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Utopia Talk / Politics / The God Emperor's Decrees
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 20 23:01:47
There are threads for some of Trump's cooler decisions already..

• U.S. is out of the Bolshevik viral weaponry project of the W.H.O.:
• Trump pardons January 6th political prisoners:
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 20 23:01:57
..but official EOs will appear here:
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 20 23:02:04
Other quick snippets:
[The Bolshevik Times; January 20th, 2025]
• DOGE established
• Trump withdraws from Paris Climate Accords (another Bolshevik policy)
• Declaration of Emergency on Southern Border
• Ending some of the discrimination of DEI policies
• Restoration of federal death penalty
• Security clearances stripped from key traitors
• Some asylum claims barred
• Expedited removal of illegal invaders
• Ban of travel from high-risk nations ("Muslim ban" as the liars call it)
• End of program allowing invaders to stay if they passed background checks
• Program established to search for political bias within DoJ
• IRS hiring freeze
• Some immigration court officials fired
• Name of Mount McKinley restored after the Bolsheviks re-named it after a slave caste
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 20 23:09:00
As far as the Mount McKinley thing, that Bolshevik re-naming scheme has happened a lot all over the nation. There has been a systematic re-naming of "problematic" historical sites to be more "inclusive", which basically amounts to the logic of the slave revolt again where the most slavish and dysgenic people get things named after them as "social justice"/"reparations" (i.e., bribing them so that the will take part in a slave revolt).

(Readers might want to look at their local historical sites and landmarks and see just how common this became.)

Mount McKinley was not even the only mountain where this occurred. E.g., Mount Evans (one of the tallest mountains in the U.S.) was renamed "Mount Blue Sky". But what's particularly relevant about the restoration of Mount McKinley, though, is that President McKinley was expressly murdered by a Bolshevik scheme following a period of yellow journalism to provoke his a55a55ination (sound familiar?). His murder allowed further Bolshevik infiltration of U.S. governance, enabling further plans for WWI.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Jan 21 00:49:31
Local Alaskans including Republicans wanted the name change and requested it back in 1970's. The reason being that McKinley had nothing to do with Alaska or the mountain.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 21 01:31:34
You're a faggot and a liar, ibty.
That is a common leftist category error, and it fools no one but other leftists.

For the clarity of non-liars, non-Regime sycophants, and non-nonces:
The name was changed to [whatever faggotry] only in 2015. Not "back in 1970's" (not that that's what ibty directly claimed, but this is his deceptive category error). People pretending that there was "historical precedence" are doing what's called "lying". This is the same faggotry that sebfaggot attempted with his pretense that "[there have always been foreigners enfranchised by the British Empire therefore there is no difference between millions of Pakistanis in Pakistan centuries ago and millions of Pakistanis in England today]." This is the same fallacious argument made by the "1619 Project" liars.

The reality is will and force. There are *always* these weak, faggoty ibty-leftists attempting to erode the nobility of nations, since these faggots are a universal acid of degeneracy and self-destruction. You could probably find some faggot in 1896 who wanted to name it "gay buttsex for buttsex aficionados", but was it actually named that? No. It was named Mount McKinley, after an anti-Bolshevik presidential hopeful who would later become president.

It was not until the same Bolsheviks who saw to McKinley's a55a55ination were able to consolidate the assets of the West under their subversive mismanagement (ESG) that this subversion was able to take place under the Obama Regime and under the discretion of jewish Bolshevik Sally Jewell.

So, as most things leftist, the "force" required for the name change to a slave dogma's refrain came from subversion and deception. Are leftists *strong* enough to name a mountain? Fuck no. They are cowards and cucks. Slaves can only change names to things such as "buttsex faggotry" through a slave revolt.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 21 01:45:46
Forgot to list that one of Trump's EOs may be a successful move against anchor babies:

It basically argues that birthright citizenship was not meant to apply to foreigners attempting to circumvent the laws of these United States by attaining temporary status so that they could get their child naturalized by fact-of-birth.

Schiff, naturally, is one of the jewish Bolsheviks pushing against the EO already, since anchor babies are a route to naturalizing slave castes:
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Written right there in the Constitution.

The President cannot change that with the stroke of a pen.

But the Bolsheviks will need better reasoning than that, since the anchor-baby development is relatively new and only supported by the *Bolshevik* revision of the Constitution (e.g., post-"Civil Rights"). Their (Bolshevik) claim is that this was merely written into the 14th Amendment (1868), but no; the 14th Amendment had to be *manipulated* to support this lie, with anchor babies only receiving this special protection after a 1982 ruling.

It's always the same story. Post-WWII the West saw more and more Bolshevik subversion of its laws. Bolshevism must be halted and reversed.
Tue Jan 21 03:29:40
Oh dear, Tuesdays means bath day and the home help services wheeling the stinking nazi whore out to hose off that week-old stench, and that always puts the filthy nazi whore in an even fouler mood :(
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 21 04:21:05
Still sticking to your cliché little bitchboy method, williamthecoward?

"The williamthecoward method"
(comment "Sun Jan 12 20:22:26")

Like I've said before, no one has ever accused williamthecoward of being a good writer, so coming up with creative insights and new angles is simply not in his wheelhouse. Imagine that. Years in university and the best his professors could do is try to get him out of their face, like a freak at a cocktail party who is so bad at reading social cues that everyone just sort of quietly agrees to turn their backs to him — the personification of the "guy in corner of party" meme.
Tue Jan 21 06:01:34
I feel a pang of remorse for calling her a filthy nazi whore. I apologise. After her hose-down, shes not filthy at all.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 21 06:39:04
Not gonna get much past bullet point #1, are you, you cliché hack with neither imagination nor creative impulse?
You wear your slave dogmas so openly that people probably call you "Dalit" instinctively.

The williamthecoward method:
(comment "Sun Jan 12 20:22:26")
• shoe-horn Regime-approved thought-terminating clichés such as "neonazis", "nazis", "fascists", "KKK", "flat-earthers", "QAnon", "fringe groups", and "conspiracy theorists" into all replies, thus signalling Reddit-tier incontinence
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 21 08:12:28
This is another good one.
I've been complaining about LED lights since they can cause forgetfulness, confusion, migraines, seizures, etc. This is partly because of the colors they use, but it is largely because of their refresh rate — it's like semi-imperceptible strobe lights that people face not just at work but at home as well. They also very suspiciously fall under the umbrella of "sustainability", so there is a strategic reason to induce these conditions in target populations (i.e., BRICS+ could benefit from inducing these conditions in the ESG-adopting West and from *mandating* the lights that cause these conditions).

But, a Trump EO allows *actual* choice back in the market by restoring the "Consumer Choice in Appliances" provision:
[White House dog gov; January 20th, 2025]
"to safeguard the American people’s freedom to choose from a variety of goods and appliances, including but not limited to lightbulbs, dishwashers, washing machines, gas stoves, water heaters, toilets, and shower heads, and to promote market competition and innovation within the manufacturing and appliance industries;"

This defies the Newspeak used during the ESG hearings:

The Bolsheviks in those hearings kept pretending that ESG provides consumers "choice", but this was a blatant lie. Under ESG, consumers are *deprived* of choice in the market since only "green" products are made available. So you'd choose between, e.g., yellow LED lights and blue LED lights, but incandescent light bulbs would only be available on eBay at crazy prices. Their whole "sustainability" scam is to force products out of the market using regulation.

Trump's EO ends this. This means that it also represents an early annihilation of the ESG scheme. Some of its reversals of Biden EOs require "recommendations" rather than strict action which would end ESG altogether, but these items could have an immediate positive impact on the markets. This is clearly establishing a good intermediate period before the new SEC chair can declare ESG to be outright illegal.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 22 02:35:45
Umm, fucking based??

Aaron Reichlin-Melnick:
"Trump's new EO would unconstitutionally bar citizenship to 1 in every 13 babies born in the US. That is a staggering number of people."

For reference, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick is a jewish Bolshevik who has pushed pretty overtly (and grotesquely) for White genocide via the Great Replacement. He's an excellent follow as a Regime lolcow since he says "good thing" in a "bad way". So, in this case, he thinks it's "bad thing" that "1 in every 13 babies born in the US" would be disenfranchised, whereas through the Celebration Parallax we can see that, actually, that's a *lot* of people who should not have been citizens in the first place, so this is a *big* win.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 22 03:38:32
I was hoping for the federal registry archives to start hosting the EOs, but that'll apparently take time. Here is the EO on the restoring of Mount McKinley from the White House site:
• Mount McKinley restored
• Gulf of Mexico now Gulf of America
• Bolsheviks who infiltrated the "U.S. Board on Geographic Names" to re-name things with commie speak will be removed
• Non-Bolsheviks to be appointed to their positions
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 22 03:46:45
"Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing"
[White House dot gov; January 20th, 2025]

This sinks Biden's 2021 EO on DEI, which I complained about in the totalitarians threads and the mandate litigation thread. Biden's EO was a Bolshevik policy which put compliant social engineers into positions of power, expanding totalitarianism and COVID tyrannies by promoting slave castes. This was part of Biden's EO list which meant that *anyone* taking federal contracts had to get the bio-weapon shot, including businesses that fulfill those contracts infrequently as well as all Airlines, which resulted in mass retirements, mass firing of pilots, and major downgrades in flight safety — major vacancies which were then filled by destroyers and Bolshevik client groups.

Trump's EO removes all "affirmative action" policies from government jobs and federal contractors and removes (many of? all of?) the Bolsheviks who were hired by those standards. Trump's White House also published a separate EO which specifically addresses the DEI issues caused in airlines by the Biden EOs ( http://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/keeping-americans-safe-in-aviation/ ), which means that qualified pilots will be returned to service and DEI hiring in aviation will freeze.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 22 03:48:56
That Trump EO was further backed by a separate EO:
I.e., the one EO removes DEI requirements, and the hiring EO restores merit processes:
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 22 04:00:37
Another good one:

"Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government"
[White House dot gov; January 20th, 2025]

This one addresses the Bolshevik strategy of pretending that leftism protects women's issues, when, in reality, leftism alienates women, leaves them vulnerable to leftist predators and foreign conquerors, and enables the genocide of their children. The EO thus dismisses Marxist language such as "Gender ideology", "Gender identity", and "trans" and re-affirms the long known and correct language on sex as "male" and "female" *only* [with "gender" being an explicit extension of those sexes (masculine and feminine)].

Thus, all government reporting agencies will have to use "male" and "female". This has sweeping impact, since Biden's totalitarian plans expanding CMS powers meant that the CMS secretary became a bureaucratic repeater of the executive will, thus, all hospitals that accept federal dollars will have to remove their "inclusive" language as well. Hospitals that do not do this will be denied federal funding, so the slavish nurses who liked being "progressive" (totalitarian slaves) will have to eat shit.

See how totalitarian powers backfire on the Bolsheviks? They wanted all hospitals to comply with COVID powers via some backroom rushed EOs which violated the Constitution and were escalated to the Supreme Court, and the result is that those same powers can be used to shut down their plans. Biden's CMS violation is now a Trump power. We warned the left about this, but they didn't care because they hoped that they would never lose again.
Wed Jan 22 04:05:30
But how will any of this be institutionalized? EOs are so easy to undo. Is the idea that this will change a larger momentum in the constituency and bring sanity, so even with a democratic president in 4 years they will not issue 500 EOs the first day to undo Trump? I am skeptical, we have not seen a real break in the trend.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 22 05:11:51
[Nim]: "But how will any of this be institutionalized? EOs are so easy to undo."

Definitely that's an issue, yeah.

One strategy involved here is the same thing Biden's handlers did with the CMS, contractor, OSHA, and government COVID-shot mandates, which is to issue the EOs, not care about it being unconstitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court will uphold them to make it the law. The issue that Biden faced is that they weren't expecting to lose Ginsburg during Trump's admin, so the move was a gamble with the altered Supreme Court (part of a strategy meant for Hillary's term but which they tried to shove through during Biden's). They therefore lost the OSHA and contractor mandates at the Supreme Court. The CMS mandate, though, succeeded, largely because the conservative justices didn't know what they were looking at. They thought it was merely giving powers to the CMS secretary and overlooked that the CMS secretary was an extension of managerial power.

In Trump's case, the strategy is even more effective because he *has* those conservative justices. So he can push through an EO removing birthright citizenship, and that'll take a few months to get to the Supreme Court, at which point the conservative justices will look at the 14th Amendment and likely undo the Bolshevik interpretations that these United States have suffered the last decades (e.g., the 14th could be limited more strictly to founding principles rather than post-WWII subversions).

The catch is that the Bolsheviks are already pushing for political a55a55inations. We saw that they tried to push for justices to be murdered during the Roe litigation, so that's still on the table for them. So when birthright citizenship is litigated in the SC, they'll probably try to activate some MK Ultra migrant kids who would be disenfranchised or some williamthecoward/tumbletard type.

The other strategy at work is that these EOs are depleting the Bolsheviks of managerial power leading up to Congress' next session. In order to prepare their arguments and organize their activities with the managerial (deep) state, the DNC needs all of their apparatchiks in place to coordinate with their existing powers.. but all those extensions of managerialism are being fired before Congress can even react. That means that by the time the new SEC chair needs to enable the ESG lawsuits (a permanent fixture rather than an EO-limited issue), all of his opposition within the SEC will be gone.

The catch is that the House is Democrats 212 v 220 Republicans and Senate Democrats 45 v 53 Republicans, which is somewhat narrow. Trump would have to know that the Democrats will try to delay until midterms so that they can stop most of these plans, so they'll probably force the GOP to pick their favorite couple of issues. The most important are obviously immigration and sustainability, and since there are trillions of dollars on the line the DNC will probably throw their entire budget at this.
Thu Jan 23 01:24:17
"The catch is that the Bolsheviks are already pushing for political a55a55inations."

Increased political violence... This is where the bleak and black outlook I have is somehow validated. Collapse is inevitable and then some kind of authoritarian rule.

I'll keep my fingers cross and pray for reform, prepare for the worst.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 10:52:39
I'm hoping that if their bank accounts are cut off that they'll simply lose the power to do anything. I've said it before, but leftists like williamthecoward are naturally ineffective and incapable. If you simply stop subsidizing them then they end up doing the fentanyl-lean on Kensington Avenue with zero social pressure whatsoever. You don't have to *convince* them; it's just them returning to their "state of nature". Those who want to excel beyond this nature simply have to re-balance their Moral Foundations — just boost loyalty, respect for the nation, and hold Sacred principles. Outside of slave revolts, left and right do not have to be at odds, and slave revolts need lots of stolen wealth to function in the first place.

Speaking of which, the God Emperor has "issued a temporary freeze on federal grant payments today."
Patrick Casey lists some of the affected programs:
[January 28th, 2025]
(Casey's opinions are sometimes suspect, but his information is pretty good.)

From CNN:
[January 27th, 2025]

I don't see this one on the White House page yet, but these were a couple of other good ones recently:

• "Reinstating Service Members Discharged Under the Military's COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate"
[January 27th, 2025]

This is a big one because the Bolsheviks attempted a military purge using the mandates. The least compliant and sheepish were the most likely to be forced out, so, naturally, the Marine Corps had the most who were forced out (almost 2,000 of the 8,000 across all branches). Some remedies already took place for those who were kicked out, such as incentives to re-join after the mandates ended, but few took the offers since Biden could just screw them at any time and the COVID shot could potentially return to the vaccine schedule without warning (if it had even left). Since it is now Trump's presidency, those who were kicked out will have any adverse records repaired and will be restored to pre-discharge conditions. People would be far more likely return, also, just because they'd know it would be at least 4 years before Bolsheviks tried to mess with them again. The major concern is just whether or not Israel will push the West into a war to kill White people (again).

• "President Donald J. Trump Enforces Overwhelmingly Popular Demand to Stop Taxpayer Funding of Abortion"
[January 25th, 2025]

This is a no-brainer. *If* people want to murder their children, they should, at the very least, not be getting subsidized. Naturally, leftists are going to be lying about "back alley abortions" for a few weeks, but that talking point was always weak.
Tue Jan 28 11:19:30

CC pretending to be happy that she's losing her benefits.

Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 31 03:46:05
Pretty sure you're thinking of williamthecoward, you fucking faggot. Pathetic try, dipshit.
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 04 01:19:18
Mark Dice video showing some more meltdowns over the rightful purging of FBI subversives:

You can see the loser Psaki trying to ham up being emotional, but she's a total retard so it just sounds desperately stupid.
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