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Utopia Talk / Politics / When do we abandon chamberlainism
Fri Feb 28 15:04:29
Its here. We now know unequivocally that trying to make deals with the USA is exactly on par with Chamberlain trying to make deals with Nazi Germany. How long before this becomes an officially admitted fact that Western govts start planning their strategies in accordance with? I suspect that even in the most resistant, far right cases, its only a couple of months away
Fri Feb 28 15:14:51

You're wasting your time waiting "western" governments. A lot of them will bend to Trump's will. Europe has to take care of itself, and the only way to do that is nuclear proliferation.

Fri Feb 28 15:22:09
Even Norway is talking about going nuclear now.
Fri Feb 28 15:39:25

They're going to have to do more than talking.

Fri Feb 28 16:18:40
Member Fri Feb 28 16:12:18
Death to Europe"

This kind of stuff is great. The more of this, the more reluctant US fans in Europe will realise the truth about the USA
Fri Feb 28 16:23:58
"Death to wetbacks and Iranians" This is exactly what they'll be saying to mexicantardo and Nimato once the shit starts hitting the fan
Fri Feb 28 16:31:28
Unfortunately, disgusting filth like nimazo will have to be included in the people I would sign up to defend with my life, even though I wouldnt expect the same from them for a single microsecond, but thats just one of the downsides of not being an evil unnatural malformation like them
Fri Feb 28 16:42:10
Everything is kind of unique to Trump. I don't know how it sustains itself after he's gone. He's just a lucky idiot who came to power at a time when social media made someone like him an electable candidate.
Fri Feb 28 16:43:48
Note how WTB consistently dehumanizes and threatens violence against people have contrary political opinions to him. Nimatzo is "disgusting filth," he would gladly kill me if he ever got the opportunity, etc.

Most people understand that, however much you disagree with the beliefs of an opposing political faction, they have a right to express their beliefs and participate in the democratic process. Not WTB - in his mind, disagreeing with him makes you the enemy, an unperson in need of purging.

He marvels that I would say "death to Europe," when not an hour previously he had been gleefully talking about wanting to see me dead and millions of my ideological comrades "exterminated." The utter lack of self-awareness is astounding.
Fri Feb 28 16:56:34
unfortunately there is still a good amount of delusion round da world


she thinks that if if if he and he and if if comes over there, they will start 2 think differently or change...

pure delusion. just pure delusion at this point.

it doesnt get through there heads that this war is OVER as far as bankrupt usa is concerned. it is bankruptin them and they want out this bleedin hole of endless bleedin.

this is like that incel loser who keeps beggin da wife not 2 break up with him 4 da 5th time. but this time it different. she is absolutely sick and tired and completely over u by now and nottin will change her mind but u still in disbelief and think its just "a fight"...

noooooo, son. she is done with u. how that song go again, when a womans fedddddd upppp there aint nottin u can do about itttttt

Fri Feb 28 17:04:46
”however much you disagree with the beliefs of an opposing political faction, they have a right to express their beliefs and participate in the democratic process”

The notion that we can express our opinions freely is bullshit. In the US and in some countries in Europe, such as Britain and Germany, you don’t have the right to express your opinion on Israel’s genocide without repercussions

To hell with it and the ”democratic process”. Everything is rigged to suppress you. The oppressors must be exterminated.
the wanderer
Fri Feb 28 17:14:26
i will take the position that Rugian doesn't need killed

however "disagreeing with him makes you the enemy" is basically the status of US politics (& especially in magat land where its massively stoked by the 'president')
Fri Feb 28 17:18:38
”Note how WTB consistently dehumanizes and threatens violence against people have contrary political opinions to him”

Nimatzo is not so much different. But Nimatzo's threats are more subtle. First in an unrelated thread he drops that he has aquired a gun. Then he tells WTB (I think it was, or was it to Jergul?) that "Pray you don't run into me on the street."
Fri Feb 28 17:21:31

"Everything is kind of unique to Trump. I don't know how it sustains itself after he's gone. He's just a lucky idiot who came to power at a time when social media made someone like him an electable candidate."

The entire Republican Party has been consumed. It isn't only Trump, it is the entire MAGA Party. This is not going away.

Fri Feb 28 17:24:37

"he dunt want ceasefire"
Fri Feb 28 20:48:25
USA is on the cusp of starting a war with western allies
Fri Feb 28 20:50:52
"How long before this becomes an officially admitted fact that Western govts start planning their strategies in accordance with? I suspect that even in the most resistant, far right cases, its only a couple of months away"

Planning for this started a few hours ago.
Fri Feb 28 21:26:25
And more than half of the USA that is about to start a war with us is on our side. My previous guess concerning the timeline of a couple of months now applies to how long before we start seeing the equivalent of attempts by generals to kill Hitler with briefcase bombs
Fri Feb 28 21:48:45
Zelensky suspends elections.

Zelensky says he will sign the deal in DC.

Zelensky arrives and says he will sign it in Munich.

Trump and vance get pissed off because they realize this actor is dicking them around.

Libs and euros hate trump and vance for publicly shaming a guy who still dresses like he is living in a bunker, who came here expecting to get more money and had no intention of honoring his word.

Good look wtb. Back a dictator who suspends elections. In no way does it reveal what you are.
the wanderer
Fri Feb 28 22:24:17
whats your view of Musk wearing t-shirt & ballcap & son on head to answer questions in the oval office?

or t-shirt & ballcap w/o son on head to speak at the cabinet meeting?
Fri Feb 28 22:37:48
The Western world is now holding meetings on how to burn Rugians and IWillSlitMyMothersThroatForAGreenCardTardos alive, how to blow their faces into dead jelly, how to kill them en masse. This is appropriate planning for the world they have created, practical solutions to real world issues. As a believer in the scientific approach to dealing with physical facts in the real world, I have, of course, no recourse other than to embrace and applaud this practical acceptance of dealing with physical facts.
Fri Feb 28 22:45:04
In fact, I have to celebrate the current plans to kill them. Time to pour a glass of locally produced rhum blanc and smile!
Fri Feb 28 22:54:27
When youve been complaining to your landlord that your home is the subject of a cockroach infestation and he finally makes the phone call to exhume the entire building, you deserve to relax with a glass of champagne and breathe a deep breath of satisfaction
Sat Mar 01 04:20:37
That does not sound very subtle. I implore you to report it to the police, with links to the threads in question. I am down for it.
Sat Mar 01 05:06:26

"My previous guess concerning the timeline of a couple of months now applies to how long before we start seeing the equivalent of attempts by generals to kill Hitler with briefcase bombs"

If someone was going to do it, it would have happened after the Jan 6th insurrection.

Sat Mar 01 05:07:34

"whats your view of Musk wearing t-shirt & ballcap & son on head to answer questions in the oval office?"

Quit calling obaminated out on his bullshit. It's not fair. :o)

Sat Mar 01 05:24:31
Some people here were LARPing moral high ground during Biden then they turn into sycophants. I made my bed long ago, the system is the problem, and as long as that is the case, I will stay to my principles and be in opposition. In as far as Trump will tear the system down, great, but I take it for what it is. Things will get much worse before it gets better, unfortunately the oceans will not save America from what it will do to itself.

Sat Mar 01 06:03:23
2 be enemy is dangerous


2 be friend...is fatal!

proven time and time again

only fags like u keep readin about this 4 years and decades and still not undastand da true meanin of this
Sat Mar 01 10:18:18

Here's a picture of Churchill when he visited the US to talk to Roosvelt.


Disgraceful isn't he.
Sat Mar 01 10:18:19
Sat Mar 01 10:26:58
Churchill knew how to properly grovel to the US when called for.

Sat Mar 01 10:58:49
You realise that's a movie right?
Sat Mar 01 11:17:05
No i thought it was a fucking documentary. For fuck'a sake.
Sat Mar 01 11:33:23
All there minerals now belong 2 someone else


Sat Mar 01 11:53:49
lmao signed with uk?

this country is cooked

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