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Utopia Talk / Politics / butbutbut 3rd worlds r corrupt
Fri Feb 07 13:35:31

rofl this is just da 1st layer

da 2nd layer is da fakenews propfunda. 6200 "journalists" spread lies, cheats and deceits every day about chayna...

ya cant make this shit up

they spread soo much fake bs, that is dumbified ur own peoples in2 gender confused fools, talk about fallin in2 a hole u dug urself.

anywa, look at da craziness of ur corruption. it is beyond believe, holy shit lol

just 1 xample, da afhani "Crops", was alrdy known 2 all other than naieve muricans

from da internet: da moment ur country left afhganistan, da poppy trade stopped, yea 2 guesses wut happened there.

butbutbut "rules based order", da most "enlightened nation", "demo(nic)crazy" , we only spread "justice and stop da injustice das why u got invaded lololol"

40 billion 4 car ports lol. only 8 got build and wut unused as currently? lololol

Sat Feb 08 17:41:25
2 days ago
Dude, this was THE FIRST rock they turned over. Imagine what the pentagon is going to be like

2 days ago
Remember, folks: USAID is 0.7% of the budget. This is just the freshly fallen snow on top of the tip of the iceberg.
Sun Feb 09 01:45:09
Donald Trump can sniff corruption.

” I thought it was corrupt. I have a feel for that stuff. My nose told me it was corrupt. Nobody else had any idea it was that corrupt. Think about it.”

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