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Utopia Talk / Politics / absolutely rektosaurus xtinction
Member | Mon Jan 20 01:49:32 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KgWiRdqhnQ ROFL BUHHAHAHAHAA!!! |
Member | Mon Jan 20 01:54:58 GOTDAYUM!!!! UR ENTIRE LIVES HAVE BEEN LIES. I FEEL SORRY 4 U IDIOTS. UR ENTIRE EXISTANCE EXISTS ONLY 2 BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE AND RIPPED OFF lie, cheat and steal from there own peoples, holy smokes hahaha |
Member | Mon Jan 20 06:55:55 Didn't know education cost so little in China, but I knew that food is insanely cheap in China. LOL, the medical cost in the USA is just so insane. I don't know what your politicians has been telling you, but you are being screwed. You are being robbed and then peed on. |
Member | Mon Jan 20 07:39:15 US politicans have just been the puppets of big business, the real power behind all the Washington corruption, who have saintly status among a people that worships material wealth. Insanely, theyve managed to fool US voters into blaming it all on the puppets and grovel at the feet of the puppet masters. "I'm so sick of these bought politicans that my clever response is to vote for the guys that bought them!" And in the Trump era, theyve all finally agreed to just straight up elect the puppet masters and use the puppets as middlemen to focus their hate on. |
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