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Utopia Talk / Politics / Okay maybe Trump is a fascist
Mon Oct 21 07:49:15
Trump is planning to hold a rally at New York's Madison Square Garden this week.

You know who else had a rally at Madison Square Garden? The NAZIS.

Checkmate, MAGAtards.


JAMES CARVILLE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: "Trump has announced that he will be giving a speech at Madison Square Garden on October 27th. Please, Google "Madison Square Garden February 10th, 1939" and see what happened there. They are telling you exactly what they're going to do. They are telling you, "We are going to institute a fascist regime," and the press and all the Alan Dershowitz wannabes out there are out here, saying, "She sold have gone to the Al Smith dinner, she doesn’t do enough long-form interviews." I am so sick of these people. The entire Constitution is in jeopardy. The Supreme Court and Clarence Thomas have totally greenlighted the idea that you could use the military to round up your political enemies...He lies about everything, except he is telling the truth when he says he’s going to have a roundup."

Sam Adams
Mon Oct 21 10:08:17
Its a religion to these people. Its not supposed to make sense anymore.
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 21 10:29:02
Wow, Carville is a fucking retard.
Mon Oct 21 10:40:34

Hopefully NYC turns out to give Trump and his people a nice warm welcome.

Mon Oct 21 14:03:17
Ya know, I thought rugian was making a joke with the connection to nazis via Madison Square garden but nope, there is carville making a nonexistent connection to trump in 2024 and the nazi party in 1939.

Genuinely wonder if he has his own form of dementia because that connection is really out there.
Mon Oct 21 14:27:26

I wish I could chalk this up to a single guy's dementia.

Let's turn over to our friends at The Guardian:

"A week before the election, Trump will hold his most unsettling spectacle yet

Sidney Blumenthal

For the apotheosis of his entire “poisoning of the blood” campaign, Donald Trump has planned a spectacular extravaganza in Madison Square Garden on 27 October, a week before the election...

...Trump’s climactic rally will not be in the spirit of any past presidential event ever held there. His gathering for the great racist replacement theory will be the culmination of his spiraling descent since the Charlottesville rally in 2017 when neo-Nazis chanted, “Jews will not replace us.” “Fine people on both sides,” Trump said then. Now, at his night at the Garden, Trump will revive the memory of the infamous American Nazi mass rally held there on 20 February 1939 through his reflected Hitlerian rhetoric."


You can tell that they're in absolute meltdown mode at the moment...they know he could actually win this thing, and that's putting them into full blown panic mode.
Mon Oct 21 14:53:16
"Is a Trump rally akin to a Nazi rally? This state senator thinks so.

By JASON BEEFERMAN 10/09/2024 04:51 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a rally at Madison Square Garden later this month, and the event is already sparking fierce backlash from New York Democrats.

Now Manhattan state Sen. Brad Hoylman-Sigal’s passionate plea to cancel the event has sparked another debate.

“Let’s be clear,” Hoylman-Sigal wrote on X this morning. “Allowing Trump to hold an event at MSG is equivalent to the infamous Nazis rally at Madison Square Garden on February 20, 1939.”"

Mon Oct 21 15:07:19
The New Republic:

"Trump at Madison Square Garden: Is He Kidding? Yes. And No.

The planned rally raises creepy echoes of Fritz Kuhn’s pro-Nazi rally in 1939. "

Mon Oct 21 15:20:45
I think they are terrified of the fact that they will have to cover it and talk about it and due to the fact that Harris cannot hope to hold a rival event that can match his in terms of spectacle, trump will dominate the news cycle for the last week of the election. The best hope the democrats have is for trump to have a small crowd or a divided crowd that they can use against trump and his influence.
Mon Oct 21 16:35:30
Isn't Madison Square Gardens where rich white people went to watch black people beat each other therefore keeping the slave/master dynamic alive and well?
Trump said he watched Ali fight there. What a racist.
Tue Oct 22 17:42:50

"I need the kind of generals that Hitler had. People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders."

Tue Oct 22 17:54:24
Every commander wants those kind of generals.
Tue Oct 22 18:31:49

WWII: There were “very fine people on both sides.”

Tue Oct 22 19:27:59
"I need the kind of generals that Hitler had. People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders."

Felix Steiner didn't though :o

Tue Oct 22 19:28:15
Friedrich Paulus didn't either, now that I think about it.
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 22 20:57:07
Yeah, they're getting desperate. The same people who created the "suckers and losers" hoax are creating the "I need the kind of generals that Hitler had" hoax:

In both cases, the Atlantic falsified quotations and hid behind "anonymous" reporting, whereas the Trump admin for the "suckers and losers" hoax had people go on-record to expose the media hoax. We saw this further when Trump released the unedited video of his appearance on "60 Minutes", which showed how "60 Minutes" blatantly edits to deceive.

Naturally, low-IQ left-wing dogma bots such as "murder" are trying to do their part to continue circulating hoaxes such as..
• "suckers and losers" (hoax)
• "very fine people on both sides" (hoax)
• "I need the kind of generals that Hitler had" (hoax)

And do not forget that these deceptive edits and hoaxes are not accidents, mistakes, or incompetence on the part of the media; they are lying intentionally and with specific goals in mind. They are trying to provoke an a55a55ination against Trump, and there is no lie that they will not tell to achieve this end.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 22 22:18:24
kargen's is the better defense

of course he said it

he values loyalty to him over anything else, he admires all autocrats, he's a moron
Wed Oct 23 05:02:41

I was so sure that CC would be all in with Trump and Hitler.

White supremacist ... check

Anti-immigrant ... check

Anti-Semite ... check

Conspiracy goofball ... check

It's almost as if when they see their own reflection they know it's bad, but they don't recognize that it's their own reflection.

Wed Oct 23 05:07:03

"Yeah, they're getting desperate. The same people who created the "suckers and losers" hoax are creating the "I need the kind of generals that Hitler had" hoax:"

Of course. Which explains why so many of Trump's former cabinet members, advisors, aides, and staff, oppose his election.
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 23 06:26:53
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Of course. Which explains why so many of Trump's former cabinet members, advisors, aides, and staff, oppose his election."

False premise.
This is tumblefag's common error of thinking that people like Liz Cheney and John Bolton had spotless records and are blessed little angels for opposing Trump... whereas this "former ... staff" lie proceeds from the false premise that these were not just Neo-Cons and uni-party traitors. The simple reality is that people went on record — signing their own names — saying that these were hoaxes, whereas cowards such as yourself give even *more* legitimacy to the "unnamed sources" of biased and weaponized Politburo organizations because their lies suit your want of totalitarianism and annihilation.

We know that they are lying.
We know that you yourself are a liar.
You cannot put the mask back on, liar.

• [murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "I was so sure that CC would be all in with Trump and Hitler."

False premise.
Thought-terminating cliché.
Fallacy of association.

• [murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: ""White supremacist ... check"

False premise.
Thought-terminating cliché.
I am not a White supremacist, and neither is Trump.
"White supremacist" is an illegitimate moniker of subversives, Marxists/Bolsheviks, and resentful slaves such as yourself. I love the West and its people. I love most those of my family, my tribe, my people — in that order. You, being a slavish destroyer, have inverted this formula of all successful civilizations; thus you hate your family, your tribe, your people, and prefer the enemies of your people; thus you facilitate the enemies of your people in their conquest of the West. You have admitted this in the past. Your mask can never be put back on.

• [murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Anti-immigrant ... check"

False premise.
I am against immigration being used as a weapon against the West. Cynical destroyers and Marxists have used immigration explicitly to replace and annihilate White Westerners because they believe (being racists such as yourself) that White Westerners must be genocided in order to achieve International Bolshevism's goal of messianic totalitarianism.

I am against you and your attempts at genocide and totalitarianism. In some magical Utopia of ignorance and without destroyers such as yourself, I might be okay with immigration taking place which is done with assimilation and limits on the franchise, where authority *requires* direct and demonstrable responsibility to the principles of the West and where authority is *denied* to subversives and destroyers. Sadly, given the absolute weaponization of immigration, there must be a total freeze and a mass-remigration to purge traitors and infiltrators such as yourself. A generation of infiltrators will have to live in their origin nations (or close enough) because traitors such as yourself shamelessly took off your masks and employed a racialist strategy to destroy the West.

Marxists and cynical destroyers such as yourself are against the West, are anti-White racists, and are using immigrants as Bio-Leninist weapons. You are evil.

• [murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Anti-Semite ... check"

False premise.
Is Trump an "Anti-Semite"?
No. He is painfully anti-"Anti-Semite". You might want to check within the left for "your own reflection", you disingenuous and projecting liar. What does "The Squad" have in common? All brazenly fit the bill for this thought-terminating cliché of the totalitarian Regime which you serve and parrot mindlessly.

And what is a "semite"?
You don't know. Start Googling, faggot.
Am I anti-jew?
Am I against Talmudic teachings which require jewish supremacy as a "Master Race" which enslaves all non-jews via dysgenics and Kalergi's "race of the future"?
I think all peoples should be allowed to maintain their ethnic populations and create their own uplift without parasitism and the sabotage of other peoples. If billions in foreign aid representing the bulk of foreign aid were being sent to Lebanon by a Lebanon-PAC that somehow had a special allowance to *not* register under FARA as a foreign agent, then I'd want that to stop too.
- No citizen can serve two masters.
- Dual citizenship must be abolished.
- Foreign aid should only be sent by individual private citizens; no representative should even be allowed to send Western wealth to a foreign nation without individual citizens accepting/approving it as an itemized value on their taxes.

• [murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Conspiracy goofball ... check"

False premise.
Thought-terminating cliché.
You use these pathetic thought-terminating clichés as gaslighting, as a loyalty pledge to your totalitarian masters (thought-terminating clichés being the language of thought-reform under totalitarian governance), and as demonstrations of your pathetic ignorance. You, like tumblefag, are so abysmally low-information that you assume that anything that the Regime has not approved for your consumption must be a "conspiracy". This is how you use doublethink to remain both ignorant and defiantly confident in the telling of lies; you know that the Regime approves your absolute immorality and evil.

You must be disenfranchised and exiled from the West — never to know its liberties again — because you spat on its virtues as naturally as you and your fellow goblins sweat putrid slime.
Wed Oct 23 06:59:19
You allowed the market to take over and own how you organize society, i.e. politics. Now you get to live in the most ill country in the West. Capitalist hero Adam Smith warned you about doing that a long time ago:

“People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public. The interest of [businessmen] is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public ... The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order ... ought never to be adopted, till after having been long and carefully examined ... with the most suspicious attention. It comes from an order of men ... who have generally an interest to deceive and even oppress the public”
Wed Oct 23 07:10:52
Yeah, US schools tend to ignore stuff like that when teaching kids the lie that business world demands they teach them, that Smith at all believed "the market will sort it out"
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 23 08:40:33
williamthebitchfag is so loaded up on SSRIs that he doesn't even know or care what thread he's posted this latest «non sequitur» in. Absolute fraud.
Wed Oct 23 09:57:47
Can we get Talmudic references for this?

”Talmudic teachings which require jewish supremacy as a "Master Race" which enslaves all non-jews via dysgenics and Kalergi's "race of the future"?
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 23 11:18:32
[Nim]: "Can we get Talmudic references for this?"

The very dialectic of there being a "Chosen" people is Master/Slave dialectic, since if someone is "Chosen" by birth then it necessarily follows that those not Chosen are merely slaves; it follows that a "Chosen" person can do no wrong and that a non-Chosen person can do no right except to the benefit of the "Chosen" (enslavement dogma). This is why Christianity instead teaches that people must *earn* salvation through good works, though sects such as Calvinism and Lutheranism attempted judaistic enslavement dogmas via a "special elect". This delusional and malevolently psychotic belief in a "Chosen" people is found in modern jews such as Prager, Shapiro, and others.

Talmud, Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5:
"With regard to anyone who destroys one soul from the Jewish people, i.e., kills one Jew, the verse ascribes him blame as if he destroyed an entire world, as Adam was one person, from whom the population of an entire world came forth. And conversely, anyone who sustains one soul from the Jewish people, the verse ascribes him credit as if he sustained an entire world."

Taanit 30b:4:
"Whoever mourns for Jerusalem will merit and see her future joy, and whoever does not mourn for Jerusalem will not see her future joy."

• "Master Race" comes from pre-WWI Jewish propaganda; the National Socialists felt that they should be their own masters rather than accept masters outside of their people. This was later propagandized as National Socialists just deciding one day that they wanted to enslave the world (total projection).

• Kalergi's "race of the future" is the jew Kalergi's description of the ideal slave race for jews (a homogenized brown mass). This comes from Kalergi's "Practical Idealism" — and not, as some erroneous memes claim, from the "Kalergi Plan".

Bottom line is that without getting in Talmudic pilpul, anyone who claims to be "Chosen" is definitionally evil, with "tikkun olam" being a global totalitarian dogma that serves this dialectic (i.e., it forces the world into this Chosen/not Master/slave binary).
the wanderer
Wed Oct 23 12:07:03
let's break it down...

-we know he called generals "my generals" (done publicly, repeatedly)

-we know he values personal loyalty beyond all else, including any policy views (publicly again, many times, like saying Stacy Abrams would be better than Kemp w/ his -only- complaint of Kemp is not helping him overturn democracy)

-we know he butted heads w/ his generals/defense dept & they let him down or embarrassed him (in his mind)

-so the only thing left is would he think Hitler's generals would be loyal examples... is this hard to believe? it has to be a wartime or why would there be any view of the generals... plus Trump prefers strongmen/autocrats (think of the leaders he praises, think of the leaders he openly insults)

obviously he said it

(& obviously he admires Hitler, same as his unyielding admiration for Putin & Xi, & Trump's whole rhetoric mirrors Hitler's... plenty of evidence people will pretend doesn't exist though not what Gen Kelly is putting out beyond saying Trump said 'Hitler did some good things', but it's definitely true)
Wed Oct 23 13:52:49
Funny, because Obama was the one who conducted an unprecedented purge of military senior leadership.
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 23 21:42:59
[tumblefag (TDS Bot, liar, likely pederast)]: "we know he values personal loyalty beyond all else"

False and liar-pilled.
This has been one of the many DNC hoaxes that people not so easily deceived by low-IQ propaganda have had to watch melt your tiny brain. In reality, Trump's valuing of loyalty was situationally due to having active Regime sycophants infiltrating his cabinet through bureaucratic endorsements and undermining the policies that he was elected to represent.

Bolshevik swine such as yourself would understand this if you had the IQ necessary to entertain the subjunctive: if Bolsheviks are actively infiltrating and you are not a Bolshevik, you too would (situationally) value loyalty. But pretending that loyalty itself is "bad thing" or that it's somehow the measure of a "dictator" or "authoritarian" is just more disingenuous cult logic on your part. Loyalty is something so intuitively valued in the West that it has been a staple of the Greek and Roman tradition into England and into the foundations of these United States. You, being a subversive cult-slave and anti-West and anti-White destroyer, oppose this virtue, thinking (wrongly) that it must mean loyalty without intelligent disobedience. Like many subversives, you think that "intelligent disobedience" means "necessary and overt betrayal and treason to support the Bolshevik Regime as a rule". If Biden's cabinet were patriots who actively opposed him, your hypocrisy would not be able to contain itself because your only principle is power.

[tumblefag (TDS Bot, liar, likely pederast)]: "we know he butted heads w/ his generals/defense dept & they let him down or embarrassed him (in his mind)"

Not just "in his mind", you disingenuous liar.
Generals such as General Milley represented active subversion of governance.
Learn about ESG yet? Nope, so this will go over your head.
But Milley actively pushed ESG/DEI (which is Bolshevism) within the military, expanded its role in the military colleges, and therefore took the traitor's position by default. When Trump resisted this Bolshevik infiltration of governance, Milley deliberately and openly disobeyed Trump's direct orders, making cause with the outright enemies of these United States. This is treason in any other era, but Bolshevik swine such as yourself believe treason to be a virtue and therefore should be disenfranchised and deported like all the other Bolsheviks.

[tumblefag (TDS Bot, liar, likely pederast)]: "-so the only thing left is would he think Hitler's generals would be loyal examples... ... obviously he said it"

False premise.
Non sequitur.
Delusional bile.
Unsupported conclusion based on mind-reading.
Begging the question.

Do you not see how fucking crazy you are? You jumped from "[he disagreed with his generals]" to "therefore he must have praised Nazi leadership]". This is the kind of low-IQ puke that a fifth-grader like Dukhat could get from Reddit. That's the measure of your IQ, your (weak) grasp of logic and reason, and your abysmal comprehension. You are out of your depth, as usual.

In reality, in *any* functional nation, loyalty is a virtue — especially in the military. "Loyalty" is literally one of the core leadership traits of the Marine Corps. Is Marine Corps leadership "autocratic" "Nazi" "strongmen" logic, you fucking bitch-coward? To *you*, being a Bolshevik collectivist and coward, well, yes, Marine Corps leadership is "fascist" and "Hitler"-like. That's how deluded, desperate, dangerous, and dumb you are. You cannot see the absolute necessity of ultra-violence. You take this position because the cult demands it. Like many cultists, you think that the very act of policing criminals is "fascist", and any measure of force is therefore akin to "Hitler". Yours is the ideology of weaklings.

You might want to channel your 65-IQ points into thinking about what happens to a nation if even its military is not loyal to the nation and its founding principles. Do you think a military should be hired mercenaries with no loyalty except to a bureaucratic (Bolshevik) state's earning reports? Would soldiers go to war for an economic zone? Have you *ever* known the loyalty of another person, or, more likely, are you so fucking pathetic that not a single person would ever support you beyond their immediate strategic economic ends?

Cowards such as yourself always fear virtue, since you have none, none see it within you, and therefore the virtuous can see in you the stink of obsolescence. You fear true leadership because it hurts your mind to know that you will never possess the maturity to even attempt it. You are a child and have a child's politics.
Wed Oct 23 21:45:06
@rugian - I haven't seen that scene unedited since film school.

I'm used to seeing hitler lose his shit over college football.
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 23 22:00:33
Forgot to mention, but RE the idiotic belief that "[hur hur, Trump said good things about autocrats therefore he's an autocrat]"..

Before the advent of overly propagandized useful idiots of TDS such as tumbletard, it was a commonly understood aspect of Americans and the West that we valued honor even among our enemies. An example that has been memed is that Americans could watch a sports game between an American team and a foreign nation and cheer on the team even of the foreign nation — if that nation demonstrated true principles such as sportsmanship. People of other nations, meanwhile, are far more likely only to support their team — regardless of any cheating or subversion by that team. This is often why many third-world nations have no issue with "flopping" in soccer (or enjoy soccer at all, since soccer is largely a coward's sport); they have no such sense of honor or respect for competence and the warrior spirit. They do not cultivate strength and therefore accept the weakling's method of cheating for gains.

People who remember life pre-2016 (before the DNC's turbodrive of psychosis propaganda) could easily say that they respect the war-fighting capabilities of enemy nations, but now the warped view of leftists is that you cannot even pretend that Russia has a competent military because "[muh Putin talking points]". That is the logic of cults. You must respect your enemy. This is simple strategic intelligence.

Or, if you need to hear it from someone else, here's a portrayal of Marine John Basilone in "The Pacific":
"John Basilone explains the Japanese Soldier"

Your thought-terminating clichés are weak, and the time for cowards is coming to an end.
Thu Oct 24 05:44:03
I am really only interested in the scriptural references since that is what you claimed. You interpreting it, or rather using others’ exegesis—whose interpretation is it? The challenge here lies in the interpretation of these texts and the broader theological context. This is especially pertinent for a religion so old that has undergone so many reforms over the millennia. Many Jewish scholars and communities understand the idea of being “Chosen” not as a claim of superiority but as a call to responsibility, service, and ethical living. In light of that, the references you made are not nearly the smoking gun you would expect; they are weak, to be honest. I mean, when we say Islam teaches to cut the hands of a thief, that is literally what the Quran says. I agree that ethnic superiority is one interpretation, but given the ambiguity, it is in no way the only one. Surely there are poll figures; how many Jews believe in the exegesis you are voicing? How many Talmudic scholars make this interpretation, etc.? This is important because there are so many different readings of this chosenness concept.

To then add that, while Jews do not proselytize, anyone can convert to Judaism. Such a backdoor fatally undermines whatever supremacy elements there are in any ideology.

“This is why Christianity instead teaches that people must earn salvation through good works.”

Okay. Not sure which Christ this is. Is it the same Christ who, on the cross, tells a repentant bandit that he will be in paradise with him? Who saves Mary Magdalene for no reason of good deeds, just grace? Salvation through grace is a central theme of Christianity. While there are traditions where deeds are incorporated—e.g., James 2:26 “Faith without works is dead”—we can’t claim Christianity teaches this in opposition to the deeds of Jesus himself.

”Talmudic pilpul.”

Well, you made the assertion specifically. If you had said there is a Jewish supremacist political movement, well, that would be even less interesting because it is expected, isn’t it? Which people does not have this element?

”Chosen is definitionally evil, [because it can only mean supremacy over others].”

I disagree. It could be defined as heroic, a model to emulate. Noble. Definitionally, the point is that it is not inherently evil to consider your people to be divinely chosen for a purpose.

One bad version is that Jews are chosen to spread the message of the one god. This would make it as bad as the Islamic proselytizing is the west. But, like so mcuh if the horrible code, it has been rendered inert. Proselytizing is largely seen as offensive and a violation of free will.

This Jew stuff, is by far the weakest part of your output and I think you know that. You should have seen my face, when I realized that at the bottom of the well of the red&black pill, there were Jews.

“Am I anti-jew?

But this is fair and I think we should be fair, can you give examples of Jews that you would deem outside the demonic cabal trying to destroy the west. It would help me understand where you are coming from better.
Thu Oct 24 05:44:24
That was for CC, clearly.
Thu Oct 24 12:41:43

"Before the advent of overly propagandized useful idiots of TDS such as tumbletard, it was a commonly understood aspect of Americans and the West that we valued honor even among our enemies."

Tell me all about the honor of the Nazis.

Cherub Cow
Thu Oct 24 22:19:33
[murder (left-wing dogma bot, likely pederast)]: "Tell me all about the honor of the Nazis."

Since you are Reddit-tier stupid, you really thought you were clever with this drive-by diaper-shitting; but it exactly makes my point.

TDS bots and useful idiots such as yourself truly believe that there was not an ounce or moment of honor among National Socialists — a rhetorical deception with a planned follow-up deception of afterwards stating, "[You're defending *Nazis*??? Ermahgerdz!!]" But your statement requires immense ignorance and The Party's evasion of all nuance — the absolutist logic of totalitarian death cults.

This same totalitarian logic was used by Regime psychosis propagators to apply thought-terminating clichés to the factual record around Trump, meaning that even if a non-partisan were to correct an overt lie about Trump, Party Loyalists such as tumblefag and the common Dukhat-Redditor would be able to say, "[You're defending *Trump*???]" — symbolizing the Party Cultist's willingness to ignore facts in order to take part in the Two Minutes Hate. That is, under successful Party Propaganda, the Party's scapegoat must be an absolute enemy with no measure of nuance available in the discussion of him. This is why Party Cultists such as tumblefag can be consistently relied upon to accept Party lies, misrepresent Trump, and shamelessly tell new lies about him — the Party forbids them from doing otherwise, they know intuitively that nuance is the enemy of their continued psychosis, and they know that their psychosis is demanded by the Party.

The utility of this is obvious, hence it is only useful idiots such as sebgul, tumblefag, and "murder" that take part in this transparent propaganda. American Civil War reconciliation, for instance, is a history which must be totally ignored by the Party Cultist since the Party demands that their useful idiots prepare to offer no quarter to the Party's future enemies (e.g., the Party Cultist memes positively about Sherman, as instructed by the Party). The Party Cultist must also be propagandized with memes of "Baby Hitler", "punch a Nazi", repressive tolerance (Popper Paradox memes), and the idea that "[We shouldn't have left any Nazis alive last time]" because the Party is preparing a genocide against its opposition and is using the propaganda of transference to convince useful idiots of the lie of modern "Nazis" in their own nation.

The useful idiot believes that this genocide will liberate him, unaware that this Marxist liberation theology is designed to enslave him under oligarchs far worse than any oligarch he has been trained to blame. Thus, he ignores factual records about, for instance, the Christmas Truce of 1914, the Christmas Truce of 1862, stories from veterans about not wanting to kill but feeling forced by oligarchs, stories of brothers not wanting to fight brothers, and stories of reconciliation and forgiveness. Leftists are being conditioned for terrible things, and they were systematically alienated from the moral frameworks that would prevent their compliance with these horrors. Their own truly stated opposition, meanwhile, has no such genocidal ambitions, wanting instead for the left to learn a conscience and remember forever their treasons. The left cannot even read the words which might lessen their Faith in Party, so they cannot hear this message.
Cherub Cow
Fri Oct 25 00:34:37
Hillary Clinton, also known as "Shoggoth the Many-Mouthed Hypnotist Slime of the Mountains of Madness", appeared on CNN to re-float Carville's insane delusion about Madison Square Garden being "[like literally Hitler dood]":

Surprisingly, in her fake definitions of "[like this is literally a fascism]" she did *not* cite Yale retard-jew Jason Stanley, who people may recall as the publisher of a DNC hit piece book that claimed that families and tradition are like "[literally a Hitler-Trump 8000]." Even so, that did not stop Hillary from pretending to be like, you know, totally a reasonable and steady person who is like, totally moderate and just wants to warn you of the totally real and not conveniently invented signs of muh fascism dood.

A lot of us take these things for granted, but just think of how psychotic these people are. They are going on broadcast TV and calling a New-Yorker and former Democrat "Hitler" because he's using a popular stadium, and they are slimily trying to use this rhetoric to provoke an a55a55ination from among their viewers. There are useful idiots and retards who can watch a segment such as this and think they're just getting unbiased and objective information.

Meanwhile, all the basketball players who have been using Madison Square Garden are somehow not worried about Regime media saying that they're "Hitler" for playing there. Weird.

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