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Utopia Talk / Politics / Who are the libertarians here?
Member | Fri Mar 07 07:35:55 Please identify yourselves so that I know how to laugh at as you sell your soul to MAGA. |
Member | Sat Mar 08 05:56:49 Nobody wants to speak up? I'm pretty sure there were a few self-professed libertarians on this board. Have they all left? |
Average Ameriacn
Member | Sat Mar 08 06:46:38 I was never a libertarian I was never a libral I was a conservative I was a Republican I'm still a Christian I'm still a Constitutonalist I AM MAGA! Every time has its movement, the movement of our time is MAGA! MAGA!!!!!! I've voted 3 times for Donald Trump. And I will vote for his son in 4 years. |
Member | Sat Mar 08 07:56:22 "I will vote for his son in 4 years." Elon isn't a natural born citizen. |
Member | Sat Mar 08 16:09:59 I might be among the most libertarian thinking member in the forums? I'm not full blown libertarian though. I want a much smaller and less obtrusive federal government but understand why we need meat inspectors. I didn't vote for Trump so I don't fit into the sold your soul group you are looking to mock. I can say that there is no alternative in the Democratic party that would be preferable to what we have now. I don't like all the executive orders and I'm pretty sure the cuts DOGE wants will not be near enough. |
Member | Sun Mar 09 00:45:30 Iibty (sorry spelling) and that it. Foreskin and Kargen hate immigrants, love tariffs, and hate individual liberty in general whenits not for a white male. |
Member | Sun Mar 09 14:02:21 Ive been laughing at the fraudulence of the "Libertarians" ever since they all voted for Bush, and as he collapsed all started whistling Dixie and saying, "Dont look at me, Im a LIBERTARIAN. Hey look over there, a sparrow!" |
Member | Sun Mar 09 14:03:10 * all started whistling innocently |
Member | Mon Mar 10 17:40:09 I'm for a streamlined process for immigrants to enter our country legally and stay. We need a stronger defense on the border and illegal immigrants should be deported and flagged as uneligible for a number of years. Doing both will help keep those wanting to do us harm to a minimum and will provide better protections once here for those that come legally. Tarrifs are a tool that should be used especially as we are going towards a more global economy. At the very least we need reciprocal tariffs. I would also support putting tarrifs on goods that are heavily subsidized by other countries making them much cheaper. China is bad about subsidizing goods so they can undercut market value. Tarrifs shouldn't be used as behavior modification weapons. They should only be considered as part of a fair trade agreement. Cukhat your an idiot. You've never seen a post by me here or anywhere else where I suggest anyone should be treated different based on race. You pulled that out your ass because your feeble brain has nothing. I do think we should limit the federal government for the most part to defense, treaties, currency and infrastructure. Most everything else should be returned to the state or local governments. We should be paying very little in federal income tax and possibly more in state taxes. Article 11 of the Bill of Rights might be the most important and overlooked. It gets abused frequently through new regulations. And Cukhat is a moron. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Mar 11 13:15:22 I have consistently been libertarian/anarchist-right since the late '90s, have voted according to those principles (no, williamthecoward, I did not vote for Bush, you faggot; "all voted for Bush" is a fucking lie), and I don't see much wrong with Trump's agenda beyond his Israel sycophancy. He needs to boost the deportation numbers, challenge the 19th Amendment with an EO, challenge Hart–Cellar, and challenge dual citizenship, but we will see. I am anti-open-borders libertarian and anti-globalist since those people are fucking traitors who deserve the rope (free market principles *cannot* occur with our enemies; foreigners do not deserve the fruits of our Good Works). We must have a people and a nation for libertarianism to even work, since *only* a moral and Sacred people are capable of holding libertarian principles in the first place — and only for themselves — and they must therefore have a nation free from globalist tyranny. International Bolshevism is a global totalitarian threat which must be obliterated. The slave revolt is incompatible with Western virtue and must be ended. The state must have the power to obliterate totalitarianism, and the Old Gods assemble and unite only for this cause — not to create their own repressive totalitarianism under a delusion of being "Chosen". The real issue here is that Bolsheviks and their sycophants (e.g., murderfag, williamthecoward) want libertarians to be some neutered and spayed sect of the right that never uses state power even for their own survival, hence the open-borders libertarian faggots are the perfect controlled opposition. Pragmatic libertarians, meanwhile, see the threat of this rising totalitarian power among the left and know that power must be used to save the West. murder-fag types are so hideously deformed by ideology that they think that even having a nation is "fascism", so even the most passive and "live and let live" libertarians need to realize that these foreigners and subversives are not American and do not deserve the protections of Liberty. |
Member | Tue Mar 11 14:26:07 You're not any kind of libertarian. |
Member | Fri Mar 14 17:55:22 I have some libertarian tendencies, but they tend to be overly ideologically driven. When it comes to civil rights, yes, I tend to be more libertarian. But, as I've gotten older, my beliefs have learned to bend the knee to data backed ideas over ideology. |
Member | Fri Mar 14 17:55:24 I have some libertarian tendencies, but they tend to be overly ideologically driven. When it comes to civil rights, yes, I tend to be more libertarian. But, as I've gotten older, my beliefs have learned to bend the knee to data backed ideas over ideology. |
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