:35
"there's hundreds of documented cases and thousands of reports on Palestinian kids being picked up for "administrative detention" and then raped."


100% retard status has been noted for seb.
large member
Tue Oct 08 16:01:37
Sammy surprised that children are abused at youth detention centers.

You probably should keep that 100% retarded status for yourself sammy. There is a point where willful ignorance just is stupid.
Tue Oct 08 16:29:37
“There is a point where willful ignorance just is stupid.“

Man who thrown stones in glass house, must be prepared to live with the mess.
Sam Adams
Tue Oct 08 17:07:59
Jergul added to the list too.

You cannot find a single such case, much less 100s or 1000s.
Wed Oct 09 12:45:54

NGOs that have operated in the west bank have collected many many reports with various bits of corroborating evidence.

The Israeli denials don't hold water really. You get this drip drip drip ... so sure tell me that all these Western NGOs are finding astonishingly consistent reports using the same methods that have been successfully used to uncover and later verify beyond all doubt crimes by Russians, Syrians etc. ... tell me they are all unthinkable when you can see that are happily doing all sorts of other abuse that they denied and then eventually got disclosed.

They shoot kids in the head.



"that could have tangible effects on their long-term existence."

What exactly can Syria credibly do to threaten the existence of Israel that would be prevented by occupying the west bank or gaza?

I don't know what you think you are proving, but if you really want to continue to stand by Murders statement, that's the question you need to answer.

Wed Oct 09 12:46:44

There's a reason they don't let lawyers or diplomats or NGOs into these detention centres.

Wed Oct 09 13:05:37
”What exactly can Syria credibly do to threaten the existence of Israel that would be prevented by occupying the west bank or gaza?”

Syria is a member of the axis of resistance. They are a critical link in the chain, from the Islamic republic to Lebanon. They are both a staging ground and a logistical hub for fighters and arms. The west bank would become flooded with arms and missile factories. Allegedly Egypt has actually tried to secure their border with Gaza. Jordan would fail even harder.

Are you really having a failure of ”imagination” this badly?
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 09 13:25:21
So seb you found 0 cases?
Wed Oct 09 13:38:04
Yes, seb found zero cases and can't imagine that terrorists would make up stories about their Israeli captors to garner sympathy from people like him.
large member
Wed Oct 09 13:40:03
We are not doing your Abu Grahib decence again. Israel's lack of transparency proves that detained children have been abused. As they will be without robust and transparent protection and legal recourse. It is human nature to abuse those you dehumanify you see.
large member
Wed Oct 09 13:45:27
This regardless of allegations. For an arab person to allege sexual abuse is not something to be taken lightly. They are not WASP "can I show you on the doll where he touched me" victims. They pay a high price for alleging they have been abused.
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 09 13:52:31
"I have 0 evidence but I know its true"

Seb and jergul sound like the old crackwhore on the street still searching for her true love by calling the psychic hotline.

Except even dumber.
Wed Oct 09 14:00:36
Jergul, again, the sexual abuse alleged is being hit in the balls. That is what the terrorists are claiming is happening to them. It's people like you who call getting hit in the balls "sexual abuse".

Wed Oct 09 14:00:36
Jergul, again, the sexual abuse alleged is being hit in the balls. That is what the terrorists are claiming is happening to them. It's people like you who call getting hit in the balls "sexual abuse".

Wed Oct 09 14:00:36
Jergul, again, the sexual abuse alleged is being hit in the balls. That is what the terrorists are claiming is happening to them. It's people like you who call getting hit in the balls "sexual abuse".

large member
Wed Oct 09 15:56:48
You would do better to argue that youths in Israeli detention suffer no more abuse than youths in US detention. The onus is on Israel to have robust and transparent recourse to victims claiming they have been abused. Otherwise, we will have to accept allegations as factual until Israel can show its findings from investigations.

The black hole defence(we hide everything, therefore there is nothing) is without merit.
Wed Oct 09 16:00:45


So... Jordan which is successful in intercepting Iranian missiles, would not be able to secure the border, and because of this it's necessary for Israelis to settle the west bank, kill Palestinian civilians to drive them out, and extract the water table, to provide strategic depth from Syria, which surrounds Israel and would attack Israel through Jordan?

That sounds like gibbering insanity to me.
Wed Oct 09 16:04:23

Some of their soldiers shoot 9 year olds in the head and chest for fun*. Of course some of their prison guards are sexually abusing kids, not just kicking them in the balls. The allegations form consistent patterns going back years. Even Israeli based human rights groups have reported on it.

*Must be for fun, because their official spokesman insist it's against rules of engagement to be doing it.

Sam Adams
Wed Oct 09 16:47:35
Did seb just link to an amnesty international report?


Like i said, you can document 0 cases.
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 09 16:51:54
An amnesty international subgroup in turkey no less. The mind of seb is amazing.

Truly amazing.
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 09 16:52:59
Plus palestinian women are horribly fucking ugly.
Wed Oct 09 19:29:53

It's starting to look like Netanyahu has allowed Biden to force him into wussing out again.

Maybe we'll let Israel blow up two S-300 radars this time.

Sam Adams
Wed Oct 09 21:33:57

Seb is butthurt that gazans are "demonized"
Thu Oct 10 02:44:15

There are literally many such reports from many organisations, including Israeli based ones.

You are just going to say that aren't credible and then claim none therefore exist.

We've come a long way from 1948 when Orwell wrote 1984 and this level of sophistication doesn't really cut it any more.
Thu Oct 10 02:45:16
When the US govt sanctions an Israeli military unit, an extremely odd thing to do, you know it's because they have hard, incontrovertible evidence and they are trying to cauterise the issue.
Thu Oct 10 05:15:11
”Jordan which is successful in intercepting Iranian missiles, would not be able to secure the border”

Two completely different tasks. Yet even when taken at face value, missiles go through, didn’t they? How difficult is it to bribe Jordian pilots to, look the other way, vs border guards. What are the volumes, which other countries asset cpuld be brought in for the missiles, etc and so on. For comparison, your own country, a fucking Island, can’t secure its border.

You are stupid.
Sam Adams
Thu Oct 10 05:46:35
"There are literally many such reports from many organisations, including Israeli based ones."

"Jews are raping german kids"

-seb, 1942.
Sam Adams
Thu Oct 10 05:53:36
In all your low iq statements over the years, this is the lowest. It displays a level of critical thinking that is not only blatantly retarded, it contradicts all your previous anti-racist bullshit. You don't mind racism, it just has to target jews for you to be cool with it.

Member Tue Oct 08 14:15:57

It's not leftist propaganda, there's hundreds of documented cases and thousands of reports on Palestinian kids being picked up for "administrative detention" and then raped.
Thu Oct 10 08:20:03
”Palestinians are raping Jews”

- Netanyahu, since he was born
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