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Utopia Talk / Politics / Israel kills Aziz Salha
Fri Oct 04 08:57:25
You may not know the name, but you definitely know who he is.

On October 12, 2000, two Israeli reservists made a wrong turn and accidentally drove into Palestinian territory. They were promptly detained and set upon by a mob, and were lynched in an absolutely brutal manner:

"The Israeli reservists were beaten and stabbed. At this point, a Palestinian (later identified as Aziz Salha), appeared at the window, displaying his blood-soaked hands to the crowd, which erupted into cheers. The crowd clapped and cheered as one of the soldier's bodies was then thrown out the window and stamped and beaten by the frenzied crowd. One of the two was shot and set on fire, and his head was beaten to a pulp. Soon after, the crowd dragged the two mutilated bodies to Al-Manara Square in the city center and began an impromptu victory celebration."

That incident took place when I was growing up, and that image of Salha proudly displaying the blood on his hands always stuck with me. The sheer hate, brutality, and savagery that required. In a way, he is the single human being who did the most to make me sympathize with the Israeli cause and what they're up against.

Congratulations to Israel. I hope this guy spends all of eternity being raped and tortured by demons in the lowest depths of Hell.

Fri Oct 04 09:03:35
You got that wrong, he now enjoys 72 virgins while you guys in the USA are to afraid to date a woman because it might be a trans with a penis bigger than yours.
Fri Oct 04 11:51:46

"You got that wrong, he now enjoys 72 virgins"

He is being raped by 72 virgin trannies.

Fri Oct 04 11:54:23
Fri Oct 04 11:56:18
They also killed Hezbollahs new leader. Pfffff, what are they gonna do now?
large member
Fri Oct 04 13:25:09
You should definitely update wiki page with this inside information Nimi.

Killing Hezbollah's political leadership systematically will tend to shift the internal balance of power more towards militant wings at the expense of Hezbollah's social and political programmes would be my best guess.

So more weapons and more soldiers?
large member
Fri Oct 04 13:26:46
Or in other words

Nimi: "The King of Sweden has died! How can the Swedish military function?" :)
Fri Oct 04 13:36:14
Hezbollah fired 40 rockets at Israel today.

How is this possible when Nimatzo said that their entrie arsenal was reduced to scrap?

Someone must be full of BS.

Either Hezbollah, who didn’t fire any rockets, but shovels.

Or Nimatzo.
large member
Fri Oct 04 16:32:25
I am pretty sure Hezbollah was reduced to firing shovels into Israel.
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 04 21:58:47
"at the expense of Hezbollah's social and political programmes"

Its amazing the braindead nonsense that comes out of jergul sometimes.
large member
Sat Oct 05 02:57:14
It is amazing how little you actually know. Hezbollah runs a huge social welfare system.
Sat Oct 05 03:03:13
"Tensions were running high: over 100 Palestinians, nearly two dozen of them minors, had been killed by Israeli forces in the preceding two weeks during violent protests in Ramallah,[5] and four days earlier, the badly beaten body of Issam Hamad, 36, had been dumped outside of the city after being run over by a car, an autopsy revealed." - wiki

Honestly it just appears to be standard tit-for-tat stuff. It's a tragedy, sure, same with the two dozen children and whomever this Issam guy was. Cool.
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