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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump: The US will own Gaza
Tue Feb 04 19:29:56

I guess that's going into our new sovereign wealth portfolio.

Tue Feb 04 19:43:01
This will not go over well with MAGA. Trumps trying something different to solve the problem but I doubt it will work. They are uneducated and young Islamic fanatics they do not share western values. We attempted for 20 years to liberalize Afghanistan and the taliban took it over about 5 minutes after we left.
Tue Feb 04 19:45:05

No ... this is after he deports all of them.

Tue Feb 04 19:45:46

He wants to deport all the Palestinians from Gaza and then make it a US resort. lol :o)

the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 22:10:56
Trump claimed many countries have told them they're willing to take the Palestinians, plus claimed the Palestinians want to leave that land, so everybody wins

luckily he's always honest
Sam Adams
Tue Feb 04 22:44:10
Fuck that. We wanted greenland and canada not that sandy shithole.
Tue Feb 04 23:11:34
Is this the new Cordoba? Constantinople? Love live the emperor!
Wed Feb 05 04:24:53
How much more proof do you need to show that he's batshit crazy?
Does he see himself as a Roman Emperor? Caligula maybe.
Wed Feb 05 04:26:45
Trump is being awfully generous in offering to resettle them.

I would rather just kill them all. Two million Islamist fanatics are not something that the world needs.
Wed Feb 05 04:47:10
I heard that they are welcome in Boston. Is this his version of the Diaspora?
Wed Feb 05 04:53:01
So King God Trusk wants Gaza. Who the hell is he going to get to go in there and hold it? Will he pull a Saint Ronald Reagan and have the troops walking around with unloaded guns?

What will be the instructions from the mastermind of all things military Platoon leader Hegseth?
Wed Feb 05 06:41:39

This motherfucker is as crazy a shithouse rat.

But absolutely no one in the media or his own party is going to call him out on it.

Wed Feb 05 09:05:27
mask off

btw how long do ya think ur gaza pier lasted and at wut costs?

it was hundredsss of millions lol
and lasted all but few weeks

and now u tryin 2 make hotel resort or something?

come on lol

Sam Adams
Wed Feb 05 09:48:37
"But absolutely no one in the media or his own party is going to call him out on it."

Lol wut? Entire religious orders of crazed leftist journalists exist only to bash trump.
Wed Feb 05 10:09:16

Sure, but that's still wildly insufficient for murder's desired level of outrage. Keep in mind that he's basically a Redditor who wants Trump and Elon to be publicly lynched and thinks that anyone not actively pushing that viewpoint 24/7 is an enabler for MAGAt cultists.

So yeah. He could open up a NYT and read endless daily opeds bashing Trump...but since they're not outright calling for all Republicans to be jailed or executed, they're borderline right-wing themselves.
Wed Feb 05 10:09:38
Er Sam Adams, not obaminated. My bad
Wed Feb 05 10:48:30
”Trump: The US will own Gaza”

This is Netanyahu giving order to Trump what to do.

Netanyahu also gave him a reminder of what will happen to him if he doesn’t do as Netanyahu says. Even if the pager that Trump received does not actually contain a bomb, Trump knows the meaning.
Wed Feb 05 11:17:20
How do feel about getting everything wrong about everything? Like a retard, right?
Wed Feb 05 12:07:11
Probably the best thing we can wish for is for Trump to get shot in the head, not terminally so that he dies, but instead so he turns into a drooling brain dead cauliflower, so that even the idiots posting his face onto Superman pictures will start to realize how infantile that looks
Wed Feb 05 12:12:19

I love how you think that would be the outcome, as opposed to us giving Trump the literal 40k God Emperor treatment and proclaiming him an immortal being whose mind outlasted his body.
Average Ameriacn
Wed Feb 05 12:25:26
I don't want a single American $ spent in that Gaza shithole!
They can remove the bombs themselves, that is not our job!

Make America great, not fucking gaza!!!

That is not the Trump I've voted for!!!!
Wed Feb 05 12:28:49
”How do feel about getting everything wrong about everything?”

Wrong about what?

”Like a retard, right?”

I don’t know. Can’t say. But you seem to be sure of the feeling? You must have felt like a retard many times.
Wed Feb 05 14:04:31
The interesting part is Netanyahu's reaction. The US isn't going to take Gaza. But by suggesting it could happen Israel shows they are open to some country under the right circumstances taking Gaza. There was no possibility of this only a short time ago.
Nobody want the Palestinians because they have done nothing but declare civil or holy wars wherever they are since they were first created back in the 1940s.
But given the incentive of receiving some prime real-estate maybe they will consider some relocation.
the wanderer
Wed Feb 05 15:09:30
Israel letting the US take it is some concession?

they'd love to have us there & having to protect them even more
Wed Feb 05 15:28:26
Trump is delivering on both Ukraine and Gaza.

God bless him.
Wed Feb 05 15:36:10
The problem with Gaza is the Gazans. If we cannot force them out, we will breed them out.

Righteous American men shall take female gazans as concubines and we will castrate the males.
Wed Feb 05 17:31:34

"Lol wut? Entire religious orders of crazed leftist journalists exist only to bash trump."

So you're saying that if I go to the NYT or the Washington Post or CNN or any other mainstream site, I'm going to get greeted with headlines that Trump is demented and needs to step down for the good of the country?

I just checked. Not a single headline about it.
Wed Feb 05 18:13:41
How many headlines did you find saying Trump is doing a good job or even doing one thing right?

obaminated back in the 1990s there was a cult/militia group running around in Idaho that wanted to pass a law that a first born son of a white family could marry a white woman and he would inherit all the families fortune. Any other sons would have to marry a minority so eventually no more minorities and only the pure white people have wealth.
the wanderer
Wed Feb 05 18:31:38
if you're seeing news headlines saying Trump is doing a good (or bad) job, you're not reading news

just analyzing his CA water fairy tale that he mentions nearly every day shows he's deranged
Thu Feb 06 02:59:26
It seems like Trump wants to make am economic zone out of this place basically.

US backed security, Im.sure Kushner will have his hands in it too.
Thu Feb 06 04:52:23
u culdnt build a frikkin road right in one of ur big rich cities

but ur gonna build a luxury resort on another continent right



just gotta remove da ppl livin there first. but i guess u got xperience doing that shit already anyway

large member
Thu Feb 06 06:18:03
I had no idea your militia groups are so bad at both math and breeding principles. The math is understandable. But dont they breed pigs?

What happens with the leftover white women in that scenario? They too would also have to marry minorities since all the white males are doing that.

The lucky male would only have a 25% chance of having a male son that marries a white woman with wealth (at current birth rates). So every generation would reduce the number of white families with wealth by 75%. And also reduce the number of white families by a similar amount if everyone else has to marry minorities.

Soon, it would become a tiny oligarchy surrounded by brown people. Enter piano wires and lamp posts and the self-genocide is complete.
Thu Feb 06 06:34:06
Despite Shooting, ABC, CBS and NBC Blast Trump with 95% Bad Press

Rich Noyes
September 18th, 2024 9:15 AM

Not even Sunday’s close call with a would-be assassin could interrupt the liberal TV networks’ barrage of bad press against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. A look at the first 72 hours of coverage on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts — Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights — finds that while the attempted assassination dominated campaign coverage, these networks’ anti-Trump spin was nearly as bad as it could be: 95% negative, vs. just five percent positive.


Thu Feb 06 06:38:16
But murder the psychopath doesn't even recognize negative coverage when he sees it...because to him, negative coverage is his baseline.

In order for coverage to be "negative" in his eyes, it has to be calling for the death of the president.
large member
Thu Feb 06 09:28:31
To murder, 95% of what Trump does is negative and headlines reflect that ratio faithfully.

Do you complain about OBL getting predominantly negative press?
Thu Feb 06 10:00:44

"To murder, 95% of what Trump does is negative and headlines reflect that ratio faithfully."

No, not even close. Donald Trump is a pathological liar, and a fraud, and a cheat, and a bully, and a racist, and a rapist ... and oh yeah, he tried to topple our republic.

All of those things completely vanish in the media's coverage of Donald Trump. The purportedly left-wing mainstream media has spent more than a decade normalizing his behavior while simultaneously scandalizing anything and everything on the left.

The headlines aren't critical of Trump, that's just the Rugians of the world reflexively screaming "unfair" at the slightest criticism.

Trump is openly threatening to steal territory from two countries and one whatever the hell Gaza is, and the media treats it like it's just Thursday.

Thu Feb 06 10:01:01
Thu Feb 06 10:01:18
Thu Feb 06 10:02:52

See, if murder subscribes to that comparison, then that only reinforces how unreasonable his position his.

The President of the United States is on par with OBL? Really?

Keep in mind as well that these same news outlets were the ones that spent a full 3.5 years gaslighting their readers on the state of Biden's mental decline. We've seen what it looks like when they wash the balls of a president...what they're doing to Trump now certainly is not that.
Thu Feb 06 10:03:33

You'd never know there's damn thing wrong.

Thu Feb 06 10:05:41

Does murders post just now come as the opinion of a rational man to you?
Thu Feb 06 10:06:10

"Keep in mind as well that these same news outlets were the ones that spent a full 3.5 years gaslighting their readers on the state of Biden's mental decline. We've seen what it looks like when they wash the balls of a president...what they're doing to Trump now certainly is not that."

Hey, remember that time that Demented Joe threatened to take possession of Canada, and Greenland, and the Panama Canal, and Gaza?

Me neither.

You are a cultist.

Thu Feb 06 10:20:31

For those not keeping track ... Donald Trump now says that he won't need to deploy US forces to take Gaza. He says that the Israelis will simply hand it over when they are done conquering it, and I suppose ethnically cleansing the Palestinians.

Why would Israel just hand it over after shedding all the blood to take it?


But it makes perfect sense to him.

Average Ameriacn
Thu Feb 06 10:39:32
Trump backs down from his proposal! Do you think he read my post in this thread?
Thu Feb 06 14:25:18

"It seems like Trump wants to make am economic zone out of this place basically. US backed security, Im.sure Kushner will have his hands in it too."

I'm sure it would be a tax haven for businesses.

But if it involves deporting the Palestinian people, he won't get support from anyone except Israel, and he won't be able to follow through with his plan.
Thu Feb 06 15:09:39
” Trump backs down from his proposal! Do you think he read my post in this thread?”

It’s possible. The zionists have agents everywhere.
Thu Feb 06 16:24:52
His threat towards taking ownership of Gaza is also a push for the Arab countries to step up and help Gaza. They basically offer no support towards the gazans beyond words with zero political weight
Thu Feb 06 16:31:00
Exactly. Call his plan outlandish if you want, but at least it proposes *A* future for Gaza...

...as opposed to the rest of the world, which just mindlessly recites "two-state solution" as a magic panacea for the conflict but who have otherwise allowed the Palestinians to wallow in misery for the better part of a century with no realistic offramp in sight.
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