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Utopia Talk / Politics / Israel/Iran: Two weeks later
Sun Oct 13 11:09:10
Iran ain't finding out shit.

In case you've been wondering why Israel's response is taking so long, it's because Israel is actually negotiating it's retaliation on Iran ... with Iran ... by way of the US.

They are trying to settle on a retaliatory strike that is insignificant enough that Iran can ignore, while Israel can claim to have responded to Iran's attack.

Netanyahu is such a feeble bitch.
Sun Oct 13 12:23:21
” why Israel's response is taking so long, it's because Israel….”

… it’s because Israel fucked around and got its entire arsenal of F-35’s destroyed. Fixing that takes some time, and they also need to coordinate their terror attack on Iran and its defense together with the US.

Netanyahu said that the attack will be surprising, precise and devastating. Netanyahu also said there will be regime change in Iran. So maybe the jews haven't located Khomeini’s position yet.
Sam Adams
Sun Oct 13 14:27:23
Mon Oct 14 04:38:22
There is a not so small chance that thongs could shape up for the ultimate finding out for the Islamic republic, regime change. Reza Pahlavi, the crown prince in exile stepped up, for the the first time, assuring everyone ”they” would not allow Iran to become lile Iraq or Afghanistan. He had been dodging the question entirely up until now.

On the orher hand, allegedly the regime has sent the message to Israel: do a limited strike, we will not respond. However, they are not worried about the strike itself, as some of them voice openly, “we are concerned about infiltrators” AKA that the 85% who (accoding to our own stats) do not support us, will rise up and kill us. That is a plausible scenario, given how Israel has been working and messaging the Iranian people.
Mon Oct 14 08:09:31
da equasion has changed ya foolz.

it been demonstrated that they got no defenses against it, and there hardwares been destroyed.

actually ppl knew they culdnt stop them even in da previous one. if u didnt read propafunda, even da own government under anonimity was sayin they had no way 2 stop them ballistics.

but da media, da propafunda kept pumpin da lies in ur ears

large member
Mon Oct 14 09:43:04
Yepp, this is absolutely 5d chess and not a pissant country of 10 billion suddenly realizing it does not want to get into a serious conflict with a country 8 times its size.
large member
Mon Oct 14 09:43:21
10 million*
Mon Oct 14 11:41:10
This could be an opportunity for Nimatzo to return to Iran and fight the Ayatollahs and fight for freedom.
Mon Oct 14 14:14:10
So apparently, Hezbollah launched a massive drone strike on a Israeli terrorist base in southern Haifa, killing nearly 70 IDF-terrorists, and there are reports that the Israeli Army’s Chief of Terror, Herzi Halevi, was killed in the strike.

First, Israel lost their F-35’s …
…. and now they got partly decapitated.

LOL if true
Mon Oct 14 14:35:11
Oh.. and If IDF terrorist have run away to hide in a hospital, Hezbollah should strike these hospitals too. They should strike the homes where the IDF terrorists lives too.
Mon Oct 14 16:17:32
Seriously, crapamount?
70 injured, 4 dead. And re Iran’s attack, which was known in advanced and the bases were cleared well ahead (It was advertised loud and clear in the media an attack was imminent all day long), no planes wee damaged.
Seriously, your sources are worse than chatgpt
Mon Oct 14 16:29:46
And Herzi Halevi is alive too. lol
Mon Oct 14 16:45:55
In that case Heabollah needs to start bombing the hospitals in Israel and the homes of the IDF-terrorists.
Mon Oct 14 21:24:05
Paramount is among the dumbest of Islamic republic supporters. He has my full backing and I encourage him to stay the course.
Mon Oct 14 21:53:01

"So apparently, Hezbollah launched a massive drone strike on a Israeli terrorist base in southern Haifa ..."

Unconditional surrender followed by a cleansing of undesirables is the only solution to the Lebanon problem.
Mon Oct 21 07:25:38

Now 3 weeks later. Still nothing.

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