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Utopia Talk / Politics / The woke House GOP omnibus bill
Thu Dec 19 14:50:26
House GOP Omnibus Redefines Criminals As ‘Justice-Involved Individuals’

For years, federal laws have accurately branded people who break the law as “criminal offenders.” The passage of the newly introduced House omnibus would change that by marketing the outlaws — specifically those in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act — with vocabulary that seeks to not only downplay their criminal reputations, but words that could easily be mistaken as descriptors for superheroes.

It’s only on page 1400 of the omnibus that the euphemistic term “justice-involved individual” is formally defined as someone “who has been adjudicated delinquent or convicted of a crime and imprisoned under Federal or State law.”

The buck doesn’t stop there. If the omnibus passes, “out-of-school youth” become “opportunity youth,” “low-skilled adults” become “adults with foundational skill needs,” “homeless individuals” and “homeless children” become “individuals experiencing homelessness” and “youth experiencing homelessness,” and “welfare dependency” turns into “foster care status, school status, education level, highest grade level completed, low-income status, and receipt of public assistance.”

Sam Adams
Thu Dec 19 23:20:00
New rule in the doge age. All funfing bills will be a single page.

If you want more funding for more things you can vote on them separately.
Fri Dec 20 09:05:00
Seriously. Especially for a CR.

How does a one-sentence resolution of "The budget levels established in a, b, c, d, and e are hereby extended for three months" get turned into a 1,500-page monstrosity.

Pork. It's always pork.
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