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Utopia Talk / Politics / lord of da ring cartoon
Sun Jan 12 09:06:11
rofl wut is this graphix?

it looks like it was made in 1990

by 2days standards this shit is unacceptable.

makes it feel so low budgety...even da shitty animation pisses me off every second im watchin it

tc will rate it after watchin it fully, but so far this shit aint lookin good. da animation and da graphix r utterly dogshit by 2days standards

how this movie made this year?

Wed Jan 15 04:14:28
war of da faggoty rohirrim sucks donkey ass

tc cannot get himself 2 finish watchin this shit

clearly some woke bastardy shit

also how they constantly re use them mighty elephants like some magical object
"oh those who magically get tons of elephants" are da new powa...

well duh, so how come these wildling men dunt take powa for themselves riding them mighty elephants. how come they always suck up 2 these faggoty kingdoms of losers like rohan who cant even make stone building but live like ghetto vikins

gtfo with this faggoty bs
rohan is made in 1940 where da idea of different peoples is a frikkin village with wooden buildings. 2 call it a kingdom is a joke. it barely passes as a village, rohirrim my ass

Wed Jan 15 09:45:26
of course da giant eagles saves da day

when has it not at this point.

magical plothole armor always saves da day
Wed Jan 15 10:13:23
got dayum, puke puke

3 out of 10

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