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Utopia Talk / Politics / The US: "A garbage can for the world"
Thu Oct 24 17:04:02
Another of Trump's greatest hits.

The man hates this country to his core.

Thu Oct 24 17:05:02
the wanderer
Thu Oct 24 21:44:16
there are still decoder ring Rs who claim he meant fetanyl when saying the migrants were ‘poisoning the blood of the country’ (despite t completely clear he didn’t, plus migrants aren’t the source of the fentanyl anyway)

well now he’s calling them human garbage... good luck decoder ringers
Fri Oct 25 02:42:59

They don't care. They agree. They are just worried that it may cost him a few votes.

the wanderer
Fri Oct 25 11:16:58
it's just so disgusting how they go on CNN to fucking lie & cover for the shitbag regularly ('oh, he didn't mean...' [what he incredibly obviously meant] done sooo many times)

Gov Youngkin claimed Trump's repeated "enemy within" comments were about the criminal gang migrants... Trump -specifically- said he wasn't talking about migrants (& has specifically cited 'the Pelosis', Adam Schiff, & 'marxist communist fascists', which is how he describes Dems broadly)

plus the whole repeated calls for military tribunals of Liz Cheney (for the J6 hearings...)
& very numerous other bullshit claims of crimes by other foes (D or R)

so fucking ridiculous... asshole ostriches... 'oh, he's not saying anything weird or crazy or concerning... nope, not at all'
Fri Oct 25 16:07:55
He isn't wrong. Other countries are emptying their prisons and mental institutions and sending their criminals and nuts to the US.
Trump isn't saying all immigrants are bad or trash but that other countries are taking advantage of the loose borders and sending us their worst.
the wanderer
Fri Oct 25 16:27:07
"Other countries are emptying their prisons and mental institutions and sending their criminals and nuts to the US"

ughhhhhhhhh... kargen parroting a claim Trump completely made up...
the wanderer
Fri Oct 25 16:31:20
...almost word for word parroting

(although more recently he tends to go w/ 'insane asylums' over or in addition to 'mental institutions' as sounds worse)

he's been saying it for years, never once backing it w/ any actual reporting... even when specifically asked for his evidence...
Fri Oct 25 17:26:28
nah they have been doing this for a very long time. It was a problem before Trump as well. Just much worse now because we have no control over the border.
Why wouldn't other countries send us their problems if we are willing to take them? Just good sense move by them.
Fri Oct 25 17:43:34

"He isn't wrong. Other countries are emptying their prisons and mental institutions and sending their criminals and nuts to the US."

But enough about our founders.

Fri Oct 25 17:48:26

"nah they have been doing this for a very long time. It was a problem before Trump as well. Just much worse now because we have no control over the border.Why wouldn't other countries send us their problems if we are willing to take them? Just good sense move by them."

The only country I can recall ever "sending" their worst was Cuba during the Mariel boatlift.

And 80% of those Marielitos now vote Republican.
the wanderer
Sat Oct 26 12:32:09
"nah they have been doing this for a very long time"

you just happened to say it exactly like Trump does?

and why has there been zero reporting of it happening...

"Why wouldn't other countries send us their problems if we are willing to take them? Just good sense move by them"

how are you envisioning this occurring? if they can just drop them off in Mexico, why does it matter what the US border is like? they can 'empty' to Mexico...

you are a brainwashed fool... try to recognize it... you've heard the most obvious conman fraud in history lie to you over & over & are just now believing it as fact... you should give someone control over your finances to protect yourself until you can address your flaws
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