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Utopia Talk / Politics / murican slavery
Sat Jan 18 01:33:07
firefighters r being paid 2 bucks an hour 2 fight off da biggest fires of ur history

they r forced 2 run 24/7 lol

butbutbut muuuuhh freeeedumbz

pure slavery
large member
Sat Jan 18 01:41:49
Not disputed. US constitutional amendment banning slavery specifically excludes convicts from the amendments protection.
Sat Jan 18 01:47:14
they is runnin 24/7

24 hour shifts!

all 2 do wut? save some rich ppls houses while they r being forced 2 risk there lives...i mean when they was being interviewed they wore bright orange inmate outfights...do they also have 2 wear that shit during workin like can u visibly see and tell these r inmates and not normal regular fire fighters...

rofl pure visible discrimination meant 2 tell da rest of society "ohhh they just some inmates, they dunt got da same rights as we do"

them lesser folks?

wut a SOCIETY!
Sat Jan 18 02:28:29
I haven’t followed this story. Is it still burning?

It must have burned for weeks, a month by now?
Sat Jan 18 02:57:38
homeless park by now

da new generation wantin 2 xperience da LA vibes will only be able 2 do so when they play GTA5

da real world is gone now, neva comin back
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