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Utopia Talk / Politics / Americans overwhelmingly want voter ID
Fri Oct 25 11:54:13
"A new survey conducted by a mainstream polling firm found that the overwhelming majority of Americans want key new tools to protect the integrity of U.S. elections, including measures championed for decades by Republicans.

The new poll from Gallup, conducted the first two weeks of October, found that 84% of Americans favor requiring all voters to provide photo identification at their polling place in order to vote.

The poll also found that 83% of Americans favor requiring people who are registering to vote for the first time to provide proof of citizenship.

Fri Oct 25 11:55:00
"84% of Americans are racist MAGAstans who want to bring back Jim Crow"

Fri Oct 25 12:47:16

Now we just need to explain to 84% of Americans what a poll tax is and what it's used for, because 100% they don't know.
Fri Oct 25 12:58:57
In order to exercise my right to bear arms here in Massachusetts, i need to buy a $100 license from the state.

Waaaah having to pay for things. Get over it.
Fri Oct 25 13:03:45

Awesome ... so you won't mind covering the costs for everyone.

Fri Oct 25 13:15:20

I should probably leave this here ...


Fri Oct 25 13:38:23
I think a photo I.D. is something the government should pay for. Anybody should be able to go to the DMV or other such place and with proper documentation acquire an I.D. with no cost to them. The 24th amendment support the idea that this would be something the federal government could/should do.
Fri Oct 25 13:42:58
murder still pretending that the vast majority of states, including muhhhhh racist southern states that push voter ID, offer completely free options.
Fri Oct 25 13:44:00
don't offer*

For the murders and Cuckhats out there

Fri Oct 25 16:16:11
How many photo ID's do you need? How many times must one show them?
How long after, if this is pushed through will they then want you to get 'Citizenship' ID's?
Remember, every time you change address or for women they marry and take on their new spouses name they will have to get a new set of ID's.
Those getting evicted from their apartments for whatever reason will not have a address. Are they now going to be barred from voting?
When I registered to vote here 8 years ago when we moved here, I needed 2 forms of ID and 2 letters addressed to me to prove I was a legal resident of this town and register to vote.
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