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Utopia Talk / Politics / Oh no! S Oddams simplistic fantasy...
Tue Dec 31 17:41:58
...world collapses! No more magical wicky wicky genes! Of course, the first thing you learn in academic philosophy is that the latest simplistic scientifisistical fads all through the ages have always been for simplistic minds grasping for simplistic answers, the tiny minds staring at flickering black and white photograms through a zoetrope and thinking, "Finally, Man has conquered the universe!"

Tue Dec 31 17:50:28
"For too long, scientists have been content in espousing the lazy metaphor of living systems operating simply like machines

Yet, it’s important to be open about the complexity of biology — including what we don’t know — because public understanding affects policy, health care and trust in science. “So long as we insist that cells are computers and genes are their code, life might as well be “sprinkled with invisible magic”.

When the human genome was sequenced in 2001, many thought that it would prove to be an ‘instruction manual’ for life. But the genome turned out to be no blueprint. In fact, most genes don’t have a pre-set function that can be determined from their DNA sequence.
Tue Dec 31 18:03:32
That means that when researchers dumb down their findings into metaphorical language that they hope the average, dumb, social media scientifisistical expert like oddams and nimatzo might be able to grasp, by trying to coonstruct analogies to modern fads like computer games that all zombiefied gamers get, they're letting these idjits make completely incorrect deductions through their ignorance of science and their sole knowledge of the universe gained from playing Hex of Steel
Sam Adams
Wed Jan 01 01:35:44
"Genes are fake!!!" Desperately cries the man with shoddy genes.

Wed Jan 01 04:10:15
"Genes are sprinkled with invisible magic!!!" Desperately cries the child officially diagnosed with shoddy genes

large member
Wed Jan 01 04:16:36
A definition of garbage is "something that does not belong". Like a workboot on a dinning table.

Imagine a viking with ideal viking traits. For another definition of something that does not belong.

A lot of the letter diagnoses provided benefit in other times. Perhaps what is wrong here is not the alphabet soups, but the times we have created?

May all of you earn a living wage no matter the tasks you have. That is my wish for you in the new year.
Wed Jan 01 04:47:25
The main problem, according to the Nature article, is 1) using computer programs as a dumbed down metaphor for genes misleads non-scientists reading pop science mags. Its a common joke in philosophy circles how we always use metaphors from our current zeitgeist trends, and right now all trendy metaphors come from the computer world which misleads idjits into actually confusing metaphors with reality - to the point that idjits are even talking about the universe being a computer simulation. Its a trend that will die when the next industrial revolution replaces our current one. Soon they'll be talking about how genes and the universe are like AI or something equally stupid. and 2) most genes don’t have a pre-set deterministic function, which is what Oddams entire racist garbage is founded on
Wed Jan 01 04:53:23
The trouble with confusing computer program metaphors with reality is that people who mix the two up think genetics are as determinate as MS Word, which gets it all wrong.
Wed Jan 01 05:02:37
Of course there is no such thing as defect genes, not even Oddams genes. That would imply that nature has conscious goals, which of course it doesnt. It just spits out whatever is spittable without any goals. Unless, of course, nature is a computer program that has gained AI consciousness, as some people confusing metaphors with reality will likely soon start imagining.
Sam Adams
Wed Jan 01 20:58:42
So desperate to believe that genes are fake. Whats up next wtb? A post about how the earth is flat? That vaccines are evil? Gonna go on a quest to find some raw milk? Chemtrails maybe?
Fri Jan 03 17:59:55
I’m gonna make a bold that WTB does not even understand what Noble is saying and what he isn’t saying. And as a leftist he is too dumb to even understand fundamentally the problem that biology poses to his ideology. It’s not the genes you idiot, it is that traits are heritable. Dennis Noble is not saying that traits are not heritable, but that heritability isn’t solely because of genes.

He come into my bubble some time ago. I find people like him interesting, always root for those that stick their neck out and challange “the science”. Irony here is that Noble was apparently Dawkins PhD examiner. How much of what he says ends up being true or not, who knows. Some of what he is saying isn’t new and some that is, isn’t well tested. Time will tell.

You are welcome you fucking idiot.
Fri Jan 03 21:17:39

Is not a word. But keep calling yourself a scholar and everyone else an idiot.

But it is the holidays. The time of year when lonely people fall apart.
large member
Sat Jan 04 08:55:36
My advise would be "kittens".
large member
Sat Jan 04 08:55:47
large member
Sat Jan 04 08:57:10
Or even better: I advise kittens to combat loneliness. Far less environmental impact than kids of any type (goats are particularly bad for the environment, though not up there with humans of course).
large member
Sat Jan 04 08:58:22
Or wait? Did I just say I offer guidance to kittens? Well, I suppose that is true for the next 4 weeks at least.
Sat Jan 04 09:37:34
Me and the neighbours actually feed stray cats. Built a cardboard box right outside my kitchen window for one that the neighbours call Panache and he lives there. Extremely civilized and friendly creatures, especially considering how rough a life they live. 4 of them have died on me in 2 years. A lot of humans living under those rough conditions would be a lot more savage
Sat Jan 04 09:40:20

Is not a word. But keep calling yourself a scholar and everyone else an idiot."

Nothing gets past this village idjit lol
Sat Jan 04 09:50:44
I envision a Neo-Nazi sitcom version of The Young Ones starring razor sharp illegal alien IWIshIHadEuroGenes, Oddam trying to hide his inferior genes, and Alpha Male, the slave to a 600 lbs Neo-Nazi leviathan, all plotting to take over the world
Sat Jan 04 10:02:26
WTB is the resident cat lady. He checks off all the boxes, resentful, prone to psychotic meltdowns, childless and incel.
Sat Jan 04 10:20:48
This old The Who cover will be the the theme song one I add the vocals, I think

Sat Jan 04 10:32:38
Imagine if you had just a gram of talent at something artistic, Alpha, you might actually gain an inkling of a vast world beyond shiny trinkets, flashing lights and devoting your life to empty consumerism like a worm eating and shitting until it dies
Sat Jan 04 11:57:45
That the internet and PC are shiny trinket and not the vast collection of human knowledge and boost of productivity, is a bizarre hill for you to die on. So be it. Now die already.
Sat Jan 04 12:00:44
"empty consumerism"

Hi guys, I am too lazy to ride an ordinary bike, so I bought a bike with a battery. Fo da envyoment.
Sam Adams
Sat Jan 04 13:44:18
Lol wtb is the gay version of a friendless single cat mom.

At least you live in a place with good wine.
large member
Sat Jan 04 16:11:05
I talk about young cats in multiple threads over many weeks and WtB gets to be the cat person?? Unfair!

Though I guess he could requestion the icat tag that is commonly assigned people preoccupied with pets.
Sat Jan 04 16:36:06
Gotta love wtb and his yearly meltdowns.
Sat Jan 04 17:14:08
I like to think that WTB periodically gets released from his mental institution by a very liberal judge who wants to believe that he's been cured of his illnesses. For a bit of time he manages to act semi-normal in society, but inevitably he ends up having a relapse and threatening to scoop out the eyes of someone who voted for SD with a rusty spoon. After which he gets sent back to the hospital for yet another year-long psychological stint.
Sat Jan 04 17:21:19
I think he just tries to quit nicotine or runs out of weed.
Sat Jan 04 18:35:36
It's weird. This forum. I think we all started normal. But then some of us grew up. Became responsible adults. And then others. I mean over 20 years. Does anyone here (beyond jergul and seb) think wtb, dukhat and tw don't need serious mental help?

Sat Jan 04 18:36:25
Tw is a legit ticking time bomb.
Sam Adams
Sat Jan 04 18:41:26
Christmas is a tough time for outcasts and losers... i feel a little bad for wtb.

But only a little.
Sun Jan 05 18:20:35
Anyway, heres the theme tune to the sitcom about the genetically inferior nazi Young Ones. Horrible tin can mic ruining the vocals though, so will have to get a proper one instead of this 50 euro chat headset nonsense

Sun Jan 05 18:27:05
Right. WTB also came on UP once and asked for advice on how to dodge the Swedish state for taxes.

Filthy animal.
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