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Utopia Talk / Politics / Paradigm shift in Swedish youth
Sat Feb 15 05:16:09

Key Insights from Ungdomsbarometern’s Generationsrapport 2025:

1. Rising Economic Concerns
• 44% of young people worry about their personal finances, up from 37% last year.
• Increased focus on financial success: entrepreneur is now the second most popular career choice, just behind business leader/CEO.

2. Return to Traditional Relationship Norms
• 90% say their goal is to find a lifelong partner (+14% since 2022).
• 55% of boys prefer paying for the first date (up from 43% in 2017).
• 65% of boys want to propose, while 74% of girls prefer being proposed to.

3. Decline in Idealism
• Only 13% identify as environmentally conscious, down from 21% in 2020.
• Feminist identification has dropped from 32% to 18% in the last four years.

The report highlights a shift toward pragmatism, financial focus, and traditional relationship values among Sweden’s youth.

The future is traditional and conservative. Progressivism is dying.
Sat Feb 15 05:56:04

"The future is traditional and conservative."

The battle cry of the right since the dawn of man.

They've been wrong every step of the way.

Sat Feb 15 06:08:39
Cool story, but all these radical things happened in the last
100 years and really jumped the shark the last 15 years. Next step is rescinding universal suffrage :D
Sat Feb 15 06:59:54
"The future is traditional and conservative."

The battle cry of the right since the dawn of man."

The battle cry of every Islamic, authoritarian dictatorship.
Sat Feb 15 07:06:18
Lets hope that Sweden doesnt get as conservative and traditional as the country his family fled from where the local village whore gets stoned to death, because then his mother will have to flee again (hey, you like insulting peoples families, so enjoy, alpha boi)
Sat Feb 15 10:41:38
You are the spawn garbage and objectively inferior to me in every way, you vagrant little nazi. The fact that your family inferior to mine follows logically. What kind of people would let their child become a nazi, homeless and a gay prostitute?

You delusional little turd. Everything I say about you is true. That is the key difference.
Sat Feb 15 10:51:03
willie the loser turd has recently been sharing info about his family. Because I am actually living rent free in his head. He thinks his parents social class, makes them decent and moral people, while I judge them based on the outcome as parents. Merit over heritage.

You walking turd brained totem of fallacies and hypocrisy.
Sat Feb 15 10:52:03
Dear me, I seem to have offended whore boi :(
Now give me a hug and let’s continue the friendly discussion about families you started and your belief in tradition and conservatism :) If your daughter continues your family tradition of village whore that has to flee the traditions and conservatism of that conservative country to a progressive country to get a much better life, would you follow your traditional conservative tradition of honour killing?
Sat Feb 15 10:58:44
You know this is going to be an ugly thread when we're only 8 posts in and already talking about people's daughters.
Sat Feb 15 11:03:37
Oh dear, I hope not. I was just reflecting on the fact that if he wanted to flee, say, to the USA, since Swedish conservatives hate people with his skin colour and background, I’m afraid that with his skin colour he couldn’t even get a holiday visa under Trump.

Anyway, I hope whore boi accepts my apology for unwittingly upsetting him so. I was genuinely only trying to discuss with him at a level he feels is appropriate against others. I will try to remember to not talk him the way he talks to others. Now gimme that hug, whore boi :D
Sat Feb 15 11:07:15
I just thought that when he insulted my family out of nowhere, sort of like how gangs in Sweden from his region attack have broken norms and started attacking each others family members, that it might be one of his traditional conservative values that I should adapt to :(
Sat Feb 15 11:21:54
”insulted my family out of nowhere”

LOL@out of nowhere

Parents whose child become a nazi, homeless and prostitute are garbage people, there is no doubt about this. That fact thay you do not understand this is just confirmation of the fact that whatever garbage quality your parents had was heritable. You lack many basic human qualities.
Sat Feb 15 11:23:37
I’ll take that as a yes to my question, then. Anyway, please say hallo to your daughter and mother from me and extend my congratulations to her for fleeing a macho conservative traditionalist country and finding a much better life in one of the world’s most progressive feminist countries, where prostitutes dont even get prosecuted, let alone stoned :)
Sat Feb 15 11:33:58
Wtb fucks around and finds out and then act like a bitch. ”He just punched me out of nowhere!”.
Sat Feb 15 11:35:01
So, we’re all good then, buddy? Great! Now gimme that manly macho hug, and no touchy feely, whore boi!
Sat Feb 15 11:38:36
Totally, just call me when you are in Sweden, give me location and I will come with open arms.
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