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Utopia Talk / Politics / Elon Musk gets caught cheating
Fri Jan 17 06:11:57
Elon Musk Vs. Asmongold—The Gaming Feud, Explained

Elon Musk is currently in the midst of a feud with Twitch streamer Asmongold, after he was accused of boosting his ‘Path of Exile 2’ account, leading to Musk leaking Asmon’s private DMs.


Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, is in the midst of a heated feud with gaming streamer Zack Hoyt, better known as “Asmongold,” who is accusing Musk of cheating at Path of Exile 2.

Asmongold is not the only gamer who is accusing Musk of cheating, as the larger gaming community, particularly Path of Exile players, believe that Musk is paying people to play games for him, leveling up his characters and arming them with powerful equipment, a practice known as “boosting.”

After Musk played Path of Exile 2 on a livestream, gamers quickly noticed that his actions did not match that of a proficient player, and compiled a list of evidence on Reddit that strongly implies that Musk is boosting his characters.

Commentators responded in bemused disbelief—one wrote that Musk “doesn’t seem to understand why he can’t pick up items when his inventory is full.”

It should be noted that Path of Exile 2 is a very difficult game that requires a serious time commitment to reach the level that Musk’s character achieved (level 97 on hardcore mode).

Like many gaming streamers, Asmongold watched Musk’s livestream of Path of Exile 2 and came to the conclusion that Musk did not know how to play the game properly.

Asmon took it a step further, and challenged Musk to prove that he had reached level 97 by himself.

If Musk could prove this, Asmon promised that he would stream on X (Twitter) for a full year. Once the news of Asmon’s challenge made its way to X, Musk didn’t take the criticism very well.

Musk, who had been following Asmongold on X, quickly unfollowed the Twitch streamer. Asmon then reacted to Musk in a video titled “Elon Musk has lost it,” stating:

“Elon unfollowed Asmon? He’s probably not happy about the PoE video. There’s no way he played that account … it was so obvious! You cannot get mad at me for bringing this up. Everybody was talking about this. Come on, man.”

Musk responded by posting on X, writing:

“Asmon behaves like a maverick “independent”, but in reality has to ask his boss for permission before he can do anything. He is not his own man.”

It wasn’t clear what Musk was referring to, until Musk leaked private DMs between himself and Asmon, in which Asmon refers to his “editors” on YouTube.

Like many Twitch streamers, Asmongold also has a YouTube channel that posts shorter, edited clips of his streams. The editing is done by others, and the revenue from the channel is shared between them.

Elon Musk appears to have misunderstood the role of a YouTube editor, and presumed that editor translated to a journalistic editor who decides what kind of stories a publication should cover.

Thus, Musk seemed to be suggesting that Asmon’s content was being censored to some degree.

Musk then criticized Asmon in another X post, writing:

“No other way to say this, but, while Asmon IS good at caustic commentary and making fun of people, he is NOT good at video games.”

Asmon responded to Musk’s provocation, writing: “Leaking my DM's is one thing but this is absolutely uncalled for.”

After watching the feud, some of Musk’s fans in the gaming community seemed disappointed, with many expressing that the world’s richest man had lost their trust.

One commentator wrote: “As a gamer, you have a lot of pride in your rank/level. Trying to fake that while also being the richest guy in the world is just so absurdly unnecessary. I would say it also makes me wonder, if he is willing to lie about this, what else is he willing to lie about.”

Others pointed out that there was absolutely no need for Musk to pretend to be a skilled gamer—the man has accomplished more in the real world than the digital realm.

Some doubted Musk’s other questionable gaming accomplishments, such as his claim to be one of the best players in the world at Diablo 4.

Others took the opportunity to post Musk’s legendarily inept Elden Ring build, which boasted no less than two shields, but no healing flask (somehow, his character had managed to reach level 111).

Just to be clear, it’s more than understandable if Musk isn’t particularly good at playing video games, whether it's Path of Exile 2 or Elden Ring.

Musk is a father to 11 children, the CEO of multiple companies and is soon expected to have a place in Trump’s White House. He clearly doesn’t have time to play these time-consuming games at the difficulty level he claims, nor should he.

Of course, he doesn’t really have time to beef with Twitch streamers either, and yet, here we are.

large member
Fri Jan 17 06:30:58
I am actually interested. Did Musk buy an lvl 97 character, or is someone on payroll leveling up Musk's character. The 2nd is more endearing to me.

I dont think it cheating for as long as Musk only plays PvE.
large member
Fri Jan 17 06:32:31
There is no way he leveled up himself. Just so that is clear. But cheating is a high claim. Him mucking about in PvE at a level he does not understand is funny/amusing, but not something to rage about.
Fri Jan 17 08:28:55
Elon Musk is a child.
Fri Jan 17 09:28:50
ofc he cheatin, just like with everything else in da life

do u honestly think he is playin 14 hours a day 2 get da baddest gears and shit

gtfo here

the wanderer
Fri Jan 17 11:21:26
embarrassing (mostly in his childish denial)

as well as when caught w/ the sock puppet

so much pathetic & crazy behavior by the guy running a major social media outlet & trusted by our soon total fucking idiot leader to make massive cuts to the US budget
Fri Jan 17 11:36:48

"ofc he cheatin, just like with everything else in da life"

I was about to say the exact same thing ... but in English. ;o)

Fri Jan 17 14:54:47
It's not rare to share accounts or have someone power game your account for you. If I was the world's richest man I'd also hire some kid to do it for me.
Fri Jan 17 15:13:11
^ cheater

why is we not surprised

lie cheat and steal r ur mottos

fake it till u make it aint a meme, its just life goals

Fri Jan 17 23:12:09
The asmongold crowd is literally the swing voter now. Elon fucking around with them isn’t good.
Tue Jan 21 10:51:54
Elon Musk Finally Admits To ‘Path Of Exile 2’ Account Boosting In DMs

The saga of Elon Musk secretly account boosting Diablo 4 and/or Path of Exile 2 characters may be over, as he’s admitted outright he’s done so, along with possibly using Real Money Trading for gear.

In a new video going over DMs with Elon Musk directly, YouTuber NikoWrex said he was given permission to share what he said about his gaming prowess, or lack thereof. The video, heavily downvoted for its subservience regarding Elon’s tactics, goes over the following:

Niko: “Have you ever level boosted (had someone else play your accounts) and/or purchased gear/resources for PoE2 and Diablo 4?”.

Musk: “(100 Emoji) It’s impossible to beat players in Asia if you don’t.”

Niko: “Regarding Poe2, was it your intention to take full credit for leveling your HC (hardcore) characters?”

Musk: “No, never claimed that. The top accounts in Diablo or PoE require multiple people playing the account to win a leveling race.”

Musk goes on to say on his streams that he is at least the one playing, though admits that with say, a Monk as strong as his was, high level gameplay is like “Cookie Clicker” (with a similar Monk, I can attest to that). He’s also asked if he would “apologize to the Poe2 community”, to which he answers “What would I be apologizing for?”

Tue Jan 21 11:25:49
I like that, a mighty man never has to apologize for anything.
the wanderer
Tue Jan 21 11:28:44
i watched some of it, him just mindlessly plowing thru enemies ignoring all loot even stuff that would be useful to anyone (+ bragging of being on max difficulty & hardcore)

definitely embarrassing posery
Tue Jan 21 12:43:45

Getting satisfaction from false achievements seems on brand.

Tue Jan 21 13:22:39
Of course tw spent time out of his life to watch musk play a video game. Jesus christ.
Tue Jan 21 13:23:52
"I watched musk fuck that super model and I have some thoughts about his performance."
Tue Jan 21 13:32:25
Obaminated defending billionaires lol

So cucked
Tue Jan 21 14:27:39
Remember when dukhat claimed he was a billionaire married to a super model who regularly had threesomes with her fellow super model friends?
Tue Jan 21 14:28:47
It's astounding that you have such a low level of self awareness to still show up here.
the wanderer
Tue Jan 21 14:39:03
i wanted to know if it was true, so i looked into it*... but i know you wouldn't understand that concept

(*done before he admitted it)
Tue Jan 21 14:47:53
I'm of the "you can't cheat anyone but yourself in a single player game, so for it" camp and was going to defend Musk, but I see he's using the character for multiplayer, that's not cool.
Tue Jan 21 15:10:04
he is roidin, i knew it!

from da moment da story broke, every bone in his body was tinglin and BS meter was buzzin. i frikkin knew it. as if he was playin 14 hours daily 2 get da sweetest baddest gears and shit.

impossible! he a cheat

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