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Utopia Talk / Politics / shit about P01135809 +his shit assocs#51
the wanderer
Fri Oct 25 22:10:15
to the fools about to vote for Trump, consider last time he went in w/ original recipe RNC R's holding his hand, then later going w/ generals around him to make him feel tough...

but now he goes in w/ nothing but loyal cultist garbage like Stephen Miller & Kash Patel (the only 2 people i can even think of from his admin openly supporting him)... & he goes in believing he has full immunity to all crime (not what SC said, but what he heard)... he will put in a corrupt AG out of necessity as no legit reason to cancel his federal indictments (not only has he offered no defense to any of it, the defense he's offered is admission of guilt & pure insanity that your side just accepts... of course your side hears none of it anyway)

so if hoping the guardrails hold again & keep him in check, you may be disappointed...

if going in thinking he's a great leader who respects the law & will do great things, you are a fucking brainwashed idiot (like anyone thinking 'countries are emptying prisons & mental institutions...')... he'll tell you how great he's done & you'll believe it... he'll say 'drill baby drill' & note we are producing record oil & take credit (even though already happening)... he'll say he's made the air & water cleaner & ended all wars... yadda yadda...

& he'll again pick our allies based on who praises & pampers him, w/ a personal preference for dictators & strongmen... he'll lie to your faces day in & day out as he's done continuously... & continue to spread hate/division all the time... & continue to undermine all faith in every institution that doesn't completely bend to his will

maybe he'll convince you its proper to imprison his opponents w/ no evidence of any crimes & shut down media orgs not praising him continuously... but maybe he won't...

let's roll those dice...
the wanderer
Sat Oct 26 11:21:29
lying fuckhead:
"Kamala is destroying your Social Security. She is a total disaster!"

that's the whole post

how is she doing that? oh right, we never ask questions...

also, Trump's plan to fix SS is what now? no tax on SS... thus harming the revenue & making it worse... & well nothing else... he says R's don't want to raise age or lower benefits (even though that's exactly what they want to do...)
the wanderer
Sat Oct 26 15:40:21
lying fuckhead:

i wondered wtf that was about & googled & found article from yesterday "McDonald’s busted ice cream machines can now be fixed — legally" (was about some copyright issues) so the problem already fixed but Trump planning to take credit... (just like he's claimed all stock market gains this year are because of his polling #'s)

day one: 'Drill Baby Drill! we are now producing more oil than ever!!!' yay Trump!!

day two: 'all dog & cat eaters are gone from Springfield!!!!' yay Trump!!!

day three: 'no apartment buildings are being run by Venezuelan gangs in Aurora!!!!!!' yay Trump!!

he will have such a successful 'presidency'...
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