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Utopia Talk / Politics / The day without a Mexican :)
Fri Feb 07 16:17:17
So la Raza and si se puede had a walkout of schools and jobs down here in socal. It usually takes me 40 minutes to get from my house to my job. I got there in 20 minutes flat. Flew down the freeway. No slow downs. No accidents. Just 70 the whole way. And on top of that it's rainy here which means it usually takes longer.

I hope they keep this up. Si se puede!!!
Fri Feb 07 16:30:02

Yeah but some of the wetbacks didn't participate.

large member
Fri Feb 07 16:33:25
One of them obviously did not :).
Fri Feb 07 16:38:30

That's the best feeling, isn't it?

Now just imagine what it'll be like when they're permanently gone. If you know what I'm saying :)
Fri Feb 07 16:40:50

He doesn't know what you're saying because he thinks you don't mean him too.

Fri Feb 07 19:28:28
Murder doesn't know when Republicans, conservatives, libertarians and independents state they want Mexicans to leave they are talking about the LA Raza/si se puede crowd. Ya know the type of Hispanic who has lofty aspirations but lacks the education, talent and discipline to achieve anything beyond a manager at Burger King. The type of Hispanic who wraps themselves in the Mexican flag at marches while living in Southern California their whole life. Basically the type of person no one wants as their neighbor and is the person who got trump 42 percent of the Latino vote verse the 28 percent in got in 2016.

Sorry murder, but your lack of knowing any of this is embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as genuinely believing mankind will never reach mars.
Fri Feb 07 19:50:20
lmfao. The face eating leopards wont eat my face!
Fri Feb 07 19:54:19
During the Nazis' ascent to power, some Jewish organizations, such as the Association of German National Jews and The German Vanguard supported Nazism until being outlawed in late 1935. Motivated by anticommunism, conservative nationalism, anti-Zionism, and anti-liberalism, these groups had initially believed that Nazi antisemitism was merely rhetorical hyperbole. The Jewish police were widely hated among other Jews,[7] and their members were far more likely to be corrupt and self-interested than the Judenrat leaders

Fri Feb 07 19:55:09
man, youre so dirty
Fri Feb 07 21:02:58
Fri Feb 07 21:57:55
Wtb hates sexists and racists and yet he can't quite comprehend his hypocrisy when his predictable insult to cc is about her being a woman and his predictable insult to me is being Mexican (quarter but that doesn't slow him down).

Funny thing is I don't care enough to remember his race. French or some European place. I wasn't raised to care. An idiot is an idiot whether black, yellow brown or white.
Sat Feb 08 01:04:23
The US should build railway tracks from Florida and California to Mexico, buy some train wagons and start to ship the latinos back to Mexico via trains. A cargo train can travel faster and undisturbed compared to a bus which risk getting stuck in traffic. You can also pack more people into a train wagon compared to a bus. A cargo train is also more discreet and citizens can carry on with their lives without being disturbed by having to see bus after bus filled with latinos on the roads.

The Germans, who are a very efficient people, refined this method back in the 1940s already. So just pick it up and continue from there.
Average Ameriacn
Sat Feb 08 04:55:12
So you have abandoned your people?
But you still look like them, don't you?
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