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Utopia Talk / Politics / WaPo and LA Times fail to endorse Harris
Fri Oct 25 15:00:50

Leftists are in full meltdown mode over this. LA Times employees are resigning in protest; WaPo employees are raging at Jeff Bezos (he apparently personally killed the paper's planned endorsement).

The liberal tears being expended right now could provide enough salt to sustain McDonalds' global operations for a week.
Fri Oct 25 15:05:14
"Nearly 2,000 Los Angeles Times subscribers cancelled their subscriptions to the paper, citing “editorial content” reasons, after Patrick Soon-Shiong, the paper’s billionaire owner, refused to let its editorial board endorse Kamala Harris for president. And that was just on Tuesday and Wednesday.

After the paper’s editorials editor, Mariel Garza, resigned in protest on Wednesday, two more members of the Los Angeles Times editorial board resigned on Thursday.

Robert Greene, who won a Pulitzer Prize for the Los Angeles Times in 2021 for editorials on criminal justice reform, and Karin Klein, who wrote editorials about education and the environment, both told Semafor they were leaving the paper. Green specifically cited Soon-Shiong’s refusal to allow the paper to endorse a presidential candidate, as well as the owner’s subsequent comments about his decision."


Imagine being so butthurt over a fucking newspaper endorsement that you literally quit your job.

Fri Oct 25 16:01:54
Sounds like the LA Times hasn't teken an actual journalistic approach for a long time now.

“I didn’t think we were going to change our readers’ minds—our readers, for the most part, are Harris supporters,” Garza told me. “We’re a very liberal paper. I didn’t think we were going to change the outcome of the election in California.

“But two things concern me: This is a point in time where you speak your conscience no matter what. And an endorsement was the logical next step after a series of editorials we’ve been writing about how dangerous Trump is to democracy, about his unfitness to be president, about his threats to jail his enemies. We have made the case in editorial after editorial that he shouldn’t be reelected.”
Sat Oct 26 01:38:12
I haven’t watched Kamala ’Word Sallad’ Harris interview on CBS 60 minutes and on CNN. But the little I heard (from Glenn Greenwald and Tulsi Gabbard) wasn’t good. She gives an uncertain impression. Like she lacks knowledge on certain issues and thus is afraid to say anything her donor hasn't paid her to say, or that she would be criticized for later. She should have rehearsed the party's and the donor’s positions and talking points more. Or just speak from her heart more like Mr Trump.
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