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Utopia Talk / Politics / It's amazing how angry Trump gets ...
Member | Wed Jan 22 12:16:55 When you simply ask him for decency, charity, and mercy. It's funny how violently he reacts when he's ask to do as Jesus would do. - |
Member | Wed Jan 22 12:17:19 asked* to do |
Sam Adams
Member | Wed Jan 22 12:18:56 "Mercy" is generally democrat for "its ok for that negro to commit crimes against you. Reparations". |
Member | Wed Jan 22 12:20:15 That bitch is getting to the death camps. |
Member | Wed Jan 22 12:25:45 It also just goes to show how degraded modern Episcopalianism has become. Having a female reverend lecture the president about how he needs to support transgender children and illegal immigration is some absolutely cursed shit. |
Member | Wed Jan 22 12:36:09 It's like throwing holy water on a vampire. It burns! :o) |
Member | Wed Jan 22 13:07:00 The coming 4 four years are going to be long and interesting. |
the wanderer | Wed Jan 22 13:48:22 fuckhead's rant for the record: "The so-called Bishop who spoke at the National Prayer Service on Tuesday morning was a Radical Left hard line Trump hater. She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart. She failed to mention the large number of illegal migrants that came into our Country and killed people. Many were deposited from jails and mental institutions. It is a giant crime wave that is taking place in the USA. Apart from her inappropriate statements, the service was a very boring and uninspiring one. She is not very good at her job! She and her church owe the public an apology!" (she had asked him to show mercy to illegal immigrants & LGBTQ people... mercy being very unchristian) also... look how often Trump apologizes for inappropriate comments... |
the wanderer | Wed Jan 22 13:48:41 (& posted after midnight) |
Member | Wed Jan 22 14:07:27 "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." Deuteronomy 22:5 "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable." Leviticus 18:22 "Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory?" 1 Cornthians 11:14-15 "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error." Romans 1:24-27 "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 |
the wanderer | Wed Jan 22 14:31:27 “Everyone who is proud and arrogant in heart is disgusting and exceedingly offensive to the Lord; Be assured he will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 16:5 "Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." 1 Timothy 6:9 "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 “You shall not commit adultery" Exodus 20:14 "Trump is a dick" Tumbleweed 1:22:2025 |
Member | Wed Jan 22 14:43:40 Tw would miss the point. |
Member | Wed Jan 22 14:44:19 And also completely misuse scripture. Classic tw. Can't blame him. His basement is now his world. |
Member | Wed Jan 22 15:38:32 "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." Some dude wearing a dress. |
the wanderer | Wed Jan 22 15:39:27 you think Jesus would be on Trump's side (& against this bishop)? if she shouted 'they're eating the dogs!' would that have been better? (Trump & his cultists have provided zero examples of that to the present... any apology warranted there?) |
Member | Wed Jan 22 15:42:39 Nah ... bearing false witness is A-OK with Jesus. |
Member | Wed Jan 22 15:45:57 ”It's funny how violently he reacts when he's ask to do as Jesus would do.” Either Mr Trump isn’t a Christian but a Jew, or… it is Jared Kushner or some other Jew who is writing the tweets for Mr Trump. Jews hates Christians. http://www2.gracenotes.info/topics/talmud-on-christ.html |
Member | Wed Jan 22 15:58:22 Tumbleweed It unironically would have been better if she had lectured Trump about his personal moral failings. That at least would have been somewhat in line with her hypothetical duty to preach the faith. Of course, neither approach would have been remotely appropriate for a prayer service being undertaken as part of the inaugural celebration of a new president. She was there to say a few nice and/or solemn words to formally mark the occasion, not to act as a judge of Trump's policies or character. |
the wanderer | Wed Jan 22 16:18:14 an exorcism would have been most appropriate |
Member | Wed Jan 22 17:17:18 lol @ tumbleweed :o) - |
Member | Wed Jan 22 17:22:58 "She was there to say a few nice and/or solemn words to formally mark the occasion ..." That's not her job. She's not the best man at his wedding. She's not the father of the bride. As a Christian clergy, her job is to speak on behalf of the poor and the weak and the victimized. But most American "Christians" aren't Christians at all, and anyone behaving and speaking as Jesus would really irritates them. - |
Member | Wed Jan 22 20:39:07 She is a lesbian who claims to be a believer in christ but preaches all faiths are equal. That's apostaty. Jesus would denounce her and recognize that trump is a sinner who can be forgiven. Tw and murder would know this immediately if they weren't devote atheists who would deny christ even if he spoke to them personally. |
Member | Thu Jan 23 00:31:05 Obaminated judging a woman of faith on her faith is the epitome of hypocrisy. Go back to the bottom of your barrel you ingrate. |
Member | Thu Jan 23 00:51:43 "Tw and murder would know this immediately if they weren't devote atheists who would deny christ even if he spoke to them personally." Trump isn't a sinner, he is sinister. He doesn't have failings, he has malice. - |
Member | Thu Jan 23 10:58:44 Dukhat clearly hasn't read the Bible and thinks it's forbidden to call an apostate an apostate. |
Member | Fri Jan 24 08:09:10 "That's not her job." That is her job. |
Member | Fri Jan 24 08:10:49 And now this lesbian is doing interviews on The View. She decided to abuse her position in order to get Justice Warrior points with her fellow leftists and garner some attention for herself. What an evil woman. |
Member | Fri Jan 24 09:06:07 Some more background on Budde: - She's been characterized by WaPo as "unapologetically liberal" - She donated to Barack Obama's campaigns - She's pro gay marriage - The diocese website states that she serves as an "advocate and organizer in support of justice concerns, including racial equity, gun violence prevention, immigration reform, the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons, and the care of creation" (aka she's a climate change alarmist) - She includes her pronouns in her Insta bio - She was supportive of the George Floyd protests - She called for Trump to be "removed" in 2020 ---- The Episcopal Church should be forcibly dissolved. Holy shit |
Member | Fri Jan 24 13:28:09 ^ badly feigned outrage |
Member | Fri Jan 24 19:26:53 murder Your transparently false attempts at piety are noted. And rejected. |
Member | Fri Jan 24 20:23:24 "She's pro gay marriage" Just because some guy hits on you doesn't mean that you have to have sex with him. - |
Member | Fri Jan 24 20:24:09 And you don't have to marry him if you don't want to. - |
Member | Fri Jan 24 23:29:29 You can't have homosexual behavior, claim all religions are equal and that transexuality is a thing to be respected and protected while also claiming you believe in the teachings of the Bible. It's apostasy. She did all of those in one sermon. |
Member | Sat Jan 25 04:46:42 She reminds me of an old exchange from the show Yes Prime Minister: "James Hacker: Humphrey, what's a Modernist in the Church of England? Sir Humphrey Appleby: Ah, well, the word "Modernist" is code for non-believer. James Hacker: You mean an atheist? Sir Humphrey Appleby: No no, Prime Minister. An atheist clergyman couldn't continue to draw his stipend. So, when they stop believing in God, they call themselves "Modernists". James Hacker: How could the Church of England suggest an atheist as Bishop of Bury St Edmunds? Sir Humphrey Appleby: Well, very easily. The Church of England is primarily a social organization, not a religious one. James Hacker: Is it? Sir Humphrey Appleby: Oh yes. It's part of the rich social fabric of this country. So bishops need to be the sorts of chaps who speak properly and know which knife and fork to use. The sort of people one can look up to." Bernard Woolley: May I give you Canon Stanford's details? James Hacker: Please do. Bernard Woolley: He was chaplain to the Bishop of Sheffield. He moved on to be the diocesan advisor on ethnic communities and social responsibility. He organised conferences on inter-faith interface and between Christians and Marxists, and between Christians and the women of Greenham Common. He was chaplain at the University of Essex, vice-principal at a theological college and is now secretary to the Disarmament Committee of the Council of Churches. James Hacker: Has he ever been an ordinary vicar of a parish? Bernard Woolley: Good heavens, no. Clergymen who want to be bishops try to avoid pastoral work. James Hacker:So you're saying he's a political troublemaker? Sir Humphrey Appleby: No, but he could be a thorn in your side on strikes, public expenditure on welfare, inner cities, unemployment, defence. It's interesting that nowadays politicians want to talk about moral issues and bishops want to talk politics." http://m.y...lzdGVyIGNodXJjaCBvZiBlbmdsYW5k |
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