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Utopia Talk / Politics / da new magic word = 450
Tue Dec 31 10:18:02

hello darkness ur ol friend

neva endin ownage and humiliation of ur part

culd have had all of this, but no sir

tcdamus predicts, 50 years from now, u still wunt have.

or as "good as 4eva"

while global south countries will. imagine going to one of these countries and seeing all them splendid trains and shiny stations while knowin ur own country dunt got any lol

Tue Dec 31 10:22:32
while ur propafunda desperately tries 2 convince u on all front pages that these r "debt traps"

please "dunt fall for it" - who these idiots adressin this to?

to da ppls of these countries?
or desperately tryin 2 convince these ur fellow yankoids while ur potholes and cracks on ur roads get worse and worse?

Tue Dec 31 12:05:18

"imagine going to one of these countries and seeing all them splendid trains and shiny stations while knowin ur own country dunt got any"

We can see the trains from the air.

Wed Jan 01 02:34:05
each train station is grander than ur biggest airport, u feel rekted

Thu Jan 02 06:07:48
u wuldnt see gold even if its right in front of u!

when ur weatherman tells u it is shiny bright outside, and u look outside and see rain and gloomy depressin day,

u wuld still believe wut ur tv just told u lol
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