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Utopia Talk / Politics / We value our soldiers!
Wed Jan 01 08:04:59
We make them millionaires!

Yes, of course it's a burden on our budget. But as soon as the war is won, everyone will buy our gas and oil again. And then we'll also have the resource that we robbed from Ukraine.
Our state will be swimming in money and all our debts will soon be paid off again.

That's why we can pay our soldiers so well. That's why we can send many hundreds of thousands more against Ukraine, no matter how many die, new Russians will always sign up.


Beginning January 1, the Samara region of Russia sets a record for one-time payments to so-called contract signers for the "SMO". New recruits will receive a whopping one-time payment of 3.6 million rubles ($32,000). To put this into perspective, an average resident of the region earning a median salary would need 64 months—more than five years—to earn the same amount.
large member
Wed Jan 01 08:17:52
Median salary there is 1.2 million roubles. Average is 3.6 million.
Wed Jan 01 08:35:58
One wonders how 46,176 x 12 equals 3.6 million.

large member
Wed Jan 01 08:38:39
Find a better source ruggy.
Wed Jan 01 08:39:27
It's on you to cite your unverified statistic. In the absence of that, my source is the best one provided and hence authoritative.
Wed Jan 01 08:40:54
And sorry for thinking that data from Russia's official state statistics agency might be considered credible in this context.

Is this your roundabout way of admitting that everything the Russian government claims is absolute bullshit?
large member
Wed Jan 01 09:42:15
Source is citing two year old data in a context where wages have been increasing 40%. The rest of the discrepancy is due to mistranslation srednyaya means median (the middle number of a number series). So that is how you get to 1.2 million median salary from 12x46k.
large member
Wed Jan 01 09:42:41
40% per year.
Wed Jan 01 09:45:52
So wild claims backed up with precisely zero links.

But if you're being at all accurate (and again, it's great that there's no way to verify that), it sounds like Russia is suffering from runaway inflation. So thanks for that good news.
Wed Jan 01 09:51:20
Do you know how infuriating it is sometimes to be given some wild claim or number and told "hey, just trust me on this?"

Like, no dude. I like to be able to verify things.
large member
Wed Jan 01 10:01:46
You can try google if you feel like verifying. Or click on the rostat link of your source to verify rostat is talking about median.

But what with the fixation? Dimitri did not provide a source for his claim either. And why does it even matter?

Yearly inflation just south of 10% if memory serves.

large member
Wed Jan 01 10:02:33
Ok, start by verifying what that dude on X claimed. He did not provide any source for his two claims.
Thu Jan 02 09:38:29

"You can try google if you feel like verifying. Or click on the rostat link of your source to verify rostat is talking about median."

So you are claiming to use Rostat figures as well?

"But what with the fixation? Dimitri did not provide a source for his claim either. And why does it even matter?"

I hate to be the one to inform you of this, but you're not exactly considered to be an unimpeachable source around here. Just saying.

"Yearly inflation just south of 10% if memory serves."

large member
Thu Jan 02 10:20:47
Thanks. I rather suspected there was a "upto 3,6 million" Which there was. It is also a time limited bonus from 1st jan to 1st feb. On the other hand, the region is also giving a monthly bonus of 50k in addition to what the Ministry of Defence is paying.

I am claiming that the 70% increase over the two years brings you to the 1.2 million median salary I cited earlier. So rostat and what I said match up.

I dont really care what you guys and gals think and I dont do source requests as it just moves the ball to how terrible the source is (no matter what the source is), so it pointless.

Wages are outpacing inflation. All 10% really means is that PPP is slowly trending towards normative values. Though yes, the Russian economy is showing many signs of overheating. Its like it is at war or something.
large member
Thu Jan 02 10:23:25
Contract duration is 9 months btw. I suspect the bonus is to tempt veterans to reenlist and the month limit on the signup has to do with meeting enlistment quotas.

You can verify by running the article through google translate. I did not do that and my russian is not that great.
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