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Utopia Talk / Politics / For 4 years, the US had no president
Member | Sat Dec 21 08:24:31 "For 4 Years, America Had No President Biden was not running the country. A small insider cabal was." http://www...ears-america-had-no-president/ Basically the WSJ released an article covering Biden's mental deficiencies (which were present throughout his "presidency") and how his staff were pretty much doing his job. Now that Biden's out the door, the media is finally comfortable with talking about his obvious mental decline. Thanks for being four years too late the party, MSM. |
Member | Sat Dec 21 08:25:27 Hey remember all those times when Kamala said on the campaign trail that Biden was at the top of his game and providing effective leadership? Yeah. That's officially a lie now. Congratulations UP leftists, you got conned. |
large member | Sat Dec 21 09:01:19 Its always a cabal. Wishful thinking that you elect a king by the grace of god every 4 years. That was unlikely true even for Washington. But nice pre-emptive post for 4 years from now. Trump will be a year older than Biden is now. There needs to be a retirement age. Here is the top of the charts hit from the week Trump turned 18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6drD2SCwHE |
Member | Sat Dec 21 13:33:49 Some source I’ve never heard of plus a worthless Murdoch Rag. |
Member | Sat Dec 21 13:56:46 Dukhat If you're still in disbelief about stories of Biden's senility in December 2024, then I have a certain bridge in New York to sell you. WSJ's Murdoch ownership is only reflected in the editorial section. The "news" section is basically the same leftist shitfags that infect the NYT. I cited the nothing source because it's not behind a paywall. Is there anything that you're factually disputing here? |
Member | Sat Dec 21 14:02:06 Jergul If you're going to be so reductive like that, then what is the point in having presidents at all, if they are nothing but the sum of their subordinates? For that matter, what is the point in having prime ministers, or kings, or popes, or CEOs? A president is supposed to play a role in his own administration. Biden didn't. And that's kind of a big issue. |
large member | Sat Dec 21 14:50:13 Ruggy An interesting point. I had to think about it a bit. The tail will always wag the dog in complex leadership positions. The decider can chose his team and in that way influence how he is wagged. Otherwise, he is mainly just choosing from 3 alternatives his team provides. |
iChihuaha | Sat Dec 21 15:15:52 So Jerguls response to the reductive thinking is to give you metaphor for his reductive thinking: tail waging the dog. The real answer is that there is variance in leaders in how much agency they have and what moral anchor and true north that is guiding their decisions or even the ability to think outside the box of say "the three alternatives their team provides". Its fascinating that Jergul has managed to live so long and yet failed to answer the question correctly, despite having had to think about it a bit. |
large member | Sat Dec 21 15:21:27 A generalization of course cutie <3, but essentially correct. The alternative is arbitrary decrees from madmen with messiah complexes, so rule by comitee is in fact preferrable. We have seen how horribly things go wrong with individuals think they can take the shots they like. A recipe for depotism, that. Though of course, team think is not as sexy in soundbytes. |
large member | Sat Dec 21 15:25:22 I get that you want to worship heroes, but the age of heroism is long past. We live in the age of systems and structures. But sure, lets see how Musk plays out. As a counter example to my point. |
iChihuaha | Sat Dec 21 15:30:39 We have a word for generalizing complex things, reductive. |
iChihuaha | Sat Dec 21 15:36:27 "I get that you want to worship heroes" You get nothing so you are trying to make this about something else. Classic dumbgul. "We live in the age of systems and structures." You are literally just writing slogans. |
large member | Sat Dec 21 15:47:50 Why thank you cutie <3. I sometimes do have a way with words. Perhaps my new year's resolution shall be to compose jingles to go with them. I think you may find that generalization is not a synomym to reductive. Though I am glad you have a favourite word. I do not mind that some may think you overuse it somewhat. |
large member | Sat Dec 21 15:48:46 synonym* |
Member | Sun Dec 22 01:41:07 so u tellin us da deep sewer was runnin, hence why all da infinity wars r xpandin and ur country provokin shit constantly in asia and east europe |
Member | Sun Dec 22 02:01:43 That site is a huge far-right shithole and so is the author of the article. He makes editorial interpretations of the WSJ article which is more innocuous. He delegated more and was more inaccessible ... well ok? We all saw the decline but decline is not dementia. And it's also hilarious how the author makes no attempt to compare Biden to Trump who was grossly incompetent in his dealings with his staff and other key figures, often freezing out key people over petty disagreements. By the end of Trump's term, only Mnuchin was on speaking terms with leading Democrats. That's worse than a president slowing down, that's sheer incompetence paired with narcissism. This term will only be worse with Trump being drugged out of his mind and in clear mental decline. Demanding that Nato members pay 5% of GDP when he has known in the past that the threshold is 2% of GDP is a clear sign of this (because it's one of his key talking points that he repeats over and over and over). |
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