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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump worked more hours at McDs
Mon Oct 21 15:39:32
Than Harris


No photos, no pay stub, no record of employment and no former coworkers remember her.

Haha what a dumb lie to get caught in.
Mon Oct 21 15:42:01

"Trump worked more hours at McDs"

Than he's ever worked in his entire fucking life.

Mon Oct 21 15:44:40

With a few more days of training he may even learn how to fill the french fry container.

Mon Oct 21 15:53:56

Trump seemed fine. Harris though? Harris struggles to move specs of dirt with a shovel.
Mon Oct 21 15:56:10
That's my president. A man of the people.
Mon Oct 21 16:03:39
For Harris' own sake I hope she's lying about her McDonalds gig.

Blowing a superior to advance your political career is humiliating enough. But in order to be able to work the fry station that week? Oof.
Mon Oct 21 16:03:47
You know trump didn't cheap out on thw fries, he was making sure they were overflowing from their holder. TC would be in heaven.
Mon Oct 21 16:08:07
Developing an exceptional head game at McDonald's is what gave her the experience to advance her political career. You think Willie brown is going to promote a woman who uses her teeth? You think Montel Williams is gonna invite a woman to a three way among Hollywood quasi-elites if she whines about her jaw hurting?
Average Ameriacn
Tue Oct 22 01:27:23
They use IA to fake videos about his great job at McD, don' believe them!

Tue Oct 22 06:56:55

Donald Trump thought that fry station workers used their hands to put the french fries in their containers.


Definitely a man of the people. lol :o)

Tue Oct 22 07:01:08


He's such a fucking moron. :o)

Tue Oct 22 07:05:19


You're just asking us not to click your links now aren't you. Lol
Tue Oct 22 07:28:18

I'm not asking you to anything. I just make it available as a courtesy in case someone wants to see it for themselves instead of taking my word for it.

In your case, you don't want to know. You have to live in denial just to be able to support the retard leading your party.

The moron thought McDonald's workers handled your hot fries with their hands.

Tue Oct 22 08:36:05
You're vastly overstating the amount of *reliable* information that the Daily Show is likely to convey.
Tue Oct 22 08:57:57
It's still far more reliable than anything out of right-wing nowadays. You're addicted to misinformation.
Tue Oct 22 09:08:05
"Trump said there were very fine people on both sides"

- You all, intentionally still ignoring the full context of that quote EIGHT YEARS after it was made
Tue Oct 22 09:20:45
Muhhh Russia
Muhhh Fine people
Muhhh Kurds
Muhhh Kids in cages
Muhhh Muslim Ban
Muhhh Insurrection

Muhhh misinformation
Tue Oct 22 10:09:55

"You're vastly overstating the amount of *reliable* information that the Daily Show is likely to convey."

Possibly. But it's a video of Trump saying it himself. Yes, he actually said it like he doesn't realize how retarded it is.

Tue Oct 22 10:20:30
So trump spent like an hour trolling Harris regarding giving customers drench fries and murder, absolute moron that he is, saw a problem with trump not understanding how the system worked. It's almost like he assumed it would be more efficient.
Tue Oct 22 10:22:21
Funny enough. His position. Trump that is. Is about worrying about the physical health of people handling incredibly hot liquid.

But trump is the bad guy who did it

And Harris is the good guy who lied about doing it.
Tue Oct 22 11:02:14
Obviously, it is better to tell vague lies screened by an army of staffers in pre-planned interviews than to say tangible, off-the-wall shit in a live setting.

Tue Oct 22 11:15:08

"So trump spent like an hour trolling Harris regarding giving customers drench fries and murder, absolute moron that he is, saw a problem with trump not understanding how the system worked. It's almost like he assumed it would be more efficient."

How the system worked? Yeah, it has nothing to do with Trump being a moron and totally out of touch with the common man.

"Funny enough. His position. Trump that is. Is about worrying about the physical health of people handling incredibly hot liquid."

No, it's about people touching his food. Which he thought was happening and he didn't like. Not that it ever stopped him from eating it anyway.
Tue Oct 22 11:16:15

"Obviously, it is better to tell vague lies screened by an army of staffers in pre-planned interviews than to say tangible, off-the-wall shit in a live setting."

Have you heard about Arnold Palmer's dick? Your candidate wants to tell you all about it.

Tue Oct 22 11:27:57

I used to watch the Daily Show during the GWB years. 90% of their "gotcha" content was by taking one snippet out of full interview that happened to be poorly worded or out of context and using that to imply that the speaker was a total idiot.

By the way, this was back when Jon Stewart was claiming that he wasn't a partisan leftwing hack, he was just concentrating his show's efforts on the party in power. Boy, did that illusion shatter once Barack and the Democrats took full power in 2009 and Jon...continued to spend his energy attacking the minority Republicans. And also Obama, but only when he strayed from the leftwing programme.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 22 11:35:10
DailyMail headline:

"McDonald's claims they are missing Kamala Harris's employment records as staff are 'sworn to secrecy'"


"McDonald's claims they are missing Kamala Harris's employment records"

actual claim: "we and our franchisees don't have records for all positions dating back to the early '80s"
not missing for Kamala, not missing at all... there was no internet... i bet most franchises staffing not on any computer at all... this claim establishes absolutely nothing


"staff are 'sworn to secrecy"

they are quoting a fellow tabloid which claims employees were asked not to comment... employees who wouldn't know anything anyway... that's not 'swearing to secrecy', it's trying to keep their franchise out of toxic politics


"No photos, no pay stub, no record of employment and no former coworkers remember her"

assuming Kamala even tried to comply w/ those requests...

photos - this was before digital cameras & before selfies & social media to do something w/ the photos... you had to pay for film & pay to develop it... not weird if she doesn't have any physical 40-yr-old photos

pay stubs - seriously? omg, you don't have paystubs from a job you had 40 years ago??

former coworkers - not remotely established no one remembers her, & even if Kamala remembers the first AND last names of coworkers from 40 years ago, maybe she doesn't want to get them death threats by asking to confirm her story

dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

(& total bullshit on DailyMail's part)
the wanderer
Tue Oct 22 12:07:23
"out of context"

does it require being out of context for Trump?

...not that shitbag R's don't just rely on that for every crazy thing he says

never once has anyone shown anything i've posted to be out of context... much of it is just his full posts on his counterfeit Twitter
Tue Oct 22 12:31:55

You're the guy who thinks that every negative story about Trump that relies on a single unnamed source is true because, in your mind, "it sounds like something he would do."

Meanwhile, your own direct exposure to Trump is limited to out-of-context clips posted by the likes of atrupar and acyn.

You were in many ways the ideal mark for the Daily Show. What Fox News did to a turn a bunch of boomers into frothing at the mouth partisan hacks, Jon Stewart singlehandedly did to a generation of left-leaning people.

Thank God you never became a police detective man.
large member
Tue Oct 22 13:37:24
To leap directly to the acceptance stage. Trump elected may not be the worst outcome. There is after all a very real chance of a serious insurrection if his bid fails and ultimately, he is a bit too transactional to seriously upset (destroy the world upset) the global order. Assuming his mental health is not in trouble for age related reasons (then all bets are off).

Frankly, friends are in bigger trouble than enemies. Trump's pay their own part principles would be devastating for Israel and Ukraine if meted out in full. 60% tarriffs on German industry would be the final kicker on top of the huge issues already caused by Russia related disruptions.

Norway will be fine of course regardless. So no true skin in game beyond the insult to my sensibilities a Trump victory would entail.
large member
Tue Oct 22 14:06:30
Incidentally, a biden campaign poison pill. Choosing a woman of colour as running mate was to ensure the vp was an unviable alternative to a very old biden in 2024. No use for that person to run a losing primary campaign that a younger white man vp might easily win. Biden's health issues were cloaked for too long for a serious contender to enter the race.

Nice kingmaking biden strategists. Though at least Harris got to be VP. So baby steps towards a woman president one day. Maybe in our lifetimes.
Tue Oct 22 14:33:31
"Biden's health issues were cloaked for too long for a serious contender to enter the race."

Biden's health has been a known quantity for five years now for those of us who were paying attention.

His performance at the debate was exactly as good as his performance at any one of the dozens of public events where he froze up or completely tripped over his words.

Sure, his staff made sure that he didn't sit down for interviews and kept him away from as many press briefings as possible. But if anyone is to blame for the public being in the dark over his condition, it's the mainstream media that so desperately ran defense for him as long as they believed that he could defeat Trump.

Bottom line, watch Fox News once in a while. They do get some things right, even if they're insufferable about it.
Tue Oct 22 14:47:27

"maybe she doesn't want to get them death threats by asking to confirm her story"

Or maybe she saw how it emboldened white supremacists when Obama was manipulated into showing his papers to prove that the laws of white supremacy applied even to a negro elected President.

Let MAGA make all the noise it wants. No one is deciding who to vote for based on Kamala coming up with decades old pictures or pay stubs.

Tue Oct 22 14:56:18

Mind you, all this bullshit is coming from a guy who is still hiding his tax returns and his health records.

the wanderer
Tue Oct 22 15:12:18
"your own direct exposure to Trump is limited to out-of-context clips posted by the likes of atrupar and acyn."

NOPE NOT EVEN CLOSE an insane claim (but yes, you need it to be true... you can't possibly vote for the lawless criminal guy who -really is- & -is meaning- the shit he says & -really did- everything in both federal indictments)

i have regularly posted HIS posts, & that's the bulk of what i post

(and the way i found atrupar & acyn is seeing his idiocy on tv & wanting a clip of it, & those guys make them... & NEVER ONCE has anyone shown an extended clip demonstrating anything out of context)
Wed Oct 23 21:37:22
Tw and murder are arguing, with zero evidence, that Harris worked by McDonald's. Lol.
the wanderer
Wed Oct 23 22:07:55
what's your evidence she didn't

(it's not on an old resume of hers... that's the only real evidence that started the nonsense... not remotely definitive & on a stupid issue)

also what's your (or Trump's) evidence Haitians are eating dogs (& cats) in Springfield... afaik still at zero examples... maybe he shouldn't have shouted it out at a debate? nor completely made up that he saw people claiming it on TV?
Wed Oct 23 22:10:08
McDonald's stock has tanked recently.

The mainstream media wants you to think it's because of an e.coli outbreak.

But facebook memes know the truth: Liberals who hate trump are responsible.
the wanderer
Wed Oct 23 22:24:17
Trump caused the e.coli outbreak

(& that's what he'd be speculating in the reverse... & w/o it being a joke...)
the wanderer
Wed Oct 23 22:48:39
oh, Trump also says there's definitive proof Kamala didn't work at McDonald's... let me know what that is... (i know what it is, & it's idiotic & offers exactly zero proof at all...)

you will be voting for such a fucking moron & -completely- obvious liar...
Thu Oct 24 12:39:55

"Tw and murder are arguing, with zero evidence, that Harris worked by McDonald's. Lol."

I have incontrovertible evidence that absolutely no one gives a fuck where Kamala Harris worked when she was young.

Thu Oct 24 16:48:50
Great political theatre.

He took a throw away lie no ome carednabout, and made it into a big win for him, and a moderate loss for her.

Fucking brilliant.
Thu Oct 24 17:47:59

Yeah Trump is a genius because he says "Polly want a cracker?" and all his parrots say "Polly want a cracker."

Fri Oct 25 17:54:45

I'll dump this here because it's old news.


"The most beautiful landing you've ever seen."

lol :o)

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