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Utopia Talk / Politics / Better make babies
Thu Feb 06 05:36:57
If you want your roads repaired.
In the new world of Trusk, they won't repair or send federal funds for highway projects unless you have lots of married people with lots and lots of kids.

Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy has instructed his agency to focus their work and programming on communities with higher birth and marriage rates.

Duffy, who was confirmed by the Senate last week in a 77-22 vote, is a former Wisconsin congressperson, reality TV star and father to nine. Now, he has issued a memo ordering that all “DOT-supported or -assisted programs and activities…give preference to communities with marriage and birth rates higher than the national average.”

I obviously had it all wrong about highway repair. Foolishly thinking that when highways or bridges were repaired or replaced it was because they need those repairs.

Texas is going to be in deep shit because they are deporting as many baby makers as possible. I know we're screwed in Maine, the oldest State in the Union.

Well here is what states apparently will or won't get funding.

Thu Feb 06 06:55:54
broke is broke.

beggas aint no choosas!

Thu Feb 06 06:56:10
beggas cant afford 2 be choosas!
Thu Feb 06 06:56:23

Thu Feb 06 07:10:37

How silly of the government to prioritize resources to places that are still going to need them in 70 years' time.

Thu Feb 06 11:13:05
Well damn Rugian. That does seem to bring up a problem. White women for the most part aren't having a ton of babies like they did 100 years ago.
Won't that piss guys like Sam off when the only places getting Federal Highway funds are predominantly brown, black, Asian, etc.

Hell these clowns only think about the bottom line next week. 70 years from now they figure they'll be dead and someone else will have to worry about it.
Thu Feb 06 12:19:14

Rugian keeps trying to pretend that he's not, but he's gone full nazi. He embraced forcing women to make babies, and it won't be long before he's embraced putting blacks back out in the field to make up for the Mexican labor that his orange lord is deporting.

Thu Feb 06 12:20:48

"Won't that piss guys like Sam off when the only places getting Federal Highway funds are predominantly brown, black, Asian, etc."

All the funding will be going to inner cities where black women are having babies to increase the size of their welfare checks. </s>

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Thu Feb 06 12:23:13
This is just flawed and outdated thinking. This is America nobody stays in the town they were born.
Thu Feb 06 12:51:29
"He embraced forcing women to make babies"

When did I ever once say this.

I do believe that Western societies have many policies and outlooks that actively disincentive people from having children, and think that's a bad thing.

That is not the same thing as saying women should be compelled by the state to have kids.

Nuance murder. Ever heard of it?
Thu Feb 06 12:52:33
And even if I did believe that, that wouldn't make me a Nazi. Jesus.
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