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Utopia Talk / Politics / kursk after 6 months da gamble
Sat Mar 08 10:52:07

shit didnt end well...

but folks alrdy was sayin this back last year.

tons of men losts there
Sat Mar 08 10:56:02
i rememba watchin douglas mcgregor sayin this was disaster back in like sept or some shit

it is da uninformed ones in here that kept talkin about how glorios this was and how russia was humiliated...

fast4ward 6 months, just 6 months in...

a pure total disaster!

Sat Mar 08 11:09:53
holy shit straight out of movie

"14 minuten geleden

One of the Ukrainian channels writes:

The situation is almost critical, since Russian troops used a gas pipeline to attack Sudzhu. Special forces crawled 5 kilometers through the pipes and went into the rear of the Armed Forces, destroying many groups of UAVs, warehouses and the first/second rows of defense. Losses are grandiose at the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

>> dayum!!
Sat Mar 08 11:12:50
"14 minuti consecutivi

The unused gas pipeline is 1.4m in diameter. According to few channels, the Russians used to get about 100 fighters behind the Ukrainian positions.

What's more interesting is that they used the same trick twice during this SMO, so people were skeptical about this 2nd feat."

>> dayum!
Sat Mar 08 11:22:34
"29 dakika

Yesterday, this website reported that the Russian Army has completely encircled Ukrainian forces inside Kursk, Russia.

Those Ukrainians were given until "Dawn" this morning to surrender, or else Fuel Air Bombing would begin.

The deadline has now passed; the bombing has begun. "


>> well read 4 urself...
if true, saigon moment is comin within weeks
Sat Mar 08 12:54:57
It’s obviously Putin propaganda. Don’t you read the main stream news in Britain? Russia is on the rope. They are short on ammo, missiles and tanks. Russia is weak and incompetent but if we don’t stop Russia now they will take Berlin and the Baltic states by summer.
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