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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump bans trannies from the military
Member | Mon Jan 27 17:47:31 Trump expected to sign executive order barring transgender people from military service The order reinstates a policy from Trump's first term that prohibited trans people from enlisting and barred those already in the military from transitioning. http://www...gender-military-dei-rcna189470 |
Member | Mon Jan 27 17:57:03 Good. |
Member | Mon Jan 27 17:58:14 He's also simultaneously reinstating members who got fired by Biden for refusing to get the Covid shot. Win-win. |
GTFO HOer | Mon Jan 27 18:08:49 Broken clock is correct twice a day. In general people with significant pre-existing medical conditions, especially of the kind that require ongoing and continual medication and care, can't join the military (it's never officially that succinct, but if you were to TLDR it and be concise, that's about what you would say the standard is). And the military does not pretend to be an equal opportunity employer. People with asthma, for example, are protected from employment discrimination in general, but nonetheless are not allowed to join the military. Our own Sam Adams couldn't join for psychological reasons. So that's about where the line in the sand is drawn. There is no reason that gender dysphoria should be carved out as a special exception, if the above is where the general line in the sand is. That being said, people already in should not be kicked out. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 28 05:18:49 [earthfaggot]: "That being said, people already in should not be kicked out." Fuck you. Get them out. |
Member | Tue Jan 28 07:10:21 Hopefully 2/3 of the US Army is trannies so we can cut it down to its appropriate size. Better yet, just fold the rest up into the US Marines. - |
Member | Tue Jan 28 12:39:16 Places such a shit show now with idiots like cherub posting. Worse than 4chan |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri Jan 31 03:47:55 Dukhat literally only ever drops in with low-IQ reddit bile and Twitter-length retard-takes, but don't let them stop him from projecting what a pathetix little bitch he is! Lol |
Member | Fri Jan 31 14:43:24 Trans can be in the military they just can't mutilate their own genitals. |
Member | Fri Jan 31 17:12:59 According to service rules they never should have been allowed in. At least the ones switching from male to female shouldn't. After the procedure they are dependent on drugs and hormone therapy for the rest of their lives. The military won't take people with asthma or diabetics because of their dependence on long term care. Trans-women should have fallen into this same category. |
Member | Fri Jan 31 19:45:50 Depends on their need to be combat ready. If they are adminstrative or logistics and not frontline, who cares? And their hormone therapy should not affect their performance in most situations anyways. |
Member | Fri Jan 31 20:19:30 that doesn't matter. The regulation is in place and should have been followed or changed. Not just ignored. |
Member | Fri Jan 31 21:59:00 What original regulation? Transgender people served during trump’s first term |
Member | Sat Feb 01 13:49:46 "There is no reason that gender dysphoria should be carved out as a special exception" unless, of course, its society thats wrong when branding it as something wrong, like parts of society that are the ones that are wrong when thinking being blsck or liberal is wrong |
Member | Sat Feb 01 13:52:14 Y'know, like when science very recently thought that hysteria was a female illness eminating from the womb, but it just turned out that it was bigoted scientists getting the completely wrong end of the stick |
Member | Sat Feb 01 14:01:27 But yeah, I get where youre coming from comparing gays to someone like sam adams who has clinically diagnosed anger issues when it comes to handling a lethal weapon |
Member | Sat Feb 01 14:12:42 I mean, its not like Sparta is mainly famous for 2 things: its warriors and for embracing homosexuality and other "sexual deviations", as Im sure you would call it |
Member | Sat Feb 01 14:35:32 "What original regulation? Transgender people served during trump’s first term" The ones that banned people with asthma, diabetes and all kinds of other problems that require life long care. And they shouldn't have been allowed in during Trump's first term with those regulations in place. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Feb 04 04:15:34 [williamthecoward (actual retard)]: "like when science very recently thought that hysteria was a female illness eminating from the womb, but it just turned out that it was bigoted scientists getting the completely wrong end of the stick" Your Reddit-tier meme is actually false. Those scientists were not "bigoted" for this take. Hysteria was rightly categorized as a female malady because many women form social collectives and groupthink themselves into bouts of excessive empathy and cannot be reasoned with under these conditions. This is largely how the phenomenon of mass-psychosis is managed: appeal to the feminine, the weak, the slavish and whip the masses into a suicidal and non-logical groupthink. This is why the left were so successfully propagandized post-2016 and particularly during COVID. They were so perilously subject to the whims of the collectivist mob, the Regime's propaganda, the "science" (Regime Lysenkoism; subverted credentialism), that they looked around, saw all of the losers in their company were freaking out, and they freaked out in kind — getting worse and worse in the process. This is a spiritually feminine malady, and hence many weakling and predatory boys of the left adopt it to gain access to women. Leftism is much like the scene in Midsommar where the Devouring Mother archetype of excessive empathy descends into a collectivist virtue-signalling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTLmVfYtzAw (Just read the comments to see how many psychos saw this scene and thought it was a good thing!) [williamthecoward (actual retard)]: "unless, of course, its society thats wrong when branding it as something wrong, like parts of society that are the ones that are wrong when thinking being blsck or liberal is wrong" lol Another left-wing category error. williamthecoward wants people to think that the categories "black" and "liberal" are metaphorically similar to "trans" as a matter of rights, where the failure to recognize "trans" people is as "bad" as black people previously not being allowed to vote. This is errors built on top of errors. "Trans" is a delusion supported only with massive medicalization and lies, "liberal" is a retarded ideological error, and "black" is an actual physical state. The underlying constant between these categories is that these groups were given power through subversion which disregarded whether or not they could actually hold power in the West for the *survival* of the West. If, for instance, some subversive found out that flesh-eating bacteria could be reliably counted on for left-wing votes and subsequently pushed for the enfranchisement of this bacteria with all the usual talking points while intentionally spreading the bacteria, williamthecoward would have no defense mechanism in place to disagree with this logic. After all, black people were denied the vote too! It does not occur to leftists [or it occurs to them but they are too attracted by the discharge of their resentment] that many historical enfranchisements were done specifically as cynical power plays. Does the DNC care about concepts such as "taxation without representation" when it comes to Washington D.C. statehood? Fuck no. They will cynically repeat those mantras only because they know that Washington D.C. has voted overwhelmingly Democrat in every single election since 1964 — which itself only began when the 23rd Amendment made the mistake of giving them a vote at all.. and for the same cynical reason of gaining DNC votes. In the case of "trans" "rights", the same utility is at play. The DNC does not give a shit about these people — they are simply a useful slave caste that the DNC is cultivating, similar to the Bolshevik cultivation of the Russian Nihilist movement. "Trans" people are overwhelmingly White, so the Regime is sterilizing White people and simultaneously converting them into a slave caste, just as former slave societies made eunuchs of those that they had conquered and made them palace guards as a sick joke. The treasonous left-wing are collected as scalps by Bolsheviks, since to hear the left betray their own people so dogmatically and hysterically makes Bolsheviks feel like they are "Chosen" to rule — since, in their sick reckoning, why else would their enemies surgically and chemically emasculate *themselves*!? [williamthecoward (actual retard)]: "its not like Sparta is mainly famous for 2 things: its warriors and for embracing homosexuality and other "sexual deviations"" lol williamthecoward really did just blank-faced agree with every lie he was told in university. One of the lies of the post-Bolshevik university is that Greece was filled with a bunch of homosexuals and that there was "free love" much like degen boomers had in the 1960s. This is false. Many of the "historians" who talked about Greek homosexuality had to willfully misinterpret a few select Grecian Urns or over-extrapolate male friendships through the lens of the "historian's" own modern degeneracy. In reality, this kind of "love" was looked upon very poorly and was seen as degenerate even then — and *especially* by the Spartans, who knew what love created a functional society of warrior-citizens. So, for instance, a famous case is the supposed homosexuality between Achilles and Patroclus. But what evidence was used? Very little! The assumption of the degen "historian" is that a man cannot love another man *except* if he is a homosexual — a complete disregard for «Philia» (brotherly love). This is something that anyone who served can tell you: the connection you feel among those with whom you served is powerful, and it need not have an ounce of sexuality attached, despite all the sarcasm and joking about this connection being "gay" by those who experience it. But the left has never experienced this, since they love their enemies more and love affirming nothingness and its many enablers. Homosexuality is a means to death, since it can produce no offspring, so leftists love it and find it in every story where two men or two women are friends ("[They were suicidal like me!!]" they cry!). As usual, they are merely bringing their own sick states with them, since the left-wing disgust reaction is simply broken. This is why left-wing sexuality is itself useful for totalitarianism, since it is indeed a deviation and is indeed suicidal. Having "trans" people in the military is simply suicidal. Slave armies are only ever good at being completely annihilated, and that is not how Western militaries operate. |
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