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Utopia Talk / Politics / Kakistocracy
Thu Jan 30 05:59:53
Damn, I just learned a new word. It perfectly describes what we are entering into in the USA.

a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens.
plural noun: kakistocracies
"the modern regime is at once a plutocracy and a kakistocracy"
Thu Jan 30 06:04:26
thats right. do u now realize da failure that is u.

i just saw a video of a man talkin bout roman circus.

he was sayin athletes earn 6 mill dollas a year, why. so u get distracted from wuts important fool. that was like in da 70s...

nowadays they dunt earn 7 mill. they earn 700 MILL...fuckin crazy. is a roman circus all right. u is a failed society.

Thu Jan 30 10:43:35

Yeah, I was surprised that it wasn't a word made up just to describe the Trump administration.

Thu Jan 30 12:20:14
Apparently it was first put into use in the 1700's.
Thu Jan 30 12:51:14
Its been fairly popular for a while, as a result of the USA's degeneration. Vulgar law is another wholly apt term that is generally seen as one of the main causes of the downfall of the Roman empire, when the legal system was increasingly turned over to corrupt idjits, rural dumbasses with doctorate degrees from the school of hard knockswho were afforded legal positions previously reserved for educated urban scholars
large member
Thu Jan 30 13:40:39
Suffix derived from the classical greek word for both poop and bad. Without googling even.
Thu Jan 30 14:04:23
prefix, surely if you mean the OP
Thu Jan 30 14:08:53
Although Coprostocracy needs to be a word in these Maga times
large member
Thu Jan 30 15:29:30
yes! prefix.
Thu Jan 30 20:16:58
Sufix, prefix, there ain't no fixing the USA until Trump is gone.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 31 04:03:31
Leftist projection once again.

Leftism itself is a symbol of terminal incompetence, and it is specifically through left-wing slave revolt logic such as DEI that incompetent retards and destroyers are systematically placed into positions of power. Do we really doubt that ineffective commie-types who are disgruntled at the very act of making food for people in exchange for money are somehow the top in performance and competence? Do we really think that the basketball Americans who were artificially promoted to Supreme Court Justices and who wear superstitious/voodoo necklaces are the top echelons? Fuck no.

In other words, the left explicitly and intentionally creates kakistocracies, and the right has been pointing this out for decades. It is only now that Regime media is desperate for an angle that they're regressing to yet more projection. Another retarded angle they're using is calling the current situation an oligarchy, when, again, the right has been pointing out that that is the left's M.O. and is essential to carrying out their slave revolt.

The left can't meme. Even their meme, "The right can't meme" was stolen a full year after the right made the "left can't meme" meme. You all are pathetically low-information and easily deceived.
Thu Feb 06 21:03:08

Thu Feb 06 21:08:21
pathocracy is a system of government 'wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people'. Since he was living under a 'pathocratic' regime himself, Lobaczewski took great risks studying this topic. He was arrested and tortured by the Polish authorities, and unable to publish his life's work, the book Political Ponerology, until he escaped to the United States during the 1980s.

According to Lobaczewski, the transition to pathocracy begins when a disordered individual emerges as a leader figure. While some members of the ruling class are appalled by the brutality and irresponsibility of the leader and his acolytes, his disordered personality appeals to some psychologically normal individuals. They find him charismatic. His impulsiveness is mistaken for decisiveness; his narcissism for confidence; his recklessness for fearlessness.

Soon other people with psychopathic traits emerge and attach themselves to the pathocracy, sensing the opportunity to gain power and influence. At the same time, responsible and moral people gradually leave the government, either resigning or being ruthlessly ejected. In an inevitable process, soon the entire government is filled with people with a pathological lack of empathy and conscience. It has been infiltrated by members of the minority of people with personality disorders, who assume power over the majority of psychologically normal people.

Soon the pathology of the government spreads amongst the general population. As Lobaczewski wrote, 'If an individual in a position of political power is a psychopath, he or she can create an epidemic of psychopathology in people who are not, essentially, psychopathic' (2006, p.25). The pathocratic government presents a compelling simplistic ideology, promoting notions of future greatness, with a need to defeat or eliminate alleged enemies who stand in the way of this great future.

The government uses propaganda to stoke hatred towards enemies, and to create a cult of personality around the leader. In the general population, there is an intoxicating sense of belonging to a mass movement, inspiring loyalty and self-sacrifice. Present sacrifices become immaterial in the movement towards a glorious future. In addition, the mass movement inspires acts of individual cruelty, including torture and mass murder.

Power and pathology
Reading the above, it's difficult to avoid reflecting on the four years of Donald Trump's presidency in the United States.
Fri Feb 07 07:44:17

"pathocracy is a system of government 'wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people'."

We don't have a society of normal people. Normal people don't vote for batshit crazy and chaos.

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