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Utopia Talk / Politics / America belongs to the jews
Sun Oct 13 11:16:34
Columbus was a Sephardic Jew from Western Europe, study finds

MADRID, Oct 13 (Reuters) - The 15th-century explorer Christopher Columbus was a Sephardic Jew from Western Europe, Spanish scientists said on Saturday, after using DNA analysis to tackle a centuries-old mystery.


The jews can claim it as theirs now and settle there.
Sun Oct 13 12:23:07

Now they are trying to blame the Jews for the genocide we unleashed on the Natives.

Sam Adams
Sun Oct 13 12:46:03
Lol jews rock.
Mon Oct 14 13:20:28
I'm looking forward to Cherub Cow's analysis of how this fits into the Jews' master plan to kill white people (on a 2,000 year time scale)
Mon Oct 14 14:10:21
"Now they are trying to blame the Jews for the genocide we unleashed on the Natives."

That's a little much. Though they are overwhelmingly responsible for American involvement in the Transatlantic slave trade, it's not really fair to blame them for carrying the same diseases as every other European.

And even though they weren't any more native than you or I, I think we're discussing the same group.
Mon Oct 14 18:11:54

"I'm looking forward to Cherub Cow's analysis of how this fits into the Jews' master plan to kill white people (on a 2,000 year time scale)"

Christianity being a subversion of Judaism, and Christianity being spread primarily by western culture ... it makes perfect sense.

Christianity is an existential threat.

White people left Jews no choice. :o)
Mon Oct 14 18:18:50

"And even though they weren't any more native than you or I, I think we're discussing the same group."

As far as they are concerned, if your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandparents weren't all natural born Americans, then you aren't either.

Mon Oct 14 18:59:32
Only 14 greats? Lots of folks with ancestry to the 16-1700s here.

Guess they should get on a registry.
Mon Oct 14 19:01:51
they can claim Cuba and a few other islands in the Caribbean maybe. Columbus never made it to mainland North, Central nor South America. He thought Cuba was China.
Mon Oct 14 20:49:07

You're right. I meant great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandparents. :o)

Mon Oct 14 20:54:33

"they can claim Cuba and a few other islands in the Caribbean maybe. Columbus never made it to mainland North, Central nor South America. He thought Cuba was China."

He probably strayed into a Chinese laundry. :o)

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