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Utopia Talk / Politics / Mass shooting Sweden
Tue Feb 04 12:27:55
By all account one of the worst mass killings in modern Swedish history, 10+ dead, many wounded.

Perpetrator ethnic Swede walks in with a legally owned rifle and shoots immigrants at a school for immigrants to learm Swedish (SFI).

The tragic irony, just the other day I was wondering, how long before Swedish people start snapping?

Sigh… things are going to hell quickly.
Sam Adams
Tue Feb 04 12:59:42
Sebs/wtbs policies at work.
Tue Feb 04 13:04:04
A Sam shoots a bunch of innocent people - apparently he had no self control.

Perhaps we need to lock Sam's up.
Sam Adams
Tue Feb 04 13:20:18
Perhaps you shouldnt have imported a bunch of high crime high welfare migrants and released them on the peaceful indigenous, and then to add insult to injury made the indigenous citizens pay for it and then imprisoned them when they spoke out, eh seb?

You somehow didnt think the native citizens were going to push back?

Lol dunce
Tue Feb 04 15:09:29

You see, all I'm hearing is that basically you can't stop yourself from murdering innocent people because you read something on the internet; and that makes me think you are a terrorist risk and should be locked up indefinitely.
Tue Feb 04 15:13:57
It's what we do with Muslims that say shit like "if only you didn't invade Iraq then I wouldn't need to kill those kids" too.

Wouldn't want to be accused of two tier justice.
Tue Feb 04 15:37:20
ODD is closely related to pyschopathy, particularly ODD that develops in the late teens, as must have been the case for ODD boi to receive that diagnosis when he was found unfit for service. This is the most serious form of ODD. ODD boi reeks of malignant pyschopathy and you cant ever approach malignant pyschopaths like mentally healthy people. You can avoid them, mock them, spit in their face, kick their teeth out if they try to get violent and kill them if they pull a weapon, but trying to talk to them like normal humans is no more fruitful than trying to talk to a raging chimp with syphilis of the brain.
Sam Adams
Tue Feb 04 17:06:16
Euro leftists import high crime migrants... they kill 1000s of people and rape a million others. Euro leftists like seb dont care.

Someone fights back just a little and the sebs and wtbs get all butthurt.

The hypocrisy is rank.
Sam Adams
Tue Feb 04 17:08:13

One of sebs migrants attacks an 8 year old for being jewish.

Sebs like "lol fuck those jews more please"

And then seb wonders why people fight back? Lmfao.
Tue Feb 04 18:20:42
Lashing out violently means you have no self-control.

But when immigrants groom/kidnap/rape/kill little girls, it's just socioeconomics.
Tue Feb 04 18:21:34
Also don't make mean social media posts about it, or protest within four million miles of a courthouse.
Tue Feb 04 18:28:47

"Someone fights back just a little and the sebs and wtbs get all butthurt."

Now you want to fight back against immigrants who are trying to ...

*checks notes*


Sam Adams
Tue Feb 04 22:34:38

Lol thats what is happening?
Wed Feb 05 00:14:18
Generally, despite flaws, at a ”Swedish For Immigrants” (SFI) school that is what is happening. If fighting back was the goal there were a thousand better target. Personally if I ever lost it I would exterminate the local criminal gang.
Wed Feb 05 00:37:12
”Perpetrator ethnic Swede”

Where did you get this information from? Because neither the police or the media knows anything about who it was. At least they haven’t said anything. And they say that you should not spread rumors because it can make the police’s job more difficult and create distrust.

For all we know the shooter can be an ethnic Middle Easterner or African. But you are quick to blame an ”ethnic Swede” and without presenting any proof.

Polisens uppmaning: Sprid inte rykten

Polisen ryter ifrån mot att rykten och obekräftad information sprids på sociala medier om motivet till gårdagens skolskjutning, där elva personer hittills har bekräftats döda.

– Man ska tänka på att inte sprida rykten och spekulationer för det kan försvåra polisens arbete och det kan också skapa misstro, säger polisens presstalesperson Gabriel Henning till TT.

Wed Feb 05 01:22:55
Fucking morons always try to draw events into their own narrow worldview.

Wed Feb 05 02:07:00

You got rather but hurt when a few Saudis decided to fight back just a little over US occupation in Saudi Arabia as I recall.

Wed Feb 05 02:08:54
"Because neither the police or the media knows anything about who it was."

LOL. I want to think that you are not this simple, but tragically you are :)

I have a pretty good track record of being right when you are wrong. The crime was committed with a legally owned hunting rifle. I have been to hunting school, the demography is fairly homogeneous.

He chose a school to shoot up. Our Bayesian priors say that 98% of all these types of mass shootings are committed by white men, be they in schools, movie theaters. 1% of them are Muslim terrorist, 1% other.

Back of a napkin calculation, there is a 5% chance I am wrong about the ethnicity of the perpetrator. Less clear about the motivation, I don't think most of the victims are immigrants.

"And they say that you should not spread rumors because it can make the police’s job more difficult and create distrust."

Don't be a retarded little gaylord. UP is a safe place for speculation.
Wed Feb 05 02:10:56

"But when immigrants groom/kidnap/rape/kill little girls, it's just socioeconomics."

I find this line very bizarre. You seem to want to pretend that there are people defending these crimes.

The only people really doing that is you, pretending that the police had good reason to fear censure and reprisal; when the victims have repeatedly given accounts that the police didn't care because they were poor and female.

Wed Feb 05 08:44:12
The shooter was not allowed to join the army after being found not fit to serve. Now, where have we heard that before?
Wed Feb 05 08:48:06
Banned from joining the army, had 4 gun licenses, dressed up in an army uniform, went to a school for adults where you usually find lots of immigrants trying to update their school diplomas to Swedish high school diplomas which also had a dedicated department for immigrants learning Swedish, stinks of Psychopath Addams
Wed Feb 05 08:53:08
"According to unconfirmed rumors, the man who shot up migrants at this adult education center and then turned his gun on himself in Örebro, Sweden was a 35 year old Swede from the area, allegedly named Rickard Andersson,"
Wed Feb 05 08:55:27
all confirmed now, only the racist motive is unconfirmed at this point
Wed Feb 05 08:56:52
But confirmed that he avoided shooting some people and targeted others, which stinks of targeting immigrants
Wed Feb 05 09:17:45
"The tragic irony, just the other day I was wondering, how long before Swedish people start snapping?"

Youre so fucking sick. Massmurderers are the fault of immigrants. "The tragic irony, just the other day I was wondering, how long before men start snapping and raping girls, the fault being that girls wear too short skirts?"
Wed Feb 05 09:20:02
He would have blown your head off if you had been there. But, of course, thats why you want to stop other immigrants from getting the privileges we gave you, you selfish little Gollum. Its mine, all mine.
Wed Feb 05 09:23:34
Alpha boi caught on film when we gave him his life

Wed Feb 05 09:28:18
You can take the primitive villager out of the primitive village but sometimes you cant take the primitive village out of the primitive villager
Sam Adams
Wed Feb 05 09:45:42
Lol wtb melting down over this is funny.

Introduces virus but then cries when the immune response kicks in. Very logical. Much enlightened. Lmfao.

"that there are people defending these crimes."

You have constantly proposed policies to encourage more of these crimes seb. You cant divorce yourself from these consequences. Did you really not think there would be pushback to importing so much crime while ignoring utterly the concerns of natives? So dumb.
Wed Feb 05 09:53:12
Massmurderer who has shown symptoms of severe mental illness for several decades - and Mass murderer apologist Nimatzo thinking he’s a wise philosopher going, yes, this proves what I was thinking just the other day about normal Swedes being pushed too far. Cowardly stupidity is an impenetrable wall, everything bounces off it
Wed Feb 05 11:31:03
Why is it that every single mental health expert, basing their evaluation on millions of hours of studies for centuries, will agree with my assessment that this was borne from decades of mental illness, (and very probably festering his illness on similar social media circles that you visit) and none will agree with your idiotic wise man philosophizing that this was caused by the Swedish population being pushed beyond a tolerable limit of immigration, you unfathomably idiotic massmurderer apologist?
Wed Feb 05 11:33:31
Is it because when you sit there thinking you were an ironic philosopher predicting the future like a wise seer, you were in fact being a complete fucking moron and got every morsel of your explanation completely wrong?
Sam Adams
Wed Feb 05 11:36:02
Wtb take your meds.
large member
Wed Feb 05 11:38:33
Funny that only people with severe mental illnesses are the immune response you seek.
Wed Feb 05 11:48:26
Indeed. The crazed hallucinations of a deadly, mentally ill massmurderer that any expert would agree needs to be locked up once his ideas are known, the sickest of the sickest, justifies Nimatzos concurring beliefs that they agree on
Wed Feb 05 11:52:19
"You seem to want to pretend that there are people defending these crimes."

Nah, just people handwaving the demo's crimes to justify bringing in more, instead of measured quotas and requirements to ensure both reasonable assimilation and lessened domestic backlash.
Wed Feb 05 11:56:30
"both reasonable assimilation and lessened domestic backlash."

lol...the latest theory is that he killed because the social welfare office refused to pay him anymore social welfare after ten years, because he wasnt actively seeking employment, and so he was looking for social welfare officers to kill. Of course the rightwing extremists would defend a massmurdering social welfare queen.
Wed Feb 05 11:58:51
Of course, its quite possible that he was thinking along the lines of Forwyns stupidity, " reasonable assimilation and lessened domestic backlash" or, as he might have expressed it, "Id be getting social welfare for another ten years if it wasnt for all these fucking people with brown hair"
Wed Feb 05 12:03:04
"That girl wouldnt have been raped if she'd only work reasonably assimilated skirt lengths and lessened backlash" - Forwyn
Wed Feb 05 12:34:47
iChihuaha Wed Feb 05 11:17:20
How do feel about getting everything wrong about everything? Like a retard, right?"

Wed Feb 05 12:36:00
But he did get one single word right: irony
Wed Feb 05 13:27:26

"You have constantly proposed policies to encourage more of these crimes seb"

Incorrect. As I've pointed out, there are numerous examples of white grooming gangs, so the idea that if we didn't have third generation Pakistanis these crimes wouldn't happen, or would happen less, seems rather unfounded.

What *does* enable these crimes is when police refuse to listen, take seriously or investigate grooming.

And you have repeatedly taken that stance in relation to white grooming and sexual abuse - because without the foreign dimension it's just woke bullshit to you.
Wed Feb 05 13:29:55

"instead of measured quotas and requirements to ensure both reasonable assimilation"

All of which I support and all of which are the mainstays of British immigration policy since forever.

The only time there's been unlimited migration with no quotas has been in relation to EU citizens.

It's like you don't really understand what you are objecting to in the first place.

You at just barking at the moon.
Sam Adams
Wed Feb 05 13:29:58
"That girl wouldnt have been raped if she'd only work reasonably assimilated skirt lengths and lessened backlash"

The truly hypocritical thing is that its the left's immigrants doing most of the raping.
Wed Feb 05 13:32:33
Also, let's be clear, locking people, including children, in a hotel and setting it on fire isn't "a backlash", it's a pogrom every bit as bad as bad as the rape gangs.

Downplaying it, justifying it, minimising it as you and Sam do is disgusting.

Wed Feb 05 14:03:36
"That girl wouldnt have been raped if she'd only work reasonably assimilated skirt lengths and lessened backlash" - Forwyn

"That girl wouldn't* have been raped if her government hadn't imported hundreds of thousands of uneducated third-worlders" - Forwyn

"All of which I support"

Your quota is too high.
"In the year ending June 2024, non-EU net migration was 845,000"

"locking people, including children, in a hotel and setting it on fire"

True. Boats should be sunk at sea, not allowed to empty their contents into hotels.
Sam Adams
Wed Feb 05 14:03:48
"Its ok for me to downplay immigrant crimes and justify the genocide of israel, but if you justify the pushback you are bad"

Wed Feb 05 15:31:05

"Boats should be sunk at sea,"

See what I mean, this isn't really about crimes third generation people commit it's about you wanting to murder brown people.
Wed Feb 05 15:31:53

Israel doesn't face genocide. It's expanded relentlessly, displacing and killing Palestinians in their tens of thousands.
Wed Feb 05 15:43:25
See what I mean, you don't really care about the quotas you claim to support, there's always an exception to be made. Your definition expands relentlessly.
Wed Feb 05 16:03:24
How does the OP cunt feel about his lord ElRon spreading lies worldwide about this deed, as reported by all Swedish medias atm?

Wed Feb 05 16:06:27
"Hell, who cares what lies he makes up and spreads globally about national tragedies as long as he sells shiny trinkets with flashing lights"
Wed Feb 05 16:31:33

Over half of the figure were students, one of the UK's main imports.

The next biggest segment were healthcare workers, the high number of visas allocated in that sector to replace EU workers who left following Brexit.

You say the quota here is "too high". On what basis?

About 400k on temporary visas spending tens of thousands of pounds in university fees is a bad thing?

Or filling defined staffing requirements in health and social care placements?

Why is this "too high" when by by definition allocation of these visas require a sold university course or a job that the employer has to prove they cannot fill locally.
Wed Feb 05 16:32:06
*UK's main *exports*
Wed Feb 05 16:48:14
"On what basis?"

Importing north of 1% of total population every single year clearly outpaces assimilation, wage standards, housing prices, etc etc, and lowers the standard of living of the working class.

"they cannot fill locally"


The UK unemployment rate was 4.4%, and 1.57 million people aged 16+ were unemployed. Unemployment levels increased by around 190,000 over the last year, and the unemployment rate also increased.

9.30 million people aged 16-64 were economically inactive, and the inactivity rate was 21.6%. Both inactivity levels and the inactivity rate fell slightly in the last year.
Wed Feb 05 16:49:49
"You say the quota here is "too high". On what basis?"

He means too high for racists like him. Its not too high for people who are not racists and who want to make immigration work more smoothly, but is a big problem for racists who get angry when they see too many faces they cant reflect themselves in on the bus on the way to work and therefore want to obstruct immigration as much as possible.
Wed Feb 05 16:52:48
There are people who see a drowning family in a crashed car in a river and want to help them, knowing full well that their clothes will get wet and they might have to cancel that booking at a restaurant they were on their way to, and there are people who see a drowning family in a crashed car in a river and think, fuck that, that means getting my clothes wet and cancelling the restaurant booking! Im not doing that to help a drowning family!
Wed Feb 05 17:03:21

But it's not 1% every single year, that year was particularly large; and as pointed out, over half are only here for 4 years. The net migration figures in preceding years was considerably lower.

Do we need university students to "assimilate" when they are only here on a temporary basis?

There's no evidence that immigration has much impact on house prices (those are primarily driven by interest rates). Indeed, low population growth overall remains a challenge. One of the potential upsides the UK has Vs Europe is that population is growing and not ageing as fast as continental Europe.

As for wages, to obtain visas you need to demonstrate you have failed to recruit locally before you can sponsor a visa, and the vast majority of the visas issued in the year you mention are for health and care workers, due to undersupply in the UK population.

It's true wages in that sector might be higher were it not for migration, but there's a huge shortage of trained workers and the UK hasn't got particularly high unemployment for people of the requisite education.

So rising wages in that sector would reduce living standards for the working class by increasing the costs of health and social care, or in higher taxes to pay for it.

So I ask again, what's the problem here that demonstrates this is "too much"?

The visas are issued in a micro and macro level according to need; so if the need is there, why in your view is it "too high"?

It suggests the level of migration is driven as per policy, on the basis of agreed rules about when when she how much immigration is needed.

Sam Adams
Wed Feb 05 18:44:53
"displacing and killing Palestinians in their tens of thousands."

See you are justifying the crimes against israel. Get down out of your pathetic lawn chair that you think is an ivory tower. You wish your enemies destruction just like the rest of us, even if they are civilians.
Wed Feb 05 20:08:23
"that year was particularly large"

Virtually every year is higher than the year before. Wasn't Brexit supposed to slow that down? Even if it corrects downward, the average is climbing consistently, at a rate that I would wager is higher than non-immigrant population growth.


It is stupid to count these in your figures, and as I understand it there is a push to stop doing so, but bureaucrats wring their hands about how difficult it will be.

"those are primarily driven by interest rates"

And demand. We're not just talking about house prices, we're talking about rent, including in high-volume units.

"health and care workers, due to undersupply in the UK population."

Most of these positions are low-education, barely high-school/A-level. Have you tried paying them?


"So rising wages in that sector would reduce living standards for the working class by increasing the costs of health and social care, or in higher taxes to pay for it."

Not much of a sustainable system you have, that we keep having lorded over us, if it requires foreign indentured labor to sustain.
Thu Feb 06 06:10:13

"See you are justifying the crimes against israel. "

No. I'm being very clear here. As a matter of observable fact Israel is not undergoing genocide, nor is there any plausible threat of genocide in Israel.

There is however in Palestine.

And the threat posed by Hamas and crimes committed by Hamas do not justify the substantially greater crimes Israel is committing against the Palestinians, which are not driven by necessity but by a desire to destroy the Palestinian people, disperse them to other countries, and seize their land and resources.
Thu Feb 06 06:46:17

"Virtually every year is higher than the year before. Wasn't Brexit supposed to slow that down?"

No. The stated aim was to "take back control of the border", remove the rights for unlimited migration by EU citizens and impose a skills based migration scheme on anyone seeking to come to the UK to work visa.

This they have done. They agreed a clear set of rules to ensure a fixed cap of visas based on what was needed in terms of skills in specific industries that varies year to year based on demand.

What you objecting to is not the absence of a quota, or the lack of control, it's that you don't *like* that quota system You want an arbitrary cap.

But you can't explain with reference to any real world problem that can be shown to flow from this system why that would be better, and not worse.

" at a rate that I would wager is higher than non-immigrant population growth."

Why do we care, particularly, where peoples grandparents were born? Am I any less English given my Hugenot background, for example?

Are those descended from poles who fled during ww2 less English?

Let's consider here the alternative: we have an ageing population that we are struggling to support and requires services that cannot be delivered with the workforce we have.

If you want to limit immigration such that the dominant source of population group is "indigenous" birth rates, how are defining that? Does my daughter, in your mind, count as English? My wife's Costa Rican. And if my daughter doesn't, why would she if my wife was Spanish?
So how are we defining "immigrant" birth rates? Are we doing one drop blood laws?

Or is it skin colour we are really talking about? And if it's skin colour, are we really preferring for the UK to die of old age driven population collapse just because we prefer a certain skin tone?

You were on more solid ground when you spoke about integration, but by pretty much any metric the UK scores well on integration.

Attempts to try and claim otherwise tend to focus on highlighting crimes committed by minority groups without checking whether the same crimes are committed by "native" groups - for example the recent grooming gangs where there are in fact a number of groups using the same MO in the south of England entirely white; plus numerous other examples deemed categorically different for entirely superficial reasons (The Church is white and isn't a Cab firm; Jimmy Saville and others were celebrity philanthropist, not a Cab firm).

Or is it just that they workshop at mosques or Hindu temples much the same way two generations ago most white people would have gone to church.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing, or frankly irrelevant? I thought we wanted the state *not* to get too mixed up with policing religion?

What it boils down to is that you've convinced yourself the UK is facing a problem it isn't.

Now, you say it's stupid to include students in figures.

It absolutely is, not least because the way we count exits tends to undercount student exits, leading the home office to believe falsely that there were millions of overstayed students.

You know who repeatedly opposed any changes to the immigration stats methodology to fix this. Or take out students all together?

Conservatives. Why? Because immigration is a core issue for their base that gives them an electoral advantage; and if they actually corrected the stats to remove students, then net migration would look a lot less of an issue eroding support of their more centrev leaning base (let's say you are one of them) meanwhile folks like Sam or CC would see it as fiddling the books to cover up the issue, and defect to Farrages various parties.

"And demand. We're not just talking about house prices, we're talking about rent, including in high-volume units"

Actually no. It's supply. Supply is controlled by developers, they buy land with planning permission at low value obtain planning permission, and then sit on the land and eek out new developments at a rate such that supply is never too far ahead of demand. It's called land banking.

Secondly, where the demand *is*, is dense urban areas, so demand is guaranteed to exceed supply anyway. And this leads to the phenomenon of buy-to-let and flat purchases as an investment opportunity. This basically means rents always exceed (often by 30% -40%) mortgage rates.

Cutting immigration will not reduce house prices, instead what will happen is developers will slow development of new units, because they are acting like a cartel to maximise the price they get for units on a finite source of land where demand is.

You need to massively reduce *population*, but this would be a very bad thing all in.

The better option is to invest heavily in transport, so you have a wider area of land that could potentially provide housing.

You all ought to boost social housing, allowing councils to build and rent at low margins.

"Most of these positions are low-education, barely high-school/A-level."

No, they are not, they require NVQ and technical education along with certain healthcare skills.

"Have you tried paying them?"
There are much higher paying and lower stress jobs available for the same education level. So why would we want to increase the cost of social and health care and create a capacity shortage in other industries? Are we going to let those industries collapse, or are you suggesting the way to achieve prosperity is if native Brits focus on changing old people's nappies and checking their meds etc; while we get immigrants to do the higher value jobs?

The entire assumption you are making is that we have significant unemployment in the staff that could work in these sectors; the issue is we don't. That's the whole way the visa quota system is set up.

It's working entirely as intended: ensure we have enough people of the right skills to meet labour demand.

Where we have unemployment, it's in really low skill/education end - and that's more an education issue and reluctance by industry to invest in training. But the visa system factors for that already (costs employers to sponsor a visa and their training is also linked to it)

"Not much of a sustainable system you have, that we keep having lorded over us, if it requires foreign indentured labor to sustain."

Better than relying on uncontrolled and irregular like the US!

Thu Feb 06 09:25:19
More is known about the shooter now. He was a loner. He had no friends and he sat for himself with his computer. Perhaps he chatted with a virtual ”friend” on ChatGPT, like Nimatzo do.

He has a license for a hunting rifle, like Nimatzo do.

If we analyze Nimatzo a bit more…

Nimatzo is an immigrant from the Middle East who arrived to Sweden with false papers/documents. His real identity and age may be something else than what he claims.

Nimatzo has stated several times on this forum that he is going to destroy Social Democracy in Sweden. That is subversive activity.

Nimatzo has aquired a hunting rifle.

I don’t know… should I contact the Swedish Security Police, SÄPO?
Thu Feb 06 09:27:52
Swedish media seems to be speculating that this could after all be an act of terrorism, possibly based on stuff theyre hearing but cant yet confirm. That would probably be white supremacy. 90% of terrorist attacks in the US are committed by white supremacists and school shootings in general are a US phenomena, so hardly surprising speculation. The majority of students at this place are immigrants, including the guy below hiding in a toilet. Pretty unpleasant sounds to hear when hiding behind a paper thin toilet door


Thu Feb 06 09:57:39
I broke paramount.
Thu Feb 06 10:55:00
Starting very much to look like a white supremacist who would kill a fan of white supremacist liuke Nimatzo in a heartbeat. Voice heard shouting "We want you out of Europe!"

Thu Feb 06 10:57:26
Pretty much confirmed at this point.
Thu Feb 06 10:59:04
Someone who's been living off of social welfare for 10 years and is severely mentally ill: White supremacism in a nutshell
Thu Feb 06 11:08:07
When a massmurder committed by someone who has been seen as severely mentally ill for 2 decades by both acquaintances and family and has been living off of social welfare for a decade is seen as an understandable act, it becomes impossible to deny that supporters like sam adams and nimatzo are dangerous and mentally unstable.
Thu Feb 06 11:09:43
It took the retards of UP 2 days to figure out what I had in the hours after the incident.

LOL :-)
Thu Feb 06 11:11:00
We gave nimatzo a home and a life in Sweden and he thanked us by becoming someone who shows understanding for someone who commits the biggest act of terrorism in Sweden ever. We need to deport you back to your village in the desert as quickly as possible
Sam Adams
Thu Feb 06 11:49:59
"nor is there any plausible threat of genocide in Israel."

Here we go again with antisemite seb downplaying the risk to minority groups, doing the exact same behaviour to jews as he accuses others of doing to his migrants.

The hypocrisy is staggering.
Sam Adams
Thu Feb 06 11:53:36
Wtb is getting all butthurt over 10 dead migrants while importing other migrants that will kill 10,000 europeans.

We knew the mentally ill mind of the left winger was bad at math but godamn thats really bad math.
Thu Feb 06 11:59:42
Congrats Nimatzo. But I'm still Sherlock Holmes and you are only Watson.

I could have solved this case before you, if I had bothered.

I haven’t been following social media and listened to or read what people are saying there. I have only read one or three articles briefly on main stream media and they usually don’t publish unconfirmed speculations by unknown sources from forums on the internet or from social media. The police also advice against speculating. So I basically just did what the police asked of us.
Thu Feb 06 12:46:47
I hear a lot of excuses for why you are dumb and as an added bonus that you are a mindless sheep that can’t think for himself. You embody the fatal flaw in Swedish society.
Thu Feb 06 16:53:37
Alpha boi, your parents went to SFI school when they arrived in Sweden, huh? So they are exactly the kind of people that got murdered by the white supremacist with decades of severe mental illness that you think acted so understandably, the guy who murdered people like your parents because he was pushed over the edge by people like your parents. Have you ever considered eliminating the middle man and murdering your parents to try to garner some respect from severely mentally ill white supremacists?
Fri Feb 07 06:12:06
The weapons he had license for:

Browning 30-06 (semi)
Ruger 22 (semi)
Mossberg 590 and a Winchester pump action shotgun

He only had 3 with him, not yet reported which 3.
Fri Feb 07 09:49:31
I think Forwyn got embarrassed and ran away.
Fri Feb 07 10:13:30
It must be so strange to live inside Nimatzos head, to constantly come up against reality that contradicts his beliefs yet always choose to hurriedly rush past the reality and flee back into those fantasies he has set up as a wall against reality. For example, he knows full well that Elon spread lies about this, yet nothing could get him to ponder the implications or even acknowledge this reality. His unscientific mind just quickly banishes reality that collides with his dreams and fantasies about Musk and cuddles up in a dark corner of its mind where it never happened and sucks its thumb. This is how he will always be. What a weird world inside that head of his, to always clash with the real world and always choose fantasy instead of reality.
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