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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump bans student demonstrations
Member | Tue Mar 04 08:36:23 that he doesnt like. Legal will of course mean those he likes and illegal will mean those he doesnt like. Or rather, those his voters like and dislike, since his intent is to satisfy their cruelty, bloodlust and fascism to receive their jubilation and admiration. So, protests for Russia/Israel: legal. Protests for Ukraine/Palestine: Prison. http://imb...6019ba13859f339916a5339a0fe9ae |
Member | Tue Mar 04 08:42:37 One month in and Maga is promising to be potentially the most harmful movement in all human history |
Member | Tue Mar 04 08:46:09 Will probably be worse than prison for demonstrators he doesnt like. He'll probably send in the army to shoot demonstrators, because thats what his voters want to see |
Member | Tue Mar 04 10:42:00 Protests for Palestine came with repercussions during the reign of the Genocide Democrats too. |
Sam Adams
Member | Tue Mar 04 10:50:33 Take ur meds wtb. You are ranting nonsensically again. |
the wanderer | Tue Mar 04 11:14:01 for non-clickers, the dictator's decree: " All Federal Funding will STOP for any College, School, or University that allows illegal protests. Agitators will be imprisoned/or permanently sent back to the country from which they came. American students will be permanently expelled or, depending on on the crime, arrested. NO MASKS! Thank you for your attention to this matter. " of note: Trump -extremely regularly- declares activities "illegal" that are not illegal (which is fucking insane that R's accept) + pretty confident he has no power to expel people & limited power to imprison (but cultists will hope & be happy to give him power over any thing whatsoever) |
Average Ameriacn
Member | Tue Mar 04 11:21:05 Academics make up the majority of the swamp. Let's make sure there are as few of them as possible, let's just close those damn leftist universities! |
Member | Tue Mar 04 11:23:53 Joe Walsh: "The Maga base, because I engage with them everyday, they're welcoming violence. They want people to say this is crazy, lets take to the streets, Trump wants violence, Maga wants violence" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfzsOCf-wuI&t=616s |
Member | Tue Mar 04 11:27:18 "“I think Americans are going to take to the streets. There's part of me that believes Trump wants Americans to take to the streets, because Trump wants to use the military.”" |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Mar 05 04:23:00 williamthecoward will go from calling me a "nazi" to supporting Palestinians who are overtly against jews. He pretends that the *right* being against jews is "nazi" behavior while *also* calling jews "nazis" for genociding Palestinians. He supports "the Squad" — who constantly have to "apologize" for hating jews — while simultaneously opposing any measures which protect jews. He really cannot solve this riddle. Many leftists cannot. Many boomer-delusion right-wing people cannot either. And as was pointed out above, this same control measure was taken on behalf of jews under Biden. Why might it be that both of the major parties of these United States unite on this one issue of Israel? The jew-hating AOC will complain all day about Palestine, but despite (literally) crying she still dutifully votes for Israel's aid packages (e.g., September 2021 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6l4G8onP-s ). AOC knows what the rest of the left is being conditioned and broken to know: your little oppressor/oppressed slave revolt is only possible because of jewish control of finance. AOC's donors and all of these fickle little left-wing protests are funded — that is the source of a slave's power: theft from their betters, siphoned through jewish control of Western assets. Similarly was a leftist's scholarship funded to pursue causes useful to these jewish oligarchs, such as the study of Handmaid's Tale eroticism or Marxism-skewed shitlib philology. Oh? You those leftists didn't even get scholarships after all? Who controls their student debt? Oh, jewish finance. Interesting. You'll be in debt to jewish oligarchs for much of your adult life after learning what they wanted you to learn and pursuing the "activism" that gives them even more power. Very interesting indeed. Who occasionally dangles debt relief to gain leftist compliance? Oh, jewish finance. Also interesting. Don't worry! You'll get debt relief next time! lol williamthecoward, like many leftists, simply does not understand that Biden or Trump or whoever making laws against "anti-Semitism" (e.g., against pro-Palestine protests) is merely the oligarchs of the slave revolt exerting their power over the revolt — to make sure it knows who its true masters are. The low-level Outer-Party prole just wants to invert the oppressor/oppressed pyramid, but it never occurs to him that standing within the crushing weight of the mob and staring at a scaffold where the Regime's enemies are bludgeoned is not where power rests. That mob will *never* know power except as theater and as a sick permission to fade into their own narcissistic delusions and simulated distractions (e.g., impotent LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA hedonism and fetishism). A slave revolt's power rests not with the most resentful slave in the crowd but with those who siphoned wealth to the mob so they could take that day off, who similarly paid for their transportation, their education, their activism, their unionization — yet who makes sure they remain in debt, without possessions, without power... and who did not attend the executions, who remained immune from the mob's gaze, and whose names the slave mob managed never to learn or which it had to ignore for fear that the mob would turn on them too. The thought-terminating cliché of "nazi" is not reserved for those who are genocidal, who kill Palestinians, who suppress anti-West leftist speech, who tell "trans" people the fatherly "no", or who oppose the left. No. "Nazi" itself was coined in opposition to National Socialists... coined by jewish newpapers. "Nazi" is their manufactured word for jewish enemies, propagandized in jewish cinema, weaponized by the jewish press, and an ideology outlawed in nations sacked by Bolshevism. The left learned this thought-terminating cliché from Bolshevik propaganda and has been excited to see how effective it has been... but the cliché is only effective so long as jewish media prevails to give it its fake power. Just as the leftist cannot solve the riddle of who truly gets power at the end of the oppressor/oppressed inversion, he cannot figure out what to do when all of the weight of the Regime begins calling leftists "nazis" as well ("[Wait! *I* am not a nazi! I supported the slave revolt! Why is it turning on me now!?]"). He still has not figured out that he has to comply with jewish laws against "anti-semitism" or be called the next "nazi". The slave revolt is not meant to exceed its true masters. williamthecoward is merely meant to be broken like a horse. He will accept these laws or dutifully blame the right, like a coward pretending that his friend is holding him back from throwing an effeminate punch. In short, williamthecoward will either continue to have a blind spot for the jewish role in preventing him from anti-jewish pro-Palestine sentiments, or he will learn that his entire irrelevant life is only given a sliver of power if it falls from the table of his handlers. The Regime is promising weaklings such as williamthecoward the slight discharge of his resentment in this slave revolt.. just leave the jews alone! They are your rightful masters! That is the bargain that he is too pathetic to accept with eyes open. The so-called "Christian Zionist" (an oxymoron) already accepted this bargain: "[We'll let you crush the left if you accept your annihilation last!]" And for the record, free-speech absolutists do not have this issue. People who are against *all* foreign aid do not have this issue. Major segments of the right are *against* Trump, "MiGA", and Republican attempts to fund Israel/Ukraine or make laws against "anti-Semitism" and "hate speech" in the West. The left simply does not like this ideological consistency because it also means that Palestinians waving Palestine flags on college campuses might actually be identified as foreigners rather than Americans, which disempowers the slave revolt. All of the weaklings want the slave revolt to proceed, there is just disagreement among the right's and left's weaklings regarding who gets to benefit from it. |
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