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Utopia Talk / Politics / lol seb
Sam Adams
Mon Oct 21 02:04:44

why young people are fleeing high-tax Britain
A demographic crisis is brewing as emigration from the UK’s rainy isles ramps up


Export anyone with ambition, import pakis and africans. Lmfao.

At this pace you'll be less advanced than latin america soon. Chile has to be about ready to pass you, by standard of living, huh.
Sam Adams
Mon Oct 21 02:09:10
Remember just a few years ago you cried that alabama had passed you economically?

You'll be begging to be back on even that level soon.
Mon Oct 21 03:57:29

This is what happens if you elect Sams for 15 years.
Mon Oct 21 04:00:34
"The issue is that everyone wants the same pool of workers,” says Pomeroy. “Doctors or nurses trained in the UK can just as easily go and work in Australia, the US or the Middle East, and the UK now needs to ‘keep’ them, just like it needs to ‘compete’ for those who may leave parts of Africa or Asia."

Gosh it's almost like Sam's signature idea of slashing wages and cutting taxes is the problem here.
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 21 04:14:57
Sebfag right back to his retarded shtick of "[the right-wing was in charge for 15 years but also they have never been in charge and I hope they will never be in charge]." Doublethink faggotry. Sam was simultaneously in charge but is a "fringe" that should never be in charge per sebbish subversion.

But yeah, sebfag approves of this. He is an anti-White racist, as is the case with all leftists, so he's totally okay with replacing the UK's ethnic population "for GDP" (*wink wink wink (totally not open-eyed treason) wink wink wink*).
Mon Oct 21 07:17:47

At this rate the EU won't want them back.

Sam Adams
Mon Oct 21 10:05:34
Seb you dunce. I have never once advocated for cutting wages. If you want talent, you have to pay for it.

Lol, lacking reading comprehension seb is not one of the uk workers who has the talent to get paid elsewhere.
Mon Oct 21 10:09:07
At least you don't have to walk far for a kebab!
Mon Oct 21 10:09:23
Hopefully you don't get stabbed on the way there for being white
Sam Adams
Mon Oct 21 10:18:46
Imagine going from the british empire to this in 100 years. Entirely self-inflicted too. Sebs part of the greatest choke job in history. Lol.
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 21 10:38:23
"We have the recipes, use your copy ability"
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 21 10:51:21
That retarded Harvard professor who wrote that disingenuous book calling Trump fascist released some more sebbish logic on the 13th:
"1. There are a lot of babies in the world, more than enough to go around 2. Many of these babies are not white/Swedish/German/Christian/Japanese etc 3. So if you care about whites/Swedish/Japanese people being “replaced” you do not care about point 1. 4. If you are obsessed with your country’s white/German/Swedish/Japanese population being replaced you are a fascist (or close enough) (5) natalism is fascism (or close enough). Thank you for coming to my Ted talk"

sebguls think that babies are interchangeable widgets. Need "GDP"? Import interchangeable baby-widgets from bomalia. There are a lot of them, so it's not replacement somehow (and you are a fascist for noticing).
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 21 10:51:45
*"retarded [Yale] professor"
Wed Oct 23 15:56:14

The Commission was taking legal action against the UK due to our customs agency not having enough staff to spot VAT fraud and import scams into the single market while we were members.

Since then there are a number of issues that have cropped up with UK regulators not being able to e.g. spot use of banned pesticides.

Trust me, they will not want us back until we can meet the Acquis which means reversing a decades worth of cuts to "bureaucrats" of the kind that spot and turn back Chinese made kids toys covered in lead paint and people dousing food crops with known carcinogens banned for human consumption.

"Your country on Samenomics."


Yup, self inflicted, under the rule of a government pursuing a smaller state at all costs - just as you have prescribed Sam.

Wed Oct 23 15:57:24

No UK govt has put in place Sam's social policy. Just his economic policy.

Which was bad enough.
Wed Oct 23 15:59:29
I'm pretty sure you could have figured out that policy is not a monolithic block but perhaps such trivialities are beneath your genius intellect.

Or then again, perhaps you are just a moron. Who knows. Who cares.
Sam Adams
Wed Oct 23 18:24:42
Seb says the reason the uk is failing is that government isnt large enough.

Lmfao retarded.

Like this sets a retardation record.
Wed Oct 23 21:47:02
Sa you are letting seb distract you from the actual point.

Educated and ambitious natives in the UK are leaving. Focus on that and let seb drown trying to pretend it isn't an ominous problem.
Thu Oct 24 02:10:19

Read the article:

"The quality of life, the work-life balance, is all much easier in Portugal,” he says. “I can be at the beach in 20 minutes. I can be on the golf course in 20 minutes. It is a lot easier to be out in nature than it is in London.”

Why can't you get to a beach or a golf course in 20 mins. You could... if we had finished electrification and high speed rail projects cancelled by the (conservative) govts to "save money".

Because public transport infrastructure is "big state".

Then let's see what the economist quoted says.

"James Pomeroy, economist at HSBC, says there are three options to fix the crunch. “The “popular” option is policies to lift birth rates, but across the world, these have largely been shown to be ineffective,” he says.

Then there is fixing the public finances to ease the strain – higher taxes, higher pension ages and spending cuts, which are unpopular.

The final option is the Portuguese route: welcoming young migrants."

Oh... so... accepting more migration?

Perhaps the reason living costs have shot up is because the conservative govt adopted a series of policies such as Brexit that hugely increased the cost of basic goods by taking us out of the single market?

Perhaps the reason it's less good to have a tech startup in the UK is because leaving the European single market for services means the UK now has an market of 65m consumers rather than 450m?

Perhaps the reason workforce is so constrained at the lower end is that the conservative UK govt increased hugely the cost of being a parent by:
1. Scrapping sure start
2. Allowing private equity firms to buy up all the nurseries
3. Freezing thresholds at which child benefit and other benefits are withdrawn
4. Not uplifting these benefits in line with inflation

And what does the economist recommend? More migration. Which of course the conservatives oppose.

But where is this pinch felt most strongly?

"The issue is that everyone wants the same pool of workers,” says Pomeroy. “Doctors or nurses trained in the UK can just as easily go and work in Australia, the US or the Middle East, and the UK now needs to ‘keep’ them, just like it needs to ‘compete’ for those who may leave parts of Africa or Asia."

Gosh, Doctors, nurses and not mentioned here: care workers.

The public sector trains them, and then because the conservative govt has set their wages such that over the last 15 years they have had a 35% paycut while refusing to fund needed increases in numbers at training schools (to counter increased failure to retain and increases in demand) - they leave for better paid, easier jobs overseas.

How to plug this gap? Migration. Which the conservatives oppose.

Who just opposed a deal to bring the pay of these medical staff back towards global market levels?

The conservatives.

The fundamental problem is the conservatives only idea is to keep cutting taxes, slashing public services, and cutting investment, and trying to alienate the rest of the world as much as possible by burning trade relationships and engaging in xenophobia.

They've been doing that for 15 years, and it's demonstrably failed. No high value firms want to invest in a country with poor market access, that actively dismantles supply chains, skimps on basic infrastructure and whose govt is obsessed with lowering quality of life at every opportunity.

The conservatives basically think what high value businesses want is cheap, unskilled labour.

They don't, they want the high skill high education workforce that expects good public services, good transport infrastructure and low costs of living which means relying on immigration for low skilled jobs.

If you don't attract that workforce, you don't get the high value businesses. If you don't get the high value businesses, you don't get higher wages.

You can't tax cut your way to this. No amount of tax cuts will get you to raise you child in a place where the schools are falling to bits, transport is from the 1970s and the health care system is looking dodgy.

The economy was doing great in the 90s and 2000s because the cons under Thatcher and Major, and then labour under Blair and Brown, got this right.

Then came the Cameroon conservatives that don't understand business, don't understand the economy and don't even understand Thatcherism but like to cosplay. Basically, the Sam's.

It's been a disaster that will take the next 20 years to fix.

But the answer isn't slash taxes. The only way that will work is if you can somehow get rid of all the pensioners, and block their access to public services.

Otherwise basically, you are fucked. Slashing taxes means less money for the kind of stuff young professionals value (clean streets, good amenities, good transport, good education, lower crime) and the remainder going on health and social care and pensions.

There's a reason why the average age of conservative party members is 70+.

Thu Oct 24 09:21:06
Lol Seb unironically argues that folks who immigrate to less-dense Portugal to relax more on the beach would do the same in the UK if only they could hope on a train flooded with kebabs to get there faster
Sam Adams
Thu Oct 24 09:50:43
"We imported 10 million low-iq low-impulse-control migrants who want to stab you and rape you. Now get on a train with them"

The minds of leftists are amazing.
Sam Adams
Thu Oct 24 10:08:19
How to keep your country running well: Lower taxes and slash red tape and all useless government orgs like dei, etc. Stop giving handouts to lazy people/migrants. Only quality migrants allowed in. Enforce laws against violent crime.

This is not difficult.

But instead you took every obvious easy path and did the opposite. Now you are fucked. We told you so and you didnt listen. Now we can laugh at you, the way we laugh at all socialists.
Fri Oct 25 02:19:25
Rugian, Sam:

None of the factors you describe (fear of brown people) are mentioned.

You are protecting your rampant xenophobia onto people responding to fundamentally economic drivers - which are a consequence of a country actually following your insane economic policy.

It's not surprising you are changing the subject to imagined roving gangs of middle Eastern folks.

"Lower taxes and slash red tape"

They did that for 15 years, result: productivity stagnates, taxes as a proportion of GDP increase because inflation outstrips productivity growth when you slash regulation that allows companies to externalise their cost to others, and slash capital spending on infrastructure.

And when you are as deregulated as the UK (which regularly beats the US regularly on ease of doing business index) capital flight is easy.

The biggest problem isn't "handouts", the biggest problem is pensions.

If we could just let all the old people starve, that would be great.

Thing is, those are the core conservative voters.

"Only quality migrants allowed in"

I love this idea. Let's examine it: there's a huge shortfall of unskilled or skilled and low paid labour to do basic shit like stack warehouses and lol after senile old folks in care homes.

Your genius idea is that we should import high quality people to do the well paid jobs, and Brits should do the shit, low paid jobs.

When CC talks about the great replacement, is this what she means?
Fri Oct 25 02:25:05
It's genius brain ideas like Sam's that show why not to trust your country to cosplay Thatcherites.

Deregulate and privatise your water industry as per Sam, then be surprised that the private owners rack up huge debts, stop investing in extra capacity, flood the beaches with untreated sewage, and flog the water company off to a pension fund telling them it's a sure deal as the govt will eventually be forced to bail it out.

In the mean time, the effect on growth is stunning: just not in the way Sam thinks.
Lack of water capacity prevents building new housing, while pollution reduces agricultural output, shuts down tourist beaches (nobody wants to sail, swim and surf in human turds) and they holiday abroad instead.

Yay for deregulation. All that silly red tape was doing nothing at all of any use.

Fri Oct 25 03:44:53
You should stop giving citizenships to people based on skills, temporary residency is sufficient. For citizenship skill is necessary, but not sufficient. You need to on some level love the country and the culture. Consider a yourself naturalized citizen of the nation and then whatever you were or came from as part of your history, not hyphenate. Then there are some hard lines, like, If you are a Muslim, you can’t become a citizen.
Cherub Cow
Fri Oct 25 04:09:07
[CC]: "Sebfag right back to his retarded shtick of "[the right-wing was in charge for 15 years but also they have never been in charge and I hope they will never be in charge]." Doublethink faggotry. Sam was simultaneously in charge but is a "fringe" that should never be in charge per sebbish subversion."

[seb (traitor to the West, likely pederast)]: "No UK govt has put in place Sam's social policy. Just his economic policy."
[Seb (traitor to the West, likely pederast)]: "I'm pretty sure you could have figured out that policy is not a monolithic block but perhaps such trivialities are beneath your genius intellect. [/] Or then again, perhaps you are just a moron. Who knows. Who cares."

Lulz, sebtard once again shitting the bed trying to start new lies while hoping you all forget about his previous lies. In his latest lie, Sam's *economic* policy was in place (lol, nope; that's also a lie), but even if you believe this new lie, it still requires doublethink for you to accept his contradictory follow-on position (stated in a previous thread), which is that Sam was never and should never have his policies in place because he's a "fringe" element and luckily governance works by "compromise" and therefore the "fringe" can never get what it wants even if it *were* elected (which, per seb, it hasn't been!). Lol.

It's sebtard's Schrodinger: Sam is simultaneously responsible for the last 15 years *and* is too "fringe" to ever have been elected or had any policy represented without compromise.

Or, in sebtard's world, this is how Theseus' Ship works: if your people build a boat and sebtard's people take over both Labour and the Tories, set the boat on fire, and turn it to ash... it's still a boat (and not ash) because the "compromise" (setting your ideas on fire) is still what you wanted, right? Lol
Cherub Cow
Fri Oct 25 04:18:28
[Nim]: "You should stop giving citizenships to people based on skills, temporary residency is sufficient"

Seb wouldn't agree to that, as I've pointed out before. The sebbish strategy of ethnic replacement is the point. They wouldn't just invite migrants to work and then send them back once the GDP goes up; sebbish destroyers want them to *stay* at all costs. This is why in these U.S. the Democrats make both the argument of ethnic replacement via mass migration *and* the promise of enfranchisement for the conquerors. At the bureaucrat's level of lies, it's a reward for the migrants' efforts (i.e., attracting talent), but, in reality, they want these new voters to give them (the oligarchs) power and to destroy their enemies (i.e., sebbish oligarchs want to destroy Westerners).
Fri Oct 25 08:38:14
"Your genius idea is that we should import high quality people to do the well paid jobs, and Brits should do the shit, low paid jobs."

So you want to import low-quality people, who then depress the wages for low-quality Brits, further ensuring that a) no one wants to do it, and b) the only way it gets filled is through low-quality imports.

Now your low-quality Brits are on assistance, if they aren't turned away for being the wrong color, and you still have a doctor shortage.

Awesome idea Seb
Fri Oct 25 08:49:22

"should stop giving citizenships"

You can't get residency from a skills based visa.
Fri Oct 25 09:17:55
Not sure if we are tripping over terminology. The salient part is to stop handing out citizenship because a. someone lived somewhere long enough, b. is skilled or any other reason that has nothing to do with cultural compatibility or a deeper sense of connection to the culture and nation. Like it's great that you can speak the language and have a useful degree, it just isn't enough.
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 25 10:09:02
"They did that for 15 years"

No they didnt. Your fucked up beurocratic left wing government has never done this in our adult lifetimes.
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 25 10:20:48
A problem(and there are many) with seb is that he conflates any tax cut or any regulation repeal with total government collapse and anarchy. And he needs that government as a cruch... without it he might have to think and look out for his family himself, which he does not like doing and finds stressful, even in the smallest quantity. His weak and underdeveloped mind cannot see nuance. He cannot compromise, cannot accept that his chosen side is not always right. He desperately needs to see his opponents as tyrants of the other side, because the middle ground is an off limits region of his mind... too complex to be understood by his plebian mental facilities and thus outright banned.
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 25 10:23:09
Meanwhile sane people are like: theres a happy middle ground where government does what is necessary, but not too much to become bloated and socialist.
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