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Utopia Talk / Politics / Guess the guy
Member | Sun Feb 16 04:19:44 who tweeted all of this: "Momentum is growing rapidly to impeach activist judges who repeatedly fail to follow the law" "Federal judges who repeatedly abuse their authority to obstruct the will of the people via their elected representatives should be impeached." "I’d like to propose that the worst 1% of appointed judges, as determined by elected bodies, be fired every year. This will weed out the most corrupt and least competent." "Shareholders should control company votes, not judges" "We must impeach judges who are grossly undermining the will of the people and destroying America. It is the only way." "Activists should be removed as judges" "VOX POPULI VOX DEI The people have spoken Impeach the CORRUPT judges!!" "He is a disgrace to judges robes" "De Moreaes is a criminal wearing judges robes like a Halloween costume " "Corrupt judges protecting corruption" "Truly absurd. Judges as website editors!? We should at least ATTEMPT to fire this junky jurist. The notion of having a judge job for life, no matter how bad the judgments, is ridiculous! Enough is enough." "This evil tyrant is a disgrace to judges robes" "These judges need to go" "We are witnessing an attempted coup of American democracy by radical left activists posing as judges!" |
Member | Sun Feb 16 08:45:26 Elon the Moron - |
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