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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump is totes a putin puppet
Wed Mar 12 14:58:50

Tldr - trump is forcing a 30 day ceasefire. Ukraine has agreed to it. Trump is threatening financial action if lutin doesn't agree.

So yeah, this blows up the narrative that Trump is a Russian asset, doesn't it?
Sam Adams
Wed Mar 12 15:18:33
Not really, no. Trump is making it look like he is a russian asset.
Wed Mar 12 17:48:03
What threat exactly?

Biden's already pushed all the sanctions levers.

Putin will string things out, maybe agree a ceasefire, regroup and attack again when it suits.
Wed Mar 12 18:18:15

If Russia does not accept victory, we will devastate them with sanctions.

So why doesn't he force Russia to leave Ukraine under the threat of devastating sanctions?

the wanderer
Wed Mar 12 18:18:23
wow... Trump made one empty claim he'd put sanctions on Russia if they don't cooperate

omg, he's so hard on Russia!!!

he -actually- put pressure on Ukraine (& extorted them for minerals) & they can't end it... while Russia alone can end it & he's done nothing to push them (& there's no meaningful sanctions to put on anyway)

but you gullible cultists lap it up...
Wed Mar 12 18:34:03


the wanderer
Wed Mar 12 21:46:02
"Ukraine wants to make a deal because I don't think they have a choice. I also think that Russia wants to make a deal because in a certain different way, a different way that only I know --only I know-- they have no choice either"


why does only he know... & what is it... (if not his completely standard behavior of just making shit up)

maybe Putin is desperate & needs Trump to secure the win fast
Thu Mar 13 02:19:32
” he's done nothing to push them (& there's no meaningful sanctions to put on anyway)”

The USA has already done everything they can to push Russia, besides declaring WW3 and putting boots on the ground. USA has no good cards left. Neither US or Britain wants to sacrifice themselves for Ukraine. Maybe the Brits are ready to destroy themselves but only if the the rest of Europe and USA also do it. In a way, the Brits are like communists: everyone should suffer.
the wanderer
Thu Mar 13 11:14:07
i'm saying _Trump's_ done nothing (only helped them)... & he just put a completely empty threat up to pretend he's not incredibly clearly entirely on one side (& obaminated bought it)

(the side he's always been on on every issue: he defended Russia on shooting down a passenger plane, on assassinating foes, he was the top defender claiming they did no election interference, etc)
Thu Mar 13 13:34:35
Putin has rejected the offer. Let the loose the hounds of war.
the wanderer
Thu Mar 13 15:35:06
my prediction:
'well, Putin does have a point...'
~ Trump

Trump will go meet his hero directly & will be extremely easily convinced of all of Putin's wishes
Thu Mar 13 17:15:13
And when trump condemns putin Tw will say "Trump wants ww3!"
the wanderer
Thu Mar 13 17:25:28
Trump wouldn't even condemn Putin for assassinating his political foes... he won't condemn Putin ever
Fri Mar 14 09:35:30
u hold no cards though...

russia is winnin hard on da battlefield. it is clear that past 3 years r propafunda

ppls r in shock about it. cant grasp it, dunt undastand how and why russia gets soo much say. well, thats usually coz victor decides history...

u either agreee with there terms or they force it down ur throat

right now, many folks r still in denial about it, so they thinkin more sanctions more assets gonna change da way...

in reality its gonna go da way just like da next wunderweapon jdam, shadow storms, hikittymarses f16s i lost track...it aint gonna do a damn thing

like literally u spend a few billion and 1 year trainin these peoples and da moment they r ready 2 be send 2 da field, half of them pack there shit and r mysteriously gone...

i mean if da troops r trainin and then packin there shit and r gone...that shuld tell u all u need 2 know. they know betta than propafunda media

the wanderer
Fri Mar 14 11:17:37
ooh, the condemnation...

We had very good and productive discussions with President Vladimir Putin of Russia yesterday, and there is a very good chance that this horrible, bloody war can finally come to an end — BUT, AT THIS VERY MOMENT, THOUSANDS OF UKRAINIAN TROOPS ARE COMPLETELY SURROUNDED BY THE RUSSIAN MILITARY, AND IN A VERY BAD AND VULNERABLE POSITION. I have strongly requested to President Putin that their lives be spared. This would be a horrible massacre, one not seen since World War II. God bless them all!!!

+ every time he mentions the war he makes it sound like Russia massively winning... whose side is that helping?
Fri Mar 14 11:23:10
They have bisected Ukrainian lines and encircled multiple positions. Yes, they are in a positive position, and yes, this puts them in a rational place to be wary of a ceasefire that would allow encircled Ukrainians to walk off and regroup in safety.
Fri Mar 14 12:01:56
” I have strongly requested to President Putin that their lives be spared. This would be a horrible massacre, one not seen since World War II. God bless them all!!!”

They are soldiers. They signed up for this. If they don’t surrender they will be killed.

If Trump is so worried about human lives and massacres, why don’t he put sanctions on Israel and kill Netanyahu for massacring hundreds of thousands of civilians in Palestine, including tens of thousands of children and women?
Fri Mar 14 13:59:20
Trump is looking even more like a Russian asset after this. It'll be interesting to see how he and Maga deal with their best friend Russias buddy Iran in the next 4 years. If Trump tells Maga that Iran is fine, it'll be amusing to watch them all swallow deep for 1 second and then start parroting him.
Fri Mar 14 14:04:06
A puppet and an asset isnt the same thing, btw. He is certainly an asset. Whether he is a kompramat-controlled puppet remains unknown
the wanderer
Fri Mar 14 16:20:57
"Russia has a large group of Ukrainian soldiers surrounded and in grave danger. Biden should have never let this war happen. First of all, you don't want to pick on someone that's a =lot= larger than you, even with the money & a lot of money we gave them & a lot of equipment.

Ukraine shouldn't have picked on Russia...

it's sooo hard to tell whose side he's on... he's just so tough on Russia...
Sat Mar 15 02:39:56
They say on the internet that it is French, Polish, American and British soldiers who are surrounded. It could explain why Trump is so keen on Russia to spare them.

I also read on Swedish main stream news that Western ”experts” and Ukraine itself are denying that Ukrainian soldiers are surrounded. So it could be true. It is not Ukrainian soldiers but mostly Western mercenaries (NATO) who is surrounded.
Sat Mar 15 02:51:57
lol...that conclusion is so unchained from the real world. France, Poland, the USA and British press and officials would be in an uproar and Zelinskyy wouldnt just ignore them and make excuses about "Hey, theyre not Ukrainian so Im not gonna say anything" for christs sake
Sat Mar 15 03:03:25
Those countries on which Ukraine is entirely dependent would never speak to him again if he just ignored their citizens being trapped by the thousands about to be killed and pretended it wasnt happening. Use a tiny bit of realistic probability analysis.
Sat Mar 15 03:24:05
He'd be yelling it at the top of his voice to the world to try to get more support from those countries
Sat Mar 15 03:38:12
history has not been learned

that place is middle of nowhere and kept this way since ww2...4 a reason!

it was middle of nowhere then, it is middle of nowhere now. da nazis ran through this area and it didnt end well 4 them.

Sat Mar 15 03:39:32
open a military book and we can see wut happened 2 da nazis back then...

somehow someone thought this was good idea last year...

history has not been learned!
the wanderer
Sat Mar 15 12:28:26
Zelensky says ‘no encirclement’ of Ukrainian troops in Russia’s Kursk region, accusing Putin of lying


Putin claimed on Thursday that Russian forces had “isolated” Ukraine’s troops in Kursk and that it was “impossible” for them to escape even in small groups of two or three soldiers.

“There will only be two options: surrender or die,” Putin said.

A day later, Trump appeared to amplify Putin’s claims after what he called a “very good and productive” discussion with the Russian president.


But Ukrainian officials and independent analysts have disputed Putin and Trump’s claims.

The Institute for the Study of War, a US-based conflict monitor, said Friday that it has “observed no geolocated evidence to indicate that Russian forces have encircled a significant number of Ukrainian forces” in Kursk or anywhere else along the frontline in Ukraine.

Ukraine’s military said that Russia was lying to shape perception of events on the ground.

it's so great that we have a leader that can't be remotely believed... (in fact you should always assume lying)

Ukraine & independent people -could- be the ones lying/wrong... but we also know our fuckhead is completely fine repeating anything Putin says w/o consulting anyone... (like his "Zelensky has 4% approval rating" or when siding w/ Putin over our entire intel community (& even R-led congressional committees))
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