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Utopia Talk / Politics / yankoid rabid women
Member | Sat Mar 15 01:29:09 https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/comments/1jb5hf9/aio_for_not_quitting_the_gym_because_my_boyfriend/ so she a hoodrat or wut? she sounds like she belongs 2 da streets. da way she frames it. yea it looks like guy is "controllin" xcept it isnt. is a complete red flag if a woman only has guy friends. u sometimes see these social media hoes and every birthday she is surrounded by 15 guy "friends" none of them r actually really her friends, they just in da friendzone, which isnt even da same thing as being a friend. they r just waitin there time as they try 2 approach and get closer and sabotage ur relationship with her. not 2 mention they r "gymbuddies" and "Trainin" 2gether. this hoodrat is in da gym wearin ultra tight skimpy outfits designed 2 be ultra slutty as that is what da designers intentially did in da last 20 years, lets be real. these gymclothes have become more and more revelin in da last 20 years. we all know it. they just there trainin with her, not really, they r friendzoned and they know it. they dunt give a ratsass bout trainin day with her and it aint her personalities they interested in lol she also intentionally puttin herself in position where those dudes can sabotage his relationship with her and she being ok with it. so anotha redflag. she belongs 2 da streets |
Member | Sat Mar 15 01:34:24 http://www..._the_gym_because_my_boyfriend/ |
Member | Sat Mar 15 01:37:41 "2 hours ago Somebody in another comment said the guys she works out with hit on her " >> well surprise surprise! who didnt see this comin actually even be4 readin da incellic comments masks 2 pretend that she shuld be independant woman and stronk! we all know its just basement incellic dudes tryin 2 sabotage some guys relationship by tellin da girl da whore behavior is normal hell no, any woman who has 2 guy "Friends" she regularly trains with and unless they gay, they sure as hell is gonna hit on her, everyone knows and she still allows coz thats what she wants?? hell nah, da bs alarm shuld be going off nonstop by now |
Member | Sat Mar 15 01:46:34 look at da bunch of readit mothafuckin incel losers...all pretendin 2 be this noncontrollin and liberal stronk and supportin "women"...when in reality they supportin whorin rights, not women rights. if da situation was reversed and da guy was being hit on by girls every day, they wuld be sayin hell yea girl dump him, he is gonna cheat. but in this case however, he is da one controllin and not her workin out with 2 dudes 3 times a week, and nobody in da comments stop and say "da fuck?" what da fuck indeed like, r those 2 dudes gay or wut. so when she squattin and shit and da guy "spottin" her from behind, is just some regular friendzoned dude and not her actual bf...gosh if only da rest of da other gymrats there knew earlier |
Member | Sat Mar 15 16:19:09 "she also intentionally puttin herself in position where those dudes can sabotage his relationship with her ..." He seems to be doing a fine job of that himself. |
Member | Sun Mar 16 01:43:30 i think he just had enuff and calls her out on it. so that means he finally mans up and transformin from BOY 2 MAN no man is gonna sit there and let her disrespect him like that. like, she is routinely trainin with other dudes in da gym. think about that she wanna have sugar daddy and 3 other side dishes whenever she wants she can mask it all she likes. but no real man is gonna accept his girl 2 be regularly hangin out with other dudes while wearin skimpy revealin outfits in very revealin positions rememba gta5 where da guys wife was doin tennis and yoga with da instructer in very stretchy angles? this is basically that, she is just usin fancy words 2 hide wut it about and pretend she is innocent. r u blind she is workin out with other dudes...regularly u gotta pay 4 her dinner and shit outside gym. shit aint flyin anywhere |
Member | Sun Mar 16 03:30:51 no man is gonna just "train and workout" regularly with a woman like that unless she hot and they in2 her. wake up they take effort and time 2 train with her 4 a reason. is not coz she is so funny or shit, ok... its coz she a thot. THAT HOOOOOEEEEE OUT THERE. THAT HOOOOEEEEEEE. keyword. and she can pretend 2 be bad and shit. in reality da way she is going, 3 different kids, 2 different baby daddies so dude is correct and she is just pretendin he is "controllin freak" and shit. nah, she gotta make a choice. go 4 relationship which means drop her HOOOEEE attitudes. or remain HOOOOEEEEE and get 3 kids at 30 with 2-3 different daddies, none who wuld stick around coz they know xactly that she a HOOOEEEEEE which gonna be. in reality seems like she alrdy made that choice. can dude really trust her. she puttin up make up and shit and wearin skimpy clothin 2 meet up with her dude "Friends" 2 train... come on dude, anyone else this naieve. |
Member | Sun Mar 16 03:33:57 5 inch gold round my neck bitch, and none u gettin, gollldddd diggaaaa aint no messin with no broke but no broke aint no wastin time with yo hoooooeee asss neitha yea yeaa uhhh uhhh uhhhh aimin 4 dat gold, huh witch, but back at wendys is all u is gettin, bitch yeaa |
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