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Utopia Talk / Politics / we build entire city with 90 bill
Thu Feb 13 15:56:52
u culdnt even build a train with 120 bill

how many bills needed 4 da pallisades?
tcdamus crystal ball is glowin right now. and it says, it will neva happen. it will not be rebuild.

hey im just readin from da ball

now witness!
Thu Feb 13 17:00:50
You have 65 million vacant homes.

Spending money on building yet another city is a gigantic waste of money.

ROFL owned
Thu Feb 13 17:03:18
But but but those homes will be needed to accommodate China's growing population.

Oh wait, no. China is shrinking, and shrinking fast. It's almost like penalizing people for having kids was a bad strategy.

Lol sit down kid.
Fri Feb 14 01:12:42
haha and wut makes u think chaayna has 65 mill unsellable homes

who told u that

stop readin ur fake news

lmao OWNED
large member
Fri Feb 14 01:17:24
The US has 16 million vacant homes. And well, what is your position on net immigration? Because that is what is keeping your population growing. Careful with stones in glass houses.
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