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Utopia Talk / Politics / Name 5 things you've done this week
Mon Feb 24 19:56:07
Rofl. Idiots should have taken the deal.

And before tw says "nothing will come of this"... no it's very obvious people are gonna be shit canned.

Maga baby.

Sam Adams
Mon Feb 24 20:56:31
Entirely normal. While there are many ways to keep tabs on white collar employees a weekly email is obviously a fairly common one. Perhaps a quarter of my various superiors have asked for similar. I dont think its the best way but its a reasonable way and libs complaining otherwise are entirely too retarded and should be autofired.
Sam Adams
Mon Feb 24 20:58:00
Maybe thats the trick. The complainers are probably leftists and get the axe.
Sam Adams
Mon Feb 24 20:58:09
If so genious lol.
large member
Mon Feb 24 21:43:56
Doge is not their superiors sammy.
the wanderer
Tue Feb 25 01:30:47
OPM (originator of email) says the demand optional, several depts (led by loyalists) told their people to ignore, yet Musk out there again saying anyone who doesn’t respond will be fired (& Trump seeming to have no clue what Musk doing anywhere, just grossly exaggerating or making fully false claims of what’s being found as usual)

a well-oiled machine...
Tue Feb 25 02:08:53
Yes, it's perfectly normal for a weird unit outside of the chain of command / management chain to demand every civil servant to provide a weekly update on what they've done on threat of being (illegally) terminated, and then feed that into an LLM to determine which jobs are expendable.

Tue Feb 25 03:07:19
I changed diapers.
Ordered some rifle stuff for my rifles.
Did laundry.
Had sex with my wife.
Donated money to the national association for assholes.
Tue Feb 25 03:32:20
^so u admit u been leechin da system like a parasite

u want taxpayers 2 pay u 4 changin ur diapers
while u do ur laundries and shits

Tue Feb 25 04:03:03
Hmm, well this morning I woke up about 3 took a piss. laid back down and my mind was going so I gave up after a half hour of that and got up. Made my morning hot water with cinnamon and honey. Gave the cat his morning meds (actually it's a treat) but he thinks it's meds. Also took my own meds.
Sat down at the PC and did my solitaire games. Browse a little on the PC. Made a fried egg sandwich and now I'm going to have a cup of coffee.

BTW, who the hell is going to read all these letters or emails that employees are supposed to send in? Fuck, they still haven't read the ACA plan that Pelosi gave them.
Tue Feb 25 06:55:03

"Doge is not their superiors sammy."

Elon is everyone's superior now ... which is why Trump appointees are pushing back. They thought they were going to be in charge of their departments, but it turns out that they are just figureheads.

Elon is running the entire US.

Our future looks like the cybertruck.

the wanderer
Tue Feb 25 17:07:44
Reporter: is it voluntary like OPM said or is it mandatory?

Trump: "Well it's somewhat voluntary but it's also if you don't answer it, I guess you get fired"

steady leadership
Tue Feb 25 19:22:19
Essentially if you don't respond you are going to be watched and when finding cause you will be fired.

Also I suspect an AI is going through the emails.
Average Ameriacn
Tue Feb 25 22:05:47
If it's an American AI trained on the constitution and the bible then all will be fine!
large member
Tue Feb 25 22:09:22
Ate fish and chips
Drank beer
Travelled to a new continent
Ate fish and chips
Drank beer
Wed Feb 26 03:55:30
Well damn jergul, you're living the life. I think it was last week the wife and I ventured to the 'Eagles Nest' restaurant in Brewer, Maine. Had a huge seafood combo plate. Haddock, scallops, shrimp, clams. Not as good as the clam digger in Saint Andrews New Brunswick though.
Wed Feb 26 11:10:03
You live the life. Tom.
Wed Feb 26 12:29:27

"Also I suspect an AI is going through the emails."

Yes, Elon's AI. He's just harvesting everything on government servers. I'm sure it won't all end up on the dark web.

Thu Feb 27 04:57:33
RFK Jr. did this
Thu Feb 27 07:16:58

RFK Jr always does this.

He can fill this in for his 5 things every week going forward.

Average Ameriacn
Thu Feb 27 08:13:55
We have only old vaccines against the mesles. Parents should wait until a Trump warp speed vaccine arrives before they vaccinate their children.
It's Bidens fault taht we have none so far, he gave all the research money to secret biolabs in the Ukraine and they researched trans sex change viruses with it. But Trump will drain the swamp.
Thu Feb 27 09:17:04

That sounds disturbingly accurate.

the wanderer
Sat Mar 01 13:47:45
the 5 things response is now to be done every week going forward

...so Musk & Trump total fucking liars yet again (in claiming it was just a pulse check to make sure people existed, not about firing people)
Sat Mar 01 15:33:00
Lol tw, do you have a job and if so are you not accountable? You are hilarious. If my bosses sent an email stating that every week, literally a whole week, I needed to state 5 things I did that week I would shrug, perhaps be annoyed, but accept it as a new aspect of my job. I wouldn't be a whiny bitch.
the wanderer
Sat Mar 01 15:44:36
people (correctly) assumed it was Musk seeking a new vector to justify firings 'well that doesn't sound useful to me, you're fired'

Musk (& also Trump) totally fucking lied that 'no no no, people wrongly thought this was about firing, it was just a pulse check to see if people really exist!'
(some made up theory that there's lots of phantom employees getting checks... just like his bullshit of millions over age 100 getting social security... and that maybe the Fort Knox gold is gone...)

well, nope, if a weekly requirement, obviously not that pulse check...

but i'm sure they appreciate accepting their continuous lies
the wanderer
Sat Mar 01 15:51:07
...or is a plot trying to get people to mass quit as being presumed to be lazy garbage
Sat Mar 01 15:55:34
1) i owned a bunch of retards on some forum
2) i owned more retards on anotha forum
3) watched some videos on utube and owned a whole bunch of retards in da comments
4) watched da events of yesterday and owned a bunch of retards from either side
5) scolded and molded a bunch of retards on da internet and told them 2 sit da fuck down FA FO bitch

Sat Mar 01 18:20:08
So tw admits he doesn't have a job and if he did he would be outraged if his boss asked him to send him a bullet line email of 5 things he did each week. Rofl.
the wanderer
Sat Mar 01 21:55:01
it's not their boss, it's the hatchet man

if you were a construction worker on the death star, how secure would you feel if Vader wanted weekly updates on your personal effort?
Mon Mar 03 14:16:19
I would acknowledge that Vader isn't a grand admiral but he is also higher the food chain than me so I'll do this minor thing he asks instead of arguing like a moron.
Mon Mar 03 14:52:30
Like seriously tw. Do you work?
the wanderer
Mon Mar 03 15:24:46
yes & have had many jobs & never once asked to do this (& i bet you never have either)... plus extra unusual as it's not coming from their manager/boss but instead guy wielding chainsaw & who also asked every single person to quit... thus EXTREMELY obvious why it would concern people

there's no way any human actually will be reading all the emails so either will be searches or AI to find people to fire, or just trying to stress people into quitting
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