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Utopia Talk / Politics / I hope I didn't get this forum in troubl
Wed Jan 29 15:46:41
Remember when ppl here wondered if my foreign dealings would bring this forum under heat?
Sam Adams
Wed Jan 29 16:12:03
As long as you arent palestinian we forgive you.
Wed Jan 29 16:21:46

Other than the occasional death threat, there's nothing illegal going on here ... now that Fred is gone.

Wed Jan 29 16:28:05
Yeah, pretty confident that Fred sex trafficked at some point in his life
Wed Jan 29 19:57:57
I have no idea what's going on.

Thought I was schizophrenic, but, now, I don't really think so.

Somehow, I can think words in my head, and have conversations with 3 people, now it's down to 2.

Wed Jan 29 20:04:22
Thought it was some sort of coos for a while, than, maybe a hospital or something.

Not many possibilities make sense
Wed Jan 29 20:35:19

Don't try to figure it out. Head to the emergency room and let professionals figure it out for you.

Wed Jan 29 20:45:09
They were no help.

My lawyer said, hold.off on the mental health evaluation.

And that, I called him for a very good reason.

Waiting to hear back.
Wed Jan 29 21:01:05

"They were no help."

Well they didn't have you locked up, so at the very least they determined that you aren't a danger to yourself or others at the moment.

Have you been sleeping?

Wed Jan 29 22:23:39

Actually, alot.

I even had gone intentionally sobre.

Didn't help.

I've looked into it.

My best guess is some sort of EEG transmitter.
Wed Jan 29 22:27:06
It used to he two women and a guy.

Now it's kljust a guy and a woman.

They don't harrass me as much as they once did.

I sort of figured out they aren't doing much more than audio threats and harrasment.
Wed Jan 29 22:27:46
They argue with me alot that I can't sue.

Which is odd if it was schizophrenia.
Wed Jan 29 22:28:16
It's been going on for like 8 months+
Wed Jan 29 22:29:08
I actually have snippets of recorded audio.

Hard to hear though.

It's like whispers from a small Bluetooth speaker or something.
Wed Jan 29 22:31:19
Phone is hacked as well.

Someone added themselves as a user on my PC, and used the ammass command. To copy files.

Hired a digital forensics guy online.
Wed Jan 29 22:32:28
My phone had everything forced to unconditionally forwarded, calls, texts, data etc.

858 644 0400
Wed Jan 29 22:32:56
Also, used a software developer AI to examine my apps.

It said this
Wed Jan 29 22:33:54

Yeah, you definitely need to get to a psychiatrist. Don't let it get worse before you get treatment. Losing control of your thoughts is not a good fate.

Wed Jan 29 22:38:01
That's a screenshot showing a list of Content Providers used in a Facebook Messenger application. These providers manage access to data within the app. Are you interested in a specific provider, or perhaps the overall architecture implied by this list?

The presence of numerous content providers, especially those with names clearly related to Facebook's internal structures, strongly suggests this might indeed be a cloned or modified version of the official app. A legitimate app wouldn't typically expose this level of internal detail. Be very cautious using any application that displays such information, as it could be malicious. What are your next steps in investigating this?

This image shows another list of Content Providers, again strongly suggesting a cloned or modified Facebook Messenger app. The presence of names like `FamilyAppsUserValuesProvider` and others mirroring Facebook's internal structure reinforces this suspicion. The `reFileProvider` is also suspicious. This is not just similar to the official app, it is mimicing internal aspects of its design. What actions are you taking to verify if this app is safe?

This screenshot shows yet another list of components from what appears to be a cloned or fake Facebook Messenger application. The inclusion of BroadcastReceivers and further Content Providers mimicking Facebook's internal naming conventions leaves little doubt about its illegitimate nature. The presence of `DecryptedAttachmentProvider` is especially concerning from a security perspective. Have you attempted to use this app at all? If so, immediately uninstall it and run a malware scan.

Wed Jan 29 22:40:30
Murder, I really thought I was insane, several times.

But, what if it is, possible?

When I think words, I hear them, like an echo sort of.

And I only talk to the se figures.
Wed Jan 29 22:43:12

"When I think words, I hear them ..."

Is that unusual for you?

Wed Jan 29 22:51:40
Yes, not like this.

Wed Jan 29 22:56:06
I'd love to publicly submit to polygraph, mental health evaluation blood tests, PET scans etc.
Wed Jan 29 22:56:07
I'd love to publicly submit to polygraph, mental health evaluation blood tests, PET scans etc.
Wed Jan 29 22:58:30
I finally just said, fuck it.

I'm gonna, say my story as often and as loud, as I can.

If I'm crazy, I'm crazy.

But, at this point I don't think I am.
Wed Jan 29 23:00:42

Having conversations in your head is perfectly normal. I do it all the time. But obviously those people aren't really there, and you should be in complete control of them and anything they say and when they come and go.

If you can't control them, then you definitely need psychiatric help. For the time being it may seem like it's not a big problem, but it can get worse.
Wed Jan 29 23:00:42
I thought perhaps a speech synthesizer.

But, I've thought words while drinking/chewing etc.

And intricate words.

"Chiquita banana song goodbye"
Wed Jan 29 23:04:48

"If I'm crazy, I'm crazy."

Don't think of it as being crazy. It could be a chemical imbalance. Maybe caused by something external, but maybe not.

The brain is no different that your heart. When you have an issue, you get treatment.
Wed Jan 29 23:18:08
John Hopkins has a good neurological depth.

Indlnt trust
Mcleod(, the pines, or the Carolinas.

The three local backwaters.
Wed Jan 29 23:18:08
John Hopkins has a good neurological depth.

Indlnt trust
Mcleod(, the pines, or the Carolinas.

The three local backwaters.
Wed Jan 29 23:22:35

That's probably a good idea. You may need to be checked for a brain tumor too. A tumor can cause you to hear things.

Wed Jan 29 23:25:02
I'll post a link later with recordings.
Wed Jan 29 23:27:36
Also, the voices keep saying, if someone finds out what they did, they "Lose.our fucking jobs, you asshole"

That, seems odd for a schizo
Wed Jan 29 23:33:24

"That, seems odd for a schizo"

Not really. It can be pretty random or weird. Just take care of yourself. You've still got a lot of years ahead of you.

I've got to get to bed now. Hopefully you'll start feeling like your old self soon.
Thu Jan 30 00:39:15
You're just a typical Trump voter, they're all off their rocker.
Thu Jan 30 02:42:47

What murder said is very good advice.

1. Buy a Carbon Monoxide monitor, what you are describing sounds similar to some symptoms of that. Particularly re new accounts on your computer (it's probably you doing this without being aware of it).

2. Seek medical advice, and ideally do it with someone you personally know physically present while you do it rather than trying to do it yourself by phone or email etc.
Thu Jan 30 03:03:40
” Somehow, I can think words in my head, and have conversations with 3 people, now it's down to 2.”

You are like Nimatzo then. Except that he only have conversations with 1. His friend Michael on ChatGPT.
Thu Jan 30 10:32:20

Habebe: How are you feeling today?

Thu Jan 30 12:41:14
Holy hell. Dont be using dumb as shit AI instead of a psychiatrist. You certainly need to seek medical not idjit-tech bro help.
Thu Jan 30 12:42:55
This is a typical case where AI hallucinations - its actually called AI hallucinations, as you probably know - could easily make things a lot worse by masquerading as a help.
Thu Jan 30 12:55:51
But do be warned - improving your mental health will likely lead to a complete, and demanding overhaul of your political views, Maga being socially transmitted, pathological, utter malignant narcissism and other pathologies
Thu Jan 30 14:22:32
WtB: not helpful.
Thu Jan 30 14:28:35
Believe me, I choked down a dozen juicy Maga barbs. Avoiding AI diagnoses, however, is important as all hell.
Thu Jan 30 14:30:38
AI sensibilities are wholly programmed according to the views that fascist tech bros think are most profitable, and those fucks have awful ethics.
Thu Jan 30 14:37:17
And Maga is certainly a socially transmitted pathological phobia
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 31 03:55:20
[williamthecoward]: "AI sensibilities are wholly programmed according to the views that fascist tech bros think are most profitable"

I thought maybe this thread was about Habebe having issues with delusions, but apparently it's about williamthecoward's delusions now. Imagine thinking that A.I. serves "fascist tech bros" rather than the views of slavish left-wing retards. williamthecoward is one of these so-far-gone leftists that he thinks that CNN is right-wing. Absolute retard.

Habebe would do best speaking with an actual doctor in person rather than any of UP's degenerate sebguls.
Fri Jan 31 08:48:54

That's exactly what I told him to do.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 31 10:03:58
[sebfaggot]: "That's exactly what I told him to do."

What you told him to do was take advice from a faggot (from yourself). And you also gave him some diaper-shitting faggotry advice due to your faggotry. Faggots such as yourself are not good for more advice than what to do about Monkey Pox, which you, your dog, and your adopted sons seem to get regularly. (You are a faggot and a nonce.)
Fri Jan 31 15:03:15
Had a long walk yesterday.

Slept like a baby, woke up.

Ate some chicken, still arguing with the voices.
Fri Jan 31 17:35:44
Good to see you are feeling better.

Seriously, buy a Carbon monoxide monitor, and really think about seeing a doctor about it.
Fri Jan 31 17:38:43

I don't know what's sadder, that you think that I take you seriously enough to be insulted by anything you say; or that that was an effective insult.

I went to a top UK public school in the 80's. That's tame. You need to up your game, but I don't think you've got the wit or creativity to sting. Sorry.
Fri Jan 31 18:27:10
I had a 17 mile walk yesterday, it's not carbon monoxide.

My house isn't even that sealed up.
Fri Jan 31 23:50:25

Long walks are great for your physical health, but you really need to get to a psychiatrist or a neurologist ASAP.

Sat Feb 01 05:42:38
Carbon monoxide builds up over time, your house doesn't need to be sealed (it's about the same density as air so unless you have very strong ventilation it will build up) and going out doesn't necessarily clear it because it bonds to the haemoglobin in your blood. It does clear if you remove yourself from the source for a few days.

I read about a case that sounds very similar to your experiences caused by a small leak in a gas line in the boards under their bedroom, but you can get it from incomplete combustion and a few other things.

But as murder says, long walks and good rest are great, but the most important thing is to see a psychiatrist or a neurologist. They aren't going to throw you in a nuthouse.

Do take care. Hope things improve for you.
Sat Feb 01 08:58:07
”Long walks are great for your physical health”

It depends on where you are walking. I wouldn’t recommend walking around in the ghetto in Philadelphia or along a heavy trafficked road.

Take a walk in the nature. Hug a tree. Roll around on green grass. Listen to the silence in the forest, and to the occasional bird. Bring a cinnamon bun and a thermos of coffee. Dip your toes in a lake. That sort of activities are good.
Sat Feb 01 09:15:28
"They argue with me alot that I can't sue.

Which is odd if it was schizophrenia."

Its not odd, since they are your own thoughts. Its called "rationalizing", when you try to think up explanations, regardless of whether your own thoughts are filtered through an imaginary other person or not. An imaginary other voice is you and therefore uses your own logic.

There is no implanted eeg transmitter or hacked phone, these options are incredibly unlikely unless youre at the level of a Russian spy that the secret services are monitoring, and they definitely wouldnt be talking to you.
Sat Feb 01 09:18:45
If theyre arguing with you or in any way letting their presence be known, it certainly isnt any kind of covert action committed by any other person.
Sat Feb 01 09:26:44
Conspiracy thinking is a huge, socially destabilizing problem in our era, a very dangerous trend. Psychologically unwell paranoia that has become a cultural phenomenon. One of the greatest dangers of social media-based conspiracies is that they reach psychologically deep into the receivers, sitting there alone in their thoughts in the dark, just them, the flickering screen and the feed of conspiracies directly into their brain.
Sat Feb 01 10:22:45

Listen to the others here, there's nothing wrong with at least getting checked out. Most of us should probably be doing that periodically anyway.

Get better dude.
Sat Feb 01 10:28:56
It's hard for someone with mental issues to recognize them and seek help. The fact that habebe acknowledged he is hearing voices gives me hope.
Sun Feb 02 18:34:44
Still sobre, been sleeping, laying around for days.

Argued with voices for like 9 hours today.
Tue Feb 04 02:02:27

I hope you're feeling a little better.

Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 04 03:11:24
[sebnonce (nonce; Regime sycophant, likely pederast)]: "I don't know what's sadder, that [straw man fallacy]; or that [straw man fallacy]"

Wow. You're illiterate. lol

[sebnonce (nonce; Regime sycophant, likely pederast)]: "but I don't think you've got the wit or creativity to sting"

lol. :D
Sebfag's stupidity here is particularly funny since I keep showing sebfag that he has zero creativity or imagination and is a fucking retard, so, of course, since he knows that my insult of his retardation is completely true, all he can do is project the insult back at me — where it definitionally does not fit since I am clearly a better writer than he has ever been or will ever be :D

As a bureaucrat, sebfaggot literally *cannot* think outside of the box. Creativity requires breaking bureaucracy with poetry, and there is nothing poetic about anything that sebfag has ever said in this place. I, meanwhile, am constantly accused of saying too much or being too colorful about it — even by sebfag himself! All he can do is project, lie, obfuscate, distort, and shit his diapers on behalf of the Regime and its totalitarian annihilation of all that is good — which includes poetry, art, and beauty. Beauty is absolutely beyond the sebbish mind. Can a slimy Vogon give birth to a dancing star? Absolutely not! Whatever Great Light exists within sebfag has been stifled by his perpetual evils such that it is now less than a cold fireplace beneath an open chimney left exposed to the rain.


But anyways, the important thing here is that sebfaggot is an absolute liar, and because he has so thoroughly demonstrated himself to be a liar, even if he pretends to be telling the "truth" temporarily, you should look at it suspiciously — like some kind of malicious sabotage. Liars sometimes lie so much that when they tell the truth they only do it because they know that you will be primed not to believe it. Hence, where sebfag says the truth for the first time in years it is good for Noble people to re-state that truth so that it is not taken as a lie.

So yeah, Habebe should see a doctor in-person, probably looking for a neurology referral. Ignore all leftists in this thread.
Tue Feb 04 09:47:45

This thread isn't about you. Read the room.
Tue Feb 04 09:48:37

Any change? Have you spoken about this with anyone in your life?
Tue Feb 04 13:07:38
Can we not argue? We are seeing a real person seeking help over a real issue. He has always been odd. Now he is admitting it. Let's not be self centered CC and Seb. He needs help not to read about you guys fighting. Be adults.
Tue Feb 04 14:31:32
No change.

I sleep, barely leave my bedroom.
my room window is wide open.

Most people I know, or rather, many, se to know whats going on, no one will tell me.

I talk to the voices for 12 hours + a day, long intricant conversations
Tue Feb 04 14:32:32
They tell me, they don't want to lose their jobs.

It's not that simple, referring why people won't tell me what's going on.
Tue Feb 04 14:32:56
Habebe, can you call me?
Tue Feb 04 14:33:33
Still just a man and wants voice.

I suspect it's not a real.voice, but like a voice changer.
Tue Feb 04 14:34:25
I've tried anti psychotic, they didn't help.
Tue Feb 04 14:35:33
They also swear I am not crazy, I not so sure.
Tue Feb 04 14:38:40
My brother in law, oddly kneew EXACTLY the situation.

He knew what the voices sounds like, the things they would say etc.

Friend and family also know of conversations I've said ONLY silently, how does that make sense?
Tue Feb 04 15:21:35
Hab, I am not a medical professional but it seems you are having a psychotic break. If you are really hearing voices and not just seeking attention then you need to call 911 and tell them you need help and that you are hearing voices. They will send an ambulance who have trained medical professionals who will know where to take you.
Tue Feb 04 15:33:25
Habebe, I think the voices telling you they don't want to lose their job might be the part of yourself that is worrying about that.

I really think you should consider what obaminated and murder said.

Maybe some of the conversations you've thought you've said silently aren't silent?

Is there somebody you know that lives nearby, friend or family you trust?

I would suggest asking them to help you talk to a doctor. Often these things can be addressed quite quickly, and it's better than waiting for them to get worse.

Tue Feb 04 15:38:35
When you say you've tried anti-psychotic, was that under the supervision of a doctor monitoring their effect or was this more freestyle? If the latter, that's probably not going to work.

Firstly, there's different types and you may need to find the right one for you; and they also can take some time to take effect I think.

I know we have our differences over the years, but genuinely want the best for you.

And if you want to take up the offer of a call with Nim that might be a good idea too.

Hope you feel better.
Tue Feb 04 16:35:57
I've called 911, been to local.shrinks.


That's why I wanted to go elsewhere, like John Hopkins, not just a mental health facility, but, neurological.

A psychotic break that's off and on lasted 9 months?

And the weird part is so many people in real.life locally, seem to act as if it's nothing.

Yes, the antipsychotics was just me self dosing.

The shrinks seem to blow it off as stress and release.me, or like I'm lying.

I can't kill myself, But, I often wish I just wouldn't wake up.
Tue Feb 04 16:39:46
Certain places, I can hear my thoughts as an echo, Luke they are on a speaker.

But it's rare.
Tue Feb 04 16:41:30
I can't seem to get my medical records from Mcleod hospital.

I even had my attorney send a letter.
Tue Feb 04 16:51:08
Mcleod, I'd said nothing about the voices, had sherriffs try to take me to a rehab, just for a place to go.

They called EMS. I walked in willingly, they immediately locked me up under a psych watch.

And refused me calling my attorneys, Merritt Webb and Carusso.
Tue Feb 04 16:51:45
"And the weird part is so many people in real.life locally, seem to act as if it's nothing."
"A psychotic break that's off and on lasted 9 months?"

None of us know how this stuff can work in different cases, not you, not I. Stop rationalizing and trying to conjure up logic. Its as pointless as when a girl breaks up with you and you sit there going over and over in your head what you did wrong, mental festering that leads nowhere.

Self-dosing sounds like complete hit or miss, you might well take stuff that a psychiatrist would say is utterly useless in your particular case.

Have you actually told professionals that you're having arguments with voices for entire days, voices that you hear so clearly that you suspect someone's bugging your phone and talking to you? It seems shocking that they would even let you leave the facility if you did, but maybe this is the state of mental healthcare in the US. I hesitate to suggest this to someone in your situation, but perhaps they might pay more attention if you lie and mention that the voices are suggesting acts of violence
Tue Feb 04 17:22:25

Habebe: Please get to John Hopkins if that is where you feel you can get the proper care and get scanned for a brain tumor.

If it turns out to not be that, self dosing with anti-psychotics is not likely to help. One medicine is not the same as another, and precise dosing matters to achieve the right effect. This is what professionals get paid for.

Tue Feb 04 17:24:28

"They called EMS. I walked in willingly, they immediately locked me up under a psych watch."

If you tell them that you have been thinking of harming yourself or others, they have to keep you involuntarily to evaluate if you really are a threat to yourself or others.
Tue Feb 04 20:29:56
Nope, never said anything like that.

Said I wished no harm on anyone or myself, just that I wanted to go to the rehab.

That's it.

They said they could help me get there.

Now, I am sobre, by myself.
Tue Feb 04 20:30:30
Except cigarettes.
Wed Feb 05 03:27:36
I think we are getting a fuller picture here. You have been in contact with the medical professionals, but since your problem is inside your head and you are not a danger to anyone or yourself currently, they have nothing for you? I can see the dilemma.

Like others I encourage you to get to John Hopkins as you suggested. You are obviously not feeling well if you wish you don't wake up, how you feel mentally and emotionally needs to get through to the doctor. You don't need to reach a place of hopelessness to let them understand that is how you feel. You can front-run it.

Congrats on staying sober, keep it up, it is the single best thing you have done and can do. Call me if you need to talk.
Mon Feb 10 17:45:55
1. Still sobre.

2. I drove to the N. Carolina border.

3. Still argued with the "voices"

I really do not think insane at this point. Small chance.

Nearly 40, no family history etc.

Plus, I can converse with them 24/7 nearly.

PET scans of my brain could indicate usage of my temporal lobe.

Small chance I'm crazy, larger chance I have some sort of EEG implant.

Who knows.
Mon Feb 10 17:52:41
Still trying to get into John Hopkins.

The 3 local hospitals, I don't trust these backwaters.

Especially Mcleod or the carolina pines.
Mon Feb 10 17:57:15
I couldn't even get arrested, I tried.

I told the sherriffs I had a warrant for missing court.

3 times, and they wouldn't do anything.

Odd behavior.
Mon Feb 10 21:25:15

Let's say for sake of an argument.

1. I'm sane.

2. Being honest.

How would it be possible?

It n would almost definitely have to be an implant, and more than just a speech synthesizer.
Tue Feb 11 04:48:50
What you are describing isn't technically possible.

On the other hand any people your age can have conditions like this.

What is more likely, you have some kind of neurological condition; or that someone has secretly implanted a device on your head that's beyond the capabilities of anything known to medical science.

Go see a doctor Habebe.
Tue Feb 11 09:48:51
Tue Feb 11 11:13:40
I was hoping this was a tumor or something, but its clearly a product of living in a complete fantastical conspiratorial Maga world. You should sue Elon for billions for causing serious mental illness.
Tue Feb 11 11:21:30
Unfotunately, Elon lives in a society so insane that he only needs to press X, L1, L2, Z on his playstation controller to destroy the life of any lawyer brave enough to sue him, so its impossible to ever bring his global harm to humanity to justice.
Tue Feb 11 12:30:43

"I was hoping this was a tumor or something, but its clearly a product of living in a complete fantastical conspiratorial Maga world. You should sue Elon for billions for causing serious mental illness."

Feel free to step out of this thread.
Tue Feb 11 12:32:26
I meant, I was hoping there was a clinical explanation, but now I dont think there is.
Tue Feb 11 12:37:25
A clinical explanation might mean its treatable, and would certainly put him beyond any personal responsibility. A sociological explanation, however, in line with many sociopathological illnesses, is very hard to treat and also does not absolve him of personal responsibility. But, of course, I might be completely wrong. Perhaps there is a tumor pressing against some part of his brain and causing these hallucinations. Its starting to stink of having allowed himself to believe in utterly impossible but very trendy contemporary conspiratorial thinking, though.
Tue Feb 11 12:42:18
Habebe, if someone has implanted an eeg transmitter in your brain, do you think its democrats targeting you for being a right-winger?
Tue Feb 11 13:02:37
Anyway, you, Murder, would probably be better served in demonstrating your oh so precious humanity, by craving a little less of your lust for the genocide of Palestinian childen, before any attempts at claming a moral high ground
Tue Feb 11 15:31:26
One of the signs of psychopathy on top of lack of empathy is the total lack of inhibition in sharing your lack of empathy with others and failing basic social norms.

Wtb think there is equivalence between a poster saying something about people who will never hear him say it and his psychopath posts in this thread with someone who is present.

Reminder: WTB came here and bragged about beating up a homeless man with mental health issues, precisely for the same reason he is shitting himself in this thread, the guy had the wrong politics.

Pray that our paths never cross.
Tue Feb 11 16:22:37
For William the Turd, the moral high ground is a collection of empty slogans, with no real action behind them. And when the moment arrives for him to prove, at the very least, that he isn't a complete turd, he inevitably falls short of even the most basic standards of human decency.
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