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Utopia Talk / Politics / UK Endorses Migrant Rape Gangs 3 of 1000
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:05:28
How could this happen?

• Destroyer Oligarchs; Governance and Industry (ESG/DEI, "sustainability")
(systematic funding of NGOs, asset managers, education, law-making bodies, politicians, government bureaucracies, and businesses under international Bolshevism's new moniker of "sustainability"; funding and empowering the global slave revolt)

• Law (CRT / DEI)
(systematic institution of laws which protect criminals and expose the Western innocent to violent offenders and foreign invaders; "equity" creates anarcho-tyranny which favors the slave revolt; police dis-empowered unless they obey the anarcho-tyranny — tyrannizing the law-abiding while allowing the anarchy of the slave revolt)

• Education (DEI, Marxism)
(Universities infiltrated with Marxism, post-colonial studies (international justification for White genocide), "anti-racism" training (anti-White studies), and Critical Theory (the history of slave revolts))

• Media (anti-White propaganda)
(Media systematically covers up the anarcho-tyranny, under-reporting crimes by migrants, foreign rapists, pedophiles, subversives, and other client groups while highlighting all crimes by Westerners; propagandizing the anti-White bias; TV and cinema does the same through ESG's formulaic anti-White writing; all useful idiots are told to use the logic of totalitarian thought reform to propagate the slide into international Bolshevism, such as the thought-terminating clichés of "racism", "fascism", and "Nazism")

• Acceptable rape and murder of White children
(Migrants and conqueror client groups are explicitly told through propaganda that crimes against White people and Westerners will be allowed, accepted, and encouraged; they are "correct" to hate White people and therefore any actions taken against White people will be "understood" by the public at large; theirs is the "voice of the unheard"; their genocide against White people will be protected at all levels)

• Systematic coverup of the rape and murder of White children
(With foreign conquerors now given decades to rape, murder, and abuse White people under the guise of thought reform such as "racism", "xenophobia", islamaphobia", and "equity", the coverup of these deeds is fully systematized; police now under-report due to CRT, prosecutors under-prosecute due to the same, media intentionally obfuscates and propagandizes due to ESG, and governance minimizes any public backlash through obfuscations — blaming weapons, public services, the "far right", or a lack of policies which are merely on a list of items awaiting the pretext for the strengthening of totalitarian powers)

• Useful idiots / sebguls
(Resentful leftists in targeted Western societies lie for sport to continue the systematic rape of White children and the destruction of the West; their only guiding principle is anti-Whiteism and a hatred for the West; they affirm nothingness; they are slavish destroyers who want to die and to bring their societies with them on their suicide; they will say anything to protect the murderers, conquerors, pedophiles, and rapists who destroy their people; they will say anything which continues the rape and murder of White children and Westerners in general; their only principles are compliance and annihilation — slave morality's inversion of values; being cowards and weaklings, their very power in society is entirely manufactured through the oligarchs; left to their own devices they dry like a worm in the sun.)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:05:42
Previous thread; 2 of 1000 :
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:05:57
Sky News (previously live) updates on the Southport Murders by pro-White-genocide Rwandan psychopath:

• In court, Rudakubana "complained of feeling ill, despite being cleared by paramedics."
People may recall that Anders Breivik employed a similar strategy when dealing with Norwegian authorities. He knew that they were so completely cucked that they would care more about whether or not he got an X-Box to pass the time in prison than whether or not a murderer were punished. Rudakubana is similarly pretending to be inconvenienced by court (which the court has a duty to address!) after murdering children.

• "Killer gloated to police":
"I'm so glad the children are dead."
"I'm glad those kids are dead, it makes me happy."
"I don't care, I'm feeling neutral".
"It's a good thing those children are dead."
"Literally, such a good thing those kids are dead, six years old."
"I'm so glad the children are dead, so glad."
"So happy, six years old. It's a good thing they are dead, yeah."
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:06:13
Timeline of events with some surveillance footage:
• Rudakubana initially tried to take a bus but then booked a taxi, refused to pay after being dropped off, and tried to run away from the taxi driver and others who confronted him. The taxi driver drives behind him filming him as Rudakubana walks to the dance studio.
• "Screams heard 'within 30 seconds' of killer entering dance class"
"He then entered the Taylor Swift dance class at around 11.45am, she says. [/] Within 30 seconds of going into the building, screams can be heard coming from within," she adds."
• "Without saying a word, he grabs the girl nearest to him and begins stabbing her, before moving through the room, stabbing as many children as he can."
• "CCTV shows one child as she tries to escape the building but is dragged back in by Rudakubana, before she staggers out and collapses."
• "[Local window cleaner] Mr Verite runs down the driveway to the dance studio where a mother waiting to collect her daughter has parked. She has her daughter in the car and three other girls who have managed to escape. She asks him to help a child who has been stabbed several times. He later described opening the door behind the driver's seat to find the girl "had many holes in her body"."
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:06:31
• His father had stopped him one week previously when he got into a taxi with the known intent to go on a murderous rampage, telling him to get out of a taxi that was bound for the children's dance class. His father filed no report and took not discernible actions to stop further events. Rudakubana then repeated the taxi ride and this time went on the rampage.

• Ricin that he had manufactured was in his room at home. He began manufacturing it in 2022. The amount in his possession could have been used to kill 1,269 people. The judge felt that Rudakubana had actual intent to use the ricin if he had not first gone on the rampage.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:07:06
• Also in Rudakubana's possession were an "Al-Qaeda training manual". There were also "Books about genocide, war, mass murder", including...
- ‘A place under heaven - Amerindian Torture and Cultural Violence’
- ‘The Mau Mau War: British Counterinsurgency in Colonial Kenya’
- ‘Death and survival during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda’
- ‘Examination of punishments dealt to slave rebels in two 18th Century British Plantation Societies’

People may recognize that these are books of slave doctrine under "post-colonialism", where client groups of the "Global South" are meant to be activated to hate the West for "colonialism" and subsequently punish Westerners for "causing" the ills of Global South nations. The last of these works in particular is meant to identify Global South readers as slaves meant to return vengeance. It does not get more clear than this. Slave morality is quite literally from slave doctrines such as Marxism, post-colonialism, and CRT.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:07:22
• This is the knife he used:
(It's literally a common kitchen knife, like a normal functional person would use to dice vegetables.)
Regime media such as "The Sun" tried to call him "The Amazon Killer" because he purchased this knife from Amazon:
[The Sun official Twitter/X; January 21st, 2025]

This is part of the Regime's obfuscation that weapons themselves are at fault and that by limiting weapons there would be no crime. This policy informs idiocies such as the installation of bollards in front of pedestrian shops. People in these United States regularly take note of this idiocy in the UK, since firearms are merely a stepping stone to even more disarmament — literally **kitchen knives** are too dangerous by Regime reckoning!

This is Panopticon Prison logic, where the idea is that with fewer and fewer freedoms people would be so thoroughly unable to move or function that crime itself would be impossible; it is the totalitarian construction of a prison. Whereas, liberty requires a high-trust society, and the Regime does not want people to know what creates a high-trust society. The Regime does not want people to know why England did not have to worry about their children being brutally stabbed to death by genocidal maniacs just 40 years ago.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:07:36
• Because the UK has removed the death penalty despite the people approving of it, he could potentially be released from jail at the age of 70, since he is 18 now.
Judge: "Accordingly in total, I sentence Rudakubana to 13 sentences of Custody for Life, and a minimum term to be served in custody is 51 years and 190 days. It is highly likely that he will never be released."
Some are already pushing for the death penalty to be returned and/or for sentence limitations to be lifted to ensure that Rudakubana is never allowed back into society.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:07:54
• "'I thought I was going to die,' says first child attacked at dance class"
"I was thinking 'I'm going to die'," she says.
"I didn't think I would make it with the amount of blood coming out of me."
She was rushed to hospital where her "entire body was in pain". At night she woke with nightmares and in a panic.
"I was scared about what was happening to me in the hospital."
She says she didn't tell her mum what had happened so that if she died, her mum wouldn't have to live with that knowledge.
In public places she now needs her family to stay safe and she has nightmares.
"I think about all the other children that were there and I feel guilty I wasn't able to help them," she says."
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:08:12
• The judge found that Rudakubana was "absolutely intent on killing as many people as he could ... And if there hadn't been interventions on the day, he would have killed all 26 children at the dance [class]."
"Had he been able to, Rudakubana would have killed everyone, the judge says."

• The Judge insinuated that Rudakubana likely killed shortly before his 18th birthday to exploit UK laws regarding the punishment of those under 18. The judge insinuated that without those laws he would sentence Rudakubana even more harshly, such as via a whole-life term rather than concurrent terms / accumulated years.
[Sky News; January 23rd, 2025]
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:08:30
• Judge:
[Sky News Video]
[Judiciary UK Transcript]
"He arrived and walked straight into the building, up the stairs to where he could hear the sound of happy children. In his mind, with the intention to murder as many of them as he physically could. He wanted [to] carry out the mass-murder of innocent, happy young girls. And over about 15 minutes, he savagely killed 3 of them and attempted to kill 8 more as well as 2 adults who tried to stop him. It was of such extreme violence of the utmost and exceptionally high seriousness that it is difficult to comprehend why it was done. I am sure that Rudakubana had a settled and determined intention to carry out these offenses and that, had he been able to, he would have killed each and every child, all 26 of them, as well as an adults who got in his way. It was only because some managed to escape that prevented many more from being murdered."

"I am also sure, that after the other children, 8 of whom he had very seriously injured managed to escape, it left him in the upstairs room and landing where he returned to continue his sustained and brutal violence against two of the youngest of those children, stabbing them multiple times. That demonstrated how determined he was to cause the maximum suffering he could. Left alone with them, where they'd fallen, he continued shocking and extreme violence."

"Many, who have heard the evidence summarised by the prosecution in this hearing and having seen the CCTV recordings played with a view from the outside of the building, might describe what he did as evil; who could dispute it? On any view, it was at least the most extreme, shocking and exceptionally serious crime."

• "Elsie Stancombe was aged only 7 when Rudakubana inflicted at least 85 sharp force injuries to her head, face, neck, torso and upper limbs; severe force was used to cause her death."

• "Bebe King was aged only 6 when he inflicted at least 122 sharp force injuries to her head, face, neck, torso and upper limbs. It was the opinion of Dr Cieka, the Pathologist, that Rudakubana had tried to decapitate her. He concluded that severe force was used to kill her."

• "Alice Da Silva Aguiar was aged 9 when he stabbed her, including a chop wound to her head and four stab wounds to her back, causing substantial internal injury. Although she managed to escape out of the building, she collapsed, and despite all medical help, she died in hospital at 1.20am the following day"

• "C1 was aged 7. She almost managed to escape, but Rudakubana were seen to pull her back into the building and attack her. Stabbing her 32 times, including 23 to her back and arms, causing her life-threatening injuries. Fortunately, she survived, and could be seen on CCTV collapsing outside."

• "When the police arrived, at about 12 noon they found him standing over the body of Bebe King and still holding your knife. It was Bebe who had suffered at least 122 separate knife wounds. He was arrested and taken into custody. Whilst Rudakubana did not say anything in his police interviews he did make unsolicited comments, which are deeply disturbing, including “I’m glad to see those kids are dead, it makes me happy” and “It’s a good thing those children are dead”."
large member
Tue Jan 28 08:14:58
Aha, A new thread. Repost for continuity:

CC, I think you have been called predatory and opportunistic more than anything.

We have established that you think the children of leftists are poisoned seed without redeeming features. We have established that the children in question are invariably leftist offspring. We simply do not think you care about them at all. A factor that renders your musings hypocritical nonsense.

I am sure you can find cases of upstanding Maga children being subject to something or another. I suggest you direct your attention to their plights.

I will accept you on your word if you can catagorically state that the children of white leftists are equal in value to all other white children.

You feel you can commit to that? I will otherwise take it as proven that you think they are not.

[CC declines]

You hypocracy and opportunism thus proven until you provide a statement to the effect that all white children are equally valuable regardless of their parents' political views.

Note, I will take you on your word. I think thought purity too important to you for you to lie directly on this point.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:36:12
Notice how transparently the jergfaggot lies?
And projects his liarly state upon *me*!? That is how little the slave jergfag respects Truth! And now with this transparent and childish rhetorical deception of, "[hur hur, address my loaded fucktard lies and deceptions or your silence is itself "proof" of my bad faith lies, deceptions, and shitfaggery immoralism]"!

Imagine that! In the low-IQ self-destruction of the jergfaggot, his lies prove his lies! The only thing that proves "true" for him is to gain your attention with his lies! This kind of circular logic can only be born of the deepest retard or the most evil and irreligious psychopathic liar. This is why our ancestors long knew that some people can only be cleansed by the sword, but while that would fulfill justice, the most noble of us would prefer that these destroyers become burdened with conscience, a perfect memory, and eternal life — that they might be tormented forever by their misdeeds.

These psychopaths do indeed condone the mass rape and murder of children. There is not a shred of remorse within them. They want the West to die, and they intend to take those who love the West with them. But I love the West more than they hate it. That will have to be enough.

Where our Beautiful Monuments show the Glories of Our People,
where our people show the Providential Choices of Our Ancestors,
where "the ashes of [our] fathers and the temples of [our] Gods" stir in us Eternal Relentlessness,

the slave is inspired only by bottomless nothingness.

We could spend a thousand years perfecting Our Glories,
but the slave would only see kindling for a night's fire.

We cannot build Civilizations for such worms.

Where a thousand chances to inspire worms to consciousness fail,
where worms instead devour the best among them to stay forever worms,
At some point we can only let the best of them join us — the Frodo, the Bilbo, the Gandalf.
The sebguls can only remain in ignorance on the shore.
Such as their mypoic fates command!

I am of different stuff!
Fire and Lightning! These things are incommunicable to weaklings and Titus' timid losers who only know to ease their stomachs with vomit and are still left with bitter tongues — one malady for another!

For context, these are the things he omitted to sell his lies:
[jergfaggot (low-IQ nonce, anti-White genocidal faggot)]: "We have established that you think the children of leftists are poisoned seed without redeeming features. We have established that the children in question are invariably leftist offspring. We simply do not think you care about them at all. A factor that renders your musings hypocritical nonsense."

Notice, in particular, jergfaggot's lie of "we have established" — which he cannot cite with any quotation. jergfaggot is able to tell these lies because he failed his IQ test in this thread:
(Comment "Mon Dec 09 04:18:56"):
The IQ Test in that thread was a simple illustration of a false premise cascade. jergfaggot can only adopt false premise upon false premise. He is literally incapable of telling the truth.

Actually mentally retarded slaves such as jergfaggot and williamthecoward are unable to engage in multi-variable analysis because..
• they lack the brainpower to square their lies with truths (hence, they so often fail to quote their opposition, preferring to straw-man with their own delusions),
• the Regime insists that they remain retarded for compliance purposes, and so they slavishly obey,
• their slavish mindset prevents them from exercising the mental capacity to overcome their retardations, and
• their slavish mindsets insist that they lie about everything anyways, since their belief system is not based in Sacred Truths and Beautiful Moral Systems but instead self-destructive ugliness and intoxication with one's own waste products.

People like this are the reason.

So, again:
Behold! A "Welshman"!

This is the face of sebfag!
This is the face of murdertard!
This is the face of williamthecoward!
This is the face of tumblefag!

Do you understand yet?
They are defending *themselves*!
This is how they see *themselves*!

*Children* are murdered *intentionally*, with *forethought*, and with **explicit racial malice**; and the sebguls would call you "racist" and "fascist" for wanting to punish the *murderer*!


[jergfaggot the immoral liar who believes in only suicide and nothingness — nothingness without end]: "I will accept you on your word if you can catagorically state that the children of white leftists are equal in value to all other white children. [/] You feel you can commit to that? I will otherwise take it as proven that you think they are not."

Your ultimatums and pathetic rhetorical lies are built upon deceptions. You will take any answer as "proof" yet no words to you serve anything but your own delusions.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 08:38:47
Behold! A "Welshman"!

This is the face of sebfag!
This is the face of murdertard!
This is the face of williamthecoward!
This is the face of tumblefag!

Do you understand yet?
They are defending *themselves*!
This is how they see *themselves*!

*Children* are murdered *intentionally*, with *forethought*, and with **explicit racial malice**; and the sebguls would call you "racist" and "fascist" for wanting to punish the *murderer*!
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 28 10:21:33
Bolshevik controlled-opposition and fake-conservative-Party (i.e., not actually conservative) leader Kemi Badenoch:
""He had materials about white genocide. If you are being inculcated in hate, you are not integrating well."

(I.e., even Badenoch knows what these materials are.)

There are reports of him telling school-mates that "Britain needs a genocide like Rwanda" and that he wanted a "white genocide". Police evidence was released detailing his anti-White ideology, which, as noted above, is wholly sourced from Marxist/slave texts:

Again, it does not get more clear than this. Projects such as "sustainability"/ESG, CRT/Critical Theory, and DEI are explicitly about creating slave revolts, where the slavish attempt to murder their way into the "Master"-enslaver status (slaves perpetually trying to enslave other slaves). Rudakubana was simply doing exactly what the government wanted him to do.

This is the same as the Pakistani child rapists who were calling themselves the Master/"Supreme Race". Palantir CEO Alex Karp literally cited the Master–slave dialectic as informing his business motivations. Larry Fink openly advocates for "forcing" this behavior for "global equity" for the "Global South". They literally say it. They literally *say* it. Just a bunch of "individuals" all saying the same thing — from asset managers, to government, to intelligence, to universities, to media, to obedient useful idiots, to the murderers and rapists who just practice exactly what the academics wanted them to practice. White genocide is literally and explicitly what they want. There is not some second interpretation of, for instance, Critical Theory. This is what it is: foreigners going into dance classes with the explicit intent of murdering White children.

To the Regime, the real inconvenience of this is that anyone knows about it at all. Recall that Starmer's "solutions" in his press conference after the verdict was merely that he wants "objectionable" material removed from the Internet. In the Panopticon justification (above), the "real" issue is that the Regime doesn't have more power to keep people from information — the Regime just needs more access to everyone's search histories! If the Five Eyes network shared even *more* then we'd all be safe in prison together! lol. All things being equal, this simply means further dis-empowering White people while continuing to educate and empower slave castes, treating them as wind-up toys meant to be set free to annihilate White people in their nations.

You think that Starmer is going to ban "trans" books or post-colonialism studies in universities? lol, no. No he is not. That's "fascist" and "racist" or whatever, by his reckoning. This is the same Regime that was calling Lord of the Rings "extremist" material. This is the same Regime that arrested a man because he taught his pug to do a salute. They have intentionally produced a system which makes it *easier* to go after Englishmen for petty thoughtcrimes than to stop Rwandan imports from taking the logic of the Rwandan genocide to its natural conclusion.

This was literally the point of Rwanda, as I've said before: they were purging their population of White genes. Was it going to stop with Tutsis? Of course not! Were Tutsis blameless? Of course not! Were Hutus safe? Of course not! The slave revolt works in a graveyard spiral. They *start* by killing the most resistant to slavery, but they just keep going. A Tutsi would be activated to use this logic against the most "White" of themselves (just as White leftists are trained to hate their own people), Hutus take up the mantle by targeting *all* Tutsis, and the more slavish Hutus ended up killing other Hutus who just kind of "look" like Tutsis. So people thinking that a Rwandan Tutsi wouldn't want to kill White people in England or that that's a contradiction are missing some obvious details. It's a slave revolt. Killing White people is its explicit design.
Tue Jan 28 11:18:12
You really are unhinged aren't you?
large member
Tue Jan 28 12:20:44
CC, the test is simple. Just say you think all white children are equal, no matter their parents' background. What you typed out now seems like unhinged deflection.

No normal person would think you are being coerced into admitting anything other than an obvious and self-evident truth.
Wed Jan 29 02:49:07
What I find amusing is the melodramatic "Behold! A Welshman" followed by a picture of a young black man as if it's self evident that a black person can't be Welsh.

For avoidance of doubt: yes, that's a Welshman CC. He was born in Wales, raised in Wales, and speaks Welsh.
large member
Wed Jan 29 03:04:16
CC may not have a problem with that. The Welsh are celts. Not English at all.

Wed Jan 29 08:17:37

The Welsh position is cultural stuff matters more than lineage.

This is what the Welsh nationalists say:


Their policy has always been civic nationalism rather than ethnocentrism.

They aren't interested in going house to house to check for non-celtic genes or skull shapes and deporting people for failing to meet their purity criteria.

Wed Jan 29 08:18:12
CC denouncing the Welsh nationalists party as race traitors to Wales in 3...2...1...
large member
Wed Jan 29 09:54:35
That was kind of my point. Even the English language has a poor view on the Welsh (as in "to welsh"), so why not CC?
Wed Jan 29 13:02:07
The verb "to welch (on a debt)" refers to the practice of bookmakers and gamblers who when in debt would run to Wales, bring the jurisdiction of English law, to escape their effect.

Of late people have decided it's a slur on Welsh people, it is however incorrect and there's no stereotype that corresponds to the use of the term; unlike e.g. scottsmen and being miserly.
large member
Wed Jan 29 13:25:53
What an incredibly charitable intepretation that does not match a quick google at all.
Wed Jan 29 14:08:41

What about the Irish and being violent drunks?

Wed Jan 29 14:43:50

That's the problem with Google.

What you are seeing, when you trace it back, is largely regurgitation of one source (a single edition of a dictionary that asserts it is "probably" a slur on Welsh character).

Problem is, the term is *very* specific until very recently to refer to reneging on specifically a bet (its now referred to reneging on any verbal deal in the last half of the 20th C); and the origin of the phrase is 1860s from horse racing; and the general stereotype of the Welsh by the English doesn't include the idea of the Welsh being un-trustworthy or duplicitous.
Normally the reverse: honest simple, pedestrian, superstitious. Also shag sheep.

Buggering off to the Welsh valleys (basically out in the middle of nowhere with relatively poor communications and weak law enforcement) as a means to avoid censure and sanction *is* a feature of 19th c literature (more apocryphal than real though) so the coloquial idea of a dodgy book-keeper unable to pay out going on the lam to hide out in the Welsh valleys and avoid debtors jail's is the kind of tongue in cheek thing a mid 19th c racing gazette might refer to.
Wed Jan 29 14:44:36

Certainly the stereotype.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 31 00:37:37
[sebfaggot (nonce, traitor, coward)]: "You really are unhinged aren't you?"

More projection and lies.
You retards have no idea what is coming. I think you'll appreciate how much the people you're trying to genocide will surprise you. :)

Seb's "Welshman":

This is the face of sebgul!
This is the face of murdertard!
This is the face of williamthecoward!
This is the face of tumblefag!

Do you understand yet?
They are defending *themselves*!
This is how they see *themselves*!

*Children* are murdered *intentionally*, with *forethought*, and with **explicit racial malice**; and the sebguls would call you "racist" and "fascist" for wanting to punish the *murderer*!

"Bebe King was aged only 6 when he inflicted at least 122 sharp force injuries to her head, face, neck, torso and upper limbs. It was the opinion of Dr Cieka, the Pathologist, that Rudakubana had tried to decapitate her. He concluded that severe force was used to kill her."
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 31 00:40:49
[sebfaggot]: "as if it's self evident that a black person can't be Welsh."

I told you all: these people tell on themselves. sebfaggot looked at that picture, and all he saw was "black". They tell you who they are. They are Aspy fucktards who cannot read facial expressions. They can only see the world through their slave dogmas.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 31 00:41:59
"I am also sure, that after the other children, 8 of whom he had very seriously injured managed to escape, it left him in the upstairs room and landing where he returned to continue his sustained and brutal violence against two of the youngest of those children, stabbing them multiple times. That demonstrated how determined he was to cause the maximum suffering he could. Left alone with them, where they'd fallen, he continued shocking and extreme violence."

"Elsie Stancombe was aged only 7 when Rudakubana inflicted at least 85 sharp force injuries to her head, face, neck, torso and upper limbs; severe force was used to cause her death."
Fri Jan 31 05:45:14
The gentle babbling of a lunatic.
Fri Jan 31 06:03:14
I see, so it was his facial expression that clearly marked him out as not being a Welshman?
Fri Jan 31 06:07:20
"the sebguls would call you "racist" and "fascist" for wanting to punish the *murderer*"

No. This guy is rightly going to jail for what is likely to be the rest of his life.

What I oppose is people like you trying to burn children alive in a hotel because they somehow think that it is punishing this guy.

I also oppose advocating for stripping the property and rights of British Born Muslims (who are entirely unconnected with this guy and his crimes); murdering anyone who opposes this policy, and confiscating the property of their families. That's what *you* called for and that's fascist as fuck.
Fri Jan 31 08:39:56
This mammoth monstrosity is - exactly - the kind of person who, after her first job ever, gets pointed out by survivors as the concentration camp guard they called the Behemoth Butcher of Baltimore
Fri Jan 31 08:50:46
And the evidence they'd use at the Haag to sentence her for crimes against humanity would be the 10,000 pics a week she'd upload like this

Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 31 08:54:26
[sebfaggot (nonce; Regime sycophant)]: "I see, so it was his facial expression that clearly marked him out as not being a Welshman?"

This is hilarious :D
You really are an aspy fucking retard :D
You're so imperceptive that even when called on your complete lack of perception you cannot conjure the brainpower to demonstrate even a hint that you might *not* be a fucking retard, lol :D

Again, sebfaggot is just a weak little koala bear with smooth-brain agnosia. He does not have the brainpower to see distinctions between discrete items. People with Aspergers tend to be *really* terrible at passing tests regarding facial expressions, emotions, and theory-of-mind, which is why this is a such a fun test for him. He tried to avoid the test I gave him with that "trans" degenerate, but this time he can't hide since he looked at the picture and is telling us that all he can see is "black" :D

[sebfaggot (nonce; Regime sycophant)]: "What I oppose is people like you trying to burn children alive in a hotel because they somehow think that it is punishing this guy."

Weak lie and pathetic Whataboutism, faggot. :D
Search for another angle, faggoty liar, since this new talking point you're adopting is so random and desperate that it sounds like you read it in the Guardian (a homosexual's bloody shit-rag) or something. lol :D

[sebfaggot (nonce; Regime sycophant)]: "I also oppose advocating for stripping the property and rights of British Born Muslims (who are entirely unconnected with this guy and his crimes); murdering anyone who opposes this policy, and confiscating the property of their families. That's what *you* called for and that's fascist as fuck."

More lies. It's all you can do. You're a liar who lies. You're pathetic. :D


Judge overseeing the murderer of children:

"When the police arrived, at about 12 noon they found him standing over the body of Bebe King and still holding your knife. It was Bebe who had suffered at least 122 separate knife wounds. He was arrested and taken into custody. Whilst Rudakubana did not say anything in his police interviews he did make unsolicited comments, which are deeply disturbing, including “I’m glad to see those kids are dead, it makes me happy” and “It’s a good thing those children are dead”."
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 31 10:16:44
Why would a homosexual's news source say this?

• "Yet the Guardian has learned that the Cardiff-born teenager, whose Rwandan parents moved to Britain in 2002, had developed a deep and dark interest in extreme violence, spending hours researching genocide and watching graphic videos of murder."

• "“He was absolutely obsessed with genocides,” said one senior official. “He could name every genocide in history and how many people were killed – Rwanda, Genghis Khan, Hitler. It’s all he wanted to talk about.”"

• "Rudakubana had a closer connection to genocide than most other British youths: his father, Alphonse, is thought to have fought with the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA), an armed force that battled the Hutu-dominated regime in Rwanda and eventually brought an end to the mass ethnic killings of 1994."

Wow. Why does the Guardian think he has more ties to Rwanda than Britain? That's weird. He's a Welshman, isn't he?

• "One official said the teenager, who is autistic, was under the supervision of social services, and local authority workers would insist on a police officer being present at their meetings with him. Neighbours said they saw police cars outside the family’s smart semi-detached home in the village of Banks “half a dozen” times in the weeks before he attacked the Hart Space centre, 5 miles away. [/] Social workers knew that he had recently left mainstream education after taking a knife into school and, in a separate incident described by sources, threatened teachers and pupils with a hockey stick on which Rudakubana had written their names."

Weird. Why would the government knowingly keep such severe threats to society within society? This guy, who wants to stab White people to death and commit a genocide against White people, seemed to be given a pretty fair deal here. That's a bit odd. I wonder if it has anything to do with Western governments being overrun with anti-White genocidal maniacs? It's weird that anti-White genocidal maniacs would make sure that anti-White genocidal maniacs are trained, educated, and enabled to kill White people. Almost seems like collusion of some sort.

• "Where they might once have found comfort in the Welsh capital’s Rwandan community, there was less familiarity in the windswept holiday resort on the north-west coast."

Why would Welshmen be more comfortable in a Rwandan community? Aren't those Rwandans just interchangeable Welshmen — like any other Welshman? Just units signifying GDP? Like numbers in a camp? Why does the Guardian refer to them as Rwandans at all? Is the Guardian "racist"? Is this because he's "black"?

Maybe I can fix it for people with agnosia:
"Where they might once have found comfort in the Welsh capital’s [also Welsh] community, there was less familiarity in the windswept holiday resort on the north-west coast, [which was also Welsh].

"[It's impossible to say why they found comfort in one Welsh community but not the other Welsh community. The wind? The holiday-ness? We at the Guardian are well-informed that this [Welshman] with blood ties to the [Welsh] community of "Rwanda" was particularly interested in [Welsh] people perpetrating a [Welsh] genocide against [other Welshman]. He once loudly declared that "We need a [Welsh] genocide!" (He is a [Welshman]). He wanted to do this because he resented [Welsh] people because they were [Welsh] and not [Welsh] like him. (He is [Welsh].) Everyone is [Welsh]. There is a 'myth' of [Welshness] wherein being [Welsh] means that one is [Welsh], but, actually, being [Welsh] is about being [Welsh]. This may sound circular, but we assure our readers that being [Welsh] is being [Welsh].

"[Since there is no discernible difference between [Welsh] people and [Welsh] people, this run-of-the-mill [Welsh-on-Welsh] crime is particularly baffling. Rudakubana apparently believed he could comprehend something distinct between himself, a [Welshman], and the children he murdered, [who were also Welsh], since he targeted them for being [Welsh] as opposed to [Welsh] like himself. We at the Guardian cannot see these differences. Did he imagine these differences? Certainly that must be so! Rudakubana cannot be "racist" because he is [Welsh] and not [Welsh], whereas the children he killed most certainly *can* be racist, because they are [Welsh] and not [Welsh]. We can simultaneously apprehend something distinctly [Welsh] which facilitates this asymmetry while denying ourselves the ability to say that anything is distinctly [Welsh] — except being [Welsh], of course. We will continue to investigate this story of Welsh-on-Welsh crime and label anyone more perceptive than ourselves as "racist" or "fascist" or "Nazi" as our agnosia permits. Though, on second thought, those more perceptive than ourselves are "[Welsh]" or "[Welsh]" or "[Welsh]".]"

"Autistic Reporter, [sebfag], Enchanted By Prison's Rigid Routine"
Fri Jan 31 17:28:39

It's clear that you take umbrage with describing this fellow as Welsh.

I initially assumed it was because he was black. That, after all, was something you had said previously: that he's got Rwandan heritage.

Then you made reference to his expression.

What is it about his picture that makes you feel he isn't Welsh?
Fri Jan 31 17:29:56
As for trying to distance yourself from your own words, you can claim it a lie all you like, but anyone can find it if they search.
Fri Jan 31 17:34:03
As for the final part of the screed, if I say I identify as Hawaiian, go out and kill a bunch of kids in the name of Hawaii, does that justify a bunch of people like you going out and trying to kill a bunch of Thai's in retaliation?

Whatever I might self identify as - the fact remains I was born in the UK, speak British English, was raised English and hold British citizenship. It's just objectively true facts.

And going after Thais in retaliation is just bonkers.

This is the crazy shit you support.

Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 04 02:48:41
[sebfaggot (nonce, Regime sycopohant, liar)]: "I initially assumed it was because he was black."

Yes, you assumed that because of your obvious slave morality, which imposes a racialist perspective upon you wherein that is the primary category which drives your low-IQ agnosia-afflicted perception. You are too retarded to see anything else. I, meanwhile, have multiple times explained exactly what I mean with specific details — you are too stupid to understand it.

Sebfag suffers from low-IQ agnosia and therefore is incapable of looking at a facial expression and gathering information from it. Notice, also, how sebfaggot has so many things to say in defense of this "Welshman", but he has not said a single word about this:

"Bebe King was aged only 6 when he inflicted at least 122 sharp force injuries to her head, face, neck, torso and upper limbs. It was the opinion of Dr Cieka, the Pathologist, that Rudakubana had tried to decapitate her. He concluded that severe force was used to kill her."

It's "almost" (absolutely) like sebnonce is an anti-White genocidal maniac who only cares about client groups that can kill White Westerners but who does not care at all ever about the deaths of White people. Many such cases. These traitors will have to be disenfranchised at the very least. That is the moderate position.

[sebfaggot (nonce, Regime sycopohant, liar)]: "As for trying to distance yourself from your own words, you can claim it a lie all you like, but anyone can find it if they search."

Nope; they will find no such thing. You are a liar. You cannot even find the words which fit your supposed (liarly) claim because you are a liar. Notice how I always quote your exact words, but you, being a fucking liar, rarely quote anyone. I told you about this pathetic character flaw of yours years ago, you adjusted for all of one afternoon, found out that quoting people means that you cannot straw-man them anymore, and so went right back to being a fucking retarded liar who never quotes anyone.

You are a piece of shit liar and anti-West traitor who will rightly be obliterated by those who love the West. Your entire existence was written in sand as the waves rolled in, but the West was built in stone and everlasting courage atop mountains. The powder from your bones is already less than a memory. Your own children could not even recognize you in a crowd. You are property of a loveless state whose entire existence is an affirmation of nothingness.

Everyone knows that you are a liar.
Your lies will be altogether discarded.
Your words are poison.
No one is drinking your poison, you dysgenic freak.

Now get the fuck out of this thread, you fucking "tourist" faggot. :)


Strange that Regime media is downplaying Rudakubana's and his parents' complete lack of assimilation. They're already trying to memory-hole this:

Most of the Regime liars are sticking with this "Welsh choirboy" narrative because they need to willfully ignore that even the liars who hide behind "culture" are just using "culture" as some unassailable slime that anyone can possess — even in complete opposition to any other "culture". That is, having a "culture" which explicitly promotes White genocide is just as "Welsh" as having a culture that protects the Welsh and its traditions, and "assimilation" has therefore worked just as effectively amongst either group.

Worse, of course, is that current leftism is treasonous by default. If all "cultures" were truly equal in some deluded sense of moral relativism, then **even then**, better cultures would simply find their way to power within their own societies — reflecting its virtues back upon itself — as might an eagle build a large nest and a sparrow a small nest. But, because leftism is treasonous, they only *pretend* that "culture" is a blindness for them **when it allows them to be blind to White culture**. The traitor can always recognize and protect the "culture" of the foreigner, but he cannot do this for his own people. Thus, the very word "racist" among the left has just become an anti-White slur.

Starmer on a new stabbing, this one in Sheffield:
from BBC (State media; Regime media):
The Times (State media; Regime media):

Naturally, Regime media can tell you who died: a White boy.
They cannot tell you who did it because of their lie of "law", but a *stabbing*?

• Through anti-White genocidal globalist policies, Sheffield has been reduced to 80% White since 1985.

• The population of the Sheffield school, All Saints Catholic High School, where a White boy was murdered by knife attack was 30% English-as-a-second-language in a school with a capacity of 1290 with 1387 enrolled:

• In late January, the school was temporarily shut down when some of its students were threatening violence (strange phenomenon!)

Additionally, while England tries to "fix" the anti-White genocide by promoting it further through silencing information about the attacker on any platforms it controls, early leaks from local students suggest it was a 15-year-old Albanian Muslim named "Omar [Asahi? Kemani?]".

Trolls sometimes seed this information, so this is to be taken with a grain of salt:
----------- [account with only 19 followers]
My sources from Sheffield have confirmed the following regarding the Harvey Willgoose murder:

All Saints High School was locked down last week as Omar was threatening to stab Harvey with a shard of glass.

He was suspended

Today he brought a knife to school and mudered him
Possible image:

Other posts claim that school administration kept information from parents following the first knife- or glass-wielding:

Naturally, this school promotes DEI principles (Marxist, anti-White principles):

So, whether or not that information is mere trolling, we're seeing all of the elements of the same Bolshevik pattern: hide the Regime's client groups while promoting the "victory" for the client groups. The attacker is likely some un-assimilated conqueror who hates the West simply because the Regime would be parading his identity otherwise (suddenly, they would be unconcerned with "law"!). Was it *actually* this "Omar"? To be seen — and how quickly the information is released officially will reveal how much the Regime is damaged by it. But would residents of Sheffield be rightly suspicious of Regime authorities for *multiple* times failing to tell them who is raping and murdering their children? Certainly!

And as a reminder, the UK previously had "stop and search" program similar to the NYC's "stop and frisk", but, of course, certain demographics tended to be the ones over-represented in carrying knives around, so it was deemed "racist" and adjusted. That is, Western nations are not even allowed to recognize the perpetrators of actual crimes because the accumulated data of who is committing crimes (i.e., *reality*) would be "racist". This is how left-wing policies doom people to anarcho-tyranny. If leftists were simply anti-crime regardless of who the perpetrators turned out to be, then they could hold onto their self-deceptions, but they cannot even do that. The same people who cannot discern facial expressions want the police to have to ignore criminality — ignore their own perceptions to accommodate leftists who have none!
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 04 06:07:10
The Regime's Starmer will claim that releasing the identity of an anti-White stabber might prejudice proceedings (somehow).

Meanwhile, this guy burned a quran and was immediately doxxed by police, with his date of birth, name, and photo released to the public before he has even appeared before the Magistrate:
Tue Feb 04 09:43:07

You keep implying he's not Welsh. You actually said it was a lie to call him Welsh.

He is Welsh.

Endlessly cut/pasting his crimes doesn't alter that fact. I don't need to say anything more than I already have about the horrific nature of his crimes: they are not in dispute, and never have been.

What is in dispute is whether a reasonable response to his crimes is to try and burn down mosques and hotels with kids inside.

You've repeatedly weighed in to defend this, and attack the idea those that do it, or incite it, should face justice.

That's the point of dispute.
Tue Feb 04 09:44:47
"complete lack of assimilation"
He speaks Welsh, and they are both devout Catholic church goers.

Locals say his parents are actively part of the community.

Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 07 09:27:12
"Alice Da Silva Aguiar was aged 9 when he stabbed her, including a chop wound to her head and four stab wounds to her back, causing substantial internal injury. Although she managed to escape out of the building, she collapsed, and despite all medical help, she died in hospital at 1.20am the following day"

[sebnonce the liar]: "What is in dispute is whether a reasonable response to his crimes is to try and burn down mosques and hotels with kids inside."

Pathetic red herring and hilarious (accidental use of the) Norm MacDonald meme ("[ermagerdz! what's so much worse is the *response* to the mass-rape of White children!]"). You're fucking retarded lol

[sebnonce the liar]: "He is Welsh."

You are a liar.
He is not Welsh.
*If* he is Welsh, then so is everyone in the world, just as every Global South slave is an American-in-waiting — if but they were granted papers by Bolsheviks! ;D

Your ideology is poison. It will die remarkably and a thousand generations will tell their children about it in tales where they grasp their chests and cry, "Who could have been so evil!? Surely, these must be myths! How *low* could one fall to betray his nation! Surely it must not have been *his* at all! Surely traitors knew to fear justice!"

[sebnonce the liar]: "Locals say his parents are actively part of the community."


sebfag loves little deceptions like this. Don't ask him to tell you what he thinks by "the community" — more indistinguishable "[Welshman]" of course — a "melting pot" if you will! XD

Again, get out of this thread, you faggoty fucking "tourist". :)
You don't even have the moral courage to admit to being a pathetic little hypocrite who desperately calls people "tourist" for getting too close to calling out the Bolshevik love of killing White people. If you cannot admit to even the most obvious of rhetorical and logical errors then all you're doing is telling the world that you are an unrepentant maniac unfit for prison.

And just remember this, faggot: I do not need to convince you of anything. This is not a trial, this is a sentencing hearing. *Really* think about that. You can't, but you should. :)

"Find you a girl who loves you like a British journalist loves murderers."
(in response to Daily Mail article):
"Crammed into Hell: Thousands of MS-13 and 18 Street gang members squeeze onto bunks in El Salvador's mega CECOT prison that boasts inmates 'have lost all rights' as it marks second anniversary"

In other words, the Regime cannot help but defend murderers and deflect to the "crimes" of those who love their nations when the Regime's murderers are not let out of jail (the absolute deflection!). They really do have the evil purpose of a Batman villain: let all of the criminals out of jail for .. umm... "human rights" (i.e., your annihilation under the maniacal knife of a slave army). These would-be social engineers of the dying Bolshevik bureaucracies truly believed that tattoo-covered maniacs with eyes that look like they're one mis-fired thought away from bludgeoning someone to death are just a sad case of unfair violations of "international laws and due process" — words which mean a completely different thing to them than to any Noble human being.

To Bolsheviks, words such as "citizenship" and "human rights" are not Sacred and Inviolable Principles — they are cudgels to be wielded against those who believe in them. You believe in "fairness", don't you? Then why not let 10,000,000 mass-migrants into your nation to rape your children? They're just as "British" as you! Or they will be, once Bolsheviks infiltrate your government with pederasts and dysgenic freaks and open the gates of Toledo for your annihilation. *That* is "due process" to them! They made a very fine "process" of your annihilation!
large member
Fri Feb 07 09:33:02
CC, I think you need to revisit Rand. The point of objectivism is not to hold positions so outragous that everyone objects to them. CR Ruggy's comment on the role of jewish people in your constructions.
Fri Feb 07 09:41:51
"If he is Welsh, then so is everyone in the world"

Well no, clearly not. Not everyone else in the world meets the requirements of Welsh civic nationality. That's a completely crazy thing to assert.
Fri Feb 07 09:43:28
Put it this way, when you, a tourist, are arguing with the Welsh Nationalist movement that they are being insufficiently pure about what constitutes Welshness, you look a bit fucking mad.
Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 07 10:28:33
"Raja Miah [ @recusant_raja ] on the Grooming Gangs Cover Up"
[February 4th, 2025]

Miah addresses the Celebration Parallax firstly (4:30): it is important to recognize that these migrant rape gangs are *indeed* "comfortable" with their position as mass-rapists of English children. Regime apparatchiks try to work at all points within the Parallax simultaneously, but this needs to be ruminated upon: they know their role (mass rape and conquest) and they are in the West to do it. They *know* it. They *say* it. They *live* it.

7:30 — "This is systemic across the country."
There is overlap with the heroin trade.
Many of these men are in league with council-members to protect their crimes.

9:30 — "Our political class ... benefited from the arrangement."

A bold statement:
10:55 — "At least 100,000 children [were abused]. — at *least*."

10:30 — "White working class children were exchanged for votes."

This line is crucial to understand, since this is the exact same playbook being used across the international left. Early/weak liars in the Celebration Parallax will lie of the Replacement that "it's not happening", but they then tell the truth when they admit, "Demographics is destiny". Year after year, left-wing destroyers look for means to expand their depraved power. Who do they look for? Permanent slaves who want to destroy society, of course! And they import these.

They look cynically at statistical margins and determine which demographics would give power to the slave revolt, and they then "advocate for" (manipulate and own) that group. What percentage of [x] group is compliant, nihilistic, slavish, stupid, desperate for power, and resentful? Is it >51%? If so, these are the "other potentials"! They could tip the scale into a full-on anti-White genocide! They *must* be incorporated into the Party!

But what is the other issue?
Slave castes must be bribed and protected. As I've said many times, these sebbish degenerates would absolutely fail in all corners of life were they simply left to their own devices without any outside interaction. A Noble person could be left in a desert and build castles out of Lightning — but a slave? A slave can affirm only nothingness. Thus, they must be *kept* in their slavish state by the Oligarchs *while* the Oligarchs continue giving them power. Whereas, in a Noble society, one must *change* to become Greater! Does one *sit* to train for a marathon? No! One must *run*! But the slave is given the marathon medal while sitting. He is kept in his sickly nature but awarded power.

This is the goal of Bolshevik inversion of "assimilation". We have seen in these destroyers that they will claim that one can be a Westerner simply by "assimilation", and, again, the Noble with their Sacred and Inviolable Principles believe this because they treat words as Sacred — whereas the destroyer only cares how these words can deceive for his dark purpose. For truly, the destroyer claims that the mass-migrant rapists and conquerors will "assimilate", but assimilate to... what? Does the destroyer believe in the West? No! Again, the destroyer "believes" only in its inverted *non*-Sacred sense! So the mass-migrant rapists and conquerors are "assimilating" into "[anything they want to be]" (a meaningless and Protean idea of citizenship which is "true" only to the bureaucrat), and the destroyers want them to *remain* exactly as they are.

In other words, by true meanings, Bolsheviks want slaves.
They do not want these slaves to become virtuous.
They do not want these slaves to assimilate.
They do not want these slaves to love the West.
They want these slaves to keep raping and destroying.
That is *why* they were brought in the first place!

And we see it in governance. To the leftists in power, maintaining the votes of rapists and conquerors was incalculably of greater importance to them than the lives and well-being of the children raped by these rapists and conquerors. More shortly, as a practical issue, if they went after migrant rape gangs, they would be going after their own voters — and their fellow politicians. Why would they do that?

A Noble person could tell you exactly why one would go after rapists: **because they are evil**. But to a leftist... "[For whom was that rapist going to vote? Did he rape my enemy — did he rape White children?]" *Those* are their principles.

Rapists keep the left in power, so the left protects rapists.
Whereas, White children might grow to recognize that the left's excesses are evil and degenerate, so the left want these children raped and annihilated. Once similarly destroyed, they will protect rapists too. "Don't look back in anger! [**at your own rapist!**]"

And what happens to the composition of a government that tolerates, protects, and celebrates these rapists, pederasts, and pedophiles? The government becomes composed of the same. Such a government is a government *of* pedophiles, *for* pedophiles, and *by* pedophiles.

This is why I say that when leftists defend these sick criminals, they are only ever defending themselves.
large member
Fri Feb 07 10:31:58
"White children might grow to recognize that the left's excesses are evil and degenerate" well, lookie, lookie.

We have moderated CC! It used to be a genetic doom if you were born to left wing parents (as CC commented on profusely regarding my blond haired, blue eyed offspring). Now it seems they can be redeemed. How heartening!

See what N. said about staring into the abyss CC? It changes you :).
Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 07 10:36:25
If jergultard weren't such an illiterate faggot piece of shit he would realize that I have not contradicted myself. But he failed his IQ test:
(Comment "Mon Dec 09 04:18:56"):

..so all of these things are totally beyond him.
Fri Feb 07 10:38:20
However, in CC's case its, "And if you gaze for long into a mirror, the mirror gazes also into you."
large member
Fri Feb 07 10:43:21
I do have a way of words

"We are the strong, rugged individuals you are looking for. I am saddened that you cannot embrace what freedom and independence looks like in the real world.

I hate to say it, but a symptom of strong, independent, rugged individualism is complete indifference to what this or that person on the internet might think of me.

Hence, I am generally civil because it cost nothing to be polite and politeness is the cornerstone of independent, self-sustaining communities.

Raging against the machine is kind of an urban thing."
large member
Fri Feb 07 10:43:41
way with words rather* Heh.
large member
Fri Feb 07 10:45:49
Yes, very nice. Thank you for the reminder CC.

"Honour cultures (from which Norway decends) are invariably very polite as the concequences of impoliteness are so dramatic. You have a vestige of that in your "an armed society is a polite society", though more aspirational that a description of what is.

Of course we are less slavish with a slight tendency to enslaver mentality at times. We have established that genetically, what you consider good is actually Norse Sami-Norwegian by way of the Norman and from there to the English superstructure. Sure, we may have been exploited by the Hanseatic League, but we never had feudalism (a system that fits your description of slaver and enslaver better than your attempt to modernize it), so subservience has not been beaten into us for upwards of 80 generations.

So left to our own accord, we plutter along managing our own lives and help out others politely because that is the neighbourly thing to do. Think hollywood descriptions of Minnesota and you sort of nailed it."
large member
Fri Feb 07 10:49:07
On topic, I fixed a neighbour PC (he was missing so windows C++ stuff for his software) and he showed me how to fell a tree leaning awkwardly towards the barn. Showed. He pointed, I sawed. Very nice. Very neighbourly. I learned something. So did he I suppose. Missing .dll files are irritating.

Do you know your neighbours' names CC?
large member
Fri Feb 07 10:50:12
This was two days back. So anectodotal, but recent and representative.
Fri Feb 07 10:57:51
She has the nerve to cite Nietzsche, does she? Lol, that must be some horrendous reading
Fri Feb 07 11:09:11
Of course, this is the most famous problem concerning Nietzsche: that fascists misquote and abuse his words. This has been a classic problem in philodophy circles for a century.
Fri Feb 07 11:16:14

During the interbellum years, certain Nazis had employed a highly selective reading of Nietzsche's work to advance their ideology, notably Alfred Baeumler
The Italian and German fascist regimes were eager to lay claim to Nietzsche's ideas, and to position themselves as inspired by them. In 1932, Nietzsche's sister, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, received a bouquet of roses from Adolf Hitler during a German premiere of Benito Mussolini's 100 Days, and in 1934 Hitler personally presented her with a wreath for Nietzsche's grave carrying the words "To A Great Fighter"

Nietzsche was no less popular among French fascists. Despite the fact that Nietzsche had expressed his disgust with plebeian-volkist antisemitism and supremacist German nationalism in the most forthright terms possible (e.g. he resolved "to have nothing to do with anyone involved in the perfidious race-fraud"), phrases like "the will to power" became common in Nazi circles. The wide popularity of Nietzsche among Nazis stemmed in part from the endeavors of his sister, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, the editor of Nietzsche's work after his 1889 breakdown, and an eventual Nazi sympathizer.
Fri Feb 07 11:22:41
Nietzsches entire overman has nothing, zero, zilch, to do with the sickness that the CC and Hitler fascists misread in their infantile, antiintellectual illiteracy. His overman means that we are all born as primitive apes and it is up to us to develop our own intellects throughout our lives to rise above the raging chimp level that CC etc remain at - to overcome our own chimp heritage and become fully human.
Fri Feb 07 11:24:10
To think this means to deem others as inferior to us and attack them is just the incredible stupidity of diseased minds
Fri Feb 07 11:31:16
The uberman is about striving for self development from a dumb chimp to a decent human being:

"Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman--a rope over an abyss.

A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting.

What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal"
Fri Feb 07 11:41:12
He directly talks about CC, Sam Adams,etc., those who espouse the "perfidious race-fraud" here, who refuse to develop from raging chimp, from their underman state:

Man is something that is to be surpassed. What have ye done to surpass man?

What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to the Superman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame.

Ye have made your way from the worm to man, and much within you is still worm. Once were ye apes, and even yet man is more of an ape than any of the apes.

Fri Feb 07 12:27:07
Nietsche is never ever ever about comparing one group of people to another, of pitting groups against each other in a cruel superiority/inferiority contest. He detests that idiocy. He is always about comparing your own self, the primitive monkey you were when you were born against who you could develop into. He is 1000% about taking responsibility for developing your own self, never ever someone else. That is their responsibility. These fascists are so illiterate.
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 10 05:30:47
[williamthecoward (absolute liar)]: "Of course, this is the most famous problem concerning Nietzsche: that fascists misquote and abuse his words. This has been a classic problem in philodophy circles for a century."

Lol. Are you okay with Andre Gide's interpretation of Nietzsche's immoralism, you fucking pederast sympathizer? lol

[williamthecoward (absolute liar)]: "She has the nerve to cite Nietzsche, does she? Lol, that must be some horrendous reading"
[williamthecoward (absolute liar)]: "Nietzsches entire overman has nothing, zero, zilch, to do with the sickness that the CC and Hitler fascists misread in their infantile, antiintellectual illiteracy. His overman means that we are all born as primitive apes and it is up to us to develop our own intellects throughout our lives to rise above the raging chimp level that CC etc remain at - to overcome our own chimp heritage and become fully human."

Fucking lol!! XD XD XD
Putting aside williamthecoward's low-IQ totalitarian-Regime-compliant thought-terminating clichés of "Hitler fascists" (more of williamthecoward's idiotic stupor)...

The most hilarious thing about this faggoty revisionism by williamthebitchfag is that *years* ago (maybe 2016?), williamthecoward found out that I was incredibly well read in Nietzsche and asked *me* for *my* idea of what Nietzsche meant by his «Übermensch» out of sincere interest (we were not at odds at that time because the post-2017-election's left-wing psychosis had not yet dissolved his tiny mind) since the definition of hack pages such as Wikipedia was (and still is) very lacking, and *I* gave *him* (he being an intellectual lightweight) a definition — and **he agreed with me and found my definition nourishing!**

In other words, williamthecoward has no fucking clue what he's talking about, but because he knows that he's completely outmatched he's just pretending to be an expert — much like a step in the sebfag Method where sebfag admits to complete ignorance of a subject but pretends to know more than others nevertheless ( sebfag method http://uto...hread=91859&time=1689804046392 ). williamthecoward is also attempting to address this thread not with specific issues covered by this thread but with his own syphilitic side shows — much like jergfaggot does. He hopes he can dispossess me of Nietzsche in the same faggoty airs that jergtard occasionally attacks Rand — as though these are shields that I need in a motte-and-bailey! Motte-and-bailey and credentialism is a *leftist* weakness! These are the values of cowards! Why would I need these?

And to the steel-man, williamthecoward's "definition" of «Übermensch» is entirely incorrect. Nietzsche is *not* merely talking about "[Hur hur, 'overcome our own chimp heritage and become fully human', hur hur]". No. That is fucking retarded. williamthecoward is vaguely confusing the meaning of Nietzsche's introduction to "On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense" (wherein Nietzsche ponders humans as "clever animals [who] invented knowledge") and Nietzsche's title "Human, All Too Human" with Nietzsche's exulted ideas of a humanity that avoids the Four Great Errors and affirms its Greatest Virtues across *generations*. Truth and Lies was meant as a wake-up call for weaklings to feel a disgust reaction at their ideological failures, but weaklings such as williamthecoward took those as "universal" principles since — in their sickly states — they believed that those afflictions must be the afflictions of all of humanity! (This constitutes one of the Four Great Errors, btw; Cornaro's error.)

The reason that low-IQ faggots such as jergtard and williamthecoward cannot consolidate the ideas of Nietzsche's «Übermensch» and separate Nietzsche's critique of leftists from Nietzsche's re-evaluation of values is that they are both illiterate and lazy. Specifically, Nietzsche describes the «Übermensch» across *multiple* works, using language in each work which is meant to directly connect to the other works — and these lazy leftists cannot locate one work much less read *multiple* works to understand these ideas! At *best* they can read a Wikipedia summary — which is *less* valuable than a review article of a review article — and take the leftist author's word as the truth and origin itself! The imbecility! Leftists work through nested lies and disconnected referents, so naturally they ask what other leftists have said amongst each other to determine "truth" — like describing a meal by tasting the bile of a dog who ate scraps of it from the floor.

Again, as we saw during the COVID psychosis, a person's character determines how much he or she knows and how much he or she understands. The Regime provides losers with certain lies (e.g., "We *all* need to take this shot") and retards who attempt to validate the truth of this stop at the "truth" of the Regime saying things such as, "[The Lysenkoist apparatchiks whom we hired to be compliant with our 'truth' assure us that it is 'true', therefore it is 'true']", the williamthecoward-leftist-types look no further, and so they believe in a "truth" which is merely a lie designed for their easy-to-purchase compliance. But they think they can read a Wiki summary and appear "knowledgeable"? *That* is the hubris that Nietzsche was warning about in that little paragraph ("Fri Feb 07 11:22:41") that williamthecoward (wrongly) decided was a description of the «Übermensch».

[williamthecoward (pathetic weakling)]: "The uberman is about striving for self development from a dumb chimp to a decent human being"

False. You are pathetically misinterpreting that extract from Zarathustra.
Nietzsche is *not* talking about the «Übermensch» as "[hur hur, self-improvement. Be nice to people. Be a faggoty leftist who wants to be nice to the world by having his nation conquered, hur hur. 'Trans' people just want you to be nice to them. Be an always-kind-faggot. Hur hur]".

No. Do you really think that Nietzsche would advocate for a bunch of faggots who are so concerned with being "nice" and a "decent human being" that they allow their nation to be conquered? If so, you're fucking retarded. That is the most incredibly retarded reading of Nietzsche that anyone could possibly give and is in fact the kind of moral reversal that he described in slave morality. If you want some left-wing faggotry like that, maybe try a Netflix show or something, faggot.

What does Nietzsche *mean* by a Bridge *to* the Lightning?
What is the *Bridge* and what is the *Lightning*?

If you think that a "Bridge" is merely a single atomized person who just shuffles through life doing his or her best with his head down like some Underground Man, then you're retarded. Nietzsche has very strict and high criteria for the «Übermensch». I previously explained this criteria to you. This is a summation of his values, and I can assure you that you have none of those values, being a sickly leftist/slave and Last Man. Nietzsche is *not* just talking about atomized self improvement, he is talking about a person of a genetic pool embodying the history of his people and becoming an overwhelmingly excellent representation of those people, such that those people have a Symbol by which to drive their genetic futures (the Lightning from ancient ancestry into improved and exceptional futures). He's talking about eugenics. If you had read *any* of his actual works about how these values are *literally* *embodied* by living people (ideas are *not* just disembodied concepts; written words are *not* reality — these come from the *embodied*), you would know this. But you're illiterate and know nothing.

By the way, if you want yet more proof that williamthecoward is a fraud whose academic accolades (if they ever existed) were probably pushed through by his P.I. out of sheer resentment — overlooking williamthecoward's abysmal incompetence — just click on the link he used for this quotation:
[williamthecoward]: "Despite the fact that Nietzsche had expressed his disgust with plebeian-volkist antisemitism and supremacist German nationalism in the most forthright terms possible"

..and then look for the quotation.
Do you see the quotation at his link? Of course you do not — because it is not there.
williamthecoward did this same thing when he linked a DailyBeast article... by literally linking the main page of DailyBeast rather than the article link itself. This is the kind of retard we're dealing with here. An academic — even one who had only been in academia as a fucking sophomore — would know that links need to be more specific than a fucking main page. Why does williamthecoward fail so often to produce this simple undergraduate standard?

Because he's a fucking fraud.

I cannot locate that quotation on hitler-archive.com, but I do see it on ... guess where! ... On a Wiki page!

And what is the source of that Wiki paraphrase?
Guatemalan poet Arévalo Martínez, who was involved in the subversive Cubist movement! (If that citation can even be trusted as an accurate paraphrase of his work, since the document is in Spanish!)

And Wiki is lying, by the way. This is the same Wikipedia that has an insufficient definition of «Übermensch» and systematically lied and changed pages post-2016 to disguise left-wing authoritarianism/totalitarianism in edit wars, but williamthecoward trusts this random Wikipedia quotation. That quotation, by the way, traces back to this Wiki edit:
"00:22, 19 February 2017" (Post-2016! What a shock!)

And was written by user "Donald Ivanov", whose profile is linked here:
"This account is a suspected sockpuppet of English Patriot Man"

Wiki says of this "English Patriot Man":
"evidence confirms that the account's owner has abusively used multiple accounts"

As for the steel man of that quotation, you would *really* have to give the Wiki author a *lot* of leeway with the phrases "plebeian-volkist antisemitism" and "supremacist German nationalism" for the sentence to be true. *If* this claim is well-founded, it could be referring to disdain for the crude "anti-semitic" pamphlets that were going around in the late 1900s which basically just called jews ugly in screeds that combined real details of their usury with crude language about their appearance. These were considered "low class" and therefore the middle class ignored them as frivolous bigotry. That was a mistake, by the way. "Anti-semitism" is just another totalitarian-Regime thought-terminating cliché. It is a meaningless word that morphs into anything which stops a jewish enslavement of humanity.

But was Nietzsche *pro*-jewish?
Most of the time that Nietzsche describes jews it is in the same way that the "Ash" character in Ridley Scott's "Alien" describes the alien (the alien is a parasite! What could that mean?! Almost like the alien represents Scott's interpretation of the evolutionary consequence of slavish/parasitic genetics!):
"I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality."

In other words, in works such as "The Joyous Science" and "On the Genealogy of Morality" Nietzsche basically refers to jews as not *mere* objects of scorn (i.e., in a blind bigotry) but something to be examined **specifically because they have survived**. That is, people cannot under-estimate them **because they are indeed here**, so he talks about what can be learned *about* the way that they survived and infiltrated. This is where he talks about slave morality — the jewish morality — and how it adapted to its parasitic form over the centuries. He talks about this also in "The Anti-Christ" specifically in reference to how Catholicism became a slave dogma because it was infiltrated by jewish subversives such as the Apostle Paul. This connects also with the above author's potential misuse of "supremacist German nationalism".

In The Joyous Science, Nietzsche explains that the German people have been utterly demoralized by jewish infiltration ("god is dead"). Slave morality systematically dissolved the German people's true (historical) morality so that they would give up the levers of power to infiltrators and die slowly as slaves themselves. Nietzsche is warning about a split that is happening in the German people (this was late 1800s) and warning about the consequence of empowering a German nationalism which fails to properly address how the jew gained power in the first place or which merely places slavish Germans in power who will fulfill jewish doctrine but just more slowly. I.e., he is warning about different types of German people and who should be selected to restore Germany (leadership, hierarchy, and, again, eugenics; eugenics being something he addressed *very* overtly in Genealogy of Morality).

So a common stupidity of leftists is that "nationalism is bad" and "supremacist", but the antithesis in that Marxist dialectic is that "globalism is good", whereas globalism means totalitarianism and universal enslavement, and nationalism protects *against* totalitarianism and enslavement by having a distinct people who cannot become a global soup. The lie that leftists subsequently tell, then, is that Germany under the National Socialists was "totalitarian" and had ideations of "global domination", whereas that is a projection from the international Bolsheviks. Germany was *made* totalitarian over decades through Bolshevik subversion (*pre*-National Socialists), and National Socialists took power to *reverse* this totalitarianism and re-establish Germany as its own nation.

Leftists often "understand" this, but they are blinded by Bolshevik propaganda and describe it from its Regime-compliant perspective (i.e., Celebration Parallax). So, you could tell a leftist that Bolsheviks had literally infiltrated German governance to destroy the German people (a stated and explicit goal of 1800s jewry), but because leftists have been trained to think "[Nazi bad!]" they cannot mentally separate from the reality (Bolshevik infiltration as a method of foreign warfare) and their need to be compliant ("[it's 'good' that 'bad thing' happened to the 'bad guy'!]"). This is why retards such as sebfag and williamthecoward will lie with thought-terminating clichés such as "Nazi!" and "fascist": they literally do not have the brain power to separate discrete elements. In this case, they cannot understand that 'bad things' (as an independent value of the things) can indeed happen to your 'enemy' and that those 'bad things' do not then become 'good things' (e.g., an enemy who attacks your enemy is probably still your enemy). *Both* Bolshevik infiltration *and* the excesses of National Socialist policy can be "bad"-coded, but leftists are so brainwashed that they think that anything resembling *any* National Socialist policy or *any* aversion to international Bolshevism is therefore "bad thing", hence the "Hitler also drank water" meme and the leftist abandonment of avoiding Godwin's Law in debate (even Mike Godwin succumbed to the post-2016 psychosis and gave the green light! Absolute cowardice!).

[williamthecoward (little bitchfag)]: "To think this means to deem others as inferior to us and attack them is just the incredible stupidity of diseased minds"

False and just pathetically stupid and inverted.
Nietzsche talks *very* specifically about this, addressing the absolute *lie* of "equality". Do you really think that Nietzsche thinks that people with slave morality and the "Last Man" are on equal footing with his «Übermensch»? Hopefully not, because that's fucking wrong and retarded. Some people are, indeed, inferior to others. This is an absolute and unavoidable fact of reality which is only dismissed by psychotics and liars.

And "attack them"? What does this even mean? If you get a rash, are you "attacking" it with rubbing alcohol? No, not in your innuendo of this being somehow *un*-provoked. The fact is that leftists attempted an anti-White slave revolt which would have destroyed the right-wing in the West, which would mean absolutely destroying the defense of the West and allowing the West to be conquered. It is absolutely *righteous* to call such people "inferior", since traitors are less than pond scum and have often surrendered redemption. In your inverted, slavish society, your inferiority means only death for your own people and thus the suicide of the West.

If, on the other hand, you want to refer back to my explanation of how leftists in a *functioning* society attempt to improve their common Moral Foundations deficiencies and love their own nations ("if only!" http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=93808&time=1738338633164 ), then I'd be fine talking to you about how *functional* leftists can make arts which affirm the right-wing. That is how this occurs in a *functional* society. Many leftists are completely incapable of this task and perish to slavishness, enslaving even their own children to appease the totalitarian state. Look no further than left-wing celebrities who surgically and chemically emasculate their children to prove how "progressive" they are.

[williamthecoward (little bitchfag)]: "Nietsche is never ever ever about comparing one group of people to another, of pitting groups against each other in a cruel superiority/inferiority contest. He detests that idiocy."

lol. This faggot has no clue.
Always keep in mind that these faggot leftists such as williamthebitchfag will just lie when they need to do so. Zero conscience. He's clearly never read much of the work he's attempting to quote, and he's pulling information from fucking *Wikipedia* like some braindead GenZ "researcher".

Meanwhile, addressing williamtheliar's straw man fallacy, Nietzsche literally dedicates his First Essay to describing the virtues of the German people **in particular** and *opposed* to other peoples — a particular people diametrically opposed to the slavish genetics of other peoples.

Clearly, williamthecoward is arguing from the absolute gaps that compose his monumental ignorance. Probably what happened is that somewhere along the way he decided that "Nietzsche" is "good thing", and he's just having to lie to himself to support some reading where Nietzsche "[was, erm, actually, like, a globalist, who was afraid of conflict, and just wanted everyone to hold hands and be equal and agree with my modern pro-'trans' cult dogmas and be a nice person and a little bitchboy faggot, erm, erm]."

But no. Nietzsche literally started a famous chapter by walking around in a decaying German city and being disgusted with the slavishness and self-destruction that had become of his *own* people. If you do not have an intact disgust reaction, then Nietzsche will remain incomprehensible to you, since, when he describes these disgusting people, you may confuse his descriptions for kindly endorsements of your debilitating vices.
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 10 05:54:21
Elon Musk: "Troubling, but true"
"When White People are minorities in the "Democratic" system there's no special minority status, no affirmative action etc
Quite the opposite, they will say the open anti-White policies are the "will of the majority" & the tables have turned
People don't know what they're in for"

This is absolutely and demonstrably correct.
There was a time — perhaps in the '90s — where the idea of a colorblind society might have functioned. But, this idea was *contingent* upon the idea that ascending "minorities" (local minorities but global majorities of the "Global South") *might* have shown that as they gained power that they were demonstrating Western virtues. Under this model, their holding of power would be no different than the holding of power by the White peoples of the previous generation.

This did not happen.
Instead, even *before* White people became minorities in their own nations (and many still are not), resentful destroyers began celebrating the *"impending"* moment wherein they would be able to enslave and annihilate White people once their powers had consolidated. Even today, they openly speak about revenge and "repayment" for "colonization" — openly calling for White genocide while calling those who quote **their own words** by the thought-terminating clichés of "racism" and "fascism".

Where John Adams of the emerging American nation was able to apply proper English virtue in the justice of the British soldiers who committed the Boston Massacre — demonstrating that these United States had the founding virtues to become a just society — the emerging leftist coalition *shuns* these virtues in the name of their preferred ethnic conflicts. How "American" are the illegal Mexican invaders who literally waved Mexican flags in the streets in protest of their impending deportation ( http://x.com/RFMpropagandist/status/1886440711924711473 )? Not at all American, of course. Yet, the left protects *them* while *disparaging* those same White people who only a decade ago were still offering to pass the torch to the virtuous among even the very newly arrived!

Reciprocity is simply a virtue which the left uses to steal power from the right. Where they fail to give back, they commit unspeakable acts against the right instead.

Luckily, they did not have the discipline to hide their malevolent resentment. The jewish settlers of Palestine used subversion, propaganda, and deception to steal Palestinian lands while pretending that the Palestinian people never actually "existed" as a cohesive people. This same lie is being used against White people to justify their genocide in the West. The difference is that the jew sold this Palestine deception through some measure of "security through obscurity" in the Middle East, whereas for the West to see it in their own lands as a weapon against its own people — it is far more transparent.

Everywhere we see this same genocide of White people: in Australia, New Zealand, Rhodesia, England, Ireland, France, these United States, and the Nordic slave societies. They kill, rape, torture, mutilate, sterilize, and disregard White children in one nation alone and not even blink. And they are doing it in every Western nation.
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 10 07:42:25
This highlights the issue of how the grooming gangs were systematically allowed to target White children who were *made* systematically vulnerable:
"What No One Wants to Say About Grooming Gang Victims"
[Po's Law; February 5th, 2025]

• Regime systematically disempowers target White areas using economic warfare (e.g., IQ-shredding via universities/cities), softening them for the settling of rapist-foreigners in their areas.
• Regime imports a class of rapists and gives them free license to rape, traffic, and operate as independent ethnic enclaves.
• Regime systematically calls those people who recognize a racial element in these crimes as themselves "racist" or accuses them of not being "sensitive" to "community" goals (i.e., ignore the rapes because it's an uncomfortable fact who perpetrates rape).
• Regime-sponsored concepts such as "misogyny" and "feminism" were cultivated to be specifically allowable only along its new caste system, thus, "misogyny" is bad thing if it happens against Regime client groups (e.g., misogyny is okay against White women in areas targeted for genocide and rape, misogyny is not okay against middle- and upper-class left-wing White women who are helping the slave revolt to dispossess and annihilate the former group).
• Having established which groups it can target for early iterations of ethnic cleansing, the Regime systematically codes this target group as "low class" via, e.g., the "Chavs" meme, memes of right-wing people who push back being "swivel-eyed", memes of right wing people being "Nazis" and "fascists". In this way, the groups targeted as "low class" can be systematically raped, replaced, and genocided, and the White Regime apparatchiks who betrayed their own people are (temporarily) protected while they facilitate this genocide.

And this is unsurprising. Po's Law plays a comedy clip that even mockingly lists the most "Chav" areas, and both Rotherham and Rochdale are listed. Also included are Huddersfield, Nottingham, and Wakefield (this is an Asian-theft version of the same video she uses: https://www.tiktok.com/@phan.thanh.tu63/video/7450830157683707169?lang=ko-KR ). Longer meme-slop videos identify more areas that were targeted and slandered as "Chav" (e.g., https://www.tiktok.com/@globetrots/video/7434206163777932576?lang=ko-KR ).

Recall from the previous thread that the Pakistani rapist of 30 children who declared himself to be of the "supreme race" declared that they had particular control in "Rochdale, Oldham, Bradford, Leeds and Nelson". These places pretty routinely get listed in the most impoverished areas of England, and thus they were staging grounds for ethnic replacement and genocide. That does not mean that ethnic replacement *only* occurs in poor areas, of course. London, for instance, is technically "wealthy" yet has been very significantly conquered.

That said, we can see how this strategy scales.

• Ilhan Omar, for instance, was able to take power in Minnesota's 5th congressional district. This area was captured by the DNC during the Civil Rights era and the DNC never lost power of it. These policies systematically removed power from White people in the area, and by the 1990s a mass-settler-colonialism of Somalis was able to take place, facilitating the ethnic enclaves who infamously committed nepotistic voter fraud in 2020 and 2022 (councilors were literally paying for ballots and filling them out for Somalis). These areas are able to overtly advocate for Somali interests — not even necessarily just Somali-American (itself a treason if an identity) — but the interests of the actual separate nation of Somalia.

• A similar event infamously occurred recently in Springfield, Ohio with the mass-settling of Haitians. In this case, however, Springfield survived the Civil Rights era and remained Republican. *Its* targeting by Bolsheviks for Haitian settling was more deliberate: it's an inexpensive area where White people live, thus, Haitians could be mass-imported (cheaply) to displace them. Without the national spotlight that Springfield received, the outcome likely would have been the dispossession of local Whites from their homes.

• Another example is Detroit. What happened to Detroit?
Detroit holds Rashida Tlaib's and Shri Thanedar's districts.
Detroit was captured by Democrats in the 1950s, and the Civil Rights Act made it a permanent capture. Now, it is a violent ethnic enclave for black people, with most of the White people who composed its suburbs having fled when economic conditions dispossessed them (many of these economic conditions being from the Regime's destruction of American manufacturing). Many horror movies have been made about what society there is like for White people (e.g., It Follows, Don't Breathe, Barbarian, RoboCop). Even so, the next capture is already taking place, with Indian and Palestinian migrants now displacing even the black people. Black people discovered that they were just another rung in the ladder of replacement — and not just in Detroit but Chicago and NYC as well.

This connects, then, to "luxury beliefs" and the ideology of the champagne socialist.
Many leftists will code "racism" (which in this context simply means recognizing a systematic and intentional ethnic replacement) as "low-class"/"swivel-eyed", which facilitates the genocide of White people (the "Shires"). And that's what this is: an attack on "free folk". The strength of Western nations is in its "Shires" — among its traditional people who live connected in national tradition yet apart and protected from the games of international Bolshevism. (Not coincidentally, these areas often field the most soldiers and anti-totalitarian fighters — by simple volunteerism!) Luxury-belief leftists expressly permit the genocide of these Shires while believing that they are benevolent for doing so, but they hide themselves behind ever-growing security and insular politics to protect themselves from the same political outcomes. Just as Jeff Bezos thinks that rich people are going to space and thus builds a rocket or Samantha Woll advocates for DEI policies in Detroit while retreating to her high-value closed community (though that did not work out well for her), a similar psychology develops among disconnected leftists who want to virtue-signal wealth to fellow rich people.

And this virtue-signaling takes many transparent forms.
Others have pointed this out, but this is a psychological re-direct of a common fertility display. The idea in fertility displays is that a person has so many resources, so much wealth, and so much vitality, that they can kill themselves a little with dangerous activities and remain unaffected. In traditional mating rituals, this sexual energy is directed in productive ends, such as athleticism/sports (simulated productivity which nevertheless improves the body and mind), wise risk-taking, and general boldness. But, under hijacking by Regime propaganda, an easy metaphor is young people smoking cigarettes. The idea is that a person is so young and healthy that cigarettes can just be soaked up by so much healthy flesh that the ill effects are unfelt.

Similarly, many Western elite who have been twisted by Bolshevik ideology (those that are sincerely stupid rather than malicious perpetrators, anyways) have their own sick beliefs. Just as celebrities virtue-signal by surgically and chemically emasculating their children (signalling compliance with the Regime by killing the futures of their own White progeny), so too do Regime apparatchiks signal their compliance with the Regime by sanctioning the rape, murder, and replacement of their own White genetic stocks. It is a luxury belief. In other words, they are so wealthy that they can kill their own people and pretend that it doesn't bother them — it's not really even "happening" at all.

And this hijacking of a psychological phenomenon was an explicit aspect of Bolshevism. The jewish Marxist Herbert Marcuse specifically talks about this in relation to "repressive tolerance" (the one-way application of power to effect left-wing totalitarianism/Bolshevism and suppress right-wing thought and politics). The idea is that by restructuring society with Frankfurt School principles of subversion, the normal, healthy sexual psychology of the targeted population would be directed towards society's own annihilation — as a sign of fertility, no less! Thus, the leftist rebel-without-a-cause would take to the streets... and destroy his own community's property! Boomer shitlibs are so "progressive" and "independent" that they spend a lifetime accumulating generational wealth... and destroy it at casinos and on cruises! "Progressives" are so "open-minded" and "activist" that they can spend their youth hating their own societies... and then give that society to foreigners! National politicians are so "forward-thinking" and "globally minded" that they can accumulate power by importing foreigners... and then destroy their own societies!

In short, leftism itself is the desire for suicide, and as a political ideology it is asking that more and more people commit suicide with it. This is a kind of spent sexual despair, among many other maladies. The psychopaths who ascend with this ideology then begin killing their own people for sport and importing their own murderers. Anyone who disapproves with this genocide is just not "with it". Maybe they're "dinosaurs" or just don't get how cool it is to demo a building or burn an entire city to shift some numbers on a spreadsheet. Like, what even *is* property, maaaaaan? Who even *cares* about the mass-rape and murder of White children, maaaaan? Like, they're chavs or whatever.
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 10 09:06:41
MP Lowe discusses deporting any rapists and any who protected rapists and leveraging payments to Pakistan for Pakistan to accept them. As far as the issue of paper-citizens, he thinks that nations such as Pakistan will accept them as well, so maybe his wiggle is that they'll just have British passports that they can never use again as a kind of bypass for dislodging the Bolshevik government's aversion to pretending that paper-citizens are "[just as English as anyone]":
"So they should be detained and deported."
"Maybe you think it's okay for these people to rape young white working-class English girls. I don't."
[February 10th, 2025]

He also reflects the same thing that Minneapolis was experiencing, which is that this ethnic enclaves commit systematic voter fraud. It's strange how universal these supposedly "parochial" problems are. Almost like "parochial" becomes a lie when international Bolsheviks are placing entire nations under the same totalitarian framework.
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 11 00:19:41
"Only" 48 people agree with this Indian man's account when he declared that "Yt annihilation is the only solution.":
[February 10th, 2025]

This account also only has 394 followers, but we take the wins we can get?
Tue Feb 11 11:24:08
Im sorry, you filthy nazi whore, but as you know, your mentally ill nazi rants are not worth more than 2 seconds of my life
Tue Feb 11 11:30:58
Tue Feb 11 11:51:09
Ok, I'll give you one single chance for me to read more than 3 seconds of one of your insane 20,000 word vomit, alright? Is that fair? I think thats very much more than fair, considering your history on insanely cruel pathology.
Here's a question, and if, after the first 5 words your answer isnt just mentally ill nazism, I'll continue for another 5 words, and so on. I think thats showing you immense mercy.

Here's the question: On this molecule-sized dust particle blowing about in a probably eternal explosion that is so massive its been exploding at the speed of light for 14 billion years and continues to do so, how many of the species you belong to that were born a few planck lengths away from you on this atom we all share and thus are inferior to you in your opinion, would you think its justified to inflict serious suffering and death upon, to make you feel better about your life of obesity and failure for 10 minutes?

A) 1,000,000
B) 10,000,000
C) All of them, around 5 billion
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 16 07:01:00
[williamthecoward]: "On this molecule-sized dust particle"

False premise.
Category error.

[williamthecoward]: "blowing about in a probably eternal explosion that is so massive its been exploding at the speed of light for 14 billion years and continues to do so,"

False premise.
Category error.

[williamthecoward]: "how many of the species you belong to"

False premise.
Composition error.

[williamthecoward]: "that were born a few planck lengths away from you on this atom we all share"

False premise.
Category error.
Nihilistic stupidity.

[williamthecoward]: "and thus are inferior to you in your opinion, would you think its justified to inflict serious suffering and death upon,"

False premise.
Desperate projection.
I have repeatedly told you sickly fools that I would prefer that you learn a conscience, live forever, and form a perfect memory for your misdeeds.

[williamthecoward]: "to make you feel better about your life of obesity and failure for 10 minutes?"

False premise.
Desperate projection.

As has been thoroughly established by your behavior as a pathetic underground man, it is you and the other weakling leftists who are so filled with resentment that they project their failures upon the noble and attempt to pull others down with their sickly hatred ("crabs in a bucket"). That is the very essence of the slave revolt that has captured the slave/death cult of leftism, and I have none of that within me.

The simple metaphor that I have repeatedly used is that good-natured people such as myself would prefer to run a race where each contestant is unencumbered by the other, such that their speed, endurance, and will are directly comparable in the outcome. The slavish leftist, meanwhile, poisons the race with "equity": maybe the weakest gets to start sooner or farther ahead, maybe the strongest among them is hobbled, maybe the very fielding of the contestants is sabotaged with requirements of "representation" of "historically marginalized groups" who have been mass-imported from foreign nations to replace the members of the team. All of these are the slavish imperatives of dysgenic freaks attempting to "win" by any means *except* virtue. These are *your* sickly values. I do not need them to feel better about myself because I can simply run faster.

I, meanwhile, want you to do your best. I simply use tough love to show you that you are currently pathetic and rotten-to-the-core with leftist ideology which has taught you that you cannot do better without stealing from your betters. Even in your false representations of Nietzsche, you pretend that he simply wanted individuals to be better, but that itself is too much for you. Your retreat to lies, evade reading past the slight boiling of your cognitive dissonance, and desperately cling to the thought-terminating clichés of totalitarian thought-reform while clueless as to what happens when those clichés lose all power from over-use. All you ever do is write your own eulogy.

[williamthecoward]: "not worth more than 2 seconds of my life"

I know that you are illiterate, yes. That is why I have so thoroughly established that you are a fraud, a weakling, a coward, and worth less than most people. Had you actually read the works assigned to you in college, you would not have these immense weaknesses. You do indeed have these weaknesses, thus, you are a fraud who likely could not comprehend or read any of the works assigned to him. This is why your grasp of Nietzsche is so pathetically backwards, outright wrong, and based so dismally in Wikipedia quotations by "scholars" such as sockpuppet and serial-vandalizer "English Patriot Man".

Meanwhile, those of us who can indeed read have no issue with these supposed "20,000 word" posts on an online forum. UP comments are easy and leisurely reads compared to works on theory, yet you cannot even read UP comments — due to your being an illiterate fraud. (You are an illiterate fraud.) Your pathetic hypothetical filled with straw man arguments and false premises only solidifies this further, as does your weak-minded and weak-willed use of "nazi".

You are a pathetic boy, a small-minded cretin, an impotent hack, and worth so little to the world that your own work "colleagues" would probably only recognize your absence in the vague sense that they would grow happier and not quite be able to understand exactly why they suddenly smile.

"A Muslim immigrant's orgasmic satisfaction after having stabbed an Austrian child or an Australian priest is perhaps the most emblematic result of anti-racist liberalism."

From AP:

UP thread on the same:

This is another Rorschach Test. If you tell a leftist that you want to deport this person or that this person is not an actual Austrian, they would say, "Brown!" because that is all that they can see. But what else is written on this conqueror's face? We, who can read facial expressions, can see a great deal, but Aspy sebguls see only the news' claim of a passport, legal access to the West, and/or that this is a "protected class" ("brown"). This was just an "individual" who did an "individual" thing. Another "individual" stopped him!

In reality, a conqueror from Syria was given access to the West and used that access to stab 6 people, seriously injuring 2, and killing a 14-year-old boy. He did this because he comes from a place that sees uniforms. sebbish policies ensure that everyone simultaneously pretends to see and not to see these uniforms in such a way that Westerners are killed and foreigners are empowered.
Wed Feb 19 13:58:20
Oh well, 7 words as per our agreement. Its always rather entertaining to goad you into 7,000 words rants with the simplest prod, though ;)
Anyway, if its true that you go around referring to Nietzsche to try to act like you've ever read anything but Ayn Rand quotes on Quora and 50 Shades of Grey, at least now you know that Nazis misappropriating Nietzsche is one of the tiredest clichés out there
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 23 21:30:00
[williamthecoward]: "Oh well, 7 words as per our agreement."

There are no pacts between Lions and little bitchboys such as yourself.

[williamthecoward]: "Its always rather entertaining to goad you into 7,000 words rants with the simplest prod, though"

I will never tire of putting shitheels such as yourself in your rightful place: under the weight of the crushing knowledge of your impotence. As always, just remember how easy those "7,000 words rants" are for me versus the incredible difficulty it is for you to copy&paste from Wikipedia, you absolute weakling. :)

[williamthecoward]: "Anyway, if its true that you go around referring to Nietzsche to try to act like you've ever read anything but Ayn Rand quotes on Quora and 50 Shades of Grey, at least now you know that Nazis misappropriating Nietzsche is one of the tiredest clichés out there"

More projection from the faggot.
It is leftist weaklings who are into the rape fantasies of "50 Shades of Grey" and "Handmaid's Tale" because they have pussified their men (i.e., little boys like you are pussies who only gain access to women as subversive sexual predators or as scraps within a polycule), whereas the right does not crave rape by enemy camps because they are not treasonous swine.

And I just thoroughly demonstrated that williamthecoward is such a total fraud that he was citing *Wikipedia* — namely a Wikipedia user that was banned for falsifying sources and editorial weight by using multi accounts. williamthecoward is absolutely pathetic — even as compared to other pond scum.

You are a fraud.

Another tolerant immigrant who didn't even get upvoted that many times for wanting to kill White children so this is fine:

"Remember, every day the great replacement draws nearer is a good day. And that the tens of thousands of British girls r4ped by Pakis is gods judgment on the Anglo."
[105 upvotes; February 22nd, 2022]

As always, their flow-chart from the Celebration Parallax is only ever one step away from admitting that they just want ethnic revenge. This slave revolt will simply need to be subjugated — and gloriously it shall be!
Tue Feb 25 01:44:09
Listen, nazi whore, I have no idea what diseased excrement you spilled out above, because reading your nazi filth would make me fill as sick as seeing a child getting raped, but what I do know is that you are part of a sickness that causes suffering and misery to hundreds of millions or billions of humans and I am not. This gives me the moral right to slap your face, to surgically shit in your mouth, to piss all over your disgusting face and you dont have the right to even breathe in my presence.

Now open your mouth wide, nazi whore, because I ate a lot of curry last night and the time is ripe to connect the exit point of my intestines into the entry point of yours, you sort of human centipede
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 03 05:15:25
[williamthecoward]: "nazi"

lol. You're retarded. You're a fraud. XD
I like how you pretended to be above it all for all of one comment (pretending that you were merely provoking in some distant and Dr. Manhattan-like intellectual removal) before immediately regressing to being a little bitchboy faggot who's having a perpetual meltdown due to his intellectual deficiencies and ideological stupor.

[williamthecoward]: "causes suffering and misery to hundreds of millions or billions of humans and I am not."

False. You are indeed the disease that would kill billions. Leftism is a spiritual sickness. Just look at the vile words that you yourself wrote: absolutely sick nonsense. Your only morality is that of a slave.

And the distinction between us is again simple: sick freaks such as yourself openly call for genocide. I, meanwhile, want you to live forever, learn a conscience, and form a perfect memory so that you will always know what terrible deeds were yours and yours alone.

"SNATCH FRIGHT Child, 4, ‘snatched by man who stormed into church’ before cops swoop in after he is ‘tackled to the floor’ by two women
Cops arrested the man on suspicion of attempted child abduction"
[The Sun; March 2nd, 2025]
"Two women jumped on the suspect and wrestled him to the ground, before cops swooped on the place of worship today.

One horrified witness said: "He came bursting in and went for the girl.

"It instantly made me think of Axel Rudakubana.

"Two worshippers managed to get hold of him and stop him escaping with the youngster. It was an awful thing to see."

"He was like a man possessed."

Interesting. Why would his appearing to be "possessed" make them think of Axel Rudakubana, who was a state-sanctioned murderer of English children? Is there something mindlessly psychotic in Rudakubana's gaze? Aspy faggots with social-emotional agnosia could not possibly solve this puzzle.
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 11 12:44:06
"What's the moral differance, if any, between the rapists, and those bringing in thousands more every year?"

"Up to a quarter of all sexual offence convictions were of migrants – who are convicted for sexual crimes at a rate 70% higher than the British population."
Tue Mar 11 19:19:04
On a serious note, you might be able to find your first job ever without even leaving your bariatric bed. There’s probably an Onlyfans market for gross porn featuring morbidly obese, 600lb bedridden behemoths; perhaps spice it up with dwarves in little nazi uniforms shitting on you or something? I know Rugian has spoken favourably in the past about - what was it he called it? Gore porn? Gonzo porn? So you might be able to get your first customer right here on UP. I think that might be your true calling, but good luck with whatever you choose to do.
Cherub Cow
Wed Mar 12 07:08:45
I once again can affirm that williamthecoward's weak attempts to find ad hom vectors is comically bad and pathetically inaccurate. I can guarantee that I am better than him by every metric that he attempts to lob at me as an insult. Leftists are simply lesser people. Hierarchy is natural and Good.

There have been some minor spats between Farage and hard-liners on the rape gangs in the last 48 hours. Farage is basically being outed as a Regime sycophant attempting to appeal to moderates on the mass-rape of the West, and has been accused of using some smear tactics on his opponents as a transparent political move. People are trying to push him to recognize that appealing to "minority" votes right now is simply stupid, since those "minority" votes are largely complicit with the mass-rape of the West.

What a lot of Western politicians need to realize is that they can be truthful even in the pre-election phase, and that itself will mobilize far more voters than they need to win. They do not need to appeal to the slave revolt, and that will in fact doom them and the Great People of the West.

Rupert Lowe MP:
There have been repeated attempts from within Reform, including senior leadership, to silence me on the Pakistani rape gangs. At a speech in Essex, I was instructed by Farage’s team, sanctioned by him, to remove a call to deport all complicit foreign national family members. I ignored them, as you can watch below.

My repeated pleadings for Reform to follow up on its promise to deliver a national inquiry into the rape gangs were ignored.

There was a belief from senior Reform figures that my language on the rape gangs was too strong, too robust, too tough.

Why pander? Why appease? Why dilute? To appeal to the ‘middle ground’? I do not care. We must do what’s right, and we must be honest.

I believed Farage when he said he would launch Reform’s own inquiry into the rape gangs. We gave false hope to millions, and to let them down is truly unforgivable. I tried to push, but I failed. I apologise for my role in that. I have an announcement to make on this very soon.

All these little politicians, across the Commons, made their speeches and designed their pathetic graphics. Then they just drop it. Gone, forgotten about. This is what the victims have faced time and time again. I genuinely thought it would be different this time. I was wrong.

I’ve met with numerous campaigners and victims of these gangs since January - exploring it further has been harrowing. This is still happening today. All over the country. It’s sick.

As a country, we allowed thousands and thousands of vulnerable young girls to be raped and abused by barbaric Pakistani gangs.

My view is clear. Anyone with any knowledge of these crimes, and who failed to act, is as guilty as the rapists themselves. We must deport foreign nationals who knew. If that means entire communities go, then that is what must happen.

Get them out of our country, and back in Pakistan. They can rot in prison there.

I won’t be silenced on that, by anyone.
Cherub Cow
Wed Mar 12 07:13:29
A comment points out the absolute hypocrisy and slave morality (particularly repressive tolerance) at work in 2018 when Lord Pearson addressed the House of Lords:

People in the House did not care about the number of raped White children. They only cared when the reality of the rapists' identities was addressed. I.e., spare the criminal/conqueror, offer apathy and nothing at all to the conqueror's enemy (the White West). We see yet again that this was not just some failure limited to local policing. Just as pointed out in the top comment of this thread, this was top-to-bottom. Malicious conquerors enabled their client groups, and their client groups are destroyers, rapists, and fellow pedophiles. That is their nature, and that is what their nature enables.
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